
Monday, October 31, 2016

November 2016 MerlinScopes By Kay

 Merlin Chronicles         by Kay                   November 2016

Hi Everyone,
I guess some of you may have noticed that I have only been doing the MerlinScopes once a month. I have been pretty busy with my clients, local fairs, friends and family. I am listening to my intuition and my body as I follow the messages and show up when I am called. So the November scopes are here today!

I am so sad to say that one of my friends passed away this morning on Halloween at 1:00 AM. She struggled with her illness for a long time and spent the past year totally focusing on her spirituality and healing through Qi Gong. I know that she did so much work on many levels before she passed. Friends told me that they saw her in class on Tuesday and she was filled with love and gratitude.

 Kristine was someone who loved Halloween and it doesn’t surprise me that she would chose this day. We will always know what day to light a candle for her. I really thought that I would be able to see her or call her one more time but we will have to learn a new way of communication.

Well, the energies are pretty crazy here in the States. I don’t think that I have ever seen so much anger and hate in my entire life. I have found myself unfriending and unfollowing some people on social media and avoiding encounters with others who seem to be angrier than others. I can only hope that we will find some kind of sanity after the elections.

 Surprisingly my attention and soapbox is focused on how our government is treating the Native Americans in North Dakota at Standing Rock as well as all of those supporting them in keeping their water and sacred land protected. It doesn’t make me angry. It hurts my heart. They don’t seem to care that the whole world is watching how we treat our own and what that says about our character.

Well enough about me. Know that I keep each and every one of you in my prayers as we travel through these crazy days. It is like riding a roller coaster. Stay in your seat, hold onto the safety bar and know that the car will stay on the track until the ride is over. Then we get to choose a new ride!
Here are the channeled MerlinScopes for November 2016

 Merlin Scopes for November 2016 by Kay
Aries…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Keep it simple is the theme this month. Do what you must, but only that which you can do thoroughly and well. Sometimes when you try to spread yourself too thin, streams become oceans and you might become overwhelmed or exhausted, in which case nothing is completely brought to fruition.

Only a significant number of things can be easily done with integrity and brought to completion. Focus on those first this month and continue your work on the more difficult projects in December. Seeing the success will give you the initiative to take on the bigger ones.

Be receptive to input from others as they may have valuable information that can change your outlook on everything. Personal values are very important; but the good of all also needs to be addressed.

I see a vision of you writing with an old fashion ink well and fountain pen on paper. This may be equivalent to communication with the Akashic records and perhaps information that may be genetic that has historical value. This can be on a collective or personal level.

Your Light Being
I have a Being who claims to have traveled here from the Light of Atlantis who wants to initiate you into the ability to journey through the archives of the energies of the past. This will make it easier in reflecting this information to create a more positive future.

Attune to this by raising your vibration from your pineal gland through your crown and matching the sound and light vibration to this open space. You will know when you are there. Happy travels my friends. I think I may just tune in with you! It sounds awesome!

Your Animal Guide
A Hawk is beating his wings in perfect rhythm with your heart beat. He invites you to use your imagination and shape shift into his body to experience the freedom he has. This will help you in many ways.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Tourmaline will lighten your energy vibration.

 Taurus…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Take yourself to a whole new level this month by keeping your energy clear. For some of you this may be a bit of a challenge, depending on the people around you that you need to deal with on a daily basis.

Clear yourself every morning and before you go to bed. You might even want to do this mid-day as well. Close your eyes and focus your inner eye (your imagination) on an old fashion lantern in a dark room. See the beautiful golden yellow flame with flashes of red, blue, orange, and white. Imagine the light growing bigger and allow your-self to see the aura created around this light as it grows and engulfs the dark room. Become one with this light. If your mind goes to other places it is ok, as long as you are able to hold this vision for a few seconds or minutes.

When you have completed this, give yourself a pat on the back for bringing so much love and light back into your life. The point is, you have been expending a lot of your life force in places that are not supportive. This is a great way of nourishing you soul and spirit. You may also notice new benefits and gifts from spirit.

Your Light Being
Babaji is offering support in helping you open your inner senses of vision and hearing to a higher level of consciousness. Know that all of humanity is hearing the call to a higher octave.  He says the choice is yours whether you choose to answer or not.

Your Animal Guide
A Camel stepped forward to offer assistance. Trust your instincts and only use as much energy as you need. These are creatures that live in the desert and know how to use their resources efficiently. This also has to do with finances.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Rutilated quartz will help clear and cleanse your aura.

 Gemini…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Don’t let your heart deceive you when it comes to doing what is best in a situation that concerns someone that is really playing on your emotions and kindness. Do whatever you need to do to help yourself, and then offer what you can from what is left over.

I see a vision of you in a sparse yet beautiful place that is surrounded by sand. I see you holding a silver bowl that contains clear, clean water. There is enough water for you and a little bit for another person until you get to the next part of your journey. Make sure you take what you need for yourself; this other person has resources to tap into to get what they need.

If you give a person everything they need and deny yourself, you remove their opportunity to learn responsibility and strength.  You give your power away; and that can result in your feeling like a victim. Then it becomes an uncomfortable karmic situation. ‘No’ is a complete sentence.

Your Light Being
Shiva is dancing through your energy field and cleaning up some karmic connections.

 Your Animal Guide
A group of blackbirds are sitting in a tree and they come to you as a collective force to assist you in dancing to your own music and creating your own path.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Jasper will nurture you and support and strengthen your ability to deal with issues efficiently.

 Cancer…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Make it a point to take better care of yourself this month. Late nights and added stress will not improve your attitude or help you deal with unusual people and situations that may arise this month.

There is the possibility of extra financial issues this month. It could be necessary maintenance or upgrades in your home or perhaps something in your professional life. Either way you can choose to be stressed or look at it as a positive opportunity. That being said, in the long run it will actually be a boon to your life in the long run. Either way make some effort to deal with the stress in a healthy way.

Get more sleep and eat foods that are in season and with less salt. Be more aware of what your thoughts are when you are eating. Are your thoughts happy, kind, deliciously joyful? Walk in nature. Make time to play with kids, friends, and pets.

Your Light Being
Master Krishna’s message for you is the true meaning of Namaste will bring your world into a better state of peace and divinity. When you say or even think the word Namaste it gives honor and credence to the Divine within you and within everyone by spreading more truth and understanding into the world at large. It is a simple truth, something that everyone on this planet shares in common.

Your Animal Guide
A big Black Cow with a bell on her neck stepped forward for you. I was able to become one with her for a moment and the feeling of peace was amazing. Grassy fields is what is most important to her. She was completely in the moment. Not the past or future, just now. Nourishment is what she seeks! This is why we are all here. Nourishment of the mind, the body, the soul or spirit. Each has their own journey to bliss.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Muscovite will help you recognize and accept unconditional love for yourself and others.

 Leo…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Things are starting to ease up as time shifts back a bit and you may be getting used to a new situation or expression of your life. One thing is true; life is forever in constant change and flux. Riding the waves of uncertainty is never easy, but it is a better alternative than getting pulled under and allowing the under-current to seal you fate.

Keep your expectations and attitude high and do not allow others to pull you down into their frame of thinking or into the darkness. I am hearing the message that lack of information can be critical and the reason for repetitive mistakes. Hmm, it feels a bit karmic.

Keep yourself unbiased and do your due diligence. It will paint a picture of your progress and it is possible that further information is needed before a positive outcome can be achieved in a personal or business situation that will be offered as a future opportunity.

 Expect something amazing as you may end up on the right side of an issue and create a positive outcome to a difficult situation.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain is stepping forward and holds a torch in his had to light the way and release any clouds of negativity that you may have inadvertently been holding on to.

Your Animal Guide
A Goose came forward to assist you in recognizing opportunities and seeing things from the past in a more mature and positive light.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Phenacite will activate and heal any issues or blocks that maybe hindering your chakra flow.

Virgo…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Release inhibitions and allow yourself the same measure of respect and support you give to others who are exploring all the possibilities in life.
See yourself climbing a ladder. Don’t worry about who is looking up your skirt if you are a woman, or if your socks match if you are a man. Don’t compare yourself with others or be wondering who is judging your individual accuracy and performance.

Perhaps it is time to show some of your hidden qualities as well as your less than perfect past decisions and actions. Perhaps you and others can get past your icy Virgo façade and start really being a participant in this messy world rather than being a spectator.

You are limitless, yet you hold yourself to different standards and measures than others. Try a little experiment. Look at some old pictures of you when you thought that you just weren’t thin enough, attractive enough, dressed well enough and notice you really didn’t look that bad. Actually, you looked pretty good!

Allow yourself to fly or fall! Both actions are commendable and worthy. How you appear to others is no matter. What do you want your personal book of life to say when all is said and done?

Your Light Being
I see a circle of powerful female Ascended Masters of all races and religions hovering about ten feet above you surrounding and circling your crown chakra. They say they are trying to help you remember. They are holding a large golden ring of light that looks like flames going upward. Meditate and look for them.

Your Animal Guide
I see a huge Eagle that has a white underbelly making circles around you. It is quite protective of you during this period of integrating. Circles are a strong theme for you during this period

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Zeolite will enhance healing and absorb negativity.

Libra…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Make yourself available to those in need of your kindness, your talents, and spiritual gifts. Some of you may not think you have any spiritual gifts to offer; but trust me when I say you came into this world with natural gifts you may take for granted or don’t recognize.

Take yourself into your happy place where you recognize there is a loving and sacred space in the universe just for you. There are times when this seems difficult and practically non-existent but you have a clear memory of this wonderful place.

When you are trying to be of assistance to others, remember forgiveness will be a strong theme. You will be asked to find that space of forgiveness within your mind and body. The body holds memory of emotional as well as physical pain and injustice. This is an opportunity to release, as you might have a memory still resistant to this forgiving and releasing process.

Your Light Being
The Lady of the Light is coming through to assist you with a beautiful healing light vibration extending from the palm of her hands. She is wearing a beautiful veil that is light blue with silver flickering lights.

Your Animal Guide
A little Chipmunk with his cheeks full of food is running around your feet and would like you to pay close attention to the small creatures and small issues in your life. He also wants you to be mindful of the trees as they provide so much to the network of life on this planet. Just say thank you.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Blue Lace Agate will calm and activate healing in your throat chakra for better communication. It will also add the vibration of sound to use in healing yourself and the planet.

Scorpio…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
October may have been stressful and a bit difficult to navigate, but you did it! Sometimes it may seem that some of the mishaps have actually turned into opportunities that will serve you in the future.

This would be a good time to go buy yourself a gift as you have achieved a higher level when it comes to a new found freedom. Make every day a holiday and celebrate even the small victories. These small victories add up.

I am seeing a huge wall of blue and white water enfolding you in a circular wave. It is closely wrapped around you but you don’t seem to get wet. Water always represents emotions and cleansing to me.

Know that you are protected and more skilled than you ever imagined in many ways you had not thought about in the past.

Your Light Being
I am watching Lord Kuthumi dancing in circles and opening hearts through music and sound. Call on him to assist you in the rhythm of ascension.

Your Animal Guide
Three Whales come close to the shore as they are fascinated by your energy and ability to speak to the fabric of the universal sonic wave. Listen to the whales as they speak in their language. It will assist you in ways that are not available as an expression right now, but have faith and trust and listen with the ears of God. God rarely uses words.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Malachite will absorb negative energies, ground, and protect you.

Sagittarius…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Breaking down barriers might be a running theme for you this month. This can relate to your professional or personal life in ways that are far over-due.
Start with what you think your day is going to be like as you open your eyes every morning. No matter what you feel, try to make a conscious effort to exchange any negatives for positives. Just recognize the good things in your life and expand them a bit.

Don’t let anyone get the best of you. Beware of being goaded into a never ending cycle of irritation. It is best to hold your thoughts and recognize when someone is attempting to manipulate you in a way to make themselves look better. It is a trap that steals your energy and effects your self-confidence.

Your Light Being
Archangel Uriel is making an effort to contact every living being in the evolution of cause and effect. This can be what you think of as karma. Lessons can be learned without harsh experiences if you can accept the laws of forgiveness.

Your Animal Guide
A small Falcon landed on your arm to assist you in making a contract with the earth and releasing toxic energies. You only need to ask and the earth can absorb any negativity. Falcon can bring balance in your physical and emotional energy.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Ruby will help stimulate your heart and help you find and follow your passion. It will also reinforce a positive mindset.

Capricorn…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Let your heart follow the path of least resistance. I see a vision of your heart unfolding three beautiful flames of light, blue, golden, and a brilliant white that is also combined with a bit of green. A new energy has, or will soon open and begin healing emotions that have long festered. These colored flames will make it easier for you to move on into a higher vibrational state.

I see the possibility of new friends which will be beneficial to you. There have been times you would have considered them as a burden; but as all things in life, you are being offered an opportunity to change your perception by giving this a second look with fresh eyes.

Allow others to help you in difficult situations. It’s not easy to admit that you don’t always have all of the answers and this might be one of those times. There is an opportunity to re-kindle your devotion and learn a deeper way of connecting to your true definition of spirituality.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain and Lord Lanto have stepped forward to assist you in two matters. Lord Lanto is here to help bring you to a place of less resistance and Saint Germain to transmute old patterns of self-degradation and fear. This will assist you in moving to higher ground.

Your Animal Guide
Stork has stepped forward with her long beautiful legs to help you reach the heights. She also stands for new birth and creation.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Sodalite will help you to receive new information and work with intuition.

Aquarius…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Forever is a long time and the past month may have felt like forever! You may be coming into a period of time when nothing in this world seems rational. The world may be changing a bit too quickly right now, so give yourself permission for a timeout.

Interestingly enough, when you take a time out, others seem to feel that empty space and seek you out. Stick to your plan and give yourself at least a week to be someone completely different and relax a bit. You might call it a brain drain. A time when you don’t have to think about the state of the world or all of those other things you believe you have to address or change with your intellect, talent, skills, words, or wit.

This is a time of integration. I see the light side and the shadow coming together for a bit of an experience in the others’ shoes.
All will go back to normal soon enough; but there will be an awakening and more understanding of others, when all is said and done.

Your Light Being
Lord Melchizedek will assist and support you in this integration by keeping your energetic field secluded and comfortable. There is a good chance all of your chakras will be open fully at one point and you may not feel like being around many people, unless they are spiritually on the same page and seekers like you.

Your Animal Guide
Spider of creation comes forward to weave a new web in your portion of the light grid. There will be changes and she happily works to assist you in capturing new opportunities and experiences.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Amethyst is a powerful protective stone. It is also supportive of any spiritual or meditative work you may do.

Pisces…   Overview for the Month of November 2016
Try not to take things literally, as you may get too caught up in the definition and miss the bigger picture. It is kind of like what Barbossa said in The Pirates of The Caribbean movie when asked about the Pirates Code, ‘it’s more of what you call guidelines than actual rules’. Try to see between the lines a bit. Color outside of the lines. Be a little daring!

Like attracts like; and if you want to attract someone or something a little different and out of what you consider your norm, you will have to expand your own list of behaviors and characteristics.

In some areas of our life, things may not go as you had hoped or planned. Oddly enough, I am being told these are positive consequences you may not be able to see yet, because this isn’t how you had envisioned it. Give it time to unravel and be revealed.

Allow yourself to listen to your body and spirit. You can’t always force things to happen when they aren’t ready to come into fruition. Perhaps something isn’t meant for you; and something that is a better fit will be offered in the future. Synchronicity is everywhere. Let it be.

Your Light Being
Lady Nada is helping you this month. She is working with your Auric Armor in making some adjustments to release predictive behaviors and bring to the surface some untapped talents and realizations.

Your Animal Guide
A Mouse has offered to assist you. He says he is very smart and adaptable and can make a nest out of practically nothing. If one thing doesn’t work out, he is off to the next until he finds a perfect solution.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Moonstone will heighten your intuition and deep emotional healing.

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