
Monday, April 6, 2015

Merlin Chronicles 2nd week of April 2015

April 6,2015

Hello my friends,
I don't have a channel today but I do a have and observation as well as the Scopes. I also wanted to let you know that I will be a quest on Dave the Mystic at 8 PM mountain time tonight.

I am hoping that you had a great holiday week-end. I got to sing an interlude at First Spiritual Science Church in Denver and had a wonderful dinner with my family.

It seems that suddenly my grandchildren have grown up and they are off working or spending time with boyfriends and girlfriends during this holiday. I missed them but I understand how life changes when you have to become a grown-up and have responsibilities like rent and car payments.

A big part of me wishes that I could pay for everything and then they would never have to grow up but that would be irresponsible and unhealthy. I sit here today realizing how blessed I am with my kids and their children. I am not sure how that happened. I did everything wrong. I mean everything. I was a hippie. I was irresponsible and not available many times. I carry a lot of guilt from those years.

Then I have some friends who did everything right. They were responsible, present and gave their kids everything. Some of them have children that have not adjusted well as adults. Some of them didn't even make to adulthood due to poor choices in life style.

One thing I do know, I was never raised in any type of formal religion but I always prayed that my kids would be ok. They bounced around between me, my ex-husband and my mother and step father. None of us had an ideal lifestyle and I often wonder how they become such functional adults.
I think the power of prayer had  more to do with it than anything else.

That being said... Her are the Scopes for the second week of April enjoy.

Merlin Scopes        The second week of April 2015    by Kay

Aries… The second week of April 2015
This is a time to be inclusive with others and share yourself a bit more freely than you have in the past few weeks. Sometimes shutting down can be an effective survival skill but when the tool becomes a door that blocks the flow of give and take, love and responsibility, then all becomes stagnant and unable to grow. Open up to the possibilities.
Taurus… The second week of April 2015
Open your heart to a great flow of new energy as the tide has turned and you are in a perfect position to make some important decisions within your future plan.
 Be open to a bit of travel and meeting some new and interesting people.  You do feel a bit restless a little individual socializing would be good for your personal repertoire.
Gemini… The second week of April 2015
You may have a friend or someone close who is in need of your help. It may be emotional support or even financial. Take your time in choosing how you will help. Avoid reacting immediately and allow spirit and your higher self to sort out the best ways to assist.
Cancer… The second week of April 2015
Lost moments in time are lost forever. You are feeling a bit sentimental and would like to mend some fences. This is a perfect way to insure and support new growth.
Sometimes these things can be fleeting and be lost as quickly as they came but this lesson will stay with you and create a stronger wisdom into the true purpose and path on this journey that you have chosen.
Leo… The second week of April 2015
Your soft fury underbelly is showing right now. You may choose to let the sentimental side of you show in private while indulging in a movie or a book. However it may be hard for you to contain yourself when you are with others.
Take time to read something just for fun. You can’t take on the weight of the world. Those of you who are empathic are having a difficult time right now. It is your responsibility to protect yourself by indulging in activities that will assist you in creating boundaries.
Virgo… The second week of April 2015
Some old, I mean very old energies and situations are coming to the surface to be handled or cleared. There seems to be no avoiding these issue right now as these situations and people are right in your face.
You can chose to act like nothing is happening and hope that it will go away but every time this person or situation comes up it will be amplified. Take measures to resolve these issues even if it means seeking the assistance of an energy worker, counselor or Shaman. This can be a great time of learning and expressing your true self in an amazing way.
Libra… The second week of April 2015
Gentle spirit that you are. You may be called on to unearth some difficult issues that seem to be bothering you and others around you. This could be an attitude, old belief system of behavior that has become accepted as part of living as it is on this planet.
Use your eloquent words and heartfelt gifts of diplomacy to bring reason to the situation. It may take time for your voice to be heard and trust that it will not fade out into the abyss.
Scorpio… The second week of April 2015
Release yourself from old programing concerning the way that you think that other people see you. Don’t see yourself at all. Just be yourself and allow yourself to enjoy life as it is and not as your think that it should be. If you get too caught up in what should be, life will pass you by without ever experiencing the subtle beauty of the everyday expression of life.
Sagittarius… The second week of April 2015
I see you allowing a sigh of relief as you move into the change od seasons. This is a time to relax a bit more and try not to be so vigilant with yourself.
I see a bit more feminine energy and emotional shift coming into your energy field. This means that you may become a bit more intuitive and focus on some artistic ideas that are pleasing to your eyes and spirit.
Capricorn… The second week of April 2015
This may be a time of review for you. Looking at the past and just how far you have. Come. This is something that is needed as sometimes you get caught up in comparing yourself to the others who share similar yet different paths.
Know that all paths are unique and of their own making just like no two snowflakes are ever the same, the individual journey of all souls on the earth share some things but no two can be absolutely alike.  
Aquarius… The second week of April 2015
I see a vision of the energy of love moving out of your heart and circling around from left to right, making a complete circle right back into your heart.
This is beautiful and so pleasing. Just what you need right now as I see this building your auric field as well as your physical body. I see changes in your cellular structure that shows karmic situations that need love to heal so that you can move on to more pressing matters…. Pretty cool!
Pisces… The second week of April 2015
New hope for the future has finally knocked at your door. This is a new gift for the planet, or so I am being told. You may have to do a bit of re-shuffling to present the new and improved vision of who you are but it is time to step into the new

. If you don’t chose to do this willingly your physical body will work in conjunction with your soul to make the changes needed to fulfil your lessons on this planet. This could play out as some sort of restriction. Listen to your heart and not those who have the own reasons and agendas.

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