Merin Chronicles by Kay For August 2018
It has been a wild ride! I was fortunate enough to take two classes from Internationally renowned Medium Tony Stockwell last month. It has changed my relationship with Spirit and with my readings.
I also went in a different direction with the company that I work for. I left and went to another service for about two weeks, and now I am back at 12listen.
One thing that I learned from Tony’s class and working at the other company was the ability to shift my consciousness to different levels to different levels depending on the activity and the person I am reading.
I will try to explain this the best way I can. When I channel Ascended Masters, I go very deeply within, and my focus is on a very High vibratory consciousness.
I did a channeled Teleconference on Monday and while the vibration of the Masters remains high. One or two family members who have passed over were allowed to come in and give messages through this channel. I am excited to see how this is going to evolve and what it looks like.
The process of the types of Readings that I usually give has also shifted a bit. I learned to focus my attention on how deep of a connection I could make when attuning to another's energy field during a session. Some folks are not quite ready for deeper states, but they are still looking for assistance.
So I am happy to be back at I have the opportunity to do teleconference classes on, offer Time-Based Sessions at a flexible rate and do radio on www.12radio on Elizabeth Lindsays show the last Wednesday of every month!
You can contact me at or
Enjoy the Merlin Scopes for August !
Aries Overview for August 2018
Make the most out of this month by remaining open and receptive to the Divine mind. Doing this will assist you with being in the right place at the right time. Don’t think for a minute that this is just luck. It takes mindfulness to align yourself with this Divine link to higher consciousness.
Make assessments at the end of the day and try to write in a journal about how you feel and how situations and people play a part in your connection with your higher self.
Keeping yourself in a mindset of joy and laughter is key to your success in making the world a better place. Sometimes you tend to be too serious or controlling. Sometimes the less said is better when you use the right verbiage. Think about how powerful the sentence “I love you” is. By doing this, you create and attract a higher vibration that will attract magical things into your life.
Your Light Being
A group of Ascended Masters has stepped forward who identify themselves as the Lords of Karma. They hold a scroll that contains cosmic downloads and keys to higher consciousness for everyone born under your sign. You can accept this gift with gratitude or choose to pass on it at this time. The choice is always yours. And there will be other auspicious times to accept this gift.
Your Animal Guide
A White Rhinoceros is stepping forward to assist you in this powerful time of connecting with the energies of the Divine and Ancient Spiritual Beings. Meditate and follow your higher consciousness and be open to a new truth in your daily life.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Blue Fluorite will assist you in connecting with Spirit.
Taurus Overview for August 2018
Keep cleaning house on all levels. Your vibration is lifting, and you need to make room in your life for bigger and bolder activities and relationships. Remember to take an inventory of your repetitive thoughts. Let go of the negative” what if’s” and negative worries about the future. The Universe is listening, and a new message will bring new results. Along with the clearing clutter, you might feel like bringing new colors into the fabric of your life, physically and spiritually.
Business-related struggles may be concluding the end of August leaving only end trails into the first part of September. You might be in a good frame of mind to start planning for the Fall.
I know! I am always telling you to stay in the present time, but your talent for multitasking may be in hyperdrive and seem like a superpower during this period. Be mindful and remain in balance. Keep your feet in both worlds.
If possible, plan a little weekend getaway to relax and rejuvenate. Be receptive to delegating and accepting help from others.
Spirit is talking about making time to get in touch with your primary five senses and physical needs. Either you haven’t given your physical being the attention it needs, or perhaps you have overloaded it and are in need of a change or maybe a reset. Rest, healthy foods, fun and time with Mother Earth is a beautiful way to reset.
Your Light Being
Lady Liberty is coming forward to lend you her courage to free yourself from situations that no longer serve you. Call on her for assistance.
Your Animal Guide
An Eagle is offering to share wisdom with you concerning the ability to see your life situation from a higher level. Do not compare yourself or dim your light for those who don’t share your vision.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Larimar is a powerful stone that will help open the doors to higher levels of consciousness.
Gemini Overview for August 2018
You might be subject to mental overload. Turn your mind off and give it a break. You might be laying in bed at night chewing on the same conversation, problem or possible solution over and over. Turn off your mind in a gentle, loving way that works best for you. Try soft music, a massage, or soaking in salt water. Sometimes your favorite movie can help you let go.
I strongly suggest this for those of you who are empaths, participate in metaphysical activities, energy healing, and psychic and intuitive work. I think everyone reading this message fits this description.
Maybe you don’t even think you have been working that hard, but it is essential to recognize the state of the world and your empathic nature. You are like a sponge and the energy you absorb changes to different degrees at times. Go to the ocean, horseback riding, gardening, hiking, swimming and anything that will help you ground and focus in the here and now.
Have you been experiencing some ghosts from the past? Maybe not real ghosts but situations and relationships that you thought were dead and gone. See what you need to put these situations behind you and move into the present time. Some of these situations played out their season in your life, and it’s best not to entertain them again.
Your Light Being
Ascended Master Melchizedek is showing me a vision of you looking out a window and using your sleeve to clean off the glass to get a better look. There is a new window of clarity that helps you see the world with a new perspective.
Your Animal Guide
A Pegasus has just landed close to you to offer you a mystical journey that allows you to leave your worldly concerns behind for a time. Enjoy and notice that he is not wearing a bridle, so you have to let him carry you on this journey with absolute trust and faith.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Howlite will calm you and help you sleep.
Cancer Overview for August 2018
There is a message about handling money this month. It could be yours or someone else’s money or property. The message that I hear for you, is to wait until all of the dust settles before investing in anything, especially if it is in real estate. There is more that needs to be acknowledged. You do not see the big picture yet.
There may be a huge lesson in relationships. The people closest to us are our greatest teachers. Someone may act entirely out of character and leave you wondering why you didn’t see it coming. Don’t let this affect your ability and willingness to love and support others. The bottom line is that people are going to do what they do and you can’t take their actions to heart. Learn from this but don’t take it personally.
Focus your time and energy on basic needs. Do some basic clean up and taking care of things around the house. Sometimes doing this can bring about the most brilliant revelations as you put your body to work and give your mind a rest.
Your Light Being
Master Kuthumi is available to assist you in purification. He speaks about water as an agent of clearing not only your physical body but also the etheric body. Be conscious and mindful of the power in which you consume and utilize water. It is a gift from Mother Earth that is sometimes taken for granted.
Your Animal Guide
A beautiful Stork has stepped forward to help you usher in something new and different. Spend some quality time at home or with the family who needs your support. Take baby steps in entering a new phase or relationship.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Apache Tears will help absorb negativity and protect the integrity of your aura.
Leo Overview for August 2018
Make sure you complete projects you have started. The theme for this month is completion. You may need to look within and see what feelings you may be harboring and allow those relationships to set sail.
Consider your feelings about “having enough” and poverty consciousness. There may be some things in your subconscious holding you back. I would suggest getting onto a sacred space and asking your higher self to show you any old paradigms that need to come to the surface so you can recognize and release them. Use your inner vision to dissolve them with your magical spirit light wand or your real Harry Potter wand if you have one. I know at least one Leo that has one!
Keep your energy and emotions clean by not getting involved in other people’s drama. Take two steps back and let them have their karmic dance; otherwise, your good intentions may be misconstrued and you will become the person of interest with unnecessary finger-pointing. You have enough on your agenda. Don’t be lured in no matter how much you are tempted to add your opinion or energy.
You might feel a rush to prepare for the Fall season and exploring the emergence of possible opportunities. Perhaps a creative project will catch your fancy.
Your Light Being
Goddess Kali will help you prepare for transformational energies by clearing a path that will allow you to let go of anything that may be creating a block or that has outlived its purpose on your path. It feels karmic.
Your Animal Guide
Owl has offered to work with you this month. He will sort out any deception. Pay close attention to your environment. Owl will bring signs and messages.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Pyrolusite is transformative and will help you heal your energetic field.
You honestly do have all that you need. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are not in a race. You can’t measure any degree of happiness on any scale except the one that you feel at the end of the day. Did you do your best? You can’t expect your success to look like someone else’s. You are walking a different path. Be who you are, not who you are not.
You will be under the influence of six planets moving retrograde in August. What a fabulous opportunity to be able to take a look back at those things that may influence your life and the lives of others. Retrogrades have a purpose; that is to allow us the gift of making some adjustments before we go forward again. Mercury retrograde usually increases my psychic abilities. Use this period to your advantage.
Let the Divine take the lead in supplying you with what you need. You have tried getting what you want in the past, and perhaps the timing was off, or the Universe has something unique in mind for you. Relax and know that you are a child of the Divine God/Goddess.
Your Light Being
Merlin is ever at your side and bringing your consciousness back to center, and a re-birth is initiated. Expect magical changes in how you perceive information.
Your Animal Guide
An Owl who tells me that her name is Lucy has the honor of protecting you this month. She says she is working the night shift. Call on her, especially before bed.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Larimar promotes peace and love in your life.
Libra Overview for August 2018
You are in a period of transformation. The Divine is offering you a time of preparation to move into a new level of being and growth. Perhaps you have been focusing on your career, spiritual growth, relationships or spiritual gifts. Count your blessings and recognize the rewards.
You can make the transformation much more manageable by looking back on some issues and tying up loose ends. Some relationships are in need of healing, and perhaps closure or completion.
Look at all of your relationships, personal, business, spiritual, and transpersonal including those that you share with your guides and teachers. On every level, we can conclude that everyone is a teacher for us in one way or another.
Allow forgiveness of self and others to release the small thoughts from our ego in the sacrifice of becoming someone more enlightened and better at all we wish to achieve. You may come to realize this is why you chose to incarnate into this world at this time
You are teetering on boundaries of the unknown, and it is your choice that will bring about change. There seem to be some changes in identity as far as who and what you aspire to share with the world.
Don’t rush into anything. Ask your guides and spiritual teachers for support and direction.
Your Light Being
Melchizadeck is preparing you for enhancement of your skills and spiritual growth. You may feel a bit emotional as he offers his assistance. Breathe deeply and allow yourself to receive.
Your Animal Guide
A giant grey wolf is coming forward to provide support in controlling and using your instincts effectively. Also rely on your pack, those who bring comfort and peace into your life.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Anhydrite will help you release the desire to be in the past.
Scorpio Overview for August 2018
You may be overlooking the value of something or someone who has great potential you haven’t seen. Perhaps you are looking in the direction of other things that seem to be the latest and greatest. Just because something is bright and shiny doesn’t mean it is precious or authentic.
I was watching a talk show the other day, and a fashion editor announced that the Millennial pink color of clothing is no longer fashionable and a model came out wearing a yellow skirt which made my eyes hurt. That color may be suitable for her but not for me. Not ever!
Don’t follow the crowd. Keep a hold of your integrity and know that you will attract that which is meant for you. Keep your vibration clean and intact, and you will draw the opportunities that are in harmony with your soul.
The month of August is a perfect time to look at your possibilities and recognize the talent and beauty that might be right in front of you yet gone unrecognized. Ask questions, do your research, and then take action when you can feel the connection is a good fit for you.
Your Light Being
Master Jesus is offering his loving service to you in all areas of life. Let your decisions be made from your heart and not your ego. The only things you can own are your attitude, intention, and free will.
Your Animal Guide
A Lemur has stepped forward to remind you not to overlook the gifts that others bring. They may have some useful traits that you don’t recognize at first glance.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Zincite is good for manifesting. It will remove blocks in your energy field.
Sagittarius Overview for August 2018
Accept and honor who you are. You may desire to make giant transformations in your life, Don’t jump right in without doing some research; consider making a plan.
Create something that you can gracefully absorb into your lifestyle and way of living. Perhaps these plans are not only for yourself but for your family or some group that you are working with or managing.
Changes are assimilated best when they gently become a way of life. For the best results, I recommend making changes in small increments.
Don’t forget about your connection with your Higher Self and the Divine. Don’t think that you do all these things by yourself. There is a higher power that is always accessible to you who lays in wait for you to call for assistance.
When you become disappointed in your performance, this is a clue that you are stuck in your ego and failing to look for answers from within your soul. Go deep and release the hurt and anxious feelings.
Your Light Being
Metatron will open your mind to higher states of consciousness and expand your access to higher learning and heal complicated feelings that have haunted you in the past. You are ready to step out of old patterns.
Your Animal Guide
A Mama Skunk and her babies have come forward to help you make light of your worries. Enjoy the season she says. Play and be in the spirit of oneness with the spiritual principle of Joy!
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Orbicular Jasper will give you patience and harmony.
Capricorn Overview for August 2018
There is magic at work! Your greatest asset at this time is to let go and allow the Universe to create something unusual. I know that you like to be in control and shape how everything is going to work out but you are being asked to step back and let the magic happen.
I see a vision of you gently watching Mother Spider who is actually from a different dimension. She is weaving a web of many colors of light. These are beautiful unworldly colors fashioned in the shape of a perfectly engineered etheric web.
The web is created to catch unseen gifts that she wants to bestow on you. In being a grateful receiver, it is your job to support and accept this gift in humility and love.
Go with the flow and don’t push against or try to manipulate anything. Take the offering and remind yourself to brush your ego to the side gently and allow yourself to be the child of God or Goddess. The child receives.
Your Light Being
The Moon Goddess, Bella Luna, shines gently down on your head and shoulders offering comfort and feminine qualities of the ancient wisdom. Be still, be silent, and receive.
Your Animal Guide
Mother Spider is joined by Brother Coyote. Expect the unexpected and learn to bend and adjust to changes rather than fighting. Take what is given to you, good or bad and make it something special. Is this a test? Maybe!
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Magnetite will help you ground and align your polarity.
Aquarius Overview for August 2018
You might feel like you are still caught up in the retrograde energy. I see you putting out fires and then going back again to repeat the same process. Sometimes this is the only way we learn. Repetition.
You may be thinking about educational pursuits to increase the knowledge you have or learning something new. Perhaps you are feeling a bit stale, or you aspire to take your work in a slightly new direction.
I am sure you have heard the saying, “the teacher will appear when the student is ready.” We are never too old to learn. Even if we are considered a master of a craft, there are always areas in which we can improve. Doing so will improve the quality of your life by keeping you engaged.
You are in a period of intuitive creativity. I hear whispers on the wind and in your dreams that wish to support you in planting seeds for an abundant harvest. Pay attention to your intuition and be willing to step out of the ordinary!
Your Light Being
Madame Curie is offering her service and one of her quotes. “Nothing in life is to be feared; it is only to be understood.”
Your Animal Guide
Flamingo is coming forward to remind you to be fearless in expressing who you are and what you aspire to bring into your world.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chrysanthemum Stone brings confidence, and if you wish to time travel in your meditations, this will facilitate. It will also help you in working well with others.
Pisces Overview for August 2018
Everyone recognizes your strength which is like armor, but they never see the cracks that come with the stress that you carry. You seem shy about showing your vulnerability and may fear it to be a weakness.
Perhaps your good nature, humility and willingness to help others can sometimes make you a target for those who are too wrapped up in themselves to see what a gem you are. You will go along with this to a point, but once someone has awaked the sleeping dragon there can be all hell to pay.
Letting loose is not always a bad thing; it is just the accumulation of years of keeping your feelings enclosed that can sometimes be a bit explosive and leave you feeling powerless or even worse, guilt-ridden.
Take a lot of deep breaths and find some healthy ways to blow off steam. Talk to someone, take time off and write. You long to express your feelings. With your gifts, you can do this with wit and honesty. Perhaps you could write this in a blog, a book or just a letter to the Universe.
Now on the bright side, I see you releasing and freeing yourself from this pressure and re-discovering a different kind of gratitude in knowing that you are loved and appreciated. Financially, things may be looking up for you during this time. I see friends and fun.
Your Light Being
Mother Mary is wrapping you in her loving arms for some well-deserved healing and love that looks like a beautiful threefold flame in your heart.
Your Animal Guide
A Walrus wants to be with you this month. Heal your relationships with your self and those around you, and you will also heal your relationship with abundance and with money.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Topaz will heal and align your meridians.