
Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Merlin Chronicles and Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020


  Merlin Chronicles and Scopes  by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

I know I have been running lat on the scopes as well as other thing. I have been feeling exhausted and looking forward to the end of the hot weather and election.

I have decided to only use FaceBook to post the Merlin Chronicles and other announcements. I think everyone has already made up their minds about who they will vote for, and I have had enough of the political ads as well as the QAnon nonsense. I will be staying off of social media for a while. I don't know how long. I want to thank everyone for the Birthday wishes. I spent the day with my daughters and the evening with my roommate Fred and my dog Gaia. I don't think I was good company as I kept falling asleep. Feeling tired close to my birthday has always been something that I experience, but this time it seemed a bit extreme.

I may start doing the scopes once a month as I have had a difficult time finding enough time to write them once a week. I don't have a vast audience so I may retire the scopes. We shall see what guidance I get on this.

Have a wonderful week!


Here are the Scopes

Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

Aries   Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

I have a vision of you playing an old-time movie projector. You are editing the film by cutting pieces of it out to your liking. Well, while this is all good and fine, you are being reminded of the necessary steps that it takes to give your project strength and structure. Skipping some steps because you are anxious won't give you the results that you desire.

Perhaps this is a project that you already have in motion or a manifestation of something you want. Remember the Universal laws of Abundance. When you give to the world, you will get it back in some form. Gratitude is key!

Taurus   Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

Ruminating over what you have lost will only attract more of the same. You can use these emotions more effectively by examining the whole picture. Perhaps you are being protected by the Divine or being directed toward a  different path that your soul needs. Lovingly accept and release these thoughts and situations. You will be able to re-adjust and create an alternative plan.

Gemini  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

Keep the faith! Believing in yourself is key to your success this week. Emotionally you may be feeling over the top. You are very empathic right now, so remember to shield yourself and set boundaries with social media.

Use your heightened intuition to your advantage. If you have kids, they will have a hard time pulling anything over on you.

Cancer  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

I see a vision of you wearing an old-time aviator hat and rose-colored goggles. Even more impressive than the color of the glasses is that they have little windshield wipers on each lense. A change in your focus this week could shift your energy in significant ways. Keep your eyes and thoughts on the road ahead of you right now and try to block out anything that could pull you away. 

Self-preservation requires seeing the world in a higher vibration. Avoid drama!

Leo  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

Simple pleasures will reward hard work. You are no stranger to giving your all, but you need a moment to breathe. Try to keep it simple. Doing something big or extravagant could deplete your energy even more.

Perhaps just relaxing or puttering around the house would be a better way to unwind. Cooking something that makes you feel nurtured and supported will be a reward in itself.

Virgo  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

I hear the Beatles song "Revolution" in my head. We know that change rarely comes without some revolution. You have been experiencing an inner revolution—a revolution of the soul.

The outer world has created a bond or a lifeline to your inner consciousness, and it is time to start making some boundaries and find your true self without the infiltration of the opinions of others. Due to your service-oriented nature, the collective consciousness influences your energy and thoughts, especially during sleep; you may have been feeling drained and had difficulty getting through your day to day activities.

Take back your power, Step back, perhaps even seclude a bit so you can regain your balance. Don't expect your world to go back to what it was before. You are forever changed.

Libra  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

Make sure that you leave no stone unturned when it comes to learning the facts. Achieve a balanced opinion by remaining the observer, and this will work in your favor right now.

Release any insecurities to the Divine and accept an opportunity of a more expansive role. Self-reflection will help you acknowledge that there is a bigger plan, and you are one of the players. 

Imagine yourself floating on top of the ocean, supported and kept afloat by the beautiful clear saltwater to gain a proper perspective of Universal support. Surrender and know that all is well.

Scorpio  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

The Scorpio Collective is telling me that over the next six weeks, you will undergo an interesting transformation. Your intuition is at its peak, but you may be experiencing something a bit different—highly empathetic moments when you are entirely in tune with another's emotions. The old phrase "Do on to others as you would have done on to you" comes into an experiential form. Explore this powerful opportunity for growth at this time.

 Be open to receiving your real impact on others emotionally and use this wisdom to heal others and yourself. A part of your soul has asked for this gift so that you may operate at a higher octave. Avoid any substance, people, or activities that cling to lower energies.

Sagittarius  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

Emotions run high as you feel a shift in energy. Perhaps you feel a change in a personal or professional arrangement is eminent. Refuse to be taken in by those who wouldn't mind putting you in an uncomfortable position while they are rewarded and celebrated.

 Put your trust in the Universe, which is always working in your favor. Keep your integrity and faith. Call on the angels to be a part of your life to direct and protect. Michael Archangel will have your back. Remember that you are the child of Jupiter, who signifies expansion, good fortune, big business, and miracles.

Capricorn  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

I see an unavoidable choice coming up soon. All things cannot remain the same; make a decision. You have danced around something for some time, and you can choose or wait for Universal intervention.

Make some changes around the home. Sometimes just the slightest adjustments can make a difference in your outlook and clarity. Make your house a safe haven or organize a small part of your house that will serve as such.

Aquarius  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

You might experience a Déjà vu moment or in the same position that you have been in before. Remember that this is an opportunity. Your inability to act on it will have the same results as last time. And the time before that, and the time before that. You have the ability and support to create something extraordinary, but a lackadaisical attitude will dissolve your opportunities. Step out of your comfort zone as it has become a tomb where your joy has come to die.

Examine your thoughts and attitudes about yourself and the world around you. If you focus on lack or give in to negativity and anger, that is what you will receive. It is the Universal Law, and you know this as truth.

Step back into your Higher Self and ask for help in adjusting your attitude. Forgiveness is key. As Jesus said on the cross," forgive them for they know not what they do."

Pisces  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 14, 2020

Your message from the Collective is to reach for the stars! You have an opportunity to create something bigger and better. A breeze of inspiration gently touches your skin, and I see you surrounded by mystical and mythical creatures such as dragons and unicorns. They are coming close to remind and ensure you of your childlike nature. They invite you to explore the mysteries of the unknown.

Perhaps this symbolism that I see is an opportunity to stop acting so grown up all the time and not take life so seriously. Play, have fun, and feed your soul.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Merlin Chronicles and Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020


Merlin Chronicles and Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Happy full moon!

Today is the full moon in Pisces! The past two weeks have been a mix of wonky energies in my life. It seems that whatever could break broke. The positive side of this is the Universe always comes up with the money or solutions to take care of whatever needs to happen to fix or replace. More lessons in humility and being receptive to Universal laws.

The full moon in Pisces is dreamy, intuitive, and emotional for me. I found myself taking a trip down memory lane of all the people I had met along the way. I have a great appreciation of these teachers, but happy that I have learned how to make better choices. Especially in relationships. I think I have learned to love better, more substantial, and for all the right reasons.

On that note, I will move on to The Merlin Scopes!


Kay Dragon


Aries   Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Release yourself from anything that is not supportive. You might be feeling a bit obsessed or worried about things that haven't happened yet, and they may not be as big as you have built it up to be in your mind.

You might also step back from people who are not supportive of your current situation. I am not telling you to surround yourself with folks who stroke your ego but perhaps avoid those who don't want you to succeed in the way that you envision.

Taurus  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Be aware of any blind spots that you may have. You may give some a little too much latitude. Respect earned is respect returned.  Focus on boundaries and avoid being sentimental, especially if your money is involved.

You must create a safe space for yourself first. When you are on an airplane, you put your oxygen mask on first, then help others.

Gemini  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Perhaps you are thinking about a new career, job, lifestyle change or new home. Now is a great time to make that transition. Don't second guess yourself as sometimes you get so caught up in mental conversations that you lose track of the purpose.

 I see you taking one thing at a time, yet recognizing that all things are connected. Watch for signs and trust your intuitive hits. I see angels around you and working in your favor.


Cancer  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

The focus seems to be on relationships. There may be a sensitive subject that requires discussion. Distant memories are coming to the forefront of your mind. Know that there is a correlation between these memories and current relationships.  It is time to see things as they are and not as you would like them to be.

Try to create at least one day that is your own this week. Energies are so intense, and you need time to retreat into nothingness—sort of a mini-vacation. Stay off the computer and reject phone calls if possible.

Leo  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

It's all about the baggage this week. Start letting go of old material things, and you will release some of the emotional baggage and ideas that you have subscribed to over the years. If it is not helping you or has become a roadblock, let it go.

 Sometimes it might feel like you have an invisible sign on your forehead that says. Got problems? I'll fix them. Helping others is a good thing, but make sure it is a worthy cause and that you aren't taking on someone else's responsibility.

Virgo  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

You might realize that there is something or someone in your life that no longer serves a positive purpose. You might come across some concrete evidence that you have needed to assure you that you are making the right choice.

Make sure you don't harbor any anger. Just lovingly let go. Remember that whenever you make an internal choice, that material or physical opportunity always follows.

 By lovingly letting go, I don't mean sitting around the campfire with someone and singing Kumbaya. I mean feeling neutral and letting go of the energy attached to the feeling.

Libra  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

You have traveled a difficult road, and as of late, the road has been a bit rockier than you would like. You handle your self with so much grace that others don't always recognize what you are going through.

 You are making the best of the situation and have the strength and foresight to know that this too shall pass and you will be back on top again. Live in the moment right now and concentrate on small details rather than the big picture.

Scorpio  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Memories of the past might be haunting your thoughts and have you wondering how you could have done things differently. Don't waste your energy on the "what ifs." Focus on what will be, now that you have learned from the past.

A shining light of recognition may be coming your way as you receive accolades, perhaps around career.  It is time to step forward and bask in the glow of attention again. I see a vision of Judy Garland and her ruby slippers beckoning you to follow her down the yellow brick road. Could this be the beginning of a new journey into the unknown? Awesome!

Sagittarius  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Repeating mistakes will cost you dearly if you are not careful.  Someone in your circle may be testing your courage. They may be underestimating you and doesn't realize that you can be a powerful Ally as well as a formidable enemy.

There seems to be something that you perceive as a threat that may cause you to play it safe rather than stand out. Keep your thoughts to yourself and be mindful of who is listening when you are thinking out loud. You have always been a great competitor, but if handled too antagonistically could come back to bit you on the butt.

Capricorn  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Resist the urge to control. You don't need to be the only one who knows how to do it right or be the head of every committee. You may think that you are doing what is right for the greatest good, but failing to consider other people's contributions could be an unpopular choice.

You might be feeling some anxiety or have an irrational belief that light fades if others around you shine brightly. Trust that you are unforgettable, and no one can take away your fire. The sun shines on all, and you are no exception.

Aquarius  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Avoid becoming too isolated or wrapped up in your little world of worries. Release yourself from the bondage of overthinking and allow the Universe to flow freely in your life.

You have been doing a lot of "Shadow work," and it is time to step out into the light again. You have no problem recognizing your shadows but have some difficulty in leaving them behind as sometimes they feel like old friends. You know the old saying about the Devil you know is better than the one you don't know. Well, forget that! Be courageous, and move forward. Good memories are the sum of a life well-lived, and time on this planet is limited for all of us.

Stop expecting the worst or waiting for the next bad thing to happen. Shift your focus. Listen to music that feeds your soul. Connect with friends and activities that are positive, uplifting, and inspiring.

Pisces  Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of September 1, 2020

Wait before you have a conversation with someone that entails your dreams and goals.  Make sure that you have your ducks in a row because sometimes people will take your dreams apart, causing you to scrap the whole thing. Being prepared is of utmost importance. Timing is also playing a big part. You don't want to break open the egg before it is ready to hatch.

I see a vision of you brewing a cup of tea. You are mixing a personal blend that is created by you and only you—making it to your liking. Significant changes will be coming up for you, but you need to allow the brew to reach full strength.

Merlin Scopes by Kay Week of April 1st 2024

Happy Spring It has been an exciting couple of years for me. Quite the rollercoaster!   I do the Merlin Scopes weekly on my website and ...