
Sunday, February 1, 2015

Message from Merlin The Alchemy of Love 2/1/15

Message from Merlin…  The Alchemy of Love          February 1, 2015

February comes in with a strong presence. It seems as if there is a long silence between the celebrations of fall and early winter until the spring frost turns to dew on the leaves of the wildflowers in the mist of the mountains which is one of my favorite places to be.

This month brings in the ever present yet elusive energies of love. I encourage all of you to celebrate the energy of love this month. There are many of you who are seeking to find a soul mate to be the instrument of opening the deep love within your heart. There is a warm loving feeling that exists in the air and being a part of this is a treasure indeed.

I encourage those of you who have someone special in their life to honor this person and your union. Those of you who are searching or who have had that love and the object of your affection has passed on can still honor that soul as the ones who have passed can still feel your love. In fact it is helpful for them as they are also on a path of learning in the realm of spirit.

For those who are still looking I say start with in your heart. Feel that fantastic power of love. Buy a gift for your heart if that makes you feel loved. Go into your meditation and have a conversation with your physical heart giving gratitude and love for the wonderful life it continues to bring you. In doing this, you will surely attract love into your life. Pay attention to the subtle acts of love. As you do this and recognize this more love will be attracted to your life.

And there you have it my wonderful seekers of light and love!
May love me with you!


 My gratitude to all of you who read the Merlin Scopes and other channelings and books that are dedicated to making the consciousness on this planet bigger and better!
Now here are the MerlinScopes for the Month of February and the first week of the month.
It is my pleasure to share this with you.

Merlin Scopes   for  February 2015   by Kay

Aries for the Month of February 2015
This month is all about listening to your intuition. Praying is asking; but meditation and quiet time is how we listen and receive the intuitive hints. This doesn’t mean that you will hear a loud voice that will come down from the heavens. This just allows space for the answers to come into awareness when the time is right and you are most receptive to receive. This may come in a few different ways.
Trust spirit and angelic intervention to assist you in three different areas of your life. These areas are relationships, career and unblocking your imagination to the possibilities of unlimited resources.
If you experience a setback or perhaps this just doesn’t look like you expect it to look, don’t lose heart or feel as if you have failed. I am being told to tell you not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Clear your mind and allow yourself to expect the unexpected.
This is a month of refreshing renewal of mental and physical energies. I also see light beings of the spirit realm close to your aura offering gifts to help you move forward. They would like permission to open your life to new approaches to achieving prosperity and love.
Your Light Being
I see Shiva dancing in circles and looking like a Dust Devil swirling and twirling blocked energy from your aura. This is a time of acceptance. If something or someone leaves your life, know that this is for your best interest and meant to be. Bless this and move your attention elsewhere.
Your Animal Guide
A Musk Ox is coming forward to offer assistance for you this month. You have great endurance and have only grown stronger throughout time. It is time however, to ask for help from your physical allies and your spiritual network.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Aquamarine will attract support from others, calm your mind, align you chakras and enlist communication from the higher energies.
Aries… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
You may be focused on what you want this week. It may be a good idea to have some clarity about why you want it and how it would benefit your life and those around you. Is it because all of the cool kids have one? Is it just a whim or perhaps you are feeling it is your turn to get what you want? Ask yourself if your desire fills your soul and how it will serve you.
Ultimately having this desire manifest in your life may require more energy and resources to maintain than you expected, or come with obligations or responsibilities you haven’t considered.

Taurus for the Month of February 2015
Have you been scheming about ways to make things happen for yourself in ways that aren’t exactly in the best interest of everyone? More than likely, that thought hasn’t crossed your mind as you seem to have tunnel vision right now.
I see a vision of you in a creek panning for gold. You are there for many hours. There is a doe and her fawn hidden not far from the creek waiting to get a drink but she will not come forward until you leave. It is as if your being there is throwing the natural balance off, but you seem to be so focused on your desire to find a golden nugget that you have forgotten how this affects others. It is not as if you are being intentionally cruel, just oblivious to everything around you.
The message I have for you today is “Handle with Care.” Be mindful of your actions as we are all connected and everything that you do affects the nature of all things. Take time to stop and see the beauty that is in your life and all around you. Be present in all that you do and say.
Your Light Being
Mother Mary is available to you this month to help you recognize that everything you do is sacred and deserves to be intentional and mindful. I see her beautiful heart connecting with yours and downloading information that has been long forgotten. Perhaps this is because you have fallen a bit out of balance. The vision she shows me of this connection is beautiful and makes me a bit teary. Take time to connect with her. She has great love to share with you.
Your Animal Guide
A Cardinal is here to help you herald in new and refreshing energies. It also serves as a reminder of your soul purpose and the lessons of compassion and consciousness.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Amethyst will bring in a higher vibration and help you connect with the purpose you seek. Wear and/or hold it often as I see an intervention from the higher realms in the form of a Master teacher, a Light Being who has been waiting for your permission to intervene.
Taurus… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
Watch for signs and gut feelings in business and personal dealings. You may have already stepped into something that just felt wrong; but you can always step back and check in with your intuition; and put your right foot forward. Make sure you check in with your body as well.

 Gemini for the Month of February 2015
This is a great time to reap some wonderful opportunities and gains of all sorts, especially in the areas of relationships and finances.
The key to increasing the flow of good fortune is in allowing yourself to absolutely love where you are right now. When you recognize the perfection and grace within your life, more abundance and good fortune will be attracted to you. Like moths to a flame!
Anywhere you put your attention is where you will prosper. So make wise choices in where you spend your daydreams, thoughts and words. Don’t waste time in idle chatter as you can be doing more productive things with your words.
You may be offered an amazing opportunity, the chance of a lifetime. It is all in how you chose to respond that will affect your role in this situation. Ask your heart of hearts if this is in alignment with your true desire and purpose.
Talk often with your angels as they are close to you at this time and they are here to respond to your every question. Listen for answers in songs, signs and chance meetings.
Your Light Being
 Archangel Raziel is available to move heaven on to earth and mountains of opportunities onto your path. Ask Raziel to intervene on your behalf.
Your Animal Guide
A Turkey Vulture is making an appearance to tell you that you should pay attention to opportunities that others have thrown away. It is not because these opportunities are unworthy; they are just not a good fit for those who tossed them aside. They may be a perfect fit for you. This can be in career, business, or in relationships. Keep an eye out.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Blue Agate for your throat chakra and to bring peace of mind.
Gemini… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
You are brilliant this week! Your patience has been wearing thin lately as you wait for things to manifest. You will get hints and conformation that will assure you that you are on the right path. Listen to music that frees your soul and don’t forget to dance!

 Cancer for the Month of February 2015
Keep your head above all of the negativity in the world. You are extremely sensitive to emotional waves of energy that are rolling across the planet. This energy is always ever present; but during this period you are more susceptible to falling into the global shadow and forgetting to pay attention to the light in your own life.
I see a vision of the waves of energy tossing you here and there. You instinctively grab a tree to keep you from getting swept away. I would say that you have very good instincts as embracing mother earth is one of the best ways of releasing negative energy and grounding yourself.
You might want to avoid watching the news or paying attention to negativity on social media sites, or listening to friends who are caught up in the injustices of politics and such. If you fall prey to this doomsday thinking, you may find your positive thinking friends, family and even pets heading in the other direction to avoid your energy.
Speaking of friends, family and pets, there may be someone near to you who needs some TLC or medical intervention. Keep an eye on your pets and those close to you for any unusual behaviors. Chances are it will be something small; but it is always good to check in to anything out of the norm.
I see you turning a page and getting a new and clean start this month. It is time for you to write a new story and release the outdated version. I see a magical quill pen appearing from spirit.
Your Light Being
Call on Lord Lanto if you are feeling overwhelmed by the all of the darkness and injustice in the world. He will bring your awareness back into the light stream of the consciousness of the Central Sun.
Your Animal Guide
Spider is coming forward to remind you to avoid getting caught up in your own web. Spider asks you to open your mind to other possibilities and don’t believe everything you hear. Allow your intuition to take you to higher places which will help serve you better than actions and behaviors based on fear.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Amber will protect you from negative energy and balance your aura.
Cancer… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
Give yourself two full days of rest. You have been running on empty and need to relax or you may start reaching for those fast energy treats to boost your energy. You might find yourself back stepping on some issues before you decide to move forward.

 Leo for the Month of February 2015
This is a good time to do some deep inner work. By this I mean digging deeply into your emotional baggage that is the source of knee-jerk reactions and snap judgments about yourself and others.
Do you sometimes find yourself taking someone else’s inventory for them? This only means it is time to make a list of your own and start working to clear some of these things. Maybe it is easier to clean up messes for other people so you get a Hoo Raa from the ego and other people but you still find yourself languishing within.
You may find the things you say carry a lot more weight than you ever imagined. Start monitoring your interactions and thoughts about others. Are you projecting some of your fears and attitudes onto others?  
The good news is that you are being encouraged to clear these things from your mind and for a great reason. Your higher self wants to make more room for abundance and prosperity. This will further your abilities to create what you really want. Projects will pay off this month and you will realize your hard work has been worthwhile. Be clear about what your next step is.
Your Light Being
Shiva is available to help you break down barriers and make space. Call on Shiva!
Your Animal Guide
Squirrel is here to help you prepare for change. Let go of those things that no longer serve you and collect the things that will nourish and support your health, success and joy.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Chalcedony will bring your body, mind and spirit into alignment. It will assist you in group projects and telepathy.
Leo… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
You have a bit more clarity and insight into a sticky situation. It may be best to pull back and gather your resources. This includes giving yourself the kudos that you deserve. Remember it is not always what you do but how you do it that makes others remember you.

Virgo for the Month of February 2015
This is a wake-up call to remind you that wonderful things are right around the corner and that it would be wise to stop looking back and using the past as a frame of reference for your future. Don’t jump into something that doesn’t suit your true desires or takes you in a different direction than what you know as your truth in your heart and soul.
I am being shown a vision of you with your feet literally planted in the earth and your eyes looking over the horizon at a unique combination of colorful clouds and a gorgeous sun setting over the mountain tops.
This is actually a wonderful time for you as long as your intentions are true and light. Opportunities for abundance and recognition are in your reach this month. In fact it may be hard to avoid them; not that you want to.  
Something creative is coming into your consciousness and it is something that will possibly be of great assistance to others. The universe is smiling upon you this month so take advantage of this and open your spiritual tool box and let the alchemy begin!
Your Light Being
Merlin is making a strong entrance ino your energetic field this month. I hear him saying that producing the perfect opportunities are within your wisdom. Step into your power and strength as the co-creator that you are!
p.s. He is saying this really loudly!
Your Animal Guide
The crow can sometimes be the Trickster and has a hand in magic of all sorts. Crow says that you have his undivided attention and dutifully awaits your command to find the things you need and make you aware of anything that you should know about that will help you discover your awesomeness. Call on crow!
Your stone or Mineral helper
Fire Opal will awaken your personal power and assist you in attracting powerful allies as well as protect you from those who may not have your best intentions at heart.
Virgo… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
Use your energy wisely. Get a head start on a project so that you are not waiting until the last minute. Watch out for warnings including physical reminders. This may be a situation that has played itself out before. What did you learn from this? Put the brakes on this and hit the re-set button.

Libra for the Month of February 2015
I see a spark of humility this month. Humility is a beautiful thing and you wear it well. There is something inspiring about humility. Although, you may be admired for your authenticity and creative flare, your humility inspires others and lets those who are a bit unsure and inhibited know they can also do these things.
Jesus had this same kind of humility when he said that those who would come after him would do even greater things. This is a wonderful time to study or teach about abundance and love. The two are closely linked. It is perfectly acceptable to love money as long as you share some of your blessings with those in need. Not for tax reasons or because you feel pressured…Just because.
Expect to be popular and very busy this month. Try to ground yourself through proper nutrition and exercise. It is also good to touch base with friends who help bring you back from the spinning Cosmos. Your creativity and intuition is off the hook and right on.
Your Light Being
Jesus of the Christ consciousness is walking beside you and giving you messages as well as gentle nudges in the right direction. Listen carefully as he has great wisdom to share with you.
Your Animal Guide
A huge, beautiful Eagle has come forth to share energy with you and offer a vision quest. Eagle invites you to become one with him in your meditations and fly across the skies. See the world from his perspective.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Moldavite holds a high vibration and will connect you to messages from the Ascended Masters and Light Beings. It will also activate any other crystals around it.
Libra… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
You may want to pull your energy in a bit this week and spend some time with books or activities that help re-fuel your soul. You have been busy which is wonderful; but just like the seasons, there is a time to rest and receive.

Scorpio for the Month of February 2015
Rate yourself on the “Happy Scale” from 1 to 10. How do your activities align with your dream of what you would like your world to feel like?  Notice that I said feel, not look. Feelings are very important this month as it is time to go inward and really experience your feelings.
Sometimes we can be fooled into thinking that seeing is believing; but that is not always the case. It is kind of like statistics. You can make something look any way you want it to. So keep that in mind before you find yourself buying into someone else’s marketing scheme of what success should look like.
You really do need to set aside a quiet space for yourself. When you go inward to check in with your Happy Scale make sure that you send your ego off to the mall or somewhere that will not influence or taint your true feelings.
Avoid getting caught up in anything that seems like a quick fix as this will only come back to haunt you later on. Integrity is important. Don’t get caught up in anything competitive.
Do what you do out of loving what you are doing. If you find yourself tempted to stretch the truth or to do something that is not coming from a place of charity, a sense of unity, caring and love you might want to take a step back and check in with your heart of hearts.
Your Light Being
Mahatma Gandhi is available to assist you in standing in your truth and finding peace in the midst of the mechanical mind of the masses. Call on him.
 Your Animal Guide
Tiger has come forward to help you in finding peace and love in just being with yourself and trusting your own instincts and guidance. Tiger doesn’t listen to the chatter of the monkey or the gossip of the birds in the forest.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Azeztulite will aid you in meditation and in achieving a state of nothingness that will assist you in making important decisions.  
Scorpio… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
This is a good time to focus on your heart and channel your thoughts into the intimate home of the Divine. Surrender your will and make sure you are both on the same page. This is not a contest of the wills; and I think you know who will eventually win so you might as well release the grip you have on your plan.

Sagittarius for the Month of February 2015
Change is constant and unyielding. This may be the time to monitor the events within you and those things that are happening in your environment.
Observe and surrender to change. Keep a smile on your face and your opinions closely guarded. There may be changes in duties and titles. There may be re-organization going on with in your work place or home life. Some coming and some going.
Transformation is the key word this month. I am being shown that a big part of you would like to hang on to the way things are as I see a vision of you in a tornado holding on to a flag pole with all of your might.
 Eventually your body can no longer hold on and forces you to fly away with the wind. I see lots of debris flying around which barely touches you before you land on your feet in a field looking back at a structure that you once clung so tightly to. You realize that you have a choice of re-building where you were before, or moving your attention to a new place.
Listen to your body and look at your life. If you are not feeling enthusiastic then make some changes. I am not saying quit your job and become a poet; just try to incorporate more joyful activities or hobbies into your life. Something you are passionate about. These could evolve into new ways of making a living.
Your Light Being
Thomas Edison is available to brainstorm with you. He has many ideas and opportunities to share with you. Call on him.
Your Animal Guide
Opossum says that you can call on her to let you know when it is a good time to lay low and pretend that you are part of the scenery to find out information that will help you.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Apache Tear will absorb any negative energy that may be the result of fallout from others or help absorb some of your old stuff.
Sagittarius… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
Keep an ear out for hidden information. Someone might not be telling you the whole story. Look for cracks in explanations and pay attention to body language.

Capricorn for the Month of February 2015
Water is very important for you right now. It makes no matter if you drink it, soak in it, sail on it or fly over it. I am getting a strong message from the collective to tell you to be especially mindful in your consumption and use of water.
Merlin is telling me that you need to be reminded of how powerful your intentions are. He shows me a vision of you stepping into a beautiful lake. You appear a bit tired.  Your  auric field is very close to your body and there seems to be some places where it is not shining.
 As you continue into the depths of the water you are talking to the water just as you would another person. Your voice is loving and sincere as you express your gratitude as you run your fingers through the water. Your gratitude gives way to joy and the entire lake seems to brighten and shimmer with angelic light.
You give one last thanks and walk out of the lake and your aura is expanded and looks like a light show of many fantastic colors. I can feel the presence of your transformation.
So there you have it. Transformation is the key this month. Bless your water in every way. Use your tools of alchemy. Your tools are your intentions and heart centered desires to be more!
Your Light Being
Merlin of course! He is available day and night to work with you in any which way you choose as long as it addresses the good of all!
Your Animal Guide
A big black cat has come forward to help you communicate with the Earth Elementals and Earth Angelic Kingdoms. He says that the key to those kingdoms is in knowing how to purr. You can figure that one out on your own.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Pietersite will help you incorporate your spiritual life with your everyday life.
Capricorn… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
Easy does it this week. You may be feeling a little thin skinned and on edge emotionally. Be kind to yourself and avoid those with harsh energies. They may not be trying to offend you but you may interpret things outside of their intended context. You have my permission to lay low this week.

 Aquarius for the Month of February 2015
I see a vision of you following another who is on a path. There is only room for one on this path. Every time you try to walk side-by-side, the other person bumps you off. Nevertheless, you continue to try to get back on the path with them instead of focusing on your own.
You don’t need to carry burdens that don’t belong to you. Being sensitive to others’ needs is truly a gift; but you must allow them to walk their own path. You can be there to provide support and listen; but you can’t fix everything for ever one. Attempting to fix others’ problems is actually robbing others of valuable lessons and pulling your attention away from your own opportunities for expansion.
Never forget the Divine Presence and Angels are working with each and every one of us. Always call on them for guidance and to help others do the same. Remember you can suggest; but you can’t do it for them.
It is good to plan ahead but obsessing about the future is not a productive use of your time or talent. Neither is settling for something less than what you desire or know in your heart is what you want. Don’t compromise by resorting to tactics that fall short of your integrity out of fear.  Are you picking up fears that don’t belong to you?
Your Light Being
Archangel Michael is available to lift that heavy load that you have taken on. I see some cords that need to be cut and some old beliefs that need to be released. Call on him.
Your Animal Guide
Deer is coming forward to remind you to be gentle with yourself. In the still quiet of the forest deer trusts her instincts Trust yours.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Rutilated Quartz will clean up your aura and help you let go of the past.
Aquarius… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
You start your week on a high note as the energies seem to be smiling on you this week. Give yourself a pat on the back for not feeding into someone else’s drama.

Pisces for the Month of February 2015
Big changes are happening this month. Some of these changes will be reflected in your life through your career and on a personal level. You may find it difficult to navigate these waters; but you are being encouraged to wait out the storm as it passes and all things will begin anew. Change is not always easy for you and you may have some difficulties in your health if you dig your heals in and resist the flow.
There may be something unusual that you encounter within your own personal life that may surprise you. Seek information from a trusted source who has only your best interest at heart. This may even be a professional as they would not have a personal agenda.
This is a time of great spiritual significance for you. Those of you who are mediums may have more communication with spirit than you would normally. You may even see them more clearly and communicate differently. Those of you who have never shared in these experiences may have the opportunity to do so, as I see a vision of a large veil or a spirit web that seems to be shifting closer to you in the physical plane.
I also see this as creative communication with the higher realms. It is a gift. You may just have answers to questions and know things that you have never known about before. You have nothing to fear as I see many Guardians of the highest level surrounding you through this ‘slight adjustment’, as this is what the Collective is calling this process.
Stay grounded with healthy food and activities that inspire a positive flow.
Your Light Being
Kwan Yin is here to offer you compassion and unconditional love. She will direct you to the places and people that will heal your soul, heart and bruised ego.
Your Animal Guide
Wolf is here to offer her protection and remind you of the pack mentality. Remember this can serve you in wonderful ways but it can also be a fierce weapon that can hurt others when used improperly.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Blue Topaz will assist in opening your Third Eye and connect you with your psychic energies.
Pisces… The week of February 1st through February 7th 2015
I see a vision of you treading water. Spirit is asking if it wouldn’t be better to roll over on your back and float. Don’t let yourself get anxious if things are not going exactly as planned, just breathe through it.                                                                              

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