
Monday, October 1, 2018

Merlin Chronicles by Kay October 2018

Merlin Chronicles October 2018
We all go through difficult times in our lives, and I am dealing with one now. My sister and I are very close, and she has been very ill. I have been trying to stay on top of my life while taking care of her and her dogs. I love them all, so it is a labor of love. I feel honored to be able to be here for her.

It is incredible how much help I have received from God and my spiritual team to be able to handle all of these balls that I have in the air. Just when you think that you don’t have enough energy, I ask my angels and spiritual team for help, and I get it.
She received difficult news from the Doctor and didn’t have all of the answers yet. The hardest part is waiting. We got home from the Doctors office, hugged each other and cried, and then my Virgo nature kicked in, and I started cleaning her room and everything else I could find. Other family and friends came forward in wonderful ways to remind her that she is loved and valued. t didn't heal her but she seems less depressed and more determined .

I didn’t think I was going to be able to do the Scopes this month but Saturday I sat down in from of my computer and did three days work in one. I am always reminded that no matter what is going on in my life that I am a channel for the Divine. We all are. When you need help, ask for it, and help will come.

Here are the Scopes for October 2018



Merlin Scopes for October 2018

Aries Overview for October 2018 
You may feel like you have been walking through waist-high mud when it comes to getting things done or getting new projects off the ground. There is a good reason for this. You are in a time of preparation which might look a bit like procrastination, but I would call it Ascension.

Tune into your highest self and make notes of ideas and future creations. Remember that doesn’t mean you are entirely off the hook when it comes to the mundane things that need tending to around the house. There is a difference between lacking motivation and divine timing.

Sort through things and make a list of what is absolute and needs to be done and ideas that are still in the creative stage. In your heart of hearts, you can feel the vibration of something powerful coming your way. Give thanks to the Universe and prepare to receive!

Your Light Being
Franklin D. Rosevelt just popped in with one of his quotes for you. “To reach a port, we must Sail – Sail, not tie the anchor- Sail not drift.” You can call on him anytime. He accomplished a lot during his lifetime and chose you to support this month. Reach out and perhaps study his accomplishments.

Your Animal Guide
A Meerkat has stepped up to offer his assistance this month. He may be cute and funny but don’t be fooled by this, as he is fearless and protective. He says this is an excellent time to be social and have a bit of fun. He is quickwitted and attentive. He will help make you aware of opportunities.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Aegirine will help you in being your authentic self and supporting your immune system.

Taurus Overview for October 2018 
Give yourself time to look at what is really going on. Sometimes opportunities, relationships, and situations show up just in time to show you what you need in your life. Perhaps you bought into someone else's dream of the perfect place to live, relationship, or path to happiness.

You may have gotten stung by something that you thought would be a sure thing. Don’t let this experience leave you dazed and confused. There are valuable lessons to be learned. I know it would be easier if the Universe would send you a postcard instead, but unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Remember that you should be able to attract what you want and if you have to chase it down; it may not be what you need.

Enjoy the things that bring you comfort this month. Perhaps just hanging around the house and working on some projects that need attention. Wear comfortable clothes and relax.

Your Light Being
Lord Li Ling wants to support you this month in finding the joy in the simple pleasures in your life. The small things that sometimes are overlooked. A comfortable chair, a good night’s sleep, the birds that nest outside your window.

Your Animal Guide
 A young brown Squirrel has stepped forward and would like to bring some fun into your life. You might notice that all of the baby squirrels born during the Spring are all running about and learning to play and enjoy the fall season. They are living in the present and aware of all the wonders around them.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
According to Judith Hall, Fulgarite is formed when lightning sticks the sand. It will guide your soul home and will help with overall integration in your life.

 Gemini Overview for October 2018 
Change is inevitable! Try not to fight it. Someone might just come along and knock over the little red wagon that held all of your plans and schemes for a brighter future. Spirit knows a little bit more about what you need to fulfill the work you have come to achieve in this lifetime.

It seems the subtle and not so subtle nudges from the Divine have caught your attention, so she is taking things in her own hands. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or delegate to others. You sometimes fear that in doing so, you will weaken your profile or even worse, be let down by those you hold a special place for in your heart. Those who deserve you will step up, and it is time that those who are not here for you to come out into the light. Especially those who have only been along for the ride when you are doing all the giving.

Don’t worry because those you release will be replaced by something or someone special and rewarding. Trusting the Divine is critical this month. Thinking that you are in control of everything, or anything for that manner, only makes the Universe laugh. Expect an unexpected gift!

Your Light Being
Ascended Master Lady Nada says she is honored to be of assistance to you this month. Expect prosperity and abundance in your life without labeling anything. Just allow the Universe to show up for you. Stop fighting your highest good. She brings the highest vibration of love. Trust.

Your Animal Guide
A big Ox is showing up for you this month to help move any attachments to those things that impede your progress. He also brings grounding energy.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Quantum Quattro is transformative activating 12-strand DNA and grounding Spiritual energy to Mother Earth.

Cancer Overview for October 2018 
Things are exactly as they seem. I hear that old saying; If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck;  it’s a duck. Don’t look for a silver lining or try to read between the lines.

Don’t be sentimental or afraid of hurting someone's feelings when it comes to the bottom line. Especially if you are dealing with anything that has to do with real estate or your home life. Perhaps you are thinking about hiring someone or bringing a roommate into your home.

. Be sure you do all of the appropriate background checks and remember that it is business.
Some changes in attitude could bring healthy changes to your life in many areas. You have remained in the same pattern for quite some time and may even feel stuck somewhere in your body. I see a vision of the place in your throat and the back of the knee. Be aware of confrontations and how your body responds.

Your Light Being
Thor, the God of Thunder, is available to help you crash through barriers in your subconsciousness that seem to be blocking your progress in some areas. When you call on him, expect earth-shaking results!

Your Animal Guide
A Marmot came forward to offer his assistance. He will help you avoid drama and bring your social life back into balance.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Lepidocrocite will bring clarity and intuition.

 Leo Overview for October 2018 
Let go of old beliefs, grudges, and ideas you have been hanging on to for many years. You might have a notion of what abundance or the perfect love might look like, which is only an opinion; and opinions can change. Control is a big issue for you and not easy to re-route, but it can be achieved if you pay attention. When you find yourself in that space, stop and look at it with new eyes and try a different approach.

You will notice as you are releasing these old patterns that some unusual and unexpected gifts may appear. Accept them with grace. Not everything has strings attached. Don’t try to focus on the future right now. Perhaps you are not supposed to see what is coming so you won’t trip yourself up. Stay in the present and allow some of the seeds you have planted to bring new growth.

Take a look at the people in your life. It is a perfect time to delete some of those folks from your Facebook account. What about those whom you have been faithful too that aren’t resonating to the same energy and allegiance as you. Think about cutting them loose. People pleaser that you are; you might be giving a lot of energy to those who don’t appreciate you.

Your Light Being
Mother Mary is here to support you in all of your relationships including your love life. If you feel a lack in this area, she will assist you in your search for someone who connects with your soul.

Your Animal Guide
Blue Jay is coming forward to support you in attracting loyalty and endurance

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Limonite will help you ground and make you a force to be reckoned with in any battle you may have.

Virgo Overview for October 2018 
You may be called upon or perhaps you volunteered for an extra service-oriented activity this month. Do your best to make time to ground and keep yourself healthy. You tend to be all or nothing but this is a time to call on your Higher Self to create a balance so that you have the energy to perform what needs to be done.

There is a lot of activity swirling around you; some might be a bit chaotic. Visualize yourself as being in the eye of the hurricane.  You can find a bit of peace within the storm. Don’t allow yourself to be emotionally charged by the energy of another. I know this can be easier said than done but do your best to pull back from everything and only internalize that which is positive for all concerned.

Your values will be tested this month. Perhaps in a family situation or with your spiritual beliefs. Avoid that little voice that tells you that you are not strong enough or good enough or that you lack faith. You know you can get yourself into unnecessary drama and a tizzy at times.

Ask yourself what is in your heart and proceed with those values in mind. Ask your guides and angels for assistance and don’t forget to breathe.
If all else fails, do what Virgos do – clean, organize, and whatever it takes to feel grounded.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain will come forth to transmute any relationship problems into solutions. This will assist with soul growth as you can gain greater insight into your life purpose.

Your Animal Guide
A Lark stepped forward to help bring joy. They are beautiful singers and know how to connect you with the joy within.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Quartz with Ajoite is a very high vibrational stone that will heal karmic wounds and replace them with love.

Libra Overview for October 2018 
Don’t second guess yourself. You seem to be procrastinating about making a choice. Now is the time to decide. Taking responsibility is not always an easy thing, but it is something that needs to be addressed somewhere in your life. Most of the time these are just natural changes.

Sometimes it may feel like the most appropriate choice is self-centered, and you may be concerned about how it will affect others. Don’t let your indecisiveness cast a cloud over your head. It is time to choose and move on. You can’t please everyone all of the time.
Complete anything that has been left open over the past few months. You are in your birthday month, and this is a great time to get ready for a new phase in your personal and professional lives. Trust that the Universe will assist you in every way possible. I see spirit is willing to help you move forward once you have claimed your direction.

Your Light Being
Edgar Cayce, the Sleeping Prophet, is honored to be a guest in your consciousness this month. He has such a beautiful vibration of healing and prophecy. Don’t be surprised if you start seeing big events before they happen!

Your Animal Guide
Crow is a bit of a trickster but has excellent communication skills and acts as a familiar for some. Ask him to find what you need to hear or see.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Celelandite is a stone for times of transformation. It will help you through these times of change to bring in a new chapter.

 Scorpio Overview for October 2018 
Your desire to get a project off and running is now possible. You may have been planning, manifesting, and working towards a particular goal and now it pays off. Don’t delay anything that needs to be put into action. You are intuitive by nature so listen to what your Higher Self is telling you. Now is the time.

Don’t allow your past to dictate your future. Things may have not always worked out as you would have liked, but remember, you have been in training and discovering your talents and gifts. Remember to keep yourself in a positive state of mind. Don’t allow your ego to decide and tell you what is and what isn’t possible. Amazing things happen every day.

Breathe in the goodness the world has to offer. Take time in nature and connect with the Earth and all of its beauty and allow it to infuse your spirit with life force energy and purpose.

Your Light Being
Kwan Yin is asking you to surrender to her healing light and love. Only good can come from this. She is so sweet and loving in her spirit and touch. Ask her for healing where ever she finds a need for transformation.

Your Animal Guide
Anaconda is wise and powerful. She brings healing and spiritual connection on the deepest level. She says she brings healing of the spirit, soul, and cellular level.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Lilac Quartz brings emotional healing that will allow you to remember you are a powerful spiritual being.

Sagittarius Overview for October 2018 
Know that you are in the right place at the right time.  Although, you may not always feel like it. Some plans may not go as you have expected but know that you are divinely guided. There is a plan that is unfolding. Release any expectations and allow the Universe to reveal precisely what you need to know in a timely fashion. Enjoy the ride and go with the flow.

Just like good wine needs time to breathe, so do you. Find time to relax and benefit from simple pleasures like nature, friends, good food and family. You will be able to recharge your energy and be more open to suggestions from your angels, guides and teachers.

You are being gifted with the opportunity to develop your skills and are being encouraged to take advantage of this. Go out on a limb even if you feel a bit shaky. Nothing will happen if you don’t make that leap.

Your Light Being
White Buffalo Calf Woman brings greetings of raw truth and lightness of being. She has come forward to help you step into your greatness and acknowledge the power of the feminine, your intuition, and healing power.

Your Animal Guide
A Black Cat has stepped forward to assist you in taking a risk and stepping into your power.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Goethite resonates to the number 44. It is an angel number and also increases your metaphysical abilities.

Capricorn Overview for October 2018 
You are being asked to slow down and take your time. Sometimes we are so anxious to make an opportunity or a relationship happen that we forget that it doesn’t all happen in one day. There is a need for adjustment and there are issues that need to be considered. A few kinks also need to be worked out before you proceed.

Some news or developments may come about that will assist you in decision making. Make sure that you get all the facts before you jump in and say yes. Ask for signs from the angels, and if it all feels favorable, then move forward.

If you are on a healing journey, there may be some setbacks. Try to be patient and allow your body to do what it does best. Support your journey with nourishing healing thoughts and unconditional love. Listen to or play music that feeds your soul.

Your Light Being
Melchizedek is taking a big step forward to help you connect with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit contains all of the wisdom Teachings of Jesus including manifestation and healing. Don’t take his offer lightly.

Your Animal Guide
Crocodile is coming forward to help you birth a new awareness. He also tells you to consider advice from others before agreeing to do something. Err on the side of caution.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Annabergite will enhance your intuition if you place it on your third eye.
Aquarius Overview for October 2018 
Merlin tells me you have mystical influences attracting good magic in your life. You could be building new relationships and business connections based on high minded values. A beautiful combination that can bring about fantastic results not only for you but for all who are involved.

As long as your intentions are of high vibration, this could be a magical time in your life. Those of you who are writers will be able to channel some fantastic wisdom that can be shared and somehow creates community.

Try to be open-minded and versatile when hearing others’ opinions. There may be some value in what they are telling you. I see a light bulb lighting up as you receive new messages from your intuition, angels, or spirit.

Perhaps you could busy yourself with some project around the house to allow spirit to give you essential information. I find that a lot of my inspiration comes when I am cleaning the house or working in the yard

Your Light Being
Merlin is here to support you in your transformation and creating a different perspective that will bring grand results. Truth is important. Seek truth above all else.

Your Animal Guide
Mother Spider is bringing new birth to your creations as well as a new web of relationships that will serve you well.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Eudialyte will align your chakras and help you acknowledge any poor choices in the past. You will be able to gain a new perspective and realize the wisdom you received.
Pisces Overview for October 2018 
Sometimes we all struggle to make things happen and manifest to create a better life. When we get into the frame of mind that we judge ourselves for not making it happen as we would like to see it, we create the opposite of what we desire.

The message I am getting for you is to go back to square one and write a paragraph about what your motives are. Put the paper away and look at it three days later. Maybe you will write a little more or change what you have written, hopefully in pencil.
Try something new. A completely different approach to what you are trying to create. Make sure that it comes from the heart.

Your Light Being
Lord Ganesha will help you remove obstacles that are deep in your subconscious mind. He is also showing me the process of elimination in all areas of your life.

Your Animal Guide
Koala Bear comes forward to tell you not to underestimate yourself.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Lazulite will bring balance and boosts your self-esteem.

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