Merlin Chronicles and Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of August 3, 2020
Last week
was quite intense, and I had a lot of catching up to do. It seems that the city
does not approve of weeds that are more than 8 inches long. I needed to enlist
some helpers and get it done; therefore didn't get the scopes done.
I also had several
private consultations, so I can only assume that others shared the same intensity.
I am already looking forward to the Fall season when the weeds will go underground
and sleep for a bit.
I haven't
been able to do much planning as it seems that we are all living one day at a
time. In some ways, I believe that humans are learning to become more flexible
and adaptive. Perhaps that is why I decided to do the Scopes one week at a time
rather than once a month.
Well, I hope
that you all have a fantastic week and enjoy the Scopes!
Kay Dragon
Aries Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of August 3, 2020
intuition may advise you to put a situation or plan on the back burner for a
moment. You will be able to gather the information or wisdom that is beneficial
to go forward when the time is right. You might find that taking this break is
influential in a successful outcome. I feel Spirit's hand on this process.
you might be feeling a bit melancholy and seeing a situation from the past in a
positive rather than negative memories. Perhaps this could be likened to
stirring up old memories of the good times with an Ex or previous job and
forgetting about the reasons that it didn't work out. Maybe there is something
that needs healing.
I would not
recommend going back to a place that was painful for you. Oddly enough,
sometimes, we relate to the pain as a safe place because it is familiar. If you
see this for what it is, you will have an easier time letting go and stepping
into your new future.
Taurus Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
I keep
hearing The Rolling Stones song "Sympathy For The Devil." Please don't
freak out on me here! We all have a dark side—the Shadow within lives in all of
us. You can use it to destroy or as a tool to understand the shadows in others
and the motives they might have.
Maybe you
experience a situation where someone is trying to put something over or
manipulate you. Perhaps this is a tactic that you used, and you know it all too
well. Sometimes our own Shadow assists us. Recognizing the nature of it will
serve you. Try not to judge it, merely observe and realize how much you have
grown in the eyes of the divine.
Gemini Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
Your twin
personalities seem to be at war with each other. One is seeking light and
attributes that are high minded. The other asking just who do you think you are
and attempt to make you feel small and undeserving. You have the tools you need
to manage this balancing of the two. Do this with no regrets or blame, and you
will be able to shift to a vibration that is high enough to attract what your
soul craves. You are worthy and loved.
that the most challenging times when we experience the worst pain can be what
we need to make us move forward.
Cancer Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
Giving your
all in a situation may be useful for those on the receiving end, but when your
well runs dry, who will refresh you? You may in a revolving door in a personal
relationship that never seems to find an end. You wind up right back where you
started. You might be revisiting an unpleasant situation or theme that is
familiar with your past and hoping that it will turn out to your satisfaction
this time.
Do something
for yourself this week. Involve yourself with those who seek you out for
altruistic reasons. It would help if you reconnected with those who want
nothing from you except your company.
Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of August 3, 2020
thinking can be fun but beware of reading between the lines. It is what it is,
and you can't change that. Look for
You don't want to be the recipient of an
Albatross around your neck by getting involved with someone else's problems.
You might end up feeling responsible for issues that are not yours to solve.
You can, however, offer your emotional support or a fun distraction that will
help ease the tension.
You may be
at a standstill in some areas of your life. Don't allow yourself to go into
victim mode. Give your desires and needs to the Universe and be willing to make
changes. Lean into the fear concerning the "what if's" and give it a
Virgo Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
You have
been working hard, and your energy may be running short, as well as your
temper. It is time for a break and a little fun. You may choose to putter
around the house or take a little trip if you work from home.
boundaries with those who are too dependant on you. Allow them to grow by
becoming self-reliant, and you some time to rejuvenate your energy.
Your message
is from Ascended Master Saint Germain,
who is busily assisting you in transmuting energy. I see a vision of him not
only shifting energy around you but through you. Allow this incredible healing to come through
you passively. Don't try to manipulate or control this process. Now is a time
for receiving rather than giving.
Try to put
off new endeavors until next week, and you will have better results. Right now,
it may feel like you are walking against the wind. Fighting this process will
only result in exasperation.
Scorpio Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
You may have
the opportunity to take the lead in some part of your life. It would be best if
you remembered as a leader, you must lead by example. Be clear about your
intentions; be transparent and genuine.
There may be
some something blocking your progress, and Lord Ganesha is offering assistance.
Sometimes it is best to take the detour instead of trying to Bulldoze your way
through. You can't win them all.
Sagittarius Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
Do your best
to stay in the moment. Spirit is asking you to take it one day at a time. Avoid
getting lost in wishful thinking that your life will be better when you finally
get that job, meet the mate of your dreams, or look like a supermodel. You can't magically jump into the future. All
things happen a step at a time.
You cannot
manipulate or force someone else to act or behave a certain way that suits your
liking. Everyone is an individual with their sacred journey. Accept circumstances as they are, and you will
be at peace with yourself. The only person you can change is yourself.
You may be
at odds with someone and have two different opinions, lifestyles, or beliefs.
There may be some conflict surrounding you, but expressing yourself, this might
bring clarity, boundaries, and clear the air.
Help may
come from others right now. It is almost as if they come out of nowhere to
offer assistance and opportunities. These opportunities are well earned. Enjoy
the ride!
Aquarius Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
Make your
world a little brighter by adding a little spice to it. Forgotten ideas are
once again coming to the surface for another look. Creative inspiration is alive and well in your
subconscious, free it, and allow it to flow.
Stop holding
yourself hostage by waiting for some payoff or guarantee from the Universe.
Nothing is guaranteed, and all things are possible, but you won't know until
you try.
Pisces Merlin Scopes by Kay Dragon for the week of
August 3, 2020
Take it slow
and steady this week. Rest when needed and allow yourself some time to be in a
place of nothingness. Some time in nature would do wonders for your wellbeing. Especially
if it includes flowing water.
If you can't
get out to enjoy nature, you might consider bringing it into your home with
plants, flowers, and a water feature. Your collective is also talking about
crystals and gemstones. Labradorite will help shift your vibration.
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