
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Messages From Merlin and Merlin Scopes March 23

MerlinScopes    Lessons in Unconditional Love     Week of March 23rd 2015

Hello my friends,
I hope you haven’t thought that I have forgotten about you. It has been a rough year for many of us. It seems that many of our loved ones have decided to leave the planet, I had such a loss and just needed to take a breath to digest everything that has happened.
On Friday March 13th one of my closest and dearest friends past away. This was completely unexpected. I still look around the house and in my computer and see reminders of her everywhere. She did my hair and makeup for my pictures. We talked on the phone every day.

Her name was Mary Kathleen Albi Ferguson. Just Kathy Albi to most of us. We met almost 10 years ago at a Medical Intuitive class and became fast friends. We took many classes and walked a spiritual journey of healing, laughter and support as we both went through darkest nights and brightest days.

We disagreed sometimes, especially about politics and the social classes. We were both equally passionate about how we thought life should be in the world. I tend to be a bit far left and she was far right. It used to really upset me as she so masterfully used her Cancer wit and emotions to push my buttons about these things. 

In fact I was very angry with her at one point and we weren’t speaking for about a year.I took something she said personally and I felt wounded by what she had said. I thought how could someone on a spiritual path have such limited views and I decided that I would be better off without these infuriating opinions invading my space. I thought I could surround myself with those who shared my opinions and be happier. This lasted about 1 year.

I couldn’t have been more wrong. I missed her funny emails and her amazing wit. I missed the little jokes that only she and I shared. The good things that she brought out in me outweighed the things that I disagreed with. I needed her back in my life.  I had to send her 2 or three emails of apology and called her when there was a fire close to her ranch and I was concerned about her and her husband and the 50+ alpacas and other animals that she had acquired.  She loved all creatures and was a collector of critters. After this we were back to being Besties.

 We never talked about politics again. One very important lesson I learned from her is how to love unconditionally. I never gave up my views and opinions and I am sure that she didn’t either but one thing I know for sure. I am a better and more fulfilled person for having her in my life.

 If I hadn’t accepted her, just as she was, I would have missed out on the love of an amazing person. When it is all said and done folks, politics and opinions are healthy and help us change the world but  there must be balance and acceptance or else even our Light workers become ridged and limit our potential for growth and love. Isn’t that why we are here?     RIP Kathy I love you.

Here are The MerlinScopes
MerlinScopes         Week of March 16th, 2015

Aries… The week of March 23rd,   2015
The collective is showing me a vision of a beautiful tree that seems to be leaning a bit to the south so that it can enjoy the southern exposure. It is just starting to bud and I am told that this is this is The Giving Tree. What is given from the Giving tree is eventually given back to the soil and earth and so it begins its new journey.
Your soul is making arrangements to complete a cycle and thus will begin anew. Make yourself available to whatever spirit is asking you to do. This may be through dreams, premonitions, changes in likes and dislikes or changes in family or friendships. Be flexible and bend in the wind so you don’t break.

Taurus… The week of March 23rd,   2015
A new and improved breath of fresh air is beginning to flow through your lungs. Take advantage of this time because a new spirit guide is knocking on the door of your heart. This is a change of perception that will assist you in making that step towards some form of recreation or even vocation that could be a career or activity that is in alignment with the Universal laws of peace and prosperity.

Gemini… The week of March 23rd,   2015
Release, release and release is the message for you from the Light Brigade. It is ok to give a sigh of relief right now. The uncertainty of what could happen next is lifting and you are able to peek out of your protective shell.
This is not to say that all will always be well because life is full of challenges and heartaches. This is how we learn and grow into the fullness of our being. Your soul wants you to know that you are deeply loved and gives you recognition of how much you have grown. I see a badge of honor presented and placed in your heart.

Cancer… The week of March 23rd,   2015
I see a vision of you hanging on to the world as it spins at a rapid pace. You are barely hanging on and I see you looking backwards. Time may feel like it is going way too fast for you right now. You may be trying to take some time to look back and see how you could have done things differently.
Only use this as a learning tool and not a reason to discredit or dishonor your past actions and decisions. This is only to learn from and to use these lessons in the present and future. All there is, that is real and lasting is love.
If your actions and reactions are based on love and kindness then you have lived life well. If not always than you have time to work on this. This would be thought of as ego work. Whenever you are experiencing negative emotions such as fear, jealousy, self-pity or lack, know that you are living in the shadow part of your ego. Take a moment to ask for help and clear your mind of all thoughts as you seek the higher realms.

Leo… The week of March 23rd,   2015
Reliving old worn out thoughts about your physical self is not the way to make positive changes in your life. This will only cause your defensive blocks to start lining up and create resistance to any lasting changes that are trying to flow through your being right now.
This may play out in unproductive behaviors and thoughts such as addictive tenancies of all sorts. I would say whatever your drug of choice is, which may be limited to or include gambling, over eating, drinking, smoking, Too much TV or games.
This has always been a great buffer in the past and once again you have a choice to ask for help in revealing the true nature of your feelings or to hide them again. Neither is right or wrong. The opportunity will always be there for you when you are ready.

Virgo… The week of March 23rd,   2015
Leave your heart open even if every fiber of your being is begging you to shut it down. Now is the time to stay in your heart center and experience and breathe through the emotions that have been kept like a sleeping dragon for so long.
Expect to lose the “Spock” like logical reasons for the ways of the world and spirit. All things that come to pass are within our contract that is not only with spirit but also with our souls. Thus is the contract of Virgo to be able to push beyond the envelope and accept the messy and illogical feelings of our own hearts.

Libra… The week of March 23rd,   2015
Trust your instincts. You may be backed into a corner and have to make a tough but necessary decision. This decision has been placed before you time and again.
You don’t have to take any action at all if you choose not to. Only know that if you pull back into the same behaviors and reasoning that you will confronted with this situation again and again until you are comfortable with an outcome that is healthy for all concerned.

Scorpio… The week of March 23rd,   2015
There is a good opportunity for you this week. This can be related to career or a job. There is also an opportunity for you to speak your opinion in a clear and concise manner to a receptive audience. I see you balancing and weighing your options,
 Don’t let fear pull you off of your path but also remember that you need to take a long hard look at your goals. Are they money motivated or of the heart? Refuse to take anything less than what your heart desires. The heart wants what the heart wants. Money can’t buy peace.

Sagittarius… The week of March 23rd,   2015
If work or some situation is getting to you, make sure that you make time to release your aggravation in a kind and loving way. If you need to call in or say no to something than do so. Better to pull yourself out of the situation for a day then to be in a position where you may say some things that you may later regret.
Besides, if you call in or bow out you may feel a bit empowered. Sometimes you just need to feel a bit naughty. It might bring out your playful side and avoid your unleashing the kraken on someone else.

Capricorn… The week of March 23rd,   2015
Pull back your ambitions a tad this week. If you don’t you might pay for it at a later date. Don’t let your competitive nature get the best of you. You might appear greedy in a situation that tweeks the most competitive and insecure place in your ego. This can also be exhausting.
Dial it back a few notches or you might find the same people that used to run towards you running away from you. Be gracious and remember the Golden Rule.

Aquarius… The week of March 23rd,   2015
Be at peace and know all is well. If you worry about things that haven’t happened yet, you will not only will you be wasting your time, but you will be taxing your body and withholding the light that you have to share with others,
Know that all is well and as it should be. Take care with your knees as they may be places that hold stressful energy. If you are experiencing pain just know that this is how your body communicate and that you may be out of balance.

Pisces… The week of March 23rd,   2015
Let your wit be your best companion this week. You might be feeling a bit silly. Don’t withhold this and share this freely with others in your own fantastic way. Maybe it is a song, a poem or just in conversation. The world needs a good laugh right now and you can be instrumental in providing it.
Your life has come through some big changes both good and bad and you made it through all of them. This is a time to celebrate and share your wisdom with others who are struggling through their dark night of the soul.

Have a wonderful week and look for the Monthly Scopes next week.
I am also having my monthly Merlin channeling meetup Saturday March 28th from 12 noon to 2 PM at First Spiritual Science Church in Denver see

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