Scopes January 2014 By Kay
Wishing you and yours a happy New year!
You have allowed worry to take up way too much room in your life
and consume too much of your thinking mind and power this past year.
Fortunately it is relatively easy to take the first step in reversing this
process and in resurrecting simple truths even if you have left them behind or
believed them long forgotten. Your intentions are the source that fuels your
mind. Keep them positive and your thoughts will be also. Otherwise negative
thoughts or worries can keep you in this arduous position. You have heard it
before but until you are ready to raise your glass and give it up to a higher
power, the results will remain the same.
Let go, love, and prepare for the future by laying the proper
foundation of positive thoughts and words
Your assignment is to get a small notebook and keep it with you
all day. Make a mark in this book every time a fearful or negative thought
occurs and make a short note of its content. At the end of the day, go over
these words and make corrections that are positive and up lifting. Say them out
loud and see how this raises your vibration and that of those around you.
This is the perfect time to
let go of guilt or feelings of blame you may be harboring. Let your grip loosen
and declare that you are starting a new pathway to a brighter future!
Doing this exercise once a week will move mountains. Expect some
challenging thoughts to arise and one by one, dismiss them as they come to the
surface of your consciousness.
Your Light Being
Simon Zealot will assist
you in remembering your intentions for the pure, simple and beautiful things
that so easily fall away from your consciousness when your mind is consumed
with money issues and feelings of lack.
Your Animal Guide
The Parrot will help you in finding new ways to revive something
from your past. Listen and learn from others.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
<p> Spinel of any
color will assist you in grounding and renewal.</p>
Take your mind off of your own troubles by giving your energy to activities
with higher vibrations. You can do this through many avenues including prayer,
meditation, creative arts, assisting the homeless or those needing help, or
spending time with pets.
You may wonder how spending time with pets fits into this picture.
When you spend time with a pet, you are in the presence of loving energy unlike
that of any other. It is plain, simple, honest and has the highest potential of
unconditional love unlike that of human to human contact.
Feelings of helplessness that have plagued you off and on over the
past few months will begin to diminish as you ask the Divine for help through your
higher self.
<p>Help may come through many sources and arrive just as you
were ready to give up. Sometimes giving up and surrendering is exactly what you
need. It can be the key to the door that you have tried unsuccessfully to open
for so long. You can kick it, bang your head on it, will it to open to no avail
and just as you turn to walk away you may look on the ground and see the key or
know the solution.
This is a time to open yourself up to new opportunities and ways
of doing things. The old ways just aren’t working and it is time to step up to
the plate. Search your inner self for the many talents, and gifts which you
have not utilized or seemed to move forward with previously. Try a new way. It is time to make peace with the past and start
recognizing what you bring to the table instead of focusing on what you believe
you lack. Ask the Universe for opportunities!
Your Light Being
Saint Germain will help you balance your
power and clear any fear. This includes fears and worries belonging to past
incarnations, the collective of mass consciousness or fears stemming from past
experience or current beliefs. Call upon him often.
Your Animal Guide
Ant will help you remember and recognize the
simple truth in life and reveal those who are not working for the good of the
whole. This law for success must be followed and is not negotiable.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Selenite will anchor in Angelic contact and
will help you with judgment and intuitive clarity.
Try not to rush into anything this month.
Further investigation will bring up more questions that need to be addressed
before you move forward with a project or a relationship. Timing is everything!
You have been working hard. Hard enough to
deserve a time out to celebrate and enjoy the fruits of your labor. This may
mean just a peaceful night with your partner or a night out on the town. Let
someone else drive for a change, if you know what I mean.
This is the time to shake off any energy,
experiences or emotions you have collected over the past year. There may be
someone who is feeling a bit envious or jealous. Remember that Jealousy is a
very human emotion and natural. Send love and light; and release as you step
into new creative ideas and activities.
Health is also an important issue right now.
You must take care of yourself so you can care for others. Listen to experts
but always make health decisions based on your internal source of guidance.
Don’t just blindly follow others. Ask questions.
You are highly intuitive and always quick to
give others a hand when needed. Give yourself a pat on the back as sometimes
you may not feel gratitude or recognition coming from those closest to you.
It is
good to remind yourself that you do things out of service and will receive
thanks and reward from the Universe and the Divine in ways that will be
revealed to you a bit farther down the road. But know that your deeds, prayers
and concerns for others have not gone unnoticed. The one who sits in the seat
of your soul sees all and never forgets
Your Light Being
Moses will help you understand the powerful
Divine plan. This could begin a new course of study for you
Your Animal Guide
The Flicker (of the Woodpecker family) will
prepare you for creativity, new love and healing
Your Stone or Mineral helper
<p> Fuchsite will help you resist the
urge to fall into the role of the savior who tends to rescue people. It will
help you be of service without enabling dysfunctional behavior.
Every time you find yourself falling back
into negative thinking, remove yourself from the current situation and put your
attention elsewhere. Try losing yourself in a mystery novel or in a movie or in
nature where you can release a lot of the everyday tension and absorb the
beauty of fresh air and all things as Mother Earth intended.
Electrical currents seem to be causing some
discomfort and nervous energy that may affect you’re your nervous system. A
relaxing bath of sea salt, baking soda and Epsom salts will assist in releasing
the toxins and removing emotional energy blocks. This will also help get you
back in touch with your body and with physical enjoyment. This will be most
effective right before you go to sleep.
Sometimes you find it difficult to accept
presents, favors and invitations from others.
This may be a manifestation of a desire to control people or situations.
At this time you are being encouraged to step out of your comfort zone and open
yourself up to receiving. Just say “yes”
and “thank you” like the Universe is listening.
This is a good time to realize that even a
small change in your behavior or response can rearrange the pieces of your life
and move you in a new and positive direction. The “larger you” knows this but
the” little you” still wants to call the shots and have things the way you
think they should be
Ask yourself this question. “What if it
everything could turn out even more incredible if I just let go of the reins
once in a while?” Watch as things fall into place like a beautiful symphony.
Your Light Being
Paramahansa Yogananda will teach you the true
meaning of humility and to be humble in your acceptance and recognition of the
beauty and power of the Divine. To put it simply, “let go and let God”.
Your Animal Guide
Deer is loving and majestic, Deer will show
you how to move the mountains that seem to block your path with gentle
persuasion and love.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Muscovite will help eliminate stress and
tension and will help open your heart chakra
You’ve had a very exciting year! Endings and new beginnings have
been the theme echoing throughout your everyday life. Your patience has been
tested, and your faith still remains strong. This is not to say that there have
not been moments of fear and despair
This month you can begin working on projects that have been a long
time coming. At times it seemed as if
these opportunities would never come, but here there are.
You are still a bit unsure but you have come so far in your faith and
been dedicated to making your intentions manifest into your reality. It has
been a long uphill road, but now you can come down the other side of the
mountain with all of the momentum you have gathered and use this to glide into
the New Year.
Always remember you will remain in the spotlight as others are
noticing your charismatic energy and curious about your way of doing things.
Remember you are a role model for those around you and you have the star power
to be the leader of any project you decide to take on. Therefore, you are being
encouraged to handle yourself with grace and integrity. Remain conscious of
your thoughts and words and don’t be afraid to pause before speaking. This will
help you avoid letting words automatically come out of your mouth that may not
be consistent with your real message and intention.
Pay attention to your dreams and flashes of intuition. They could
assist you and others. Pray for those
who don’t know that they need prayers this month. Be a covert spiritual warrior
for them and the world. After all, look how powerfully your prayers for
yourself have manifested. It is only fitting that you should share this gift.
Your Light Being
White Buffalo Calf Woman will assist you in your prayers for
yourself and others. The keys are to stay in gratitude and a willingness to be
of service.
Your Animal Guide
Buffalo will help you with prayers for abundance, peace and plenty
for all.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Garnet will provide stamina and passion.
This is a very powerful time of manifestation for you. In the past,
your dreams of transformation have been dramatic and detailed. You are being
asked to keep it on the lighter side this month. Not saying that you shouldn’t wish
for big things and changes; but rather you are being encouraged to put your
energy behind believing and acting as if these things are already part of your
In your wish list you may want to name those items you have
already manifested. For example, “I am grateful for __________ and for
________in my life; and my gratitude is overflowing. I send prayers of healing and ask for peace,
true love, and prosperity for all beings on the planet, in alignment with the
greatest good.” It only takes one second of truly feeling this “knowing” in
your emotional body to make this a truth. It is a feeling of… “All is well so I
may give to others”. The faith the size of a mustard seed, my love, is all it
You have the opportunity to step into and own your power. Listen
to the feelings and desires of your heart and do not let another’s overshadow
your own. Do not sell your treasures so cheaply to those who only use them as
tools to manipulate you and others.
We give you the courage to heal the tremendous pain you have
carried for many years. This can be a time to lift the weight from your
shoulders and invite others into your life to share this powerful shift in
consciousness with you. You have protected your heart for so long and now is
the time to begin to unravel the layers of armor surrounding it.
\ Talk to me often in meditation, prayer and through written
petitions. Listen for instructions and I will guide you to ways to unfold this
healing process and bring about the change that you have come to accomplish in
this lifetime.
Your Light Being
Jesus of the Christ and I bring with me the Holy Spirit in all of
my blazing glory. I am That I am, and within is the key.
Your Animal Guide
The dove brings a branch of peace and the possibility of new love.
This is a renewal of the spirit. Call on dove and you shall feel love.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Rutilated Quartz will help break through the blocks that hinder
your ability to give and receive love.
It assists in releasing and is good for channeling.
Take time to rest and recover in-between
activities and social events. Your body needs time to process the information
that seems to be coming to you from the feminine side of your cranial cortex.
This might be tipping the balance on your delicate Libra scale.
It’s possible this could result
in unusual physical symptoms that could keep some people running to the doctor
only to find that nothing is seriously wrong. I would never suggest that you
refuse medical care. If you feel the need
to check something out, please do. l
Rest and relaxation can do a lot to ease many
of the symptoms. This could be eye problems, issues with the jaw, hip and leg,
or lower back problems. It might include a bit of a tremor. Putting yourself on
the receiving end of massage and energy work will also help a great deal to
bring you back to center. This may be a time when you need to ask for help from
a practitioner or Chiropractor to put yourself back in balance and alignment.
Do your best to avoid negative or
overwhelming crowds of people right now. You are very sensitive and may lose
yourself in the needs of others. Pick and choose only the activities of the
highest vibration; your time and energy are valuable. There is something or someone new right
around the corner.
It is a time of moving out of some of the old
patterns and activities that served you and others in the past. Financially and
energetically this could be the beginning of doing less and gaining more. It is
all part of the karmic balancing that is happening in your life right now.
Your Light Being
Lady Liberty will assist you in
balancing the scales and bring to light the choices that must be made in order
to find your balance. She is strong yet compassionate. Ask for her assistance.
Your Animal Guide
Cheetah will help you remain
flexible and open to new opportunities. It can also help you maneuver at great
speeds when opportunities arise.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Jade will bring harmony, open your heart
chakra, and attract all good things.
Try to leave past thoughts of
your mistakes and missed opportunities behind. It is time to step up and look
at yourself and possibilities from a different perspective.
What is needed now is to work
with the under-developed part of the ego in a productive way. Make a conscious
effort to identify and separate the small part of the ego that is critical and
unforgiving of yourself and others. You already know that others are mirrors.
If you see others in an imperfect light this will be reflected upon you. This
also works both ways as you may see the imperfection in yourself and project
that onto others. This can become a never ending cycle that seems impossible to
Might I suggest throwing a wrench
into the mix by being brave and stepping out of the shadows and back into the
spotlight. You can do this without ruffling any feathers. Just be your true
authentic self and the places and people that harmonize with this vibration
will be attracted to you.
This is a perfect time to partner
with other people on creative projects and this will be effective as long as
you come from the larger Divine self and give the ego some other task to focus
on. Make an effort to check in with both every day. This does not mean that the
ego and Divine self are divided, as all is one. The ego is just your individual
life experiences and expression of the whole. Try to be more compassionate with
the ego and see how this will shift things in your life. You can think of the
Ego as your inner child, if that helps, and spend a minute or two giving
undivided unconditional love to the child every day.
Your Light Being
Mother Mary, Queen of Compassion
will help you in being compassionate towards yourself. To be critical and
conditional with love to your self is to be unloving and restrictive with the
love of the whole. Call on her.
Your Animal Guide
Crow will help you look into the
shadow side of your being and embrace it. Crow will also show you your
authentic self, not the self that is dictated by a society in this manmade
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Iron pyrite will energize and
protect you as well as showing you the wizard behind the curtain. It will also
promote confidence and self-worth.
The Universe awaits the
opportunity to bestow gifts of healing, love and prosperity. It is a matter of
spiritual law. But you may need to get out of your own way. This may require
you to cut back on making snap judgments and care for yourself in loving and
healing ways. Have you been feeling like others are given material comforts and
attention and somehow you were sold short?
If so, you may be missing the point and working harder and harder to
please others as a way of seeking the comfort and attention you crave.
This is a time to reflect on your
relationships. Consider whether or not you spend time and energy with people
who are unable or unwilling to support your highest good. Do they reinforce or
negate your belief you are worthy and deserving of all good things? It is time
to take a long look at the people closest to you. Though they may have some
redeeming qualities, are you still feeling a void?
You can make a major shift in
your life and receive a huge outpouring of love, prosperity and opportunity at
this time by making some adjustments in your relationships. It will require a
bit of soul searching on your part. Meditate on each person and circumstance. You
no longer need to hold onto other’s ideas or opinions that are not consistent with
your true being. You can also release any negative emotions associated with
these people, circumstances or relationships as well. See each person or
circumstance that needs to be transformed or released, as a balloon you are
holding in your hand. Begin to release them one by one.
Remember you chose to come into
this world to learn this spiritual truth; and these circumstances may have been
part of the plan. The truth is plain and simple and requires only you love yourself.
Many others may love you too, but the true reflection and payoff from the
Divine will pour on you continuously when you let go of the idea that you must
suffer the opinions of other people instead of honoring the truth of the one who
is the giver of all things.
Get lots of rest which will help
protect you from the negative effects of stress and specifically respiratory
problems. There is some good news coming in the employment area if you are open
to making some changes and are ready to take on bigger responsibilities
Your Light Being
El Morya will assist you in
learning to expand your knowledge and ability to receive blessings through
Divine law.
Your Animal Guide
Cheetah will teach you to be open
and receptive to new opportunities; and can assist you in changing your
perception and expectations.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Aragonite will help you stay
Take the vision you have before
you and make a few changes in the picture that you have created. Leave a little
room for the unknown. You can call it “The Serendipity Room.” This is the space
for unexpected windfalls and opportunities of chance. You have done so much
work on many levels and built walls around your expectations to preserve the
integrity of your dreams and ideals. The only thing missing is the room for the
divine to come in and open new doors and avenues that you have not thought of.
In the past, your ability to
control some situations has served you and perhaps even protected you at times.
I see a slight turn on your path that will require the ability to bend and fearlessly
allow others to lead on occasion. This has been a difficult concept for you in
the past, as you may not have had the easiest childhood and had to depend on yourself
to learn the ways of the world.
you may have noticed that this
idea of control has become a bit exhausting and left you feeling like you are
spinning your wheels. I am suggesting that you would benefit from asking the
Divine for assistance and gracefully accept it by getting out of the
Spend more time thinking about
how your thoughts and plans for the future could be expanded spiritually and
feel more satisfying. Trust your intuitive process. Make decisions from your
heart with the intention of being for the highest good of all concerned.
Patience is not one of your priorities;
but this month practicing it could do so much to help you actually see the
Universe at work.
Your Light Being
Saint Germain will help you transmute
some of the energies that seem to be blocking your inner process on your path
to personal and collective growth.
Your Animal Guide
Rabbit stands frozen when it is
in a fearful situation. It can help you stop ineffective patterns from the past;
and assist you to evaluate your next move using your intuition and nature.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Moldavite will clear blockages
and connect you to the Ascended Masters.
As your birthday approaches there
seems to be some unrest and anticipation that something is going to change in
your life. You may choose to turn your back on a situation that has been
beneficial to you previously, but that has simply played itself out.
I am being shown a picture of you
sitting on a beach next to a large body of water with the salty air flowing
through your hair and energetic body. This is a time to dream of creative
projects and use some of the life experiences that you have encountered in a
productive way. Not just to air your own feelings, but in a way that will
assist others on their path. Think of the greater good here. You are being
called upon to step up to the plate and take a new approach to old feelings in
relationships. It is time to cut the cords and use this in a productive way.
Love is an ordinary emotion that sometimes
becomes much more dramatic than it needs to be. If one is harboring guilt or
angry emotions and holds on to these concepts for years, would you not consider
this to be a waste of the life experience? I suggest taking these emotions and
repetitive thoughts and releasing them to the ocean to wash away and leave you
ready to make new triumphs and mistakes. That is what this experience is about.
Consider it on-the-job training.
Prepare for new experiences; and
release past expectations. Your new love may not be what you expect at all. It
may be a relationship with the divine, perhaps with art or with music.
Your Light Being
Archangel Gabriel will cut through all of the blocked
energy and red tape.
Your Animal Guide
Raccoon is curious and
resourceful. This will help you remain conscious to new experiences.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
A time linked shaped Crystal. It
is also called an activator that will help you see the past or the future to
assist you in making changes on your path.
This can be a fulfilling month for you. There is magic in the air
and you know how to maneuver the universal energy. Once you see the pattern and
how to step into your position as co-creator, you will be able to be where you
are supposed to be, and exactly when you are supposed to be there.
There is a bit of preparation on this journey. You may be
harboring some thought of self-deprecation and guilt that may be holding you
hostage. Make a list of these feeling of guilt and reasons why you would not deserve
only the best that a Son/Daughter of God should have .
Write a letter to these
feelings and thoughts. Call it a Dear
John letter if you like. This is a name for a letter that women used to write
to men that explained why they needed to move on to a new relationship.
Then proceed to explain to
this memory or emotion how it made you feel in the beginning and served you and
why you have the need to move on. Write this just as you would to a lover as
you have clung to this notion as you would a lover. It did fulfill a purpose.
It filled a void, as you lacked a better and more socially acceptable emotion
to put in its place so this one seem to be the most acceptable.
This emotion and belief also kept you safe from venturing out and perhaps
making the same mistake over again. Know that you are safe in the loving arms
of the Creator and trust that all is well.
Your Light Being
Master Kuthumi will assist you in freeing yourself of all that
troubles you and introduce you to more productive ways of thinking.
\Your Animal Guide
Dragonfly will help you make transformations.
Your Stone or Mineral helper
Larimar will help you adjust and harmonize with new vibrations
that you have shifted into place.