
Friday, December 1, 2017

Merlin Chronicles By Kay December 2017

 Merlin Chronicles By Kay for December  2017

I can’t believe we are looking at the end of 2017. It certainly has been interesting and anything but boring. I won’t go into politics but the United States feels like a cauldron that is about to boil over and someone seems to be stirring the pot. Enough said about that.

My Mom always said if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.  Mom is no longer on the planet so I can say that I am thrilled to see women and men standing up to sexual harassment. Their courage has given me permission to look back over my life and look at the times I was the target of sexual harassment. I never said anything to anyone most of the time because I was always under the misguided idea that if someone was treating me that way that it was because I dressed a certain way, or if I spoke up I would lose my job or labeled as a “Trouble Maker.”

In my early twenties, I was walking to a local store on a hot summer afternoon. I was wearing shorts and a handkerchief top. I was a hippy chick. A man drove up and asked me for directions. I pointed up the street, and he grabbed my arm and tried to pull me into the car. I was terrified. He probably thought that I was a young teenager because I was small and looked young.He had the trunk on the care open so I no-one could get the plate number. My mother called the police, and one of the first things the officer asked me after he looked me up and down was  ”Did you like it?” I never reported or complained about anything again thinking that I would get the same treatment. More things did happen. I kept it to myself.

I am looking forward to how this is going to affect the entertainment industry, politics, corporate structure, and education. I don’t think I will be around long enough to see the full impact, but I am pleased to know that changes are inevitable.
Enough of me, here is the December MelinScopes!
Enjoy    Kay

Merlin Scopes for December 2017
Aries…   Overview for December 2017
Try to accept that not all things happen in the timely manner you expect. Perhaps, some things may not manifest at all. Know you are being selected and directed by the Divine and all is as it should be. Some seeds need time to grow into beautiful flowers.

Spend a bit of your time exploring the value of your current situation. Don’t become discouraged or rush into a plan just for the sake of taking action on something out of fear.

Pay attention to your thoughts and reject any old feelings of not belonging, or lacking skills or abilities. Sometimes you can have more than enough and still not get what you want. If it is meant for you, it will come when the time and circumstances are right.

Look at the reasons for your desires. Is this something that will pass the test of time or just a status symbol or something that will become obsolete? Maybe you are being protected and prepared for something better.

Your Light Being
Lord Ling, AKA Moses is stepping forward to assist you in seeing God within. He will help you resist looking for the answers and true happiness from sources other than your Higher Self.

Your Animal Guide
A Crow is stepping forward to help prepare you for changes that are coming your way. Watch for signs and omens! Respect your intuition.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Malachite will absorb negative energies. Make sure you cleanse it often.

Taurus…   Overview for December 2017
You might feel a little out of step with relationships in your life right now. These relationships, so it seems, worked for you in the past, but something may be shifting in the way you perceive your role or level of participation.

You might start feeling like an outsider looking in or feel a bit empty. Maybe you are not comfortable in this role anymore. Are you a People Pleaser? Are you feeling fulfilled in these relationships?

Try not to get too caught up in trying to figure out if it is you or them creating a feeling of distance. You might need a timeout to be with yourself, to pull your energy in and focus on some “Me” time. Perhaps just puttering around the house. Bring your attention to your Divine Self and allow spirit to flow through you. I see an opportunity to let go and rise to a higher level of consciousness.
Try not to take things personally. You might catch yourself feeling like you are on this journey alone; recognize the love and support that has brought you all of this way. Trust your intuition and faith. It has served you well.

Your Light Being
Gautama Buddha is stepping forward to assist you in celebrating your gifts of spirit. When there seems to be chaos all around you, be still,  know that your only reality is what you believe. Let nothing take your peace.

Your Animal Guide
I see a Monk walking down a road with an Ox. The Ox is wearing a string of flowers around its head and seems to be pleased with himself. He will give you strength and power to resolve any issues that you are having. He will also help you ground.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Moldavite helps you connect with the Universal laws. It may also bring luck. Wear it for short periods of time.

 Gemini…   Overview for December 2017
Time is not running out. Sometimes it may feel that way, but this is just a reminder you need to take each day, one at a time and enjoy every minute you have. The moment you are in right now, good or bad, will never be repeated by you or anyone else, ever. That is why you are so unique. Sometimes you forget how genuine and unique you and every soul on this planet are.
Get out of your head and into your heart and have some fun. I see a vision of you at about five years old on a swing yelling to go higher and higher! Bring your attention back to that time in your life when you had absolute freedom in that moment.

If you are entering into any contracts or partnerships this month, there is a warning to check all of the terms and responsibilities. I am not saying you should avoid contracts, just read the fine print and perhaps have someone else check it also. Some things are not always what they seem, explore all the basics as this is the foundation and cornerstone of the future.

Your Light Being
Saint Francis of Assisi will help you ground and connect with Mother Earth. I see a vision of him walking and planting seeds in different places on the earth. These are Ley lines. “Respect the Earth,” he says. Do something to celebrate her. Connect with these powerful Ley lines in meditation.

Your Animal Guide
A Squid has come forward to assist you this month. They are amazing creatures.Squids connect to spirit and the psychic realm. Squid will help you ground psychic abilities to help you in being more balanced and effective.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Moss Agate will help you recognize the beauty of the world. It will help you with intuition and success.

Cancer…   Overview for December 2017
Busy holiday plans can help you avoid taking yourself too seriously this month. Accept invitations and show up in high spirits. You don’t need to buy anyone anything. Just be part of the party energy.

There may be a project you are trying to move forward this month. Make sure you ask for input from those who have the expertise or at least experience. There are some things you need to be aware of or know about. Learn all that you can before moving into the next phase.

Don’t spread yourself too thin. You may tend to jump from one thing to another, looking for the best deal or solution. The latest and greatest may not be what you need. Sometimes those intoxicating obsessions of what everyone has to have today may leave you with a hangover tomorrow.

Accept help when offered. You may need to loosen your grip a bit and allow others to do their job, but all will work out in the end. Enlist someone who will play the devil’s advocate and give you positive and negative feedback. Sometimes you need to be challenged to motivate you.

Your Light Being
The Lady of the Lake has offerings for you. She is offering the gift of Excalibur. Remember this is a gift from Spirit and should be used consciously and with great care. It is a double-edged sword used to cut through illusion and negativity. There is Karma attached to the actions of the user. Ask her for guidance.

Your Animal Guide
Spider is stepping forward to remind you that you weave your reality. She will also help you with creative projects and will strengthen your aura.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Angelite brings you awareness and helps you speak your truth.

Leo…   Overview for December 2017
December is a great time to reflect on the progress you have made during the year. Many of the things you have hoped for are well on the way to becoming reality.

I see that you have successfully followed the right steps of Co-Creation in building the Universal Blueprint of manifestation. You may not even be aware that you were bringing something into your reality, but you have.

You have done more than hoping, wishing and prayers. Perhaps you have taken the physical steps in one way or another that allows Manifestation to meet you half way. Somehow, you found a keynote you can access for future reference, maybe a mentor, a book or even a state of mind.

Funny how it never seems to play out, in reality, the same way you see it in your head. No worries, it is all good. Explore and learn how to work with these new energies, opportunities, and relationships.

If some part of a creation, project or relationship, it looks like something you tried didn’t work out as planned. Take a deeper look at what needs to stay and what needs to go. Look at your fears and attitudes. Avoid abandoning the whole idea. Step back and take the emotional response out of the equation. This is your creation and responsibility; don’t let ego come in and take over.

Your Light Being
Call on Ganesh to remove any obstacles that hinder your success. Ganesh is powerful and once called upon, will take full responsibility for removing all that hinders progress. Be very clear on this. You might not get to pick and choose what you think is best. You must be in a place of surrender.

Your Animal Guide
Brown Bear will help you ground yourself on all levels. In the case of manifestation, you need to ground your ideas into your foundation.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Aragonite will help you ground.

Virgo…   Overview for December 2017
December is a time of love and gratitude. Keep yourself centered and look at love from all sides. Do not try to force anything; respect the natural rhythm. You can't always make yourself available to everyone at all times.

Don’t try to do things for others they should do themselves. Manipulating a situation so you can feel better about the outcome is not the path to growth and maturity. Try to allow things to unfold by being supportive and watching it unfold like a beautiful flower in the sunshine.

You might see things moving in a new direction and feel a bit unsteady on this new course. Research everything you can concerning a new field of study or ways of making your business bigger and creating new opportunities. Perhaps you may take a class or meet some new people. Maybe new guides, angels, and ascended masters or perhaps new ways of connecting with them will be your path.

The Mercury retrograde may bring opportunities to revisit people or situations from the past. Welcome the opportunity to look at the reasons for this occurrence and why it keeps resurfacing. It could be an opportunity to finally let go. You know you will find peace and healing in areas of your life on the other side of these issues.

I suggest you make a ritualistic effort to honor the year of 2017 and release it. Make yourself a new vessel for the incoming year. Perhaps writing down or just meditating on all that has happened in the past twelve months, and light a candle and release it to the universe.

 Your Light Being
Vishnu offers balance and protection. You will need both this month. Call on Vishnu.

Your Animal Guide
Brahma Bull will help you stand your ground and bring cosmic order. He will help in your manifestations

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Thulite will help in inventive solutions and healing.

Libra…   Overview for December 2017
I get a message about Celtic Christmas for you. In December Irish farmers would clean and whitewash the buildings on the property to purify their property for the coming of the Savior. You don’t need to believe in a savior in the Christian sense, but there is a common thread of the Christ story in most religions. There is a celebration of the ending of the old ways and beginning of the new.

Sometimes this includes cleaning and clearing. Donating things that you no longer use, cleaning the cobwebs out of the corners, dusting and acting as if an important friend is coming to visit. Make your environment as comfortable and welcoming as possible. Warm and inviting! Call in your angelic and spiritual team to assist in this process.

You might be considering making changes in your career and professional life, and you couldn’t have picked a better time. You seem to be complete or done with what you have been doing in the past.You might be exploring things that other people are doing and thinking about trying some of those things. Ask for support and direction. Realize this Is new for you so don’t be too hard on yourself if you don’t know how to proceed. There is a feeling of success and fun in this new process!

Your Light Being
Saint Bridget will help you with knowledge and inspiration Call on her.

Your Animal Guide
Queen Bee has arrived to help you with energy, stamina, and the ability to attract all the things you need to create a flow of assistance and abundance.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Anhydrite will help you release thoughts of the past and prepare your physical body for new energies and gifts of spirit.

 Scorpio…   Overview for December 2017
You may find this is a good time to re-organize and find simpler ways of keeping things in order. Maybe you have collected a lot of things that now seem to weigh on you. Some of the best ideas and plans come forward when you are doing mundane tasks.

I am not a doctor and can not prescribe, but I get the message you might benefit if you pay a little more attention to your diet. Some things might need balancing. I keep getting the word acidic, and the other side of that would be alkaline. Perhaps you could take a look at foods that help balance these in a way that will improve your mood and your skin.

You might be able to advance your career or some project you are working on by asking for help from someone who knows more or is an expert in a field of study. There comes a time when you have done all that you can at a certain level, and to advance, you must seek outside sources.

Your Light Being
The Lady of the Light will guide the way for you. You may be walking in unchartered territory. Let her lead the way.

Your Animal Guide
A Platypus has come forward to help you make sense of the cues your body gives you.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Fluorite will be useful for protection and will calm your mind.

Sagittarius…   Overview for December 2017
Enough is enough. There are things you tolerated in the past that no longer intimidate you. Perhaps this may pertain to a person in your family, your work or community in general.

You have never been a shrinking violet, but something that happens in December will be a catalyst to a reckoning in some area of your life. Inside and out, you will make changes in methods you use to sort out your emotions which will be channeled in a practical method through your life skills.
Soul mates are not here to take your hand and skip off into the sunset. They are here to teach you valuable lessons. A soul mate can be anyone, not only the love interest in your life but a child, a friend or anyone that shares a deep connection with you. You may be triggered by these wonderful beings this month, so prepare.

You will be driven inward to resolve things that have become a part of your emotional blueprint. Finding a reasonable explanation for things that occurred in your past as well as the present can help you move into a brighter stronger future. I hear Socrates saying ” Know Thyself” so that you can more effectively understand others.

All is well in the preparation and realization that you are about to step into something bigger and better.

Your Light Being
Michael Archangel is stepping forward to keep you in the light of perpetual harmony and protection.   
Your Animal Guide
Ostrich steps forward to help you sort out what no longer is working in your life. Clearing and cleansing. She will also help you ground your spiritual and metaphysical knowledge so you can effectively use it in your life.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Clear fluorite works with the crown and will align your chakras.

Capricorn…   Overview for December 2017
Enjoy the holiday glow! Things that have been troubling for you in the past few months seem to be lifting, and you shake off the invisible chains that have been holding you back.

Saturn will be going into Capricorn on December 19th and will remain there until December 2020. Saturn is at home in Capricorn. Saturn rules government, institutions, bones, and structures. You have the opportunity to break down and build new foundations that will be stronger and longer lasting than before.

There seems to be a certain amount of comfort in your everyday life. You might feel more supported. Some things that seemed impossible or difficult are put into a different perspective, and you can achieve some clarity. You seem to see things in a different light and recognize a pattern or structure that works for you. It is kind if like coloring within the lines.

If you are beginning a new relationship try to use the experience you have gained in the past so you can be more balanced in expectations and partnership roles. Finding the balance between being too passive or too controlling will be easier if you take into consideration the needs of both parties involved.

Your Light Being
Merlin is offering support in making big changes in the little things in your life. Making the small changes leads to a big shift! Don’t get ahead of yourself.    
Your Animal Guide
A Beaver comes forward to help you rebuild structures and relationships.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chrysocolla is very effective for meditation and healing when placed on your chakras.

 Aquarius…   Overview for December 2017
I see you settling back and allowing the universe to work in your life. It is almost like learning to swim when thrown into the ocean without a life jacket. As soon as you stop fighting and realize the salt water is your ally and will keep you afloat, you can roll over, stop focusing on the struggle, relax and enjoy the beautiful blue sky.

You must know by now that changes are happening in your life. The best way to proceed is in not reacting until all the facts are known. Sit back and watch as the story or situation unfolds before taking any action. There is a hint of new developments that could be advantageous for you.

Stay focused on what you are doing and watch out for other people who may be preoccupied, especially when you are walking, driving, or riding in a vehicle. I am not telling you to be a back seat driver but do be a good co-pilot and be aware.

Pay attention to your lower back, hips, and knees. Don’t strain or try to carry more than you should.

Your Light Being
I see a vision of Mother Mary offering assistance by leading you through a labyrinth. When you run into a block or a dead end, call on her, and she will show you a new opening on the path.       
Your Animal Guide
A Seagull is stepping forward to help you in being resourceful.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Muscovite will invite angels into your space and expand your intuitive abilities.
Pisces…   Overview for December 2017
There could be a positive outcome to a difficult situation. You might get a new perspective on something that has been a bit of a problem or annoyance.
You may be indulging in a little bit of stress eating this month. No worries, all will balance out by the beginning of 2018, and you will be back to normal. Could it be that you might be feeling a little unfulfilled because you have been putting out a lot of energy and resources to others?

Celebrate the holidays and enjoy being in the moment with family and friends There may be moments when you hold back as if you are waiting for the other shoe to drop. It may or may not drop but try to do your best to stay in the moment and make some wonderful memories in the midst of chaos and drama. Joy is important for your health and happiness and will also help those around you.

Resist the urge to clean up other peoples messes or take on the rescuer role. Some folks need to take responsibility for their journey and accept the consequences to appreciate them to the fullest.

You might enjoy hunkering down and spending time at home. No matter what you do, do it with passion and know you are allowed to indulge yourself in spending some time alone. Be as loyal to yourself as you are to others.

Your Light Being
I see a group of angels surrounding you. They are singing and blending different colors of light. Especially around and in your aura. It seems they have found favor in you and will be there to help in all situations. Perhaps you have been sending healing to the planet or been helpful to someone who needs assistance. You have only to ask when you need help, and they are pleased to be part of your success. Connect with them and feel the unconditional love they have for you.
Your Animal Guide
A beautiful Dove has come forward to share messages with you. Pay attention to subtle messages from nature; especially birds.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Diamond is a powerful protective stone that will amplify white light and love.

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Merlin Chronicles by Kay for November 2017

 Merlin Chronicles for November 2017      by Kay
Happy November!
The veil is always a bit thinner this time of the year, and so much is being revealed  I suspect that more things will be brought to our awareness on many levels, politically, socially and personally.

The cleansing effect of Scorpio has not gone unnoticed and for those who have acted in inappropriate ways in the past are being called out. This will create a huge shift in how sexuality must now be balanced and can no longer used by those in powerful positions. It is kind of like Halloween, no one is who you think they are.

Last week I did a radio show with Elizabeth Lindsay on 12radio, and we talked about the importance of clearing space. Making space for the new is important. I think that many of us will realize how essential purging is; not only on a physical level but also on a conscious and unconscious level. We all want more spiritual gifts or expansion of the ones that we already acknowledge and use for the greater good.

I suggest doing a clearing of the conscious and unconscious meditation. You can find some wonderful healing meditations on “YouTube” and ask for help and guidance as you start releasing those things that hold no value to whom you have become.

I dedicate the MerlinScopes to Brother Lawrence who passed this month after a long illness. We held different political views but we both loved sound healing and all things connected with energy healing. He loved the Scopes and if I ever forgot anything in his sign he would let me know.

RIP Brother Lawrence.


Enjoy the November Scopes.

  Merlin Scopes for November 2017

Aries…   Overview for November 2017
Let yourself be guided by the wisdom of knowing you get back, what you put out. What you get back may not appear to be the same thing you offer others, but know it will be beneficial in the end. Other people may not be capable of giving back, but the universe recognizes your effort, and you will be rewarded in other ways.

Take extra good care of yourself this month. If your body or mind becomes overloaded, you might lose sight of the important goals that are in reach.
Give yourself a break from people and activities that tax your energy. I am not suggesting you back away from giving and receiving love; love will help build your foundation of support. I am saying it is a good idea to look at your life with discretion and sort out which opportunities serve you best. It will be better for all concerned.

Your Light Being
Saint Anthony has stepped forward to assist you this month. If you find yourself at a loss; this could be any number of things including loss of courage, sobriety, faith, or independence.  If so, he asks you to call on him for support.

Your Animal Guide
A cute baby Donkey has stepped up. He is a bundle of love. He reminds you that although you are dedicated to service for others; don’t take on more than you can handle. He will help you find clarity and tenacity.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Garnet will help you harmonize your passions.
Taurus…   Overview for November 2017
Have you been spending a little bit too much time in your head lately? It seems like you have been chewing on the same issue for a while. It could be business or a personal relationship. With you, there is a fine line between business and personal.

There might be someone from your past popping into your energetic field. Take a look at that relationship; search your soul and ask why you would entertain the possibility of reconnecting. Don’t be fooled by a sad story or flattered by compliments. Maybe you want to reconnect just to have the opportunity to say “I told you so!” It might feel good in the moment, but it may not be worth it in the long run.

Get out of your head venture out and enjoy the company of others. They may be able to support you by revealing answers to some of the questions you have been spinning around in your head. It could be a flat out in your face answer or a moment of clarity and inspiration.

I have a little note about Soulmates. A Soulmate can be anyone in your life. A mate, a friend, a child, or even a pet. You don’t always walk off hand in hand into the sunset. They are here to teach you, and in some cases ground you into reality with love. But in some cases, soul mate relationships can present exasperating challenges.

Your Light Being
Edgar Cayce is offering support and wisdom. You may want to delve into the Akashic records. If you need assistance with this, ask him to help guide you to the right person or book.

Your Animal Guide
A Dove has come forward to offer support and gentle persuasion. Love yourself first and then share this love with others That way you will be able to offer it freely and without feeling taken advantage of.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Ruby Aura will cleanse your base chakra and heal old issues of abuse and fear of poverty.

Gemini…   Overview for November 2017
The Fool is my favorite card in the tarot deck. He is walking off a cliff without a care in the world. You are standing on the edge and gathering the courage to take that step into the unknown. Trusting the Universe to catch you can be hard sometimes, but I think this is what’s happening and it is a pivotal time for you. Exciting and a bit scary.

Born under the influence of Mercury can be a challenge when offered unsecured opportunities and this may be a bit out of your comfort zone. I am sure you will have a lot of mind chatter, but it is time to go with your intuition and your heart. Stay in the moment and don’t get ahead of yourself.

Be open and receptive to intuitive messages and signs from your angels and guides. It is kind of like following bread crumbs through a forest, leading you on a path to finding something new and exciting. You have to pay attention as the clues will show up quickly and disappear as fast as they came. Like little blue birds eating them up.

If you are looking for a new relationship, this could be a good time to let down your guard and allow someone to look behind the veil. Just be yourself. Love who you are in this moment. If not a relationship, it could be a new group of friends or career opportunity will accept you with all of your beautiful, perfect imperfections. In fact, this might be what they are looking for. Be bold!

Your Light Being
Lady Nada is stepping forward to support you. She will help you get control over your emotions and productively channel them. She is showing me a vision of Marilyn Monroe and how she could have been so much happier if she could have expressed who she truly was rather than how others wanted to see her.

Your Animal Guide
A tiny Sparrow has offerings for you this month. Be the song in your heart. No one can take that from you. Be the source of your own happiness knowing others can disappoint you, but they can’t take away your contentment or peace of mind.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Moonstone will calm your emotions and connect you to your higher self.

Cancer…   Overview for November 2017
You might find yourself in a position where the truth is undeniable. You can’t live in the glow of past accomplishments anymore. It is time to take some decisive action. The foundation of what you built in some areas needs new support or rebuilding.

Now is the time to make decisions that will be a game changer; this is not a time to sit comfortably in the background. Lead by example with positive reinforcement and passion.

Some of your foundations may have been built on liaisons that didn’t have your best interests at heart or who no longer share your core values. You know who I’m referring to; those folks who stick around when things are going well but jump ship when obstacles appear. It’s is all well and good. You will come out of this stronger and better than ever!

The responsibility and choice is yours. Consider all things involved and choose the changes that you need to make.

Let your heart lead you in the right direction. Expect magical opportunities to open up once you have made your choice.

Your Light Being
Metatron is stepping in to offer his strength. Take a step forward and know that spirit supports you in your quest for stability and service.

Your Animal Guide
A Peacock has stepped forward in all of his beautiful glory!  Protection and awakening!

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chrysocolla will dispell negativity and offer calm and inner strength.

 Leo…   Overview for November 2017
You have an opportunity to see the world from another’s perspective. What you think of as totally bizarre may be the norm for someone else. Try not to judge or be reactive. Objectivity will be a key word for you this month. Also, remember not to take anything personally. You have a tender heart and sometimes get your feelings hurt by the words and actions of others. Know it isn’t always about you.

Sometimes there are things or relationships you desire deeply. When the object of your desire is out of reach or your affection is not reciprocated, remember chances are you are being protected and prepared for something better.

Some people bring out your competitive nature; especially when it comes to material things. Know that things like social status, who you know, and material possessions and acquisitions don’t necessarily lead to happiness. If you find yourself getting ready to take the bait; realign yourself back into your heart and step into your thoughts of gratitude for what you have now. You will find peace in seeing the person you have become.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain is working with you this month. He will help transmute any negative thoughts or experiences from the past and present that may affect your self-esteem or feeling like you are not enough. You are more than enough sweet lion or lioness.

Your Animal Guide
A yellow Bengal Tiger is coming forward to assist you in becoming more observant and to protect you from being affected by the ambition of others.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Red Garnet will work with your heart energy.

 Virgo…   Overview for November 2017
It seems like the universe is going to give you a break after all of the stress and chaotic energy of the past few months.There is a lesson to be learned from your past and the choices you have made. Perhaps something or someone has re-appeared with the same old patterns. The good news is that you have the opportunity to recognize and break out of the cycle that has haunted you for years.

You are usually the one “doing” and your message this month is to allow the Divine Feminine to nourish you. Let someone else sit in the driver’s seat for a change. You may have had issues with receiving in your life. Let's call it what it is; control and not trusting those around you to meet your needs.

Perhaps you were left on your own or denied the support that allowed you to feel safe in a big world. You desperately want to experience the flow of support and goodness of the universe, but at the same time, you push it away by sending out the message that you can do it all yourself.

You have the opportunity to shift your perception and be on the receiving end. I am not telling you to shirk your responsibilities and do nothing, but perhaps, delay your “I can do it all” reflex.
You will be able to feel more comfortable with who you are and know that you deserve all good things!

Your Light Being
Archangel Chamuel is available to help you become an open vessel to receive love and compassion.

Your Animal Guide
Queen Bee is offering her help in learning how to receive all the honey that you need. Know it is being delivered to you with grace and ease.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Jasper will align your Yin and Yang and balance your polarity.

 Libra…   Overview for November 2017
You will find peace and wisdom in turning inward this month. There may be some tough decisions concerning what is important, and understanding what lengths you will go to, in order to get what you want. You will find the answers within.

Sometimes looking outside instead of to your Higher Self will only leave you with anxiety and indecision which might lead to impulsive actions. If you spend your time comparing yourself to others or trying to be who you aren’t, you will find yourself spinning your wheels and getting nowhere. Be your wonderful self!

Perhaps you would do better to look at the overall picture and see what is truly working, and what needs to be eliminated or put on hold for now. If you let go of the things that aren’t fruitful, something else that is better suited will come in and take its place.

Avoid overreacting or lashing out when you feel threatened. You might not even realize you are feeling threatened until the words come out of your mouth. Use a ten-second delay before responding; and chose your words carefully or you may find yourself regretting what you have said. Once it has been said, it might be difficult to repair the damage. You know how powerful words are. It is like throwing a stone in a pond and watching the ripples.

Your Light Being
The Lady of The Light is working with you this month to remind you of your divine nature.

Your Animal Guide
Llama will bring you strength, protection, and adaptability.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Moonstone will help bring new opportunities and intuition.

 Scorpio…   Overview for November 2017
They say history repeats itself, but being aware of this possibility allows you to break yourself free from the bondage of the past. Perhaps your ego might be pulling you into the old drama that doesn’t support you in your quest for what you want to achieve. It doesn’t have to be that way. Don’t allow yourself to fall into the victim role; This is past conditioning, and you can choose to allow this to sabotage your progress or shake it off and move forward with a new attitude. You don’t need to sacrifice your highest good by making a point to others.
Perhaps moving forward is bringing up old fears and thoughts of not being good enough, or worthy. You can claim your prize by being completely honest with yourself and choosing to see the past in a different light. You might discover these were only lessons that helped shape you into the powerful person you are now.

It is time, to be honest with everything in your life and take responsibility by owning up to being a party in some of your unpleasant outcomes. We are all guilty of this and can learn from our mistakes.

It doesn’t always have to be about someone else. Sometimes we think this keeps us safe from taking the responsibility for our success or failures. Success can be a double-edged sword, but don’t let fear hold you back from becoming even more amazing!

Your Light Being
Archangel Michael is ready to cut away anything that is not in your highest good.

Your Animal Guide
Crow is coming forward to align with you this month. Look forward to mystery, intuition and practical magic.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Herkimer Diamond will help you tune into your psychic abilities and open your channel for divine messages.

Sagittarius…   Overview for November 2017
Your intuition is spot on this month.  You know what you know; because you know it! Trust the messages you are getting and follow your heart. Someone or something may come into your world who has a profound effect on your life and how you communicate with others.

Perhaps you are feeling more connected to the oneness of humanity and the planet, and you might feel this way about many people. You are receiving a gift from the Divine, and you are being guided to explore this gift with great integrity and love.

I see a shift in your perspective. I see you diving deep into your core values and standing firmly on a pillar of honesty and revealing yourself to the world without holding back.

Some of you might have difficulty if you are employed by companies who don’t share your goals and perception of truth. This might also be said for family and social relationships. You may be more vocal about your feelings and idealistic thoughts. Gentle persuasion may be your best approach. Not everyone will be on board, but this is an opportunity to attract those who are in sync with your vibration.
There may be a desire to start re-building your core with a strong sense of clarity and purpose. You don’t have to change the world by only surrounding yourself with people who have the same values as you do, but it helps to have that inner core of those who share the same belief system built on truth and integrity.

Your Light Being
Sophia is also known as The Divine Spark is assisting you in recognizing the Divine spark within. I see her fanning the flame in your heart. I will leave it up to you to research Sophia and her relationship with the Divine.

Your Animal Guide
I see a big Owl with beautiful yellow eyes watching over you day and night. You are cherished and protected.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Pyrolusite will help in transforming energies and will strengthen your aura.

Capricorn…   Overview for November 2017
Your heart is guiding you in a direction that will open your path to great joy and at the same time, feeling the sorrow of the planet. It is a divine balancing act that comes with spiritual growth and expansion. You are developing compassion on a large scale as you prepare for an awakening.

I see the lotus evolving in your auric field and reaching out to humanity. Be kind and gentle with yourself. You may feel extra empathic and want to spend a little time by yourself or in nature.

Sometimes when we feel a loss, we reach out looking for a place of solace and healing, and the universe responds with the blinding truth that is overwhelming. You might feel like too much is being revealed and feel uncomfortable with the world in which you are living. The feelings will subside as all of the energies fall into place. This is not a time to make any rash decisions. Be still.

Know that you are being called to perform a great service that will be actualized when you are ready. Acts of kindness will help you go through this process.

Perhaps you have not gone through a physical loss but a loss of some sort is taking place in your consciousness to make room for greater truth and love.

Your Light Being
Kwan Yin is supporting and holding you close in this period of great transition. She explains that the aroma of flowers or essential oils may also help you in this process of unfoldment. She shows me a picture of the life cycle of flowers and tells me of the nature of the seasons of life.

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful Horse is offering you the great wisdom of the ages and will carry you to your higher destination, offering friendship and help you feel supported and protected.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Brecciated Jasper will help you feel grounded and bring positive support for your emotions.

Aquarius…   Overview for November 2017
Looking back and chewing on problems or mistakes that you have made in the past is not productive. Don’t waste time or energy on these things. You may have taken some risks or made plans that fell through. Forgive yourself and all concerned and release this energy in whatever way works best for you. It could be cutting cords, seeing a good healer, a counselor going to a gym to work it out of your system.

Trying to repeat the pattern with a twist, in hopes of a productive outcome is also not moving forward nor is it a creative answer. Sometimes you just have to let that go and realize perhaps the universe was giving you a big message that something is no longer appropriate for who you have become, and perhaps never was.

Avoid repeating the same mistakes. Have you ever met someone and felt like you were lovers or best friends in a past life, therefore, you must follow your instincts to bring this person into your fold, and it turned out to be a hot mess? Oh, I have been there!

You may be tempted with the same kind of opportunity this month. Sometimes the situation could well have been a past life connection or someone put in your path to teach you a lesson. Question all of these inclinations whether it is personal or business. Put any actions concerning them on hold and sit back and watch for a while.

Your Light Being
Metatron is in your field and holds all the records for you to access. Check in and ask for guidance. He has information that could benefit you.

Your Animal Guide
A cute little Rat showed up to assist you in being resourceful and reminds you of the natural wisdom you have acquired through trial and error.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
A Clear Crystal Quartz will connect you with your own healing abilities and bring clarity.

 Pisces…   Overview for November 2017
I see you on a ship in a stormy sea. You are a passenger and don’t seem to have control of anything and are forced to ride out the storm. I see that you can keep your balance with the confidence that “I’ve got this!”I have been here before. You are in a heavy mist and pirates are threatening to board your ship. I see you hidden in the mist so they can’t see you.

Be wary of anyone who is not what they seem. I also get the message to keep an eye on your valuables. Make sure your house is locked tight, and your wallet is in a safe place. It is always easier to be proactive rather than regretful afterward.
Phone calls also play an important part this month. Someone may call you who claims to hold the key to future advancement. Don’t be hasty in reacting. I hear the word research. You will be called on to make decisions; so learn all that you can before choosing.
Make sure you have set aside enough time for yourself as sleeping patterns are very important. Make sure you zip your aura tight before bed. I see some disturbances that could occur while you are sleeping because subconsciously you are still searching for answers to your daytime problems and there is an overlapping influence into your conscious mind.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain is offering assistance and crystalline energy for you this month. He is here to support and move objects that may be in your path.

Your Animal Guide
Chameleon is coming forward to help you blend in with the background so you can absorb information needed without being noticed
Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Opal Aura Quartz for purification, balance, and joy!

Merlin Scopes by Kay Week of April 1st 2024

Happy Spring It has been an exciting couple of years for me. Quite the rollercoaster!   I do the Merlin Scopes weekly on my website and ...