
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The Merlin Chronicles 9/28/10

The Merlin Chronicles Sept.28, 2010
Recorded by Jill Van Sickle at First Spiritual Science Church of Denver
Channeled by Kay Dragon
Signs and Synchronies
I don’t know about the rest of you but I have had an odd week. I have had been feeling pressure pulsating in my ears and crown area accompanied by a high shrill  sound, a bit of nausea, feeling a bit of vertigo, completely lethargic and avoiding my spiritual work. I was also feeling overwhelmed and angry about really stupid everyday things and questioning my path. I also thought that perhaps I was coming down with something so I canceled all of my social events and other obligations. That made me even more disappointed and isolated.
I did however have to help my daughter move out of my late mother’s home. I was overcome by nostalgic feelings of the past yet happy that my daughter was able to move on to a better home. I was hoping that this was the right move for her. After we unloaded my car we all decided to grab a bite to eat before the cable person came out to connect the TV and internet. When we finished our meal and walked to my car which I had locked automatically I tried to unlock it and the battery had gone dead on the remote. I felt a bit angry and overwhelmed but there was a Wal-mart right across the street and my daughter got batteries and got back to her new home right as the installer arrived. The timing couldn’t have been more perfect. At first I was irritated by the whole situation. Then my sister reminded me that the last time I had driven my car that we went to a ranch in Niwot and this could have easily occurred there at 9 PM with no Wal-mart to get batteries and that this shows how the Angels really are present and assisting in everything that we are experiencing. Perhaps even orchestrating the events to let us know all is well, all is good even though I don’t think that it is sometimes. Look for the perfection in everything. I didn’t feel much like channeling today as I drove to the church to meet Jill but just as I came around the corner and pulled into the lot “In The arms of the Angel” was playing on the radio.
My Guides
To those of you who are new to this Channeling Daniel is my main guide. He is my main man. He is always present and the first to arrive. Well not really, his companion a lion he calls Luvic comes and sits close to my feet right before Daniel arrives. Daniel directs who gets through and who does not.

The Path of Integration
Good Morning this is Merlin.
There have been many shifts and changes. There is a shadow on one side of the earth and light on the other. This is a natural process as the shadow slowly integrates into the light. In Humans one side of the brain is being integrated by the other which may cause confusion and feelings that were thought to be left behind in the past are coming up to be shown in the light for transmutation. This is a slow natural process. Some of you may be having feelings of not being grounded in the lower bodies. You may feel as if you have a huge sort of hat of energy about the crown of your head. This is accumulative energies.
The best way to help this natural process is by breathing and just being. Deal with each vision and feeling as it comes up. Give it acceptance and see new visions of what it will be. Many Light workers are going through this experience now. This is why there hasn’t been many messages from them. Take integration, evaluation and “just being’ time for yourselves.
Pain is part of the process. Some light workers forget their humanness sometimes and this makes them less effective in working with people. This pain is a reminder to be compassionate with yourselves and others.
Some hearts close up from experiencing pain. Work on each other to keep your hearts open. Tears are OK and completely human.
Mary speaks
I am having a hard time getting through Kay today. She is blocking us by filling her mind with imagining responsibilities and tying to block out disappointment of not being able to do the things she would like to do.
We would like to speak of this. This is a practice that many humans do when they are disappointed or experience emotional feelings about a situation that they are not able to fix.  Seemingly not able to walk into their hearts desire at that moment. The heart shuts down. Trying to be an adult, strong and responsible. You may have learned this behavior to avoid seeming too vulnerable or make others feel more comfortable.
 It is good to show your disappointment and let your heart feel. When you close your heart to the sad things you close it to all things! This may also cause physical problems as well. Your anger or disappointment will then take another path of expression that is not a good example of your feelings.
We ask each one of you to go to your heart and speak with it. Make an agreement with your heart to stay open and to agree to understand it.  Ask your angels for help when you need to step back from a situation or a person. To carry the load. Do not shield your heart. Ask that the situation be taken in consideration by higher powers.
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Disclaimer: This written information is for personal growth and spiritual development purposes only. Kay Dragon and this written material is not provided nor claims to treat, prescribe, diagnose or cure any physical or mental/emotional conditions. Please contact a Dr concerning your health and well being.

1 comment:

  1. Kay...thank you for sharing this important information, and for organizing it into a beautiful, honest blog we can all access and appreciate!
    Much love!


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