
Monday, February 8, 2016

Merlin Chronicles week of February 8th 2016 by Kay

Hi There,
I just completed the MelinScopes and posted them on You can also find them here.
As you may know, I live in Colorado and was quite thrilled with the Broncos winning the Superbowl last night. The Broncos were not favored to win because out Quarterback Peyton Manning has had a lot of injuries and he is 13 years older than the North Carolina's Panthers Q.B. The Panthers are a good aggressive team. The Q.B. didn't handle the loss very gracefully.

In the end Peyton Manning allowed the team to do what they do best which is run their Defense. I learned a lot from this. Wisdom, patience, humility and working as a team give everyone around you hope and willingness to focus on a goal.

I can remember working for companies where they would want people to compete against each other and then wonder why they couldn't reach the common goal of sales or whatever they set out to accomplish. Most of the people that I knew that fed into that frame of reference were not very happy people and a lot of the developed illnesses like Diabetes, Cancer and Heart disease. I am not saying that this is the only cause but I don't think it helped much.  I worked on a team once where almost all of us, including myself were on anti depressants.

I am not of the theory that all competition is bad,. Of course in certain sports it is expected but when it becomes your only purpose it can be destructive and create a lot of anger turned inward.

Anyway...Enough of me!
Here are the MerlinScopes for the week

Merlin Scopes        February 8th, 2016       by Kay
Aries… Week of February 8, 2016
There are different ways to achieve a goal. The most effective will serve all parties involved. The key to a situation that needs a bit of tweaking is asking how much growth can be achieved for all those involved.
For those of you who are healers (everyone is a healer) it may be within a social group that needs to become aware of things that they never saw possible or to help them shift their intentions to one of service, purpose and harmony.
Be the one who creates destiny out of drama.
Taurus… Week of February 8, 2016
The helpful nature of those around you will offer a moment or for lack of better words…hold space for you to adjust your energy level to meet a higher frequency that is coming in your direction.
This could mean many things. Perhaps someone will take you to an event that allows you to get lost in art or music.
If you have children perhaps a Mary Poppins will appear to offer child care so you can have the space that you need to relax and allow your higher self a bit of room to expand. There are higher forces at work here.

Gemini… Week of February 8, 2016
I see leaves from a tall tree with beautiful colors. The veins on the leaves are colored in a reddish wine color and stand out. You are receiving blessings and life from the most high is the interpretation that comes forth. 
I see that you are finally looking outward in the four directions for assistance and direction. For some time it seemed as if the only option was to look down at your own feet to watch each step that you were taking.
There are no limits now. Only the ones that you create and we both know that you are letting that go and ready to slip into something of a higher vibration. Personal and soul growth overflows in to all areas of life.

Cancer… Week of February 8, 2016
Beware of things becoming lost in translation. If you want to get a point across or if you have information that needs to be passed along make sure that it is well thought out and only brought out after you have reviewed the consequences.
I am hearing that this is not a week to simply delegate things that you don’t know about. Do your research or have someone in the know teach you what you need to know about a process so you don’t get blind-sided.
Leo… Week of February 8, 2016
Spend some time in contemplation but also allow some fun in the mix this week-end. Going out for a movie might be a good idea and give your busy mind a rest.
Something has just passed through and left your individual world. Understand that everything is just passing through. Nothing is for keeps.
Now it is time to re-invent yourself and find a way to make yourself stand out from all of the rest. Spend some time reading articles and doing some research concerning your situation. You can always bring in a professional to help if you feel the need to do so.
Don’t sell yourself short.
Virgo… Week of February 8, 2016
You can dream of doing things but nothing is actually going to happen until you actually get out and do it. Remember those guitar classes you wanted to take but thought you were too old to take 2 years ago? Wonder how good you would be by now?
The point is that you are a bit of an introvert and this is your challenge in this life-time. Work on it this week. Perhaps just a baby step.
Libra… Week of February 8, 2016
I see one of those pretty little candy conversation hearts in the middle of your heart. It seems to be radiating and pulsing. Perhaps a little Valentines Celebration or get together would be fun.
Know that a little bit of love can go a long way especially where two or more are gathered. This doesn’t have to be romantic love. It can be love for the planet or some group or cause that you feel drawn to.
Scorpio… Week of February 8, 2016
This feels like an exciting week for many of you. I applaud those of you who are getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things.
Making new contacts and meeting new people can be fulfilling for you this week.
Is there a little bit of an attraction this week? I am not saying that you will have all kinds of people trying to hook up but that you will have a magnetic energy this week with people and animals.  Hopefully with finances also.
Sagittarius… Week of February 8, 2016
I see a vision of you reaching a constant flow of energy coming in through the one hand and out the other.  This is a beautiful reddish color with flicks of gold in it. This is excellent because nothing is getting stuck.
Many things are beginning to clear and prepare you for bigger and better things on your path. I know you might question this now but watch for the magic.
Also take good care of your hips. Perhaps yoga or some kind of stretching to help your energy flow even more.
Capricorn… Week of February 8, 2016
Sometimes you can feel lonely even when you are not alone. Perhaps you might think that the perfect person or job might change that feeling but in your heart of hearts you know that this is not the case.
Chances are if you are not already involved with someone that you will go out and look for someone to fix.
In reality it is your connection with the Divine that lives within that is tugging on your shirt sleeve.
Be love …don’t look for it!  Then you will find it.

Aquarius… Week of February 8, 2016
I get the feeling that you are right at home this week. Changes and shifts that feel a little uncomfortable yet entertaining makes lively company when you are the commentator.
World events may have you baffled and at the same time highly expressive on a social level. You will be great company and the focus of any group activities so get out and enjoy the limelight!

Pisces …Week of February 8, 2016
I see you standing on the deck of a ship that is going through some rough waters yet you have a good sense of balance because you have traveled through these waters before.
It seems to be pitch dark but you have your handy dandy little lighter to show you exactly what you need to know.

You may not be able to see the big picture but you will be able to see all that you need to know. For some reason this is all that the universe wants you to see and focus on at this time.

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