Happy 2018!
Happy New Year and Super Moon! There will be two Supermoons this month.One on January 1at and the second On January 31st which will be a full lunar eclipse. These will be the biggest full moons of the year so try to get out and enjoy them.
December was a challenging month for me and some others that I know. I had to get my furnace repaired, my washing machine broke, and I had other unusual expenses. The wonderful thing about this is that extra streams of income came in to pay for all of those things that would have usually put my Virgo mind in full worry mode.
The worry mode I am talking about came early in 2017, and when I would become upset about politics or those people who call and try to tell you that they work for Windows and say that you need to pay them to fix your computer. Any time I was in a stressful situation, even good stress when I would sing in front of would play out in a reaction from my body. I would start feeling a pain in my spine, right behind my heart and it would radiate through my heart and make me feel like I couldn’t breathe.
I believe that the help I needed started coming in when I finally decided that I wasn’t going to worry about it. I let it go. I got a great price on the furnace repair, a new washer arrives tomorrow, as well as other issues that came up, are now in my rearview mirror. I had to surrender to a Higher Power. The one that lives within my soul, that I am reclaiming. Learning to surrender and take back my power is a tricky thing to do but it is something that I will be mindful of. I can't really put it into words. I am a work in progress.
December was the breaking point with this, and I decided not to allow these things to affect my life in such a way. I will see a Doctor and check it out.I do believe in Eastern and Western medicine and know that it would be foolish not to look at both options. My hunch is that there is nothing physically wrong. I am going to stop giving my power away in 2018!
I believe that this will be that kind of year for many of us. Take our power back in whatever way is most meaningful to you.
I wanted to let you know that I will be able to accommodate personal private readings on Mondays at a beautiful space in Littleton Colorado. I will also continue doing my Merlin Meditation and Channeling groups in Denver and also Teleconference on www.12academy.com
I can schedule appointments with you, but If you need a quick reading, you can find me on www.12listen.com The prices can be flexible if you contact me ahead.
kdragon@ comcast.net
Here are the MerlinScopes for January 2018! Enjoy!
Merlin Scopes for January 2018
Aries… Overview for January 2018
Think twice before you make your judgments and opinions public. Confrontive behaviors could have a backlash that might not turn out as you expected. Even if you know you are right in your heart of hearts, hold off and see how certain situations unfold. Rather than an “I told you so” you can offer a soft place to land.
Pay close attention to your blood pressure and the connection between tension and body functioning. Expand your lungs when you breathe in and extend your breath when breathing out. Clearing your energy through breath work is very effective for you and it will help release toxins.
There may be an offering or opportunity for something that looks interesting, but it would mean investing yourself financially, or perhaps your reputation and integrity. There could be questions raised if the results are not as good as promised.
Take your time and go with your intuition in risky situations. Try to identify ego based intentions from those that genuinely wish to serve the world.
Your Light Being
A powerful, Collective Consciousness pulled me through my crown chakra and into the Central Sun. Go into this Collective Light Consciousness by focusing your inner eye through your crown and into the Central Sun to receive direction, information, and healing. Here you will find answers to the difficult questions.
Your Animal Guide
A big Brown Bear is offering to guide you. He is moving slowly and dealing with one thing at a time. Just deal with the basics and live in the moment. Rest and recuperation are important. Quietly and calmly gather your courage.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Sodalite will help you balance your intellect with your intuition. Hold it during meditation or wear it close to your skin.
Taurus… Overview for January 2018
Something may feel off. There may be a feeling of deception. You might be picking this feeling up from someone around you. It may not even be yours, but you are so perceptive this month that it is hard to tell the difference. Are you deceiving yourself concerning a relationship or a long-held belief?
You find yourself unwilling to accept half-truths or unrealistic ideas and explanations. You're in, or you're out; black or white and no room for a gray area or in anything in between. It is about time!
Honor feelings that you have about your independence. You are a great team player, but even team players need boundaries. On a personal note, you might want to explore close or intimate relationships that have not served you well in the past. Trying the same thing over and over and expecting different results isn’t healthy or productive. You may be expecting them to be coming from a higher vibration and only seeing possibilities rather than the present truth. Is there a part of you that believes you don’t deserve greater love or prosperity?
Be open to making some changes in what you are wishing for and what is tangible.
It is time to ask your Higher Self, Guides, and Angels for assistance. I see you on the cusp of making some magnificent strides; you may say this is like pulling yourself through the eye of the needle. Jesus taught that all things are possible through God. Look for ways of tweaking or shifting your vibration so you can complete the transformation into becoming what you desire to manifest.
Your Light Being
I see a beautiful Light Being. She tells me her name is Sorcha. I had to look her up because I am not familiar with her. In Gaelic, her name means “Light” “Brightness.” She is handing you a beautiful large egg that is jeweled. It looks like a giant Faberge Egg. Upon opening it, I see a baby dragon is inside, and it's looking to you for nurturing and guidance as it becomes familiar with the world. Great responsibility and purpose come with this new found powerful life. Know that you are being offered a powerful opportunity or gift. It is a double-edged sword. Handle with care!
Your Animal Guide
A Praying Mantis came forward, and I see it walking across your knuckles. They can bring you good luck as well as concentration and stillness that will allow you to observe what is going on without being seen.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Onyx will promote strength in stressful times. It also holds memories and experiences that can be useful in healing.
Gemini… Overview for January 2018
The best way I can explain what I am seeing is that you have the opportunity to experience a feeling of Zen. You can feel at home in your body and not feel pressured to chase the next rainbow, romance or success story. Magic happens when you lean into this type of energy and thought. It is like sinking into a warm, relaxing, fragrant bath. Take full advantage of these moments, enjoy and use this inner knowing to build your foundation for future.
There is a part of you that knows that there will be some changes in your life and in the lives of those who are important to you. Times like this can have you or others in your life running for cover or in different directions.
Ultimately, odd as it may sound, this crazy chaos will create order and some changes that are overdue. There is a clarity that comes after the resistance and the storm clears.
Some of these changes, the divisions, the letting go of people and situations may be permanent. Some may be temporary, but there is a purpose in this movement. When you start feeling empty and alone, remember the Zen moments and drink from the well of peace and poetic oneness. It is like a weight taken off your back.
You will be able to pull yourself, and your surviving relationships back together in a healthier more productive way. You might even find yourself enjoying your own company a bit more than before. You are doing some soul work on very deep levels. For those of you who are writers, artists or creators of any sort; you will benefit from this work.
Your Light Being
Chief White Eagle will help you walk the Red Road. In the evening when all is quiet, listen to the drums beating in the rhythm of the Sacred Heart of Mother Earth and that of Mary. Many hearts beating as one are very powerful!
Your Animal Guide
Eagle is offering assistance and new eyes in which to see your self and others. He will help you recognize the small details that hold real value.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Howlite will help calm your busy mind.
Cancer… Overview for January 2018
You start your New Year focusing on health issues. Perhaps you have been feeling a little under the weather or concerned about how many Holiday treats you indulged in December. You can chalk that up to the desire to be grounded. Food is a powerful way to ground, but now it is time to find more effective ways of grounding your mental, physical and emotional energy. Going for walks, exercising, experiencing the beauty of nature, spending time with pets and socializing with others are good ways to connect with Mother Earth.
Don’t focus on the past or spend too much energy living in the future. Remove the phrase “I will be happy when this or that happens.” Stay here, in the now, and be conscious of putting one foot in front of the other and focus on what you are doing right now. This is how you will achieve your goals.
Sometimes you tend to live in your head more than you should. The results of this can be messy and be consuming if you spend too much time there. You might find yourself caught up in scenarios involving other people from your past or reliving the situations and expecting the same behaviors from the people you have relationships with now. You might be questioning loyalty and allegiances. The most important thing here is being loyal to yourself. When you do this, all the right people will be with you. Let go and release negative energy or old injuries. They don’t serve you and will only slow your progress.
Your Light Being
Jesus has stepped forward to assist you in forgiveness and to build a new future.
Your Animal Guide
You have what you need. Go deep inside yourself to find your gifts of the spirit. There are some that need help in coming to the surface. It is like giving birth to the hidden part of your inner child.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Shattuckite will help unblock your metaphysical gifts by aligning your throat and third eye chakras, especially if blocks are due to past life experiences.
Leo… Overview for January 2018
Recognize the magic in the air! It is all around you. You might not always recognize the synchronicities in life, but they are there. I see you deep in thought and working hard at attaining all of the good things in life which is a wonderful goal. Most of us are here, in these bodies to experience the joy that is available to us on this Earth and to hold on to the remembrance of Divine Spark from where we came.
You may be working on something that will help you and others. Your degree of success is measured by the Universal Law of Abundance. Whatever you put out in thought, word or deed will come back to you.
Perhaps someone in your life might poke fun at you for something you deeply believe in, or something that you are trying to create in the world. Some people don’t understand the balance, but you have learned through trial and error.
Don’t allow anyone to shake your tree. Don’t waste time trying to convince someone of things they are not ready to understand. Put your sensitive ego aside and recognize the magical gifts that are working for you and others in this life.
Your Light Being
Merlin is working in your life this month. Call on him often and don’t be shy about asking him for favors.
Your Animal Guide
An Ant stepped forward to offer assistance this month. Keep in mind the strength of Ant energy. Hard work and knowing is the key to your success.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Amethyst will protect you from negative energy, calm your thoughts, and help you make good decisions.
Virgo… Overview for January 2018
Remember every day is an opportunity for a new beginning. Every day you awaken to a clean slate. During this period you are not so much the teacher as you are the student. You might need to take a moment to reset your mind and allow yourself to empty your vessel of all the things you have collected and learned in the past so you can make the most of this experience.
Gratitude will raise your vibration. In doing this, you allow new information into your life and opportunities to alter your attitude and open yourself to new reasons to be joyful. It is about expansion, and there is no room for judgment or ego.
You might want to look for classes and experiences to increase your eligibility to expand your overall way of seeing the world. Career and professional goals seem to also be in line with this desire for intellectual and spiritual expansion.
For those of you who have stayed in the background, this could mean taking a step forward. Fear of failure may have held you back in the past, but it is in failure that we learn our greatest lessons and find the missing pieces, or make the changes that become the solutions.
Your Light Being
Metatron will support you in surrendering your will to God. He will not let you feel like you are left to twist in the wind. Ask for help.
Your Animal Guide
Dragons are coming forward to protect and supply you with the inspiration, insight, magical tools and wisdom to last all year long.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Celestite will assist in spiritual teachings.
Libra… Overview for January 2018
The scales are only a little off center; and, odd as this statement may seem, being a little off center is good for you. It drives you to seek balance and supports you in your quest for making your life and the lives of others more balanced. You may find yourself attracted to herbal remedies this month that take you into some interesting research due to a situation that has affected you personally, a family member, or a beloved pet.
Support comes from unlikely places, perhaps out of the blue. You desire a little alone time after the holidays. A hot bath of Epsom salts and lavender will do nicely. Release, relax and make yourself ready for the coming barrage of requests for your time and expertise.
I see the shape of spirit visitors near your auric field who are here to support you as guides, Master teachers, Saints and in some cases those who have passed on who wish to give you messages and support. You are a light in a dark place to some. Know this is one of your gifts from spirit. Don’t allow this attraction to make you feel uncomfortable. It is a compliment of the highest order.
Your Light Being
Kwan Yin, the mother of compassion, is offering her gift of unconditional love. Call on her before meditation or whenever you need support
Your Animal Guide
I see a Tiger cub coming closer to offer you independence and compassion for yourself in a playful way.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Beryl will help you decompress when you are feeling stressed.
Scorpio… Overview for January 2018
Do not worry about having enough motivation to complete the things you wish to accomplish in the coming year. Perhaps a big weight has been lifted. I see a vision of you with a yoke on your shoulder, and you have been pulling a heavily loaded wagon filled with burdens, regrets and old fabrics that no longer seem important enough for you to drag into the next year. You suddenly stand up and simply drop the yoke, amazed at how easy it was to set yourself free. It is all about timing and it is your time to feel lighter and have more clarity in your life. Get rid of the baggage and let go of things you don’t need.
You may even find that some of the physical aches and pains have eased up and perhaps you have found better ways to deal with them. Fresh air and movement are important in a healing process as well as surrounding yourself with positive influences and music.
Listening to others when they are not aware Is one of your great gifts. Use it and don’t doubt yourself. It isn’t always bad news that comes into your awareness but also some good practical wisdom that can help you. Expect some positive feedback about yourself.
Your Light Being
Saint Francis of Assisi is offering clerical assistance. I don’t know why he has chosen the word clerical, but I guess this is your message and you can see how it fits. By definition, this is everyday office duties or clerical such as becoming a Pastor of a church and the duties required. Holy or Divine.
Your Animal Guide
A Red Tailed Hawk has come to give you awareness of a Higher Purpose. To help you see things from a higher perspective.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Obsidian will bring negative emotions to the surface so use this carefully. Be prepared!
Sagittarius… Overview for January 2018
Expect things to become easier. I see a vision of you pushing a huge rock up a hill all by yourself; you have finally reached the top and let it roll down the other side of the hill. You brush off your hands and shake them in the air indicating you have completed this task.
Sometimes you are loyal to a fault. Don’t be fooled by those who promise to have your back, and as soon as you need to lean on someone, the hand that you thought was going to be there, magically disappears. You have seen this magic act before, and it may be time for you to show some loyalty for yourself. I am not insinuating that there is deception in those around you, but perhaps, you are deceiving yourself by not taking the responsibility for having your own back.
Go into your personal experiences of the past and examine similar circumstances. There is something there for you to learn and use as the foundation for the possibilities in your future.
You can also prepare yourself for a celebration. You will surpass a milestone! Enjoy!
Your Light Being
Merlin will be at your beck and call this month. He wants to help you complete a cycle so you may live in a higher vibration that brings greater clarity to your gifts. Ask him!
Your Animal Guide
A big strong Mule has stepped forward to help you in your passage into this higher vibration. He is strong and offers to carry your burdens to make life a bit easier for you. Let him! Learn to receive!
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Gold Calcite will help you attune to a higher realm in meditation.
Capricorn… Overview for January 2018
I guess with Saturn in Capricorn I don’t need to tell you to expect more structure in your life. I know that some of you will welcome this as it helps make sense of some things.
You might find you need to be a bit more diplomatic and less authoritarian when dealing with others or you might find people running from you. You may be experiencing some difficulty in finding your footing right now and sometimes trying to control others is your outlet for this energy.
You can use this time to organize yourself by working with your health and acknowledging your need for nature. Nature helps you get out of your head and into your body. Find some inventive ways to relax. Listen to music, watch a movie or walk in the park or close to trees. In fact, trees are the perfect place to focus your restless energy right now. Trees are good listeners.
There is a lot of male energy around you right now, and it might be wise to remember it isn’t a good idea to poke the bear. Attempts at persuasion and too much conversation may create more drama. Make sure your words are well thought out and in order. There is tension in the air.
Your Light Being
Mother Mary is appearing wearing her beautiful crown. She brings love and special gifts of temperance and peace for your soul and spirit. The love emanating from her is so powerful that I can hardly focus. The love is for you.
Your Animal Guide
A little Sparrow has come forward for you. She has a sweet voice and leans close to your ear to tell you a secret. Bring her into your meditation or prayer.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Angelite will bring awareness and communication with ange
Aquarius… Overview for January 2018
There are people and situations in the world that you don’t agree with; some of these things might make you downright angry. Pick your battles and only fight the ones you have a good chance of winning. Otherwise, this will be energy lost or used inappropriately. Don’t force anything. Just be yourself, and trust that whatever injustice or imbalance needs to be corrected, will be done at the appropriate time.
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Walk softly and carry a big stick!” Use a strategy of diplomacy but also don’t be afraid to show your strength whether it is your wit, talent, intelligence or experience. No need to brag or get in peoples faces. Just be yourself.
Be kind to yourself and avoid dragging yourself into other peoples dramas. Find what feeds your soul and rejuvenate your body and spirit. The Divine has so many more plans for you this year. You are like a butterfly emerging from a cocoon. Tap into your inner strength and feed the positive.
Your Light Being
Saint Germain will help you step into new expressions of oneness and initiate the clearing of old soul contracts and programming.
Your Animal Guide
The whale is a record keeper of all time. He will help you tune into your inner ability to tap into the wisdom of the ages and your ancestry.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Azeztulite is very pure and will raise your vibration to a much higher level. Judy Hall suggests using Ametrine and Aquamarine to dissolve old patterns before using this stone.
Pisces… Overview for January 2018
Change is necessary to bring about the results you have worked so hard to achieve. Creating new environments for making advances in your personal or professional life will bring good results. It is time to get out and become part of a group especially when it comes to socializing. Perhaps something has been holding you back in the past, and now you are allowed the freedom you crave. You may have an opportunity to travel.
A shift may have occurred between December 25th and the first of January. I have a vision of you unzipping and stepping out of an old energetic suit and finding freedom and acceptance in who you are. Returning to your old routine may not be as simple as it seems. A new energy is making you restless, and you may desire to create or make something new.
It is always important to have a small group who you can be yourself with and feel safe in airing your concerns and experiences. These are also the same folks who will tell you what they think in all honesty, as a way to help you make the changes that will bring more joy into your life. There is safety in the pack. Seek out these people and make a point of arranging some quality time with them.
Your Light Being
Mother Mary has stepped forward to offer you a place in her sacred heart. She asks you to focus your inner vision towards her heart and see yourself emerging from your awareness and step into her heart. What a beautiful meditative experience! I am hearing what sounds like a drumming and she tells me it is the sound vibration of the universal heartbeat that nourishes and supports all of the Universe. I am seriously getting high from this meeting. There will be an initiation here for you.
Your Animal Guide
A Wolf has stepped forward to assist you He is letting out a huge howl and calling in the rest of his pack. Surround yourself with those you love and trust. Everyone in the pack has a job or function. He will help you find yours.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Smokey Quartz will help you create a grounding cord between your base chakra and the Earth.