
Monday, November 26, 2012

MerlinScopes Dec 2012

The Merlin Scopes

Aries…    This is an excellent time to recoup your lost feelings and bring back the wonderful love that you used to be able to ignite in your heart. This wonderful magical feeling hasn’t gone anywhere. You have been pulling back to protect your heart but in doing so shutting off the love and abundance that are rightfully yours. You have something to share with other people and now is the time to share this wholeheartedly. You have been sitting on this issue for quite some time. You are very sensitive in revealing your heart to someone who has been a negative influence and this is understandable. It might surprise you to know that this person or influence is not as powerful as you presume it to be. Perhaps this paper tiger has a soft underbelly that is just waiting to be revealed by inaction that you could initiate. Your healing process is powerful and those around you will feel the warm pulse of universal love.
Taurus…    Allow yourself to take the high road and express yourself in a different manner than you have in the past. If you find yourself thinking about the same old ways to extricate yourself from a situation that feels less than rewarding then think again. Better yet it is time to stop thinking and start receiving messages and hints from the Universe. Repeating old patterns is not going to help you turn this situation into pleasing perfect fit for all concerned. Be creative and find a new way to cut through the ice so you can sail your ship out into warmer waters. It is time to try new things. New ways of approaching problems, communicating and problem solving. Sometimes the best way to assist others in their problems is to do nothing and allow the situation or persons involved to bring forth their own inner strength and resources to resolve the problem. This helps everyone grow. Overindulging yourself or others in the old ways is not productive and will only serve to but a bandage ion the problem. Some wounds are deep will return unless the cause is dealt with decisively. You have overcome some great difficulties in your live and it is time to give yourself some deeply deserved and needed TLC.
Gemini…   Relax, take your time and do not deceive yourself into thinking your only opportunity is to take the first offer without consulting with your higher self. Others may have opinions which are well meaning and valuable but we urge you to take all offers and considerations into your meditations or sleep on them before taking them all too seriously. You are high strung and tightly wired in your relationship to Mercury and we advise you to do some meaningless mindfulness time before you jump into anything. This can be walking, yoga, cooking .cleaning artwork or anything that will help you be consciously quiet. Breath work would be a perfect. You have been doing your manifesting work on so many levels and we encourage you to wait until January. The perfect person or situation could appear with all of the answers that you need to take your wishes to the highest level. There is someone who is a channel for the greater good in your situation.
Cancer…   You are right on target. Believe in yourself and trust the information that is coming in from your dreams, daydreams, behind the scenes psychic impressions synchronicities and songs as they are all playing the melody that you need to hear. Great momentum has been gathered. You have taken some time to go deeply into the void where all things are possible. You know now what is important and what is not. So shed those old sweaters that have been sitting in your closet and re-gift them to a favorite person or charity. You will be running lean, mean and full of new ideas, (Not really mean) you will have ways to create a service or a possibility that other will want or need. Be open to some changes and see them only as learning curves not failures. You have so much going on right now so make sure that you take some time to visit with your closest friends and family where you feel safe and allow you to let your guard down for a time. If you do not have any of those types of trusted friends in your life then now is the time to ask yourself why and try to see where you can comfortably cultivate that kind of relationship.
Leo…   Some situations are seasonal and run in cycles. Don’t see yourself as being responsible for things that hut need to run their course. Let it go and let your heart not be troubled. It is not always about you. Sometimes two rivers split and run parallel yet in the same direction only to meet up again after a few miles and come together to create a huge rolling white water river full of life. Lovely lions can sometimes be prideful and block off any and all notions of vulnerability until the levy has broken. Help is on the way the only way it could possible miss you is if you get in your own way by holding on to emotions of what has been rather ten what can be and is. Before you go to bed focus on the word forgiveness, Say” I forgive” five or six times and see what or who comes to mind. We ask you to do this at night because this allows your subconscious to resolve these issues more effectively as you sleep. Your conscious mind will find many reasons to find fault in these words but the subconscious mind will gently release and resolve. You are big hearted and take things more personally than most people realize. This may feel a bit controlling to some around you but your heart is in the right place. This is what we love most about you. So, release and let go. Have faith and trust the process and expect miracles!
Virgo…   The past few months have ben stressful and taxing on you emotionally, physically and a spiritually as a huge clearing continues to take place. There is little to be left to the imagination as you have kindled up almost every worst case scenario possible. Worn torn and stuck in the trenches never looking out to see if the war was over. Well the war out there never was. You are only held hostage by your own belief system. Your feelings of self-worth have kept you in the trenches and blocking all opportunities offered. It is now time to move away from that frame of mind and situations that are just no longer healthy or in the best interest of your success and happiness. Some of you may be leaving jobs, relationships, careers and worn-out ideas that have seemingly held you down and unwilling to move forward. Your karma with this has been enlightening and now it is time to take back your power and use what you have learned introspectively. Your clearing is coming to a completion in time for the big push when all workers need to be awake and on board!
Scorpio…   Let your body dictate your daily activities as much as possible during this season. You are unwilling the great expansive drama. Be sure to allow yourself enough rest and time to renew your spirit. Instead repeating  inaccurate thoughts and habits refresh yourself by emerging yourself in in a lavender scented salt bath and listen to music that allows your mind to wander to the highest and most peaceful place you could possible and let the water wash away all negative attitudes, emotions and experience. Look down on these situations as if you were someone else watching these and realizing that these things are all part of a progression of growth and give yourself permission to detach personally from these things. They do not define you. They complement you in your never ending process of growth in light. Affirm these things that you see from this high place. No need to write them down or share them. Just use them and give thanks for the expression of love in your life. Start letting go and unclench your fingers from that which you have held on to for so long. Do it in your mind and know that when the time is right that you will let go physically and in all ways that count.
Libra…   You have always listened to your inner voice and done your best to make sure that you are not taking more than your share. You are quite the negotiator. You never indulge in seeing yourself as the sensitive overworked person in need. You turn everything you love into a project and share it with other for the pure joy of sharing. This season you will be bringing your best foot forward without even trying. You have never taken a glimpse at your life from the other side of the curtain thinking that you are the facilitator or in the background. Expect some well-deserved recognition and know that you have earned it. If you are feeling hesitant go inward and try to recall the last time you felt….less than or inadequate. Face your fears and ask for a healing so you may let God’s light shine a little brighter through you. It is time that you made a little bit more noise about your own gifts and talents. Don’t let an opportunity pass you by to show your skills.  You have many friends who love and appreciate you on both sides of the veil.
Sagittarius…   Everything in your life seems to be echoing on valuable lesson. To let go is to let The Universe have permission to bring in new fresh ideas, careers, people and opportunities. You are highly in tune with the Divine and have always been able to draw on that second sight or intuitive knowingness that just seems to hit you in the gut or somewhere else in your body when something is just not quite right. There have been many things that have not really been to your liking in almost every area of your life. The only change you need to make is above your shoulders. When you make the request a seed shall be planted things will naturally fall into place. Until then you will continue to struggle with not being the “go to” person who generally is always there to fix, pay , and clean up after everyone else’s  mess with a smile on your face. You are used to being invaluable so this is a bit difficult for you but your higher self is demanding a change. Who will you be when you are no longer that person? It is almost like being born again.  This is exciting! Make more time for fun in your life with people that you can let your hair down with.
Capricorn…   Take your time with your obligations and responsibilities this month. Be very clear about what and why you are doing these things. Think every project through and your heart will be satisfied with a peacefulness that you have longed for. After you attain this peacefulness within you will be able to make a decision that you have been putting off for quite some time. You internally seek a more peaceful existence yet there is a conflict as you also strive for security and stability. This would be a good time to actively step out of the safety of dreaming about what you want and contact the people who are living the life that you have thought about for so long. This is a step in a positive direction and will allow the universe to create the opportunities and path of discovery to open up before you. This may or may not be a path you choose after all is said and done but you will have learned some very useful skills however you choose. Enjoy the holidays with friends and family, Avoid the “They say that” people who entertain themselves talking about the worst.
Aquarius…   This is a magical time for you. Know that you are carried in the highest utmost regard by the light beings and those on the other side of the veil. You bring light and joy to those around you. Know that you are doing exactly what you are here for. You are a light bearer to those looking for assistance and peace. Your light may attract not only those in the physical world but also those who have moved on wishing to make contact or assist you in some way. This is not a time to jump into anything new or into anything that may cause difficulty for others involved. We suggest hesitating and doing a bit of soul searching before moving ahead.  This powerful time will bring many changes in your rational mind. Trust your intuitive process and the feelings that you are sensing. Push forward with any creative activities as you will surely have the support and assistance from the highest in expressing these. This may make you feel a bit anxious and we urge you to resist acting on the ghost of past behaviors, emotions, attitudes and patterns that have proved to be obstructions or distractions in reaching higher ground .The energy around you is powerful so try to stay grounded and in the present.
Pisces...   There are many times in your life that you needed the forces of expert help in some area. This month you may need to ask your higher creative sources to help coordinate simple meetings or contacts with those who can put you into the appropriate vibration to attract the answers and help that you are seeking. Your vibration and light of attraction has been at an all-time high in the past 2 months. The light draws those on similar journeys as well as those living in the darkness looking for a warm light at the end of the tunnel. You are that warm flame. This is what you are hearing for, to help guide and heal those in need with your light. This has been quite taxing as of late because a huge shift took place which opened more avenues to your delicate and sensitive psychic nature. Take extra time to cleanse your auric field physically as well as emotionally. We suggest salt water and Epsom salts baths daily and if possible, before bed. As you sleep you may be in the influence of an ocean of emotions and the baths will keep you in perfect harmony to allow you the personal psychic space that you need to regenerate. This is a powerful month for you and you want your manifestations to be clear, positive and of your making

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