Merlin Scopes
for September 2012 by Kay
Aries… Have you been searching your soul lately and
discrediting the reliability of your choices?
Are you blaming your restless spirit on poor planning or on just
following the crowd? Perhaps something feels amiss. You are correct in this
interpretation. If we could show you a picture it would be of a heart split
down the middle. One side is glowing in a beautiful green light. The other side
is grey and shows very little light. The glowing green side is where your
attention has been. This is on the outer world and on other people. The other
side is the part that belongs to you. You haven’t accessed this lately; and now
is the time to expand your awareness and focus on yourself and your own piece
of love in your heart that is for you and only you. Keep the light in your
heart that focuses on your love of the outside world and for others at half
blast. This month we ask you to keep your mind and eyes open. Keep your
awareness of your own heart focused on the half that longs to be incorporated
with the whole. Your first thought may be, “perhaps this is about finding a new
physical partner.” In a way it is. The new partner is the whole you. A new partner may distract you for a while
but it will not diminish the heart palpitations of the energetic
longing for true wholeness. Use
your time wisely and consciously. Look into your heart and visualize the 2
sides blending and beating in perfect time.
Taurus… Welcome to the beginning of a new cycle. You
have been investing in your future and now you will see results taking place.
Before you skip over the next step, make sure you know what you're getting
into. Before moving on into the future, you can take a step backward to give
yourself a moment to reflect on where you have been, and on where you are at
this moment. You won’t need to ponder very long in your recollection if you
allow your mind to go into a meditative state and ask the Divine to show you
the significance of who you are here to serve and how it is significant to the geometrical
and spiritual power of the pyramid. In the beginning you start with a strong
fortified foundation in the physical earthly world to secure the balance and
longevity. Brick by brick, circle by circle, you build upward in a spiral
direction until you complete your journey at the summit. You gaze down at the
power of 3 and what this means to you. Take time to reflect on your workmanship
and balance your giving and receiving. When all is in proper order you will
feel exuberant. If you are feeling anything less, take time to reflect and
perhaps consult someone who has more knowledge in the area you are struggling with. Make sure this
person is not someone who is emotionally connected to you in a personal way.
Sometimes those who love us feel pressured to tell us the things we want to
Gemini… It is time
to let go of another season. Release your hold on your summer ‘to do’ list.
Allow your mind to slow the tempo of the summer dance to the rhythm of an
autumn waltz. Allow your mind to dream as this is a very practical time to
enhance your ability to create a mystical moment in your life. It may not be
the powerful Big Bang of alchemical moments but it may be just enough to give
you an idea of how you can create a better plan for living your life. Bigger
changes are on the horizon although it may be a bit hard to see what this
change is going to bring in a long-term; and it would not serve you to know
these things at the present moment. We hear your prayers but you don’t always
recognize the help you are getting is the help you need, rather than what you
envision you want. The best solution is to kick back and use that discriminating
mind of yours to discover a new way of being non-judgmental, less critical, and
more forgiving. Open your thinking to
discoveries beyond the Piscean Age self-talk And when you've completed that
task, we would all like to know about it. So get it in writing or share it with
a friend. If you Gemini’s do some research on what Piscean Age self- talk means
to you look me up on my facebook page and let me know.
Cancer… A decision
has been made and you've done your best to inform yourself in the best ways of
handling this matter. Don’t worry about when or how. It is done in the most
important part of your heart and mind. You have finally let go! With that being
said, we encourage you to remain open to changes just like the changes in the
wind. When you work with the wind and not against it, your power becomes
greater and the reliability of swift solutions will be assured. The most
difficult decisions have been made. Don’t waste time looking back at what could
have been if you had acted differently. This is a waste of brain cells and time
you could be using in a more powerful and productive way. This could be a good
time to release some of the negative influences in your life and circle the
wagons along with those who support and approve of what you are doing.
Negativity is what we call the emotional influenza and those with weakened
support systems are more likely to absorb these viruses and their effects. You
are naturally susceptible to others’ emotional energies whether they are right
or wrong. If you are overwhelmed with these influences, we suggest turning off
the computer, phone, TV and go for a walk or play with your favorite animal.
Walk in nature and take deep cleansing breaths to clear your lungs and light
body. Let the dust settle before jumping into any new projects if you can. It
is important to complete the ones that are in play now.
Leo… Have you wasted
too much time finding ways or excuses to stop you from moving ahead? Some parts
may be broken and others will understand your need to ask for what you're
worth. Look at others in your position in the world. Do they accept less than
they deserve? Perhaps some do; but do you want to be one of those people? We
suggest you take some time for perhaps a mini vacation or just some time on
your own in a quiet place to look into your heart and decide what will really
make you a better person. By being a better person we do not mean giving
yourself away in society or in a relationship that lets you shine but does not
allow for the compensation equal to your skills and abilities. The lion needs
love and to feel that love through appreciation of your hard work and giving nature.
Speak to someone in your field or in a position where you would like to see
yourself. There are some common denominators here. Make note of these and also
make note of the differences. Look at the checks and balances in your miracle
manifesting ledger. At the end of each day, are you in the red are in the
black? The key this month for you is mobility – not sideways, not downward but
upward. This may be like feeling your way around in the dark. This is excellent
exposure to the unknown; and the possibilities in this space are endless.
Virgo… Happy
Birthday Virgo! Even when things are going your way you find ways to make it
more stressful than they need to be. Waiting for the other shoe to drop? Get
ready because it could be raining shoes. Face it, this Chicken Little approach
has not been very productive now has it? When the cloud passes and they sky
becomes bright and blue, the sun will be much brighter and a lot more conducive
to appropriate and productive manifesting. When we give you what you want you
act like there is something wrong. You are sure that the stork must have landed
at the wrong house. Stop wasting time worrying about what could happen if you
don't follow the instructions right down to dotting the I's and crossing the
T's. The universe just doesn't work that way. What do you think you deserve? A
lot, I would guess. One of the most powerful moments of manifesting occurs in
between two positive thoughts. Yes, it is that empty space when your mental
mojo is turned off for just a second. The best way to learn how to use this is
to take some time to relax. This means no working vacations and reading books
that are designed purely for entertainment and not a “self-help” or “How To.”
Just plain and simple relaxation. Make this your birthday ‘Month’ not just your
birth ‘Day’. Say nice things to yourself, go somewhere there is water and just
float. If you can't do that, take a salt bath and add a bit of rose oil to get
into your feminine side which will help you nurture yourself. Treat yourself as
if you are taking care of your only daughter or son. How would you have this
child experience his/her life? How would you want them to see their soul and
spirit and place in this great universal place we know as love? Would this
child rather be a key player or an observer? Either is okay as long as that is
what the heart wants.
Libra… Happy Birthday to you too Libra! I have to
tell you that the channeling for Libra this month is a bit different. This is
being channeled from a very powerful presence… Ezekiel …….This is a special time for you so
remember to use this window of opportunity to produce the most powerful
effects. Use this time to heal the wheel within yourself. To cling to old worn
out possibilities is fruitless. The Wheel we speak of is in the center of your
solar plexus and as you go through each wheel within your body (there are more)
you will participate in cleansing the truth of your biological being and
releasing the pockets of doubt which have provided uncertain comfort for many
years. Upon this purging you will allow hidden abilities to come to the
forefront. We encourage you to also enhance this within your physical temple by
enlightening the cells of your body through your diet and drink more water than
usual. Harvest time is the best time to add fruits and vegetables to your diet
but we ask you to do this thoughtfully and gently with superb gratitude and
knowledge of the vibrational and physical gifts of Mother Earth’s gardens. You
have many spiritual helpers and Masters close to you and mixing energies with
your aura this month. We expect that you will be doing some very important
healing, and metaphysical, supportive or creative work and we will be near to
assist and support your dealings this
month as you will be assisting souls in need.
Scorpio… Change is in your life for a very good
reason. If you never changed you would still be an infant. In every aspect,
growth is in the picture for you – materially, emotionally, spiritually and in
your career. It is time to shake off the disturbances of the past as they are
just weights keeping you from moving forward. Shake it off just like a dog
walking out of a pond would shake off the water. You have been sitting in that
muddy pond for long enough and it is time to release what had you stuck and get
back to living again. It is time to share yourself with the world.
Communication is very important now.Your need for human contact is starting to
overshadow any reason for staying stuck. You know change is not an option but
spiritual growth is. What have you learned in the summer months? If there is
wisdom in what you have learned? Now is the time to share it by any medium you
choose. You are beginning to feel that things are turning in a new direction.
You are taking back the driver’s seat behind the wheel. Although you are
turning around as you back out onto the street with the on-coming traffic,
there is a smile on your face. It’s about time don’t you think? Trust your
intuition and ask your guides and the Divine to help with the big changes
coming up. Open your chakras, especially your crown and throat; and breathe
deeply. Be at peace with your life and
know that only good will come from positive changes.
Sagittarius… It is almost time to celebrate. The worst
of the situation has passed and you can start writing a new book of what your
life will look like when you are standing in your own power. The secret is to
know that you are standing in that power right now. Visualize yourself standing
in what you think is the most powerful place on the Earth. Imagine standing
straight with arms in the air, palms facing upward, and attracting the light to
you like butterflies to a beautiful flowering tree. See the light surrounding
your head and flowing all the way down to your feet; and as you do this, notice
the changes in your heart. Is there just a little feeling of joy in your heart?
Fear has been all around you for the past few months clouding your clarity and
judgment in some cases. Now is the time to release these fears. Feel these heavy fears sliding off your
shoulders and simply falling onto the earth and dissolving into the ground.
When you practice this a few times, you'll be ready to step into your own power
place with no inhibitions, sorrows or guilt of your own or anyone else's. You
know that you are reading the right signals when you are offered secret
information. Perhaps, someone wants to share their guilty feelings in this
situation. Wait and see how this pans
out. You'll be surprised at how powerful and on target your intuition is when
you are no longer fixated upon the fear surrounding this and all situations.
There is a huge lesson here, right?
Capricorn… Some of you may be struggling with your soul
purpose and wondering why you are in the job you are in and why you cannot move
into more meaningful work and still pay the bills. We understand this dilemma. You have been
given gifts to serve humanity yet your gift is not paying the mortgage or
putting food on the table. Be still and listen for signs, music, and
opportunities. Ask for help with this in a loving, humble and accepting manner.
Now you are asking “Is this what I signed up for?” Well, some are called to
serve, using their gifts in an occupation directly healing by energy work or
giving spiritual counseling. Others are
given these gifts to take with them into the most difficult and unconventional
places. This could be working in big corporations, or even with people who are
living on the streets and using drugs. You might find yourself in some of the
darkest and most unexpected places you could imagine. Yet this is where your
light and works are needed most. When you become anxious or depressed about
where you are at, ask us for guidance and help. You may or may not be someone
who is a professional light worker.
However, you are among those we value the most – those light workers
using their gifts in the world among the people. Just by being there you bring
light where there once was none. How powerful is that? You are like soldiers on
the front line of the Divine Heart. Ask Raphael to guide you. Trust your body
as your compass. Subtle energies are very powerful and informative.
Aquarius… Mysterious words are powerful weapons. Keep
your positive thoughts in the forefront. Future planning is a good place to
start. Some homework will also help. Get a vocabulary book and find some words
for love, light, joy, peace, prosperity and all things of this sort and start
using them in emails, letters, blogs and conversation. Write poetry with it or
use it in any situation that you can comment on. Make sure your heart is open
and your body is in a protective ball of light before you even start. Then sit
down or exercise, walk, clean house, dance, do yoga, and remember to dream,
dream, and dream! It is time to stop worrying about money and who you want to
be, when you grow up. Keep your private life private. Do not share worries or
concerns with co-workers or neighbors. This is a perfect time to get a massage,
go dancing and share Divine principles you know are truth. This will assist you
in staying on your course of manifesting great career opportunities and
expanding your own individual gifts. Whatever you do, remember others are
watching so use your powerful words wisely and with counsel from the wise ones.
Your words hold weight and can pack a punch. They can also be a boomerang. By
the time the issue or emotion comes back to you after gathering great momentum,
you may not even be steeped in this thought or emotion anymore. Do you really
want to visit this again?
Pisces… Open your eyes to the possibilities all
around you. There are so many things you have never given notice to. If you
keep your feelings hidden, no one ever knows exactly who you are. That can be
lonely or lead to a lot of misconceptions. You have put a great deal of time into
creating what promises to be an amazing gift in the eyes of others but you seem
to ignore this and minimize your abilities and talents. Past programing and
situations that made you feel less than successful are still getting in the way
of you stepping forward and using the spiritual gifts and talents that you
brought into this life. It comes so easy to you that you may sometimes not see
it as a valid way to express prosperity and receive notable rewards. Time to go
back and heal these old wounds and make peace and forgiveness with Mother Earth
as the feminine is the missing component to manifesting in your life in a big
way. Invite her into your meditation as well as any woman who has influenced
you in your life. It’s time to heal some old wounds and misunderstandings. Is
this where you learned to keep your real feelings and hopes and dreams hidden?
Release the fear and move forward. Get together with a group of friends that
you trust and feel safe sharing with. Just for fun.
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