
Thursday, January 3, 2019

Merlin Chronicles and Scopes for January 2019

Happy 2019!

The year has started out a bit rocky for me but I have high hopes for 2019. I am starting to get my stride. It hasn't been without a few bumps in the road. New Year's Eve was a bit rough as that was always a special time for me and my sister. When we were younger and both married or living with someone we always would talk for about an hour on the phone on New Year's Eve.
As we got older and gave up on being married we spent every New Years with each other and the dogs. We would always have a special meal and a glass of bubbly.

I continued the tradition and toasted her on her new journey on the other side. I have found that cooking for one is not much fun but I am sure that I will get the hang of it soon.
I am so lucky to be blessed with a wonderful family and a lot of friends who keep me busy.

I don't think that you need to be a psychic to know that there will be big shifts in the government this year. I predict that many things will be revealed and brought out into the light. We are preparing for something new and exciting for 2020. I see it like shoring up a dam. Some new laws and requirements will be put into place for the next POTUS. These loopholes need to be revealed.
The "Me Too" movement will get bigger and you will see changes in heads of corporations and having their feet put to the fire regarding sexual harassment rules. It simply will not be tolerated.
The trucking industry will start offering bonuses and higher pay for drivers as they must in the demand for delivering food and goods that are needed by our population. There will also be more research and a push for autonomous vehicles to deliver goods.

More everyday folks will be looking for a deeper meaning to their lives through spirituality. Meditation, alternative medicine, and energy healing will become more accepted by the masses and medicine will gain greater regard for these services. Insurance companies will be pressured to include payment for many of these modalities which may create more regulation. Mental health will have a come back as many of these facilities were disregarded in the 90s and the government and insurance companies will be pressure to create more programs and access.

You can always reach me for a reading on www.12listen.come or at my website I am also on facebook.
I will also be a guest on C.A. brooks Simple tale on January 15th at  10 Am Pacific time and on Elizabeth Lindsay's Angel With An Edge on January 30th at 11Am Pacific time.on
I am also offering a Teleconference Merlin Meditation and Channeling on Monday, January 7th at 6 pm Pacific  It is only $29 and everyone gets a channeled message! Here is the link to register

Enough of me and my stuff.

Me and my sweet Gaia dog wish you a happy 2019

Here are the Merlin Scopes
Merlin Scopes for January 2019

Aries Overview for January 2019
Don’t forget you are not alone in this world. Spirit and your higher self is in constant contact with you at all times. You only need to raise your awareness and immediately re-direct your thoughts to a higher vibration. You will realize that all is well and gain a sense of peace within your world.

You may have a desire to serve this month which puts you in perfect alignment with the greater good of yourself and the planet. Service can be small or large; the only thing that matters is your willingness to help heal a situation or an individual. A word of caution in reaching out to individuals; avoid getting caught up in someone else’s drama. Keep it clean and judgment-free otherwise you could end up becoming part of the problem.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Look to your ancestors for guidance. You don’t need to know their origin, only the connection that you have with them in your heart. Close your eyes and allow them to step forward offering spiritual guidance and solutions.
Your Animal Guide
Kangaroo is jumping forward to assist you in moving forward with plans, especially if there is a connection with abundance. Get ready to leap forward.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Goethite will keep you connected to the earth when you are doing your spiritual work. It will also clear past life ties that are not beneficial to you on your journey.

Taurus Overview for January 2019 
You may be overly sensitive to other peoples emotional energy right now which can be exhausting. Pay attention and realize this is your cue to start pulling back from the things that others can attend to themselves Also acknowledge this is part of being the connected intuitive person that you are. Just because you are intuitive and sensitive to others needs does not mean that you are required to fill those needs. You can decide how much of your energy others are allowed. All you need to do is say “no” sometimes and channel your thoughts to more productive things.

January is a beautiful time to start that vision board or whatever it is that you do to create and manifest. Perhaps you may choose to explore some new methods. I see some good things could result from a trip to the bookstore. You might pick up a book that is for entertainment purposes that will also feed your mind with endless possibilities and feel like a breath of fresh air.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Kwan Yin is stepping forward to assist you in healing yourself and others. Remember that you can request her assistance for those in need and they will receive what they need without using any of your energy. Request; step back, and allow the Divine to work.

Your Animal Guide
A little Skunk has stepped up and of all things to say; he says that you need to stop and smell the roses and pay attention to your surroundings. Many creatures get sprayed by skunks because they are not paying attention to the warnings. Look for signs and omens.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Stellar Beam Calcite will assist you in reaching higher vibrations and spiritual growth.

Gemini Overview for January 2019 
I see you sitting on a floatation device sipping on a refreshing drink and allowing the water to take you in whatever direction it is going. Success is waiting for you, but it may be to your advantage to check in with your goals. Rather than just letting the current carry you along, you have the ability to channel this energy into whatever endeavor you may choose. I see this as being your compass for your goals for the next six months.

You may be building your business, seeking a promotion, or would like to make some changes in relationships. Know that the universe is working with you. Chart your course in directions that suite you.

There may be some circumstances that feel like deja vu moments, and perhaps you begin to question your ability to choose wisely. The reason the situation keeps happening is so you can find a more effective way to respond. It may well be a past-life situation or a soul lesson that can only be played out on this physical level of consciousness. Maybe this one of the reasons you agreed to come into this incarnation. Ask your Higher-self for clues and recommendations in tying up these loose ends.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Robert Frost is stepping forward and urges you to read and meditate on his poem “The Road Not Taken.” He has many poems for you to read.

Your Animal Guide
A Dove flies forward to help you focus on your spiritual side. Spirit is calling out to assist you in reaching your highest vibration so that you may serve yourself and humanity.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Cathedral Quartz works with Akashic records and helps you understand why you have chosen many people and situations in your life.

Cancer Overview for January 2019 
Let yourself receive! Start the new year with a clean slate and set your intentions for the next twelve months. You have an opportunity to start a unique situation that will bring more opportunities to be the person that you have always sought to become. Work from the inside out. Perhaps a ceremony using music, candles, and meditation will help you reflect on how far you have come.

Don’t try to control everything and everyone in your life. Allow spirit to bring gifts of originality and new challenges. Trying to control destiny can be exhausting, and you are going to need to focus your energy on the skills that you are acquiring. Let go of judgments that block your path. Just because you have always done something in a certain way or because everyone else does it that way doesn’t mean that this will serve you on the adventures offered in the new year.

You may explore some new type of training or perhaps going back to school to provide you with insight to latent talent or a new form of thought that will be exciting and inspiring. You might also be taking something old and giving it a new spin.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Jesus of the Christ Consciousness is working with you to assist you in building a bridge to a new reality that will create a higher vibration that will reflect in everything that you aspire to do. It is magical. Call on him for counsel in all things. Even the simple stuff will take on new results.

Your Animal Guide
An American Eagle is coming forward to assist you in seeing the value in the small subtle gifts that life has to offer. Friends, family, pets, and nature come to mind.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Dalmatian Stone will help you release patterns that have worn out their welcome.

Leo Overview for January 2019 
Make yourself ready for changes in your personal and professional life. You may be getting huge downloads and inspirational ideas that have you excited about the future. The key in your success will come from working towards a happier future by accepting the joy in your life now. Make changes and plans slowly taking baby steps and using your experiences of the past to help you build a more fulfilling future.

Avoid procrastination and try not to get caught up in your head. If you think about too many things or look at it from the viewpoint of what other people think or want you may create blocks for yourself. Trust spirit, even if the guidance seems a bit unusual. There is a bigger picture, and you need to sort out the puzzle one piece at a time, so you don’t become overwhelmed.

You may expect new opportunities this year including some that you glimpsed before and thought were lost. The choice is always yours to move forward with the latest information or relationships or leave it alone. You may find an element of reinventing yourself. Try not to be so rigid as whatever you do needs to be fun so you will attract beneficial vibrations.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
When I asked for your Light being or Spirit helper, I saw a circus, and then P.T. Barnum stepped forward in all his glory with some of his famous quotes. “No one ever made a difference by being like everyone else.” “Unless a man enters upon the vocation intended for him by nature, and best suited to his peculiar genius, he cannot succeed.” Now there is some food for thought!

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful Red Fox stepped forward to assist you. Frolicking and fun will help you make the best of every situation. Never underestimate the power of joy or others who live by that motto. The fox is playful but very intelligent. Try not to be judgemental based on society’s norms. Be spontaneous.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Barite will help you find your true self and stop comparing yourself to the success or failure of others.

Virgo Overview for January 2019 
Time to re-set and evaluate where you are and who you are. Avoid making the same mistakes or trying the same approach to issues that you have encountered in the past. You know the old saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? Keep this in mind this month and chose to take a different path or a new approach. You are no longer who you were in 2018. Let it go and release worn out modalities and methods.

Your life is still in the process of changing so don’t try to manipulate or guess the outcome. Stay in the present and examine your motives. You have an opportunity to go deep and gather information from your Higher Self. Feelings of helplessness often accompany change. Use this feeling to surrender and let the Divine deliver your new world.
Avoid burnout and set boundaries for yourself and others. You need some alone time or perhaps going to meditation and self-healing groups to assist you in regaining your connection with your energy on all levels.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Lakshmi is working with you this month. Let her do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to finances and love. You can use your energy to focus on aligning yourself with the Universe who wants to share fruits of true prosperity with you.

Your Animal Guide
A Red Tailed Hawk brings news from spirit. Be flexible.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Leopardskin Orbicular Jasper will help you change soul contracts.

Libra Overview for January 2019 
Be patient with yourself and others. The holidays may have been a bit overwhelming in both positive and negative directions. Either way, this is a time for rest and re-evaluation of how you plan to use your energy and gifts in the new year.

Self-care is essential whether it includes meditation, massage or a little mini vacation. You always seem to have a lot of activities and plans so choose carefully. I see you being conscious of the work that you have done in the past and applying it to your future. Let yourself receive an influx of energy in a different way than you have before.

Expect blessings from friends in the spirit world and also in your everyday physical existence. Some folks may step up to help you without being asked. For those of you who believe in dragons and Fae folk, you will be in connection with their wisdom in practical ways. Your intentions hold the key to everything. Pick a purpose in your early morning hours, and you will find that some things will merely and effortlessly fall into place especially if your idea is high minded with the intention of helping the planet in one form or another.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Merlin is holding a lantern and asking you to follow him on a sacred journey that you can access in dreams and meditation. Listen to music that will support your travels into the deep unconscious and collective mind.

Your Animal Guide
Dolphin will help you with breathwork in healing emotional ties and cutting cords to people, soul contracts and karma that needs clearing so you can move forward. Listening to ocean sounds and music associated with water will be useful.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Flint will help you in remembering your soul contracts and your purpose; It will also help you navigate changes in the Earth such as Earthquakes and such.
Scorpio Overview for January 2019
Sometimes we find some of the darkest or most humiliating experiences of our lives creeping into our conscious minds and thoughts and find our selves asking “What the hell?”  Know this is natural and normal for this leg of your journey.

You have achieved tremendous growth throughout 2018. Perhaps you did a lot of inner work or studied with a master or got a degree. The shadow is being pushed to the surface because there is no more room for it to survive in your new multi-dimensional being. Breathe through it; see a good energy healer or write these things down and release them through fire with a little ceremony if that feels right to you. Make it a celebration as you take one more step into the being that you are becoming.

Be kind and compassionate with yourself. I see you climbing a ladder and trying to force yourself up to the next rung. It is ok to relax and sit there and experience the moment. Enjoy the view before pressing on. The chances are that this is the place where you will be able to see some fantastic things about yourself.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Edgar Cayce is stepping forward to help you heal and navigate your expansion upon a new path.

Your Animal Guide
A Lion is offering assistance in claiming your power and divinity. He says that loyalty is essential on your path. To receive loyalty, you must be loyal to yourself and others.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chalcopyrite will help you achieve a state on “nothingness” that will assist you in shedding unwanted mental influences in your meditations and connections with spirit.

Sagittarius Overview for January 2019 
Some opportunity may show up his month. It may look great, and everyone else may support this person or situation, but some things need to be revealed just like Dorthy in the Wizard of Oz. You need to see what is behind the curtain. I am not saying there isn’t some merit, but you need to look inside your heart of hearts to make sure this is the right fit for you. Do your research inside and out.

Your optimistic and trusting nature is a double-edged sword when it comes to dealing with others. See things as they are and not how you would like them to be. You are a powerful magician when it comes to manifesting what you need or want so don’t be taken in by something or someone that seems too good to be true.

Trust your intuition and don’t rely on other peoples opinions. Put your ego off to the side and have a conversation with your Higher Self and Spirit. Always remember that you are in partnership with your intuition. Trust it!

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Lord Ganesha will help you cut through the B.S. so you can see your truth in all things. He will also help you remove any blocks that may be in your path.

Your Animal Guide
Armadillo is stepping up to help you set boundaries and reveal the truth. Be careful with whom you share information.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Purpurite will help you reclaim your energy. It is also a powerful protective stone.

Capricorn Overview for January 2019 
Wherever you put your thoughts and energy, you will manifest. They say that worry is like praying for what you don’t want. Keep your thoughts and words in check.
Self-care and healing your deep emotional wounds will come easily this month if allowed. Sometimes it doesn’t feel that wonderful when you are in the middle of it, but it may be a necessary component to the process that you are experiencing. Take deep breaths and sit with it as much as you can and know that change is the only way to see the fruit of new beginnings. Lean into it as much as you can bear.

You may be caring for someone else or feel a responsibility for the welfare of another. We all have our burdens and blessings to carry, and sometimes the burden of caring for another can be a gift.  Don’t take it personally if some of your efforts don’t turn out as you would like to see them. Everyone has free will and their personal, as well as collective, karmic journey.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Kwan Yin is available to assist you in supporting you through your healing journey with love and compassion. Her wise counsel will direct you to your highest good.

Your Animal Guide
A Lark has come forward to remind you that you can find happiness within yourself. Listen to your own song in your soul to find gratification.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Creedite will help you attune to higher vibrations.

Aquarius Overview for January 2019 
Don’t worry about the small stuff. Deal with one issue at a time and keep your energy focused. Expect some changes. You may not feel prepared for this, but you are in a phase of transition which you have been laying the groundwork for throughout 2018. There may be shifts in relationships but realize that when some situations or people in your life phase out, others will be filling the void.

You may be presented with a situation that requires quick thinking and decision making. You may be put to the test. It is ok to say that you don’t know. Seek answers from those you know and trust, and also trust your higher self to guide you to the best course of action.
Trust your intuition especially in the areas of health. You may make some changes in routines that are ultimately for the best. This may include diet, medications, and vitamin and herbal supplements. Rest will also help you renew and reclaim your energy.

Expect help from someone in your life. I get the word “publishing”. If you are a writer, this could mean help in finding the right venue for your work or perhaps you will see support in something published in a book or article. Also look for someone you know who may offer assistance in your personal or public life.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Ascended Master Lord Ling will help you in accepting and navigating changes in responsibilities in your life.

Your Animal Guide
A Wombat is stepping forward to help you ground and sort through some situations where you struggle with self-esteem. Wombat brings an awareness of the gifts that you have. He will help you see things on all levels beyond the third-dimensional definitions of your talents and work.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Hemimorphite will raise your vibrations which is not always a bed of roses; but essential in growth, teaching you to be responsible for your happiness.

Pisces Overview for January 2019 
Inspiration comes in a wave this month! Think big! You could be breaking new ground and have the energy and connections to bring your ideas and manifestations to the forefront this month.

I see possible collaborations with others who are like minded and flowing in the same direction as you. Be particular about who you bring into your life and set boundaries. You don’t need to feel guilty about rejecting those who are not on the same page. You have an excellent way of compassionately explaining your vision without insulting or hurting others’ feelings.

Keep your intentions pure and simple. Sift through the ideas that others bring to you and only accept those that feel like they are in harmony with your vision. I see you taking the reins, and all things will fall into place.

Your Light Being or Spirit Helper
Queen Elizabeth I is stepping up to assist you. She always had a flair for doing things her way and didn’t follow the playbook. Call on her!

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful, feisty little Terrier is stepping up for you. Although she may be small, she is feisty! She is excellent at digging out vermin and dismissing them without making it personal. It is primal and instinct. She will assist you in weeding out what doesn’t serve your best interest.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Labradorite will increase your psychic gifts and protect your aura from negative influences.

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Happy Spring It has been an exciting couple of years for me. Quite the rollercoaster!   I do the Merlin Scopes weekly on my website and ...