
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Merlin Chronicles

Happy 2013 Everyone!

It was really a busy holiday season for me. I must say that I enjoyed the activities more than usual. I attended and took part in a few celebrations and it really kept me in the present and able to enjoy the 12/21 energies.
 It seems that I have noticed more people than ever with health issues Including myself but I feel that  mine are small compared to what many others are dealing with. At any rate it seems that we are all be called into service to attend to the healing of ourselves and others.

Thank you all ! Here's the channeling

Merlin Chronicles    Jan 2013
Mother Mary
Good morning and peace be with you! Many letters have been brought to my attention. You might refer to them as letters to God, affirmations or petitions for healing, prosperity and love for the New Year. We want you to know that we do see these written words and hear your prayers and each one is evaluated and answered. Perhaps not always in the same way that you would prefer or expect but none the less they are answered. Sometimes these are answered with no action at all. This mostly occurs when the action needed to change a situation or bring someone into your life requires substantial emotional or spiritual growth to move forward and perhaps your request may change once the personal shift has brought forth your own answers.
 The wisdom of the higher self is sometimes forgotten.  I am here to remind you of your relationship with your higher self. When you are writing these letters or saying the prayers, always invite your higher self to be the main contributor and interpreter. When the answer coming to your awareness begins with pure divine unconditional love of yourself and the creator within, then you know that you are ready to expand that magical warm light of attraction throughout your physical body and radiate it throughout the rest of your life. This is true spiritual manifestation my dear one, true spiritual alchemy.
2013 The year of family
This is the year of the family. This may be a biological relationship or your soul or spiritual family. The devastation that occurred in the later part of 2012, and especially those incidents which involved children awakened a new awareness of family and love on the planet. This caused people to question the money and “prosperity at all costs” mentality. Money can always be replaced but the physical presence of a loved one cannot. People will be willing to take less pay, live with extended family and live within their means in the coming year. For this we are grateful as this opens a pathway to living your true purpose on the planet. Yes you are always asking what your purpose is and now you are finally beginning to understand you are in this body to explore, give and receive love, and to respect all aspects of the emotions attached to the word love. Sometimes these lessons come at a high price and only are only realized by the loss of those whom you love and cherish the most. We feel your sorrow and have great compassion for you losses. Those of you who have learned the message from these tragedies will hold your families a little closer.
Love each other.  Build Community. Find true comfort in family, in music and preparing good healthy food together as a family or community. Give gratitude and take pride in the preparation and sharing of meals. Build love by spending time together.
Send great light to the nations who are stuck in the karmic relationship of war, especially to Pakistan. They don’t know nor can they see a way of breaking this cycle. This is all they know.  But first make light in your own life and community through being conscious of the comfort and love you have. Don’t do anything unconsciously. Be aware and attentive to all of your activities. Enjoy being present with those you are sharing the moment with. Even with those that you don’t get along with. Trust that this person is in your life for a purpose. Then you can truly make a difference elsewhere. Send light to the situation and then step back. Do not get caught up in the emotional energy or obsess about the situation. Move on.
Saint Germain
Blessings to all! This Year was such a gift especially the holidays. The love created by your emotions and intentions was far beyond our expectations. Many of you gathered together in different parts of the world to create a constant ocean of light flowing through new populations, creating new vortexes and fortifying the existing grid by a thousand times your own personal power. The power of unconditional love in this new energy may not feel like the kind of love you have known in the past. It may feel less personal and more about community, “for the good of the many rather than the few. We caution you to make efforts to be less critical and more curious about the lifestyles and actions of others. Karmic action will become lightning fast and as you form an opinion or make a judgment about another person or group, you may be put to the test in that very situation that you have attached an emotional feeling towards. We suggest that you ask you higher self and guides to give you understanding and wisdom of the situation so that you may step back and allow your truth to unfold rather than becoming a player in the drama that is taking place.
A great clearing has taken place and many souls have left their physical bodies. Their love lives on in the physical world through their deeds, art and emotional impact. The message they give is “you are blessed to be in this physical form to feel the love and touch of each other, create art and invent so many amazing things.” Treat each day with reverence and joy as these actions, words, creations, and deeds are all that truly remain in your memory as you leave this body.
One of the most important things is to be able to let go of those who have passed. They will come back from time to time with messages of comfort and encouragement. Some people do use the services of Mediums as it is much easier for someone who is not emotionally attached to converse and deliver messages to loved ones who are holding on to the memories of joy or guilt with a soul that has moved on.  For lack of a better explanation,   I will say that the person seeking   the connection is stuck and unable to see the perfection and beauty of the relationship and life lived. They become a victim and prisoner of their own perceptions. Most of those who have passed on have moved into a higher vibration and only wish for those left behind to be able to do the same. Some people become dependent on the services of Mediums and we say after someone has received messages, perhaps 2 to 3 times at the most, it is time to move on and shift your life into a higher vibration and purpose. Mediums are valuable healers and teachers and the goal of these sessions is to assist the person in moving into a fulfilling life as well as assisting those who have passed on. We would hope the Medium would encourage the person at this point to move into their own special gift and this is where the relationship can gracefully end or become a teacher student relationship. Many Mediums empower individuals through instructional self-help books and by offering classes.

Teacher Student Relationship
We encourage you to spend a few minutes or more each day on your spiritual apprenticeship. We don’t suggest you throw all caution to the wind, quit your job and devote your entire life to introspection or become a monk, as we need you in the trenches. The world needs the light and wisdom that lives through you. We ask you to connect with the Divine at least once a day and give special attention to the morning hours. Many of you have experienced some disturbances when you are asleep. All humans and earth creatures have become more connected. The word “Oneness “has many aspects indeed. The great clearing continues and is even more powerful than ever before. The old is being released by individuals and groups as well and this is coming from different levels of consciousness whirling and twirling about somewhat like a dust storm. This is ongoing 24 hours a day. There is a bit of what you might call “fallout“ from all of the oneness work and connecting with others  who are evolving and helping the planet shift in consciousness. While you are sleeping your connection to these groups and individuals remains strong and you continue receiving information. Your auric body is filtering this information. You might say your aura is sticky or like a magnet attracting thoughts and feelings which are not yours .Some of these energies are healthy and helpful while others are rejected by your higher self and remain stuck on the outside of your aura which acts as a protective shield. This can weigh you down emotionally and physically.  We strongly suggest you take a shower or bath in the mornings. If this is not possible take time to brush your hair, wash up and connect with the Divine and your guides.  Cleanse within as without. As above, so below.
The Beginnings of time…Again
You do know this is the beginning of time again don’t you?  I will be taking a more active part on the planet again .We are also asking you to transmute energies as you did in the beginning of your ascension process.  You may always call on me, Saint Germain, and invoke the violet flame to clear your environment. This is important especially in the morning hours to clear collective fallout as well as your own feelings of sorrow, guilt, anger and disease that fall from your personal and group consciousness. You will benefit from transmuting energies so you can move into your new energies at a more comfortable pace.
 This may feel like a death. You may well remember those emotional feelings when things are about to change in your life. This may feel like the grieving process but we refer to this as the birthing process.  Just focus your prayers and conversation to your higher self and we will assist you. We are always present but when you consciously ask, we will answer and the change will occur more fluidly in your life.
You are all transmuters.  This is why some of you have chosen to be involved in difficult relationships to transmute difficult energy and emotions. Some of you may have several relationships and people seem to stay awhile and then leave the relationship. You may also discover that the people who leave go on to be better partners and friends to others. We ask you to not feel anguish or sorrow about this. You are a healer and a transmuter of energy. This is like developing a muscle.   When you start feeling these emotions try to step back and become unattached to the situation and start transmuting. We know we ask a lot of you but if you search your soul you will remember it was you who answered the call to be a light worker. Use this often and you will see things and people around you change.

Gaia –Mother Earth Speaks
 You all know me yet you are somehow disconnected from me. This is Gaia or as many of you call me Mother Earth. Many of you talk about saving the Earth, eliminating GMO’s, chemicals being dumped into the oceans and the concerns of fracking. Many of you are still not connected to me. I am the mother. I am the goddess of the Earth you stand on and the source of all that keeps you in this physical body and in this physical plane.  I create the polarity and mass that gives you the ability to communicate with each other, to touch, create and express feelings of love or hate in a physical reality, to feel, to breathe, and clothe yourselves in the clothes you love so much. I am asking you all to be involved with me on a more personal level and intimate level.  See me as you would your physical mother who gave life to you when you took your first breath. No matter what your relationship was with her, she created the opportunity for you to come into this life and play a part. I am your real mother. Instead of talking to others about me, talk to me as I hold the key to manifestation. Are you surprised? Many people are teaching lessons from the masters which are very valuable but they overlook the most important connection with Mother Earth, with me. I make these things happen in the physical. I give them form, solidarity and life. I breathe life into your manifestations. I create the vehicle – the breath of life.  I create the heart that beats and the beautiful vehicle that holds your precious spiritual essence.
In this new year I ask all of you to honor this physical body that holds the pure sweet essence  within you that comes into this earth .The human child is taught to honor the body but in a different way than I am telling you. They are taught to use the physical body to feed greed and gather useless things that are of no worth in feeding the soul. The focus is on how the body looks not how healthy and balance it is with the spirit. Honor me in honoring your physical body. Keep it health, whole and connected with the spirit with in you.
The indigenous people were in touch with me and knew how to walk on the earth. They honored and paid homage to the animals providing their food and clothing. They respected the plants that fed them in simpler times. I know I cannot ask you to go completely back to those simpler times but I do ask you to honor your physical bodies by feeding them the right food and not abusing or neglecting them. Take time to rest this body properly and do not allow someone else to injure your body.
There are many women who feel they are” less than.” They have entered relationships and remain in these relationships where they are abused physically and emotionally. I will be working on this side to try to bring awareness among these women on a far reaching level. To allow someone to abuse your body is to abuse me.  Call on me for assistance. Teach your children to honor their bodies in a healthy way.
I am concerned about fracking and the possibilities of poisoning the water. This process can be done safely but some people are frantic about  being independent of oil and are not thinking things through as clearly as they should. There are concerns among the Seven Sisters about the use of space travel and the human race taking these poisons off of the Earth and to other planets. This will not be allowed. There will be talk of it. There is talk of it now. I ask you to fight for those planets as you fight for Mother Earth, for me.

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