
Monday, January 2, 2023

Merlin Chronicles and scopes By Kay for the year 2023

Merlin Chronicles By Kay for the year       2023

2023 Channeled  Messages from Ascended Masters and the Collective

2023 Channeled  Messages from Ascended Masters and the Collective



In the first quarter, I see you making a U-turn. Checking to see if there is something that you may have missed or dismissed as unimportant.

 Perhaps you might want to revisit a relationship or method of some sort. This can be personal or business.

I also see you adjusting personal habits that have run their course. Start small and work your way into the big stuff. They are showing me a vision of Jack La Lane a fitness guru who never ate sugar or junk food. He is in spirit now but is willing to support you in making changes.

I see a vision of you lying on the ground after watering your crops and looking like you are trying to will the fruit of your labor into life. Leave it alone until fall. You can’t force nature.

Focus on balancing relationships. Resist casting doubts by thinking aloud before you have come to a conclusion, or you might lose someone important.

Quan Yin is offering support and brings the light colors of silver and white and suggests breathing in these colors as you meditate, especially when you have too many conflicting thoughts. This will clear your palette. Diamond is your stone this year.


Self-help books or classes may be predominant in your life in 2023. Emotional, physical, mental, and Spiritual growth feel doable even though you felt stuck during the past couple of years. Not to worry, you were busy clearing out the cobwebs and creating a clean new whiteboard for a new way of life.

Spirit is asking you to spend some time daily connecting with the sun. Not only is this beneficial for your health and well-being, but it also brightens and supports you emotionally. They are also showing me that this is very important for supporting the strength of your aura.

There are many Sun Gods, but Jesus Christ’s consciousness is offering to assist you in transforming your energy into the physical world as well as spirit. I see the colors gold and purple and a ruby in the palm of his hand.


You have always had a need for speed, but this year you are being asked to slow it down a bit. Don’t get caught up in results but pay attention to the process. I see you taking a step back and watching how the Universe has a method of creating and managing energy.

Writing and journaling are key this year. If you have been sitting on a book, 2023 is the time to publish or start. What I am seeing is your increasing ability to pull information out of the air.

The Divine would like you to look at a more passive means of gathering and using your energy. Allow things to come to you, and don’t chase after rainbows. They will come to you if you hold your course. I see a boomerang, and you need to stay in the same spot as you were when you threw it so it can come back to you. Conserve your energy. You might get involved in a source of passive income.

Buddha is offering support in the passive use of energy. He shows me a bucket that holds water or energy and will help you get from point A to point B without spilling any.  

Tanzanite is your go-to stone in 2023


I saw a vision of Freddie Mercury on stage singing “We Are The Champions” You might be involved in group energy that seems important to you. Don’t be afraid to try different approaches or feel like be embarrassed about trying different approaches. Pay attention to feedback without taking it personally. It ai all about your intentions which will carry through your message and shine a light on your direction. Remember that you can’t take it back once something is said, so choose your words carefully.

I see some situations on a personal level resolving this year, especially around love relationships and money. You can always find a way to make money but finding the person who lights your life up is not so easily attained.

Make sure you surround yourself with the right people. Not all is what it seems. Look behind the Curtin

Pear-shaped Diamonds are your go-to stone in 2023.

The God of laughter is offering to support you this year. His name is Gelos 


Move quietly and pay attention to your surroundings as there may be some things to benefit under your watchful eye.

Talk less and listen more this year. This is a year for taking information in and sorting it out internally. How does it feel?  This Is a vital highlight this year.

Pay close attention to your solar plexus, which has to do with your self-esteem and helps you feel in control of your life. If some information or a person’s intentions bring your attention to this area, go inward and ask your body for confirmation. Increase your connection between your body and mind.

Your empathic sensitivities are very strong, and you are encouraged to use this rather than letting it use you.

Babaji will show up in your life in amazing and magical ways. Communicate freely and often with him.

Green Fluorite is you go to stone in 2023


Being unsure of the future is always difficult for you. You are being asked to forget everything you have learned in the past as far as you have done things before.

I see a vision of The Fool card in which you walk off the edge, trusting that the universe will take care of you. We ask you to accept life as a little child in innocence and trust a power much more extensive than you.

You may follow a new or different way of reaching higher states of consciousness. One thing to remember is that the true God, Guru lives inside of us and doesn’t get caught up in giving yourself away. There is a difference between surrendering to a higher power and giving your life and responsibilities to another person.

Merlin and Mother Mary offer support, Magic, miracles, direction, healing of karma, and unconditional love. Above all else, Inner and outer Peace.

Amber is not a stone but a substance that will be beneficial in 2023.


Last year was busy, and you may have felt driven to accomplish many things. We see this gathering momentum and ask you to put the brakes on a bit and allow some of this energy to catch up with you.

Make time for socializing and spending time with those who are important to you. You have a wonderful supportive influence and energy, and there are those who are affected positively by simply being around you. 

All things put on hold should be moving forward in the year's second half.

Quan Yin is offering support in 2023, and your go-to stone is Malachite


I see you holding your palms up to the sky, saying, “I’m listening!” You are actively searching for answers to how you fit into a new reality. It is always good to be receptive but don’t use all of your energy on this quest.

This is a beautiful time for educational pursuits, whether learning or teaching the craft you already know. We do see a new method that will expand your gifts.

2023 is a year for being receptive but not aggressive. Stay busy and go with the flow.

St Francis of Assisi is offering support for you this year.

Your go-to stone is Gold Calcite.


2023 is a year that can propel you forward professionally and increase your spiritual wisdom past year was difficult yet rewarding in many ways as I see you wiping your brow, saying it was a job well done, but what now?

I see congratulations are in order in some areas of your life and so many things coming from the consciousness that will have you thinking, So this is what it means.

We ask you to evaluate situations and people from your heart this year and give less attention to the “world stage.” Your intuition is spot on, and you must protect your personal channel with the Divine, your higher self, and God.

Don’t allow shadows from the past to fester or influence your thoughts.  Yes, it did shape who you have become but realize that this is only a tiny part. Rectify it or let it go.

St Germain is offering assistance and support this year for you.

Larimar is your go-to stone


The structure an rules are usually your best friend, but we are asking you to take a step back from how it should be and look at the truth regarding relationship issues.

You may experience endings and new beginnings in relationships as you may have exhausted all means of repairing that over which you have no control. By no means does this make you a failure. It makes you a student and traveler of this Earth journey in doing as intended and learning from experience.

Make no compromises when it comes to health care. Keep all your appointments and do all the good things required to keep your body healthy.

Melchizedek wishes to assist and support you in 2023

Magnetite is your go-to stone.


Keep yourself grounded and in the present. We see the possibility of you getting so caught up in the future that you miss possibilities in your life.  You might miss some opportunities.

We still see you visually putting your intentions and manifestations out there but know that for them to become a reality, you must let go of them and return to the here and now to allow the magic to happen.

We encourage you to get in touch with nature and use Mother Earth’s natural way of handling your energy flow. The water cannot run through the mountain, so it goes around. All things create a successful outcome but with less wear and tear.

Gaia invites you to work and learn from her eternal wisdom in 2023.

Hematite is your go-to stone in 2023.


We hear Louis Armstrong playing his song ”On The Sunny Side of The Street” for you in 2023. Conservative Pisces may take a step out into the light this year, throwing caution to the wind and trying some new things even if it feels a bit out of your comfort zone and out of character. Especially in relationships and professionally, allowing yourself to become someone else if only briefly.

Interest in the arts and creativity are recommended, especially if you are interested in acting, visual arts, writing, or media.

Don’t allow yourself to be pulled into drama in relationships. You can nicely step back from the drama without losing the friendship.

Mother Mary is offering support for you in 2023

Labradorite is your Go to stone.

Merlin Scopes by Kay Week of April 1st 2024

Happy Spring It has been an exciting couple of years for me. Quite the rollercoaster!   I do the Merlin Scopes weekly on my website and ...