
Tuesday, April 12, 2016

The Merlin Chronicles by Kay 4/12/16

Merlin Chronicles for the week of April 11th 2016

Hi There,

It feels like getting anything done is like walking through waist high water. Slow but steady seems to be my moto right now. A lot of folks are recovering from flu and respiratory issues more now than I ever remember.
I have been lucky in that respect. Any way I hope that you are well and happily moving into the new energies easily.

The message that I have for you is to take time to be in touch with your body every day or as often as often as you can. Our bodies are reacting to other restrictions in our lives. These can be any kind of restrictions old and new.
Many of us are struggling with weight and it almost feels like we are becoming bigger to handle the energy that is coming into our energy fields. It is a form of protection and a buffer to protect this beautiful light from the harsh beliefs opinions and social system on planet Earth.

 The best suggestion is to exercise and move your body in a methodical and mindful way. Nothing too extreme. This is much like child birth and you are giving birth to a new you.

Here are The MerlinScopes for the week of April 11th 2016
In Loving Light,


Aries…  Week of April 11th 2016 
 You may be feeling a bit emotional right now. Sometimes emotions are a bit difficult for you. Know that this is a good time to be flexible and be in the flow.
You are used to being practical in most ways and emotions may take you out of your comfort zone. Sometimes it is good to stretch your emotional experiences. It helps you grow.

Taurus…  Week of April 11th 2016 
I see a lot of indecision. It is kind of like …yes/no… yes/no …yes/no! This could change two or three times within an hour. Honor this process and don’t make any definitive choices until you are clear.

 That being said, don’t allow yourself to be stuck in indecision. Focus on your heart and ask you Higher Self. You will get the correct guidance for your soul.
Go into meditation, where you are in nothingness and ask to be connected to your Soul Path. You may not see it with your conscious mind but it will surface when you need it as you have opened the gate.

Gemini…  Week of April 11th 2016 
There may be a need to pull yourself back into balance. What could you do to bring balance and clarity back into your life? I am being shown a vision of you sitting in reflection next to a pool of water focusing on nature and how nature creates balance.

 One side of you, the part that is connected to the Oneness understands this but the other more rational side fights to stay dominate in the illusion of the physical and social boundaries created in this life. Blend the two.

Cancer…  Week of April 11th 2016 
It may be to your advantage to go inward and take a second look at what feelings are fueling recent creations in your life. Why are you doing what you are doing? Are you blocking or sabotaging your success? What is your purpose and payoff? Is it only the payoff and not your passion?

 This doesn’t have to be related to the “Big Picture” or plan. This could be a recent activity that could be personal or in your professional life. It seems that one may be flowing into the other though. Another message is telling you not to cut off your nose to spite your face.

Leo…  Week of April 11th 2016
This is a week consumed with highs and lows. It may be difficult to separate and compartmentalize some if these emotions and situations but there is a need for this.

This is a week of releasing and letting go by choice or by other circumstances. It may not make sense but it is all part of the ebb and flow of life.

Virgo…  Week of April 11th 2016 
Use your energy wisely this week. The rest of the month will be busy with one thing or another so make your best effort to rest and reserve your energy.
A lot of focus on diet and what goes into your body this week. Know that this may be the time to initiate a dietary cleanse or change in your diet to revive your organs and overall energies.

Know that your angels are protecting and supporting you in ways that may feel like blocks in your progress but this couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Libra…  Week of April 11th 2016 
Love is in the air and all around! If you are single you might have a touch of Spring fever or meet someone new. For those of you already in relationships this would be a good week to make the most of the time that you have to share with your partner. Flirtations abound!

This can also be more of a global or Universal feeling of wonderful free floating love that you may be feeling. Enjoy!

Scorpio…  Week of April 11th 2016 
You might be obsessed with something that sparks your intellect or taste buds this week. It may have you on kind of a high. It seems as if lately there hasn’t been too many things that have interested you but this week you have found that passion that has been hidden for some time and is bringing some new creative ideas.

Sagittarius…  Week of April 11th 2016 
Take a look and see if you might have been over-compensating in your personal life. Take a step back and watch your life just as if you are watching a movie and see what comes up in your life. I think a couple aha moments might surface. You might be putting too much stress on one area to make up for a lack in another. It just doesn’t work out well in the long run.

There is also a message about the possibility of an over-correction like when you are driving a car and you end up head on into something that you never wanted to be a part of or overpaying a bill that leaves you short on paying another.

Capricorn…  Week of April 11th 2016
Deep breath in, deep breath out. This will do a lot to shake off some of your nervous energy. It is a time to focus on what needs to get done rather than what you would like to get done.

If you have taken on some new duties or studies allow time to integrate rather than jumping in both feet first.

Aquarius…  Week of April 11th 2016 
I see a vision from the Collective that keeps focusing on your feet. It looks like arrows pointing down to the earth. Keep yourself grounded and sure footed in your body, mind and spirit.

Keep yourself in your protective white light bubble because there seems to be a bit of turbulence ahead. Some of this may be self-induced but these things happen for us to figure out and test out spiritual wisdom.

Pisces…  Week of April 11th 2016 
You might feel a little out of the loop or like some folks take advantage of you and you may not be getting accolades for the work that you do.
Know that all of the right people and Light Beings are paying attention and that you will see the rewards as you go with the flow and become non-resistant to the process. 

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