
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

 Merlin Chronicles by Kay  February 1, 2022

Happy Chinese New Year and Imbolc and New Moon!

The perfect time for new beginnings. Imbolc is the celebration of the beginning of Spring. It seems that in Colorado we hardly had a winter at all. Actually, we are expecting much-needed snow over the next 24hours so  I am watching the sky change as I write this to you.

I am excited about my channeling session tonight. I haven't channeled since COVID and my own cancer journey. The whole planet has been on a healing journey and it will be interesting to see what the Divine has to say about our individual and collective journey.

I have one spot available for tonight's channeling session (February 1, 2022)  to register go to class,

Four spots are available for next Tuesday, February 8th, 2022. To register go to:

I have been blessed to channel the Merlin Scopes for more than 10 years. If you feel called to donate to cover administrative costs and such you can go to my website. Doing this work is my pleasure. 

Donations are greatly appreciated and help cover administrative costs. If you would like to donate go to; and use the Donation button.
Thank you for reading the Merlin Chronicles and sharing my love for channeled messages!

 Merlin Scopes February 2022……. By Kay


Aries… You may be feeling the need to make some changes in your life but unable to recognize the best course of action. Sometimes doing nothing is best. I get a yellow light when it comes to making choices just for the sake of change. The change will come, but timing is essential. Perhaps you need to gather more information to align yourself with the proper source to assist you first.


Stay close to home if possible. You may feel a need for comfort or support in being surrounded by those things you already know. Perhaps this could be not as much physical as metaphorical for some areas of your life, such as social groups, career, or relationships. Sometimes it is wise to stay seated in your power and use your most vital qualities even if you crave something different.


There is also a message about being willing to entertain ideas from others who have had similar experiences. Remain open but choose wisely. I see the possibility of others trying to convince you to take things that they don't want and would like to push off on someone else. Again, this could be metaphorical; it could be energetic. Whether physical or energetic dumping, reject anything that doesn't feel in harmony with you. You are not the local landfill.


Taurus… Self-healing on all levels is vital for the months ahead. You may even be forced into taking some time for yourself if you are not proactive. 

You may experience some deep-seated issues that begin in a past life that extend into present life experience. You are offered an opportunity to cut some cords and clear away some energies from systemic beliefs. These patterns no longer fit your expression, nor do they emanate who you are becoming.


There seem to be some blurred lines in defining risks, rewards, and punishments throughout your life. These are not separate experiences. There are some beginnings and ending, but they are all connected and part of your journey. Focus on successfully working through some internal struggles that will set you up for some new opportunities for growth and happiness. 


Avoid drama as much as you can so you can. The drama will drain your resources and feed on your energy physically and emotionally. The drama you are holding looks like water behind a dam, and any more could cause the levy to break. I know you are tough and resilient, but now is a time to guard your energy.


Give yourself a big loving hug and a warm cup of tea.

You might also feel extra hungry, perhaps from letting go of past issues, and interpret this feeling as a space. Maybe pick up some new exercise routine if you can't stop the craving. Don't try to fill it up with empty calories.


Gemini… They say when life hands you lemons, make lemonade. You might keep that in mind right now. Things may feel like they are at a standstill, and you want what you want right now. Patience is not your strong suit, and you are being tested.

The Universe urges you to use what you have to create in harmony with the circumstances. Trying to force your hand right now would be an empty victory and leave you wanting more. You are being called on to become creative in ways that you haven't tried or have forgotten. 


Know that there is a purpose in what you think is lacking. You lack nothing; it is all in your perspective. The Universe is listening, so remain optimistic and know that you are preparing for a celebration. Perhaps not the way you thought it would reveal itself but a reason to be joyful all the same.


I see the results happening in the Springtime. Until then, stay positive, make sure you get enough sleep and control the mind chatter. Be sure to clear your energy often because your feelings of empathy and picking up on the world's woes are off the charts! Work smarter and not harder as I see your stress level running high.


Cancer… Stay centered and focused this month. Pay attention to your moods and energy levels. Grounding and acceptance are essential features for you. Don't get sucked into comparing yourself to others or what they have accomplished. You are on a track of your own, so stay in your lane and respect the process.


Avoid people, places, and behaviors that could dampen your spirits or cause you to burn out. Not answering the phone or that email is acceptable. Reach inward for feelings of harmony and acceptance. You might find yourself challenged to stay in the present. Don't ask what you can do to make life better in the future. Ask what you can do now to prepare for changes coming up.


There will be opportunities, but overthinking and daydreaming about the future or wishing you could change things from the past may block Universal gifts. Let go of judgment and allow the creative flow. 


Get busy, clean your house of clutter. Make your environment warm and beautiful. Spending time with pets is also a great way to feel love. They are mirrors that reflect the love we have for them right back to us!


Interestingly, I see some of you making plans for some travel. What I am seeing is short journeys or in RVs. A trip may take place a little later in the year. Now is a time for relaxing, rejuvenating, and self-love.


Leo…Avoid getting yourself caught up in someone else's business. You are lovely when it comes to putting everyone else at ease and being the "Mom" of the world. Should you choose to meddle in another's dilemma, beware of one of your unresolved wounds. Spirit encourages you to retreat from this situation and let the person work things out independently or with someone else. Now is not the time for you to relive the pain.


 There could be some guilt attached to this scenario and things that you can't fix no matter how hard you try. Recognize the limits and boundaries of the situation. 

The Hawaiian Ho'oponopono Prayer is the most powerful tool you can access right now that allows you to cover every part of your life. You can look it up online see how others are working with the prayer. You don't need to do anything elaborate. The prayer is four simple steps. 


Repentance – JUST SAY: I'M SORRY. ...

      Ask Forgiveness – SAY: PLEASE FORGIVE ME. ...

      Gratitude – SAY: THANK YOU. ...

      Love – SAY: I LOVE YOU.

Trust me; you will feel shifts and changes in many parts of your life.


Virgo…Your intuition is running high and spot-on right now. Trust your psychic hits, dreams, physical manifestations, and messages from nature. Merlin seems to be working closely with you this month, and his favorite place to be is outdoors. Get outside, perhaps to a park or anywhere there are animals. In particular, a squirrel wants to be acknowledged. Squirrels' message to you is that you will manifest whatever you need. These creatures work hard and play hard, just like you, but sometimes you need to remember to keep the balance, so you are not burning the candle at both ends.


We see possible opportunities coming your way. New is exciting and different but also a bit risky and unsettling. You are a bit of a control freak, so this could be a challenge for you. 

 You might realize that all of your control issues come from past relationships and individuals who didn't follow through for you. Maybe you put your faith in the wrong person or put too much weight on humans and forgot your relationship with the Universe. 


 Ask for the help you need and get out of the way! Stop saying I don't, and I won't. I can't; it has to be this way or that way. Those demands come from a place of fear and ego, and the Universe doesn't need you to manage the workload. She has been doing a fine job since the beginning of time.


Libra…February steps in like a breath of fresh air. I feel a wave of creativity and inspiration flowing through your heart chakra. The Universe tells me that this is a manifestation of your desires coming back to roost in a big way.


Perhaps you sent a wish list or petition out to the Universe in the past that you may have forgotten. Forgetting about exactly how you want events or energies to take place in your life helps the Universe to move your request along. Some things get lost in details, so it is best only to provide an outline and let the Divine fill in the how's and why's. 


I see you standing back and scrapping some plans making allowances for some things to fall into place naturally. I see a couple of blue feathers slowly falling from the sky and gracefully landing around you on the ground. Angels are interceding in some events in your life in a loving and supportive manner.


Your connection with your higher self supports your strength and you are capable of using your creativity in whatever form you feel most comfortable. Pay attention to music and bluebirds. They bring happiness and child-like joy to any situation.


Scorpio…Maybe you feel like you are forced into a corner, and it is time to decide. Some of this may well be overdue, and Spirit asks you to choose wisely and carefully.

 Most of all, don't let your emotions or ego get caught up in the way you move forward on the choice. Avoid harboring negative feelings even if you have a reason. Go inward and ask for guidance.


I keep hearing The Beatles song "Let It Be." Mother Mary seems to be a strong influence on your decision. Look for a sign, a whisper, or maybe a song.


You may have already made a decision and feel the full weight of the choice you made. Perhaps unsure if it was the correct move. There is no wrong choice, and it seems an ending is inevitable. It is time for a new direction as the current one is no longer a place you where are comfortable or in agreement. Consciously assess your needs realistically with patience and commitment. 


Sagittarius…Last month may have been a bit stifling. Perhaps your energy was low, or you had obligations to care for someone else. You might feel like somebody left the gate open and no one is there to tell you can't, so by all means, kick up your heels and feel the freedom! This month, you might break that cycle as I see it beginning with enthusiasm and drive.


Spirit keeps showing me the energy of a horse. Horses are strong, beautiful, and wise. They also have excellent memories and signify movement, especially in the spirit realm. Perhaps you are tempted to seek out greener pastures. 


The Sag Collective is talking about "The Karma" card. Perhaps a decision that creates a deep spiritual connection between the past, present, and future will begin a new positive chain of events. You may be required to release relationships with some groups or individuals because this is an independent journey.


Perhaps you have wanted to grow professionally in a new or more expanded role. Now is the perfect time to stop procrastinating and make a move. You will receive encouragement and support from those who know you are ready for this move.


Capricorn… You are the only person who can unwind this mystery. Spirit encourages you to focus on your heart chakra gently and tells me that you need to decode a message. You might listen to crystal bowl music for the proper frequency. Messages from long ago are offering to come to the surface to be acknowledged and the negativity dissolved through understanding and love. I have a hunch that this could be unresolved issues from youth, and you didn't have the life experience or adult wisdom to understand what was happening at the time.


You have asked to move forward in your spiritual evolution, which plays a huge part. You are lovable, worthy, and resilient. Whatever the injury, Spirit wants you to know that you will be ready for a huge step forward once you address the child within. 


Perhaps you are doing the same thing repeatedly and not able to break the spiral of events or bring balance. That doesn't mean that you haven't progressed. You will continue to clear your path a bit at a time, and you will see the results in the form of greater creativity, joy, and relationships. By the end of the month, I see you breathing a sigh of relief.


Aquarius…Happy Birthday, Aquarius! We see your desire for safety and assure you that you are guided and protected in many ways. Remain alert and aware but trust the Universe to support and guide you. I see angels supporting and lifting your spirits this month, so don't hesitate to call on them and display your gratitude. You don't have to do everything alone. 


You might have some insecurities in some areas of life. Maybe it is your gifts and talents but be assured that there is no reason to worry. There could be opportunities to expand your abilities or knowledge. Perhaps a class or educational opportunity with exciting folks.


You may notice that other people seem to be moving forward, and this may feel like a challenge, but it is an invitation to move forward with them. You might be required to roll over on your back and show your furry little underbelly by admitting that you don't have all the answers and are willing to learn. You don't always have to be the most intelligent person in the room. Remaining open makes you more attractive and approachable, especially if you are open to a new relationship.


I see possibilities of new beginnings. These are not exactly new, but perhaps something you have desired over time that has come back for another look. Allow the Universe to bring this forward and step back and watch the magic. If it is meant to be, so it shall.


Pisces…When I asked Spirit for your message, I got a huge heart wave which felt more emotional than physical. Your intuition is spot on, and your ability to feel others' emotions is unrelenting. I liken it to having very thin spiritual skin. Your empathy is robust and accurate. What a blessing this can be if you have a partner or family member who has difficulty expressing their emotions or cannot verbalize their needs. You may, however, need to pull back and assess your feelings sometimes. Is it mine or theirs?


You might need to find some quiet place and time for yourself to breathe and ground. Spirit suggests anywhere in nature as the best place to gather the pure energy that you need to refill your spiritual well. Try to ignore the attitude that the clock is ticking and this thing is a waste of your time. 


You can carry a labradorite gemstone in your pocket or wear it as jewelry to help protect your energy. Also, if possible, spend some time close to water, such as a creek. I see a forest or mountains rather than a beach. Connecting with the animals in these areas is also helpful.

Merlin Scopes by Kay Week of April 1st 2024

Happy Spring It has been an exciting couple of years for me. Quite the rollercoaster!   I do the Merlin Scopes weekly on my website and ...