
Monday, September 4, 2017

Merlin Chronicles September 2017 By Kay

Merlin Chronicles                  by Kay             September 2017
Happy Fall!
It was a crazy summer! I felt like I was on a roller coaster. I had a great time in NYC with my two daughters and granddaughter. I had never visited the city before and had a blast! I found New Yorkers to be some of the nicest people that I have met.

I came back and got some type of respiratory stuff that I am still fighting three weeks later. I might have to break down and visit the Doctor this week. I have a three day fair in Denver, and I want to feel my best.

Two lovely ladies that I admire left the planet. My Aunt Katy (Mary Kelly) who was inspirational in my singing and as you all know Louise Hay who brought so many of us into accepting new ways of healing. Both ladies were in their 90’s and stayed in on the planet as long as they could.

The state of the world; the political and social state of the U.S. is something else in deed. I recommend spending most of your waking hours keeping yourself centered and living in the present. Take each day as it comes.
I visited the 911 Memorial in NYC, and it brought so much clarity and awareness of the possibilities of what can happen without a moments notice. Normally, when you are in large groups of people you will hear a lot of chatter, laughing, just the normal group dynamics; this was not the case at the memorial. There was a silence that sucked the air right out of the room. It is a sobering experience.

I am so sorry that this is late this month. The illness set me back a bit. I do have some events that I will share with you before we move on to the MerlinScopes.

I will be at the Body, Mind and Spirit Celebration
 September 9, 10, and 11th 2017
The Denver Mart 58th and I 25  Denver, Co

I am also available on and a guest on Angel With an Edge the last Wednesday of the month at 11AM Pacific time
You can always check my website for more events
Heres the Scopes! Enjoy!

 Merlin Scopes   by Kay    September   2017

Aries…   Overview for September 2017
Allow yourself to receive and try to remember that old Rolling Stone song ‘You can't always get what you want’, but you get what you need.

Be grateful for the things that come your way. The truth is you may be getting exactly what you need right now. What you want may not always be out of reach. Being more practical and learning patience will get you through. You might even change your mind about what you think you want and need.

Make sure you take others into consideration when making plans. A plan or action that involves others can be more supportive and even fun if you choose to be open to other peoples input and energy. For instance, if you are doing a project that requires supplies or labor, you might do better in researching your options and using a few different resources. Share the load and results as a community project.

I get the phrase “Fair Trade.” Maybe this will create a better balance and flow of energy and resources.

Your Light Being
A beautiful feminine Angelic Light Being has stepped forward for you this month. She is holding a golden chalice and tells me her name is Aurora. She is here to support you in being in service to others. Welcome and ask for support from Angels. Some may be of spirit and other of flesh and bone.

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful and strong buckskin colored Horse has appeared to assist you this month. Horse will help support you in energy and safe travels.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Calcite will clean up negative energy and enhance psychic energy.

 Taurus…   Overview for September 2017
This is likely to be a period in which relationships play a very key role in your life. Stay true to yourself and your unique way of thinking, but also be open and honest when it comes to seeing how others perceive you.

There could be misunderstandings, and this is an opportunity to plan an appropriate response. There is an art in successfully using the perfect response that can leave the other person scratching their head and wondering what just happened. Learning how to do this with eloquence will result in getting you off the hook or not requiring you to commit when you are uncomfortable.

Take a step out of the normal circles you live within and reach out to someone new for friendship or for a more intimate relationship. Loyalty is very important in developing and maintaining any friendship. Ask all the right questions when becoming involved with new personal relationships and also in business alliances.

Think about how they may have treated other people in relationships past and present. How do they talk about the person or situation? Is there blaming or victimization? Do they take responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions?
Know that it is a good bet that you will be talked about similarly if the situation goes south.

Your Light Being
Goddess Gaia, Mother Earth is here to support and hold you in balance this month. Ask for her help in matters of courage and standing tall in your uniqueness.

Your Animal Guide
Father Wolf has stepped up to protect and stand at your side in negotiations and in any legal or business issues that you may deal with this month.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Blue Jasper will give balance and strengthen your throat chakra to help you speak your truth.

Gemini…   Overview for September 2017
I see you dancing to the tune of Mercury. Two steps forward and one step back. I know Mercury ends a retrograde pattern and starts to move forward on Sept 5th, but it appears the energy is still holding on to your heart and light body.

Take this opportunity to move forward and try not to look back. Reviewing old ways of doing things can be helpful in so much as realizing that you may want to change your approach. Revisit what attracts you to certain people and situations so you can correct your course and pull your consciousness back to center.

There may be a temptation to step back and stay in the past. If you do this, it won’t last long. Know this is best for all concerned. Try not to be stubborn about “wanting what you want.” Ask your Guides, Angels and Higher Self for something better and more supportive of who you have become.

Life has not always been kind to you, and there may still be a little part of you that continues to judge yourself harshly. Release regret and forgive yourself as I know you forgive others.

Know that a situation may not be working out for you because it isn’t time or perhaps, you are being protected by spirit and this will leave you available for something or someone better. Even if that someone is the stronger and more beautiful version of you!

Your Light Being
Mother Mary has stepped forward to help you love yourself unconditionally. She reminds us that music is very important to our energetic field. Music will help you vibrate to a higher frequency so you can center yourself.

Your Animal Guide
A lovely lady Hawk has flown in to offer assistance and speedy results in releasing what you no longer need in your life. Take flight with her in meditation and see the simplicity of life through her eyes. You will come back with a new perspective.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Moss Agate will attract abundance.

Cancer…   Overview for September 2017
The moment of truth is at hand. You have been working hard on a project or some situation that has required a lot of your energy and time. You are finally going to see the fruits of your hard work.

Step back and relax a bit. Take your foot off the gas so you can enjoy seeing everything unfold as planned and anticipated. It may not have been your exact plan but one of a higher order. God laughs while we plan!

Seriously, it would be advantageous for you to take a little time for yourself. You may have been spreading yourself a bit thin. Find your special place where you connect with spirit, your spiritual home. You might find this in nature,  a partner, a group of friends, spending time with animals or on a vacation. Relax and enjoy the end of the season in preparation for the next.
Remember your thoughts are powerful and you have free will. The way you feel about a situation will have a huge impact on the outcome. Be open and receptive.

Your Light Being
The Greek poet Homer has stepped forward to offer assistance. Make life as simple as possible and let your heart return to peaceful living and you will never feel alone or anxious for tomorrow. Don’t look back or too far forward unless this will help you make peace with yourself. Ask for his assistance.

Your Animal Guide
Whale is coming close to advise you on many things. He speaks about the power of language. You would do well to take some time to listen and communicate with him.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Variscite will open your heart chakra and bring you to a state of unconditional love.

 Leo…   Overview for September 2017
This is a time for trust and patience; even if the latter is not always your strongest attribute. Know that all is well and what your desire will come into your life in perfect timing.  The Universe just needs to add or tweak something you hadn’t thought of yet. Your desires may include a wish or concern for someone else who is close to your heart.

There is a time for everything, and I am seeing a vision of a beautiful yellow flower unfolding one petal at a time. You have said prayers, asked for help, and your message is in knowing your soul wants to help and support you; instead of swimming upstream, I see you going with the current.

You are right on target and following the right path. For some of you, this may mean leaving a situation behind that has outlived its purpose. It was a blessing, so bless it and let it go. I see you putting your attention on something new and exciting.

Your Light Being
Mother Teresa is looking forward to working with you this month. She says to offer your services in one way or another to those around you who are in need of support. You might think about committing to a walk or race for a cure or something similar. Nothing is too small; as long as your intentions are good, the spirit of service will provide!

Your Animal Guide
A Skunk is stepping forward with her babies. They seem to be following her and learning from the things she does. She is a strong influence.  Be that strong influence and know that you leave a strong impression on others. What you are carrying is a big responsibility in being a role model so do it well.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Cerussite will help you make decisions and help you feel connected and supported.

Virgo…   Overview for September 2017
Do you feel like the universe is conspiring to block your every move? It certainly seems that way at times. You may not be able to go forward with some of your plans right now, but it doesn’t mean you will never get caught up.
Chill a bit and allow some time for relaxation and fun. You have been a bit edgy lately, and hyper vigilant about some things. Now is, after all, your season, and you might just need to take a breather. The universe may be encouraging you to rest and prepare for what is coming next. Big opportunities and plans are coming forward in the near future. A group project will be a hit!

Take care of routine tasks. Car maintenance, lawn care, carpet cleaning; all those things that drive you nuts when you look at them and see what needs to be done. Take your time and use this as cleaning therapy.

You may be a bit out of balance, and this is an opportunity to pull yourself back to center. Don’t try to force anything or you will be walking into the wind. Be careful when it comes to revisiting old habits that are not in your best interest.
By week three you will be back in full force and ready to take on some new opportunities that will be coming your way. You may even meet someone who will inspire and perhaps be your muse!

Your Light Being
Florence Nightingale believed the world’s biggest heroes are the ones who tend to the daily needs of society. She will help you with fortitude and strength as well as showing you some simple ways of doing things you may have overlooked. She says the answers are right in front of your face!

Your Animal Guide
A Butterfly is coming forth to assist you in transformation and magic. Allow time for changes.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Thulite will help you regenerate and heal. It will also bring you out of your shell and into the spotlight.

Libra…   Overview for September 2017
No matter what is going on around you, and who is doing what, bring your thoughts back to gratitude and love. Sometimes, even those who are involved in service for the planet can become a bit competitive. The idea of letting your light shine far and wide is good as long as you don’t forget about the purpose or inadvertently dim the light of another.

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the big picture and forget about the individual. Remember one size does not fit all. Your ability to influence others is very powerful right now so use this gift carefully.

Overall, this is a beneficial season for you. It seems as if someone or something has given you a leg up; this doesn’t always mean financially, but it could be something helping you so you can help yourself.

Your Light Being
Paramahansa Yogananda is available to assist you in working with your kundalini energy quickly and powerfully. Body/mind connection is so powerful. Don’t resist.

Your Animal Guide
Hawk is here to bring you messages from spirit. Take time in nature to listen and observe.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Angelite will heighten your healing abilities.
Scorpio…   Overview for September 2017
Before going to others for answers be sure you look within; this will give you some clarity, and perhaps you will already have the answers you need.  Inner dialog with your Higher Self could also lead you to the places or people you need to contact to get the right information.

Not everything is as it seems. You may benefit from chilling out and kicking back as you wait for a light in the tunnel before you proceed in any negotiations or commitments.

You might consider partnering up with someone; this could turn out to be quite favorable. Perhaps you will consider collaborating with someone in business, a personal relationship or with a spiritual guide. In any case, this person will have to be someone trustworthy and accept you for who you are. If there is anything that seems a bit off, your suspicious nature will get to the bottom of it; but don’t go looking for something wrong.

Check your attitude and see if you are seeing things in a positive light. If you focus on what you don’t have or expect the worst; that is what you will attract. You are a master in turning things around, but you need to be reminded of this once in awhile.

Your Light Being
Ascended Master Lord Lanto is walking forward and will remain three steps ahead of you to light the way and assess the situations you will be facing this month.

Your Animal Guide
An owl is coming forward to watch over you during your dreams. Remember to close your aura and ground yourself before going to sleep, or you may wake up just as tired as when you went to bed.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Prehnite will bring feelings of unconditional love.

 Sagittarius…   Overview for September 2017
Don’t try to make things more complicated than they already are. Keep it simple. Start with slow, steady changes in your lifestyle or work related changes. There seems to be a shift happening on all levels, but the physical level seems to be the one that is the most important at this time.

Don’t let yourself become bogged down with the small irritations you can’t do much about. The best course of action for you would be to pick your battles carefully. You might do better if you work on the things you can influence and change.

Enjoy the end of the season festivals, and this will make adjusting to the changes coming up a bit easier. There might be some changes that are not what you expected but know the Divine works in interesting ways.

There could be some unsettling news that might affect you. You can use this to make the best of your life, and it will make you grow spiritually. It will be an awakening.
 Have faith and know you are on the path to your purpose.
Your Light Being
Michael Archangel is stepping forward to be your voice and light your way. Call on him to assist you in all of your dealings.

Your Animal Guide
Blackbird is here and bringing personal messages and signs. Pay attention to the subtle and direct omens. You may find yourself becoming more intuitive than ever. In truth, it has always been there, but perhaps, you weren’t paying attention, or it didn’t seem important. In my vision, it appears to be an area in your pineal gland and third eye that is becoming larger or more enhanced than before. Grace and growth.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Red Chalcedony will give you strength and let you know when to move forward and when to back off.

Capricorn…   Overview for September 2017
Perhaps you have been in a bit of a rut and feeling like you're walking through waist high water and wondering what is holding you back. Look deep into your soul and dig through your past experiences to see what you need to bring to the surface to heal. It could also be something you haven't even considered; perhaps an issue or something that could be blocking your passage.

I see you standing on your left leg and trying to move forward. The right leg is trying its best, but with the left leg unwilling to move it seems to be impossible. It almost seems as if your legs are of two minds. The right trying to move and the left demanding to be heard. Maybe you should listen.

You are so focused on making headway in the situation you may have failed to recognize the beauty that is around you. Pull your right leg in and stand still surveying the beauty and strength you can use at your will.

It is kind of like being married to someone, and you have been so focused on other things that you have forgotten how beautiful your mate is until someone comes up and tells you that he or she is stunning or kind or talented. I think this would give you strength in knowing that such an amazing person choose to be with you.

Once you bring what you need to know into your conscious mind, there will be no stopping you. Beneficial circumstances and opportunities will once again start raining down on you.

Your Light Being
Merlin is courting you this month. “Don’t be shy” he says; “call on me for the gifts of transformation and magic of the mind”.

Your Animal Guide
Zebra is stepping forward. Not everything is black or white he says. Learn to compromise and don’t be stuck in old patterns or beliefs. It will keep you from moving into some lovely new opportunities and experiences.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Rhyolite will gently promote change.

Aquarius…   Overview for September 2017
You are being asked to let go of some of the things of the past that have become excess baggage. The fall equinox is calling for letting go; the death of attachments to places, people, and beliefs that you have outgrown. You may need to sit down and work on forgiveness for others and yourself.

Forgiveness doesn’t mean you need to invite an abusive relationship back into your life. Recognize the positive part this has had on who you are as a more conscientious person. Just lovingly and personally let it go and release the hold it has on you.

 Remove its ability to block you from your highest good. Only you can do this.Clear away the cobwebs and prepare a new place in your consciousness for great things, but beware of falling back into to old patterns.
Some things are coming forward as gifts of spirit. A higher state of consciousness could bring an accelerated or advanced sensitivity to spirit and psychic awareness.

I see new guides moving forward to help you in your quest to help the world; this is not something completely unexpected as you have been asking for a way to come forward with your gifts for some time.

Focus on doing what ever you need to do to ground yourself and feel at home with this new expression of spirit. Take care of business. Meditate, change some of your habits, including exercise. Most of all, listen to you guidance.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain offers assistance in transmuting energy to renew your commitment to bring peace into your heart.

Your Animal Guide
Tiger comes forward to help you be courageous and unrelenting in your healing journey.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Iron Pyrite will protect you from negative energies.

Pisces…   Overview for September 2017
You may be feeling emotional, and perhaps having a lump in your throat isn’t the easiest thing for you. Showing your true feelings is sometimes like the dream of being seen naked on a bus.

Know that your heart chakra and all things associated with the heart are opening. You may feel things deeply right now; this may include great love for yourself and others, compassion, forgiveness, the ability to grieve and greater acceptance.

If you are unable to feel self-forgiveness and compassion for yourself, you may be blocking your heart energy. Maybe you are so used to having to be the person that holds everything together you don’t allow yourself to express these feelings; in which case, you may experience feelings of anger, emotionally shut down, unable to relate to others; resentful of past relationships or jealousy. You might be feeling a mix of all of the above which is perfectly normal for any person on this planet.

Be kind and gentle with yourself. Perhaps at times, you may feel like you want a little bit of alone time; honor that feeling and be at peace with that decision and know it is ok to say “no” when you feel you need to pull your energy inward.

Your Light Being
Mother Mary is coming forward to bring peace to your heart. You might want to use Rose Essential Oil or perhaps buy yourself some roses to help enhance her loving energy. Roses and their essence will align you with Mother Mary and will benefit you at this time.

Your Animal Guide
A Horse has come forward to assist you. He is an Appaloosa, white with black spots. So beautiful and strong. He offers to support you in your travels whether they be out of body while you sleep or physical journeys.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Larimar is a wonderful healing stone. It raises consciousness and removes self-imposed blockages.

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