
Monday, February 23, 2015

New Message from Merlin and MerlinScopes 2/23/15

Message from Merlin        February 23rd 2015

I saw a posting on Facebook today by someone who was out raged claiming that 8 of the richest Americans increased their wealth by more than 87 Billion in 2014. I wasn’t outraged. My first thought was this only goes to show that there is more than enough money to go around, share and spare.

 I asked Merlin and his response was that this is another example of an inside job. Those who become angry and outraged by this might do better to use their passion to looking for ways to increase their own wealth to make their lives better and improve the station of others who need assistance in learning how to get out of the state of mind that keeps them in a constant state of lack  and fear.

Something to keep in mind in this new age of technology is that if you can’t offer a supportive solution then don’t feed the fire of the problem. Be the solution.  This may just start on a small scale but the response will be monumental.

Feed the love and become leaders in your own right. Raise your vibration and you will raise the vibration of those around you which will bolster the planet.  Your actions speak volumes. Words are nothing without action.

Enjoy the MerlinScopes for the week
Hugs to you and all of the planet!
P.S If you are in the Denver area I have started a channeling meetup group that will be this Saturday at First Spiritual Science Church. Here are the details:

MerlinScopes         Week of February 23rd, 2015

Aries… The week of February 23rd,   2015
Keep your ear to the ground and listen for signs and messages from the unseen. This could be information that you receive indirectly but useful information just the same.
I see a vision of you holding your side as it seems that there may be some pain or someone or something who is a pain in your side. If this is the case you may need to address this issue or situation as this seems to be eating up a lot of your energy.
Taurus… The week of February 23rd,   2015
Love seems to be the key this week. It seems as if some of you have shut down your heart lately as you have been busy with other things. Take some time to appreciate and give some thought to even the smallest things in life that you love. Also give recognition to those needing love. This work will bring something or someone to your attention who needs a bit of a boost.
You do have the power to make a difference and shift some thoughts and self-esteem issues around for someone who needs it. I am being told to tell you that this is big. You may gain a new tool in your magical tool box through this action. Pretty powerful stuff huh? At the end of this week I see a smile on your face.
Gemini… The week of February 23rd,   2015   
Energies seem a bit softer and smoother for you this week. I see some clouds in the sky parting and leaving a clear blue sky.
Take care with your words as the cold hard truth may be good for you right now but a bit hard for others to swallow all at once. 
You will find that help will come easily this week. Take advantage of this time and also allow some space to create an intentional act of gratitude.
Teaching seems to be an important theme for you right now. Don’t give them all of the answers but do give supportive and honest feedback as they test their own creative sources. The key to empowerment is creative space.
Cancer… The week of February 23rd,   2015   
I see you deep in thoughts and daydreams of hope. Hope for yourself and others. Your demeanor has shifted and you may seem more philosophical in your outlook and energy.
You have made it through a rough patch and you are now able to take a breath before moving forward. I see a more mature and emotionally balanced attitude. Perhaps this is the result of a lack of fear.
This is a creative time for you. You may feel like exploring some new creative outlets. Like cooking, playing an instrument, art or whatever lights up your imagination.
Leo… The week of February 23rd,   2015   
Your duties at work may have expanded you will enjoy the diversity.. This may not pay off financially right now but it will keep you engaged and this will pay off in the future.
If you are currently looking for a job you are being encouraged to stretch out into areas that you haven’t worked in before. Enough of the same old, same old.
 Be conscious of stepping into your protective light bubble or asking your angels for help in this area as you may be getting a bit more than someone else would like. There may be a bit of envy so be sure to handle the situation with compassion and dignity. Do not however take a step back to make someone else more comfortable however.
Home seems to be the place you feel most comfortable and safe right now. This is your sacred space. Cook and invite your nearest and dearest to share this space with you.
Virgo… The week of February 23rd,   2015   
Don’t take anything personally. You may have gotten under someone’s skin and brought some unpleasant feelings to the surface that may play out in unpleasant words or actions Smile and repeat.  I am guarded, guided and protected.  I am love.
I see this situation catapulting you forward to a much higher place. I encourage you to call on Saint Germain to transmute all negativity. Sometimes when you are taking steps to move forward you will be tested.
Don’t allow your ego or feelings about your past dictate your future. Do not make excuses. Hold your head high and see your experiences and actions of the past as what they are, wisdom and compassion earned through trial and error.

Libra… The week of February 23rd,   2015   
This is a great time to share your gifts of experience.  As you share, more gifts and abundance will be offered and new doors will open for you. As you go through these doors, you will open pathways for others who will benefit from this opportunity.
Get out into the fresh air when possible. I am smelling essences of oils and healing herbs. Rosemary and evergreen. I also see a picture of an orchid. I hear a message that you are on the verge of a significant breakthrough.
 Exercise your ability to communicate with plants. I also see a dragon fly near. This is a very magical time.

Scorpio… The week of February 23rd,   2015   
Try to awaken your memory of the truth when it comes to attracting prosperity and abundance. Ask for the gifts that you currently have in your life to be expanded and blessed with even more grace and goodness. Reduce the time spent on feeling the lack and sadness.
Open your eyes, mind and heart to new ways of fulfilling your appetite as the old ways are just not appropriate on the path that will lead to higher self-esteem and satisfaction. Hidden treasure can be found in unlikely places right now.
It is time to start accepting some things as they are and start changing your motives. You can’t make other people want what they don’t want even if you think that this is what they should want. Is this for you or them? If you force something on someone by wearing them down or using guilt the results will only lead to resentment.
Sagittarius… The week of February 23rd,   2015   
The mood is lightening up a bit this week. Be aware of visits from spirit and guides especially as you sleep. I am being told to tell you to keep a half full glass of water next to your bed on the nightstand to bring clarity of communication of these visits. It will also work as a dream catcher.  Pour it out in the morning.
You may also get telepathic messages from those who are in need of you energy or help in some manner.
Be conscious what you are eating. Try to avoid greasy or heavy foods that are not beneficial to your spiritual and physical health. Lighter food will raise your vibration. Careful with those protein drinks that hide chemicals and sugar.
Capricorn… The week of February 23rd,   2015  
Rest and recover this week. If you need to call in or just hunker down for a couple days then do so. You have been receiving so many downloads for ideas and enterprises that it would be good to just take a break and do something silly or just mindless fun.
Your spirit is ever strong but your soul needs a bit of a diversion. Let someone else get behind the wheel for a change. You could go see a funny movie or pick up a book that is science fiction or fantasy.  Leave the self-help books for another time.
Aquarius… The week of February 23rd,   2015  
I see a vision of you standing still at the top of the world with a question mark over your head as if to say …”What now?” You are not stuck. You are only stopping to ask for directions.
You are seeking more information about your journey and who and how to serve. It seems as if some of the rules have changed or perhaps you are just bored with the ones that are now in place. Maybe this part has played itself out and you are waiting for your new orders or instructions.
Meditate and expand your crown chakra. Most would extend the crown chakra to the creator but I am being told to tell you to expand through-out the world and include the entire planet. There is where your answer lies.
Pisces… The week of February 23rd,   2015  
Return to Source. Return to what works best for you. I see a vision of you and the world seems to feel a bit off balance right now. I also see you grabbing the top of the world with your left (feminine) hand and pulling the world back into balance with you.
You might feel a little dizzy or off balance this week and perhaps you may have gotten a bit behind last week. Take your time and ease yourself back into the groove.

Make sure that you get enough rest. If you don’t take time to sleep to allow your sub-conscious to sort things out your soulful self will find another way of pulling you into that down time for your lessons. This could play out as a cold or some other physical issue.

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