
Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Ripple, the Light, the Gift, Places of Power

The Merlin Chronicles Sept.2, 2010
Recorded by Jill at FSSC Denver
Channeled by Kay
The Ripple, the Light, the Gift, Places of Power
Hello my friends. It’s been quite a week for me and for you too I imagine. I have seen so many changes occur in many lives this week. I have been witness to changes in residents, jobs, friends, and some people simply leaving there physical lives. Although none of these things are happening to me directly, some of the changes are happening in my family and to friends. This reminded me that we are all one and what effects one is felt by us all. I was very sad today driving to the church to meet Jill thinking about a young man who was so talented and loved by many who passed away last night following a boating accident Noah  simply jumped into the lake from a boat when his feet  landed on  a sandbar which caused irreparable damage to his spinal cord and brain. He lived in an induced coma days 3 days before he chose to move on.  I only knew of him as he was one of a set of twins that my daughter had babysat for when she was a teen so I heard so much about him. She and the family had remained friends all of these years. Noah was the father of two and was 28 years old. He and his brother had just recently signed a contract with a Nashville recording company and had quite a fan base. When he jumped into the water that day how could he have known that this action would intercede for so many and just how far that ripple effect would reach. Noah was an organ donor. He continues to gift the world with not only his music but also the gift of life.  A ripple that is good and bad, happy and sad. We all make a ripple you know.
My Guides
To those of you who are new to this Channeling Daniel is my main guide. He is my main man. He is always present and the first to arrive. Well not really, his companion a lion he calls Luvic comes and sits close to my feet right before Daniel arrives. Daniel directs who gets through and who does not.

Daniel Speaks …. The Gift
Good morning! This is Daniel. I am walking down The Halls of Love here today and of those who have passed into the light. It is different here for them here on this realm and they are making their adjustments. Many have chosen to work from this side now. There is still much that they can do on the light side that will assist you on your side. The gifts that they had in the physical are even more enhanced on this side. These beings can choose those of you in physical form to share these gifts with. Please remember that these are the gifts of the spirit. These souls were chosen to assist you in accessing these gifts. They are and were in human form here to teach others…To serve. These gifts are for all who reach out for them. You can connect your hearts and desires to these beings that can help you realize and unfold you gifts.

Many don’t know who they really are or what their mission is when they come into the human body.  That mission is held deep within the heart. The birthing process is traumatic and the density of the body is awkward and communication is limited to touch and emotions. The soul is taken from a sublime realm of infinite love and expansion to a limited compounded form that relies on others to care for them. To adapt to this world the beings focus shifts into survival and getting the needs met of the one. This can be humbling and frightening. The message is buried within the heart. To assist you in the realization you can focus on the heart and see the message in an envelope that opens and unfolds gracefully.
Crystal Children as you call them are the exception. They know and start working towards their purpose from a very young age. They are protected from the influence of the outside world and are aware of their ability to manifest. Some may say that Crystal children are only of a certain age group but this is incorrect. There have been many throughout time. You gave them different labels like prodigies and such. Consider Beethoven, Michael Angelo and many more.
The Connection
You can align yourself with a great one from the past. One who can assist you in the qualities you would like to covet and achieve. Perhaps one who expresses color, beauty, ideas or fortitude? There are so many on the other side waiting for someone to accept their knowledge. Not for the purpose of worshiping them but to connect and be influenced by them.
Places of Power
There is a place of power in Crestone, Co. This is rock, a vortex which is a place to meditate and receive energies and information for your soul. Be sure to wear protection and ask your guides to control which energies are appropriate for your soul growth at this time. We would suggest this practice in all places of great energy such as Sedona and Mount Shasta just to name a few.  We ask you to approach these places in silence and look into your heart and you will know what to ask for.
There are diverse energies there. None are bad but they are not all in harmony with the path that is laid out for you.  Transmuting is what it is. One could almost explain if you could see the different grids going in different directions yet still connecting with each other. Ask your guide what energies are good for you. Let your guide be in control of what you receive.
Some people go into these places wide open. Being open is a good thing but your higher guides will know what energy is good for you.

Mary Speaks
Hello my Dear ones. I come to you in love and peace. We would ask that you intentionally cover the world in love and peace. Much is changing as is in the plan. Do not listen to opinions. The media will show you many opinions. See these opinions as a comedy show. Give them no credence and they will not affect your emotional field.
The Pleiadians and The Great White Brotherhood are here.
 We are observing right now. We are keeping an eye on China and North Korea. Rebellion is about to start there. We are sending light and visits to the inhabitants there. The armies cannot keep us out. We are enlightening individuals who will become groups of higher consciousness. Watch what develops there in the next 18 months .We are making visits to the mountains in China. The essence and goodness of his holiness still lives in Tibet. They can’t take that away. It is like a powerful loving thought form as you would understand it that he left behind. Anyone who visits there will feel it. The thought form is still there and he feeds it more and more from where he now sits.
His next successor is but an infant right now .The moment that the Dalai Lama chooses to leave the planet all of his information will be downloaded into this child. It is real. Believe it! This is very ancient, secret and sacred. His successor will be more understanding of the world as it stands today and be more out spoken then he is.  This is a very bolder society. We are sending Light to many cities in the world now. Especially Los Angeles.

For those of you who are having difficulty in fully accessing the brilliance and clarity of your 3rd eye?
Some of you are hiding or coping with your shadow of unhappiness and anger my medicating with alcohol drugs and other mind altering activities. We suggest illuminating these activities for 28 consecutive days and embrace these feelings. These feelings are not bad. They are human. Let them come up to be cleared accept your humanness. Learn to address these feelings and this will open the light of the eye to greater clarity and light. When you become anxious we suggest exercise and breathing, talk to the stars and trees.


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