
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Merlin Chronicles 8/24/15 by Kay

Hi there,
Yes I am a bit late but it seems that everything is speeding up. I don't have too much time to think about it or to pick and choose. My inner guidance it telling me to do what ever needs to be done. Don't ask why...Just do it.

This is interesting and a bit challenging for a Virgo but I am choosing to let go of all reservations and follow the ideas and opportunities that are coming forth.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Here is The Merlin Chronicles channeled today followed by the weekly Scopes for those of you who don't follow me on I encourage you to look at 12 listen as some of my very talented friends have some great scopes and classes offered on the site.


The intensity of the planet will ebb and flow. Your heart may be jostled and troubled at times but always remember you are in perfect harmony with your own perfect contentment. Let your heart not be trampled by the political aspirations and social delusions that seem to be out of control in the quake of this ever shifting world.
Ride on top of the the conscious flow. It looks a bit like a river of constant moving particles of different sizes and shapes. the one common theme is that they are all always moving and sometimes get stuck in the web of human hearts and minds. Rise above this flow. See yourself swimming or floating on top of it all.

This may be more prominent in your morning hours as you wake up from your nights sleep. You might feel as if you have been in battle all night and wake up still feeling sleepy and tired.
Awareness is a powerful tool to help you shake loose the seeds and pieces that seem to be breaking free and moving about the collective stream of consciousness. This awareness can help you see the power that you have to choose what you will and what you will not give your thoughts and energy to. Recognize your mastery!
Learn to use this stream of consciousness rather than letting it use you. We will learn more of this in other discussions. I send you respect and my wish for you is to find your personal inner peace through silence of your mind and your environment. Spend time in nature as your memory may be the keeper of the beauty of the natural  habitat  for many trees and creatures for others who come after you.

 It is important to hold the pictures of such beauty in your heart and soul. If you are an artist then paint or draw it, if a photographer take pictures. If you are neither then hold the expression in your thoughts and mind.

 Ever Present

Merlin Scopes…  Week of August 24th, 2015    by Kay

Aries… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Look for answers within and know that you are always protected as long as you remember that there is a perfect answer for every question that you have. Especially concerning the material and physical wellbeing of your life.

That answer is found within and will come easier to your consciousness if you ask yourself for the best possible answer for all concerned and become willing to listen.

Taurus… Week of August 24th, 2015 
I see a vision of a beautiful golden gate swinging open for you. You may be hesitant about taking a step in because you are aware that once you do; life as you know it will change.
When you think about it, this is an everyday process and every decision you make changes everything. If your heart is in the right place, then all will be well and you can expect a smooth transition.

Pay attention to animals in your life this week. If you don’t have any critters than just pay attention to those outside or those who belong to family and friends. They may have a message for you.

Gemini… Week of August 24th, 2015 
I have a vision of a messenger bird flying towards you holding two small silk bags in his talons. They are both lovely. One is a white/golden color and the other is iridescent. The colors seem to be animated and full of mystery.

Perhaps you have two messages coming this week. This seems to be about life. Your life and health perhaps. Make the best decision by incorporating all of the colors of the spectrum and act decisively in your own best interest. Sometimes the best answer is not the easiest or the one that you always resort to when facing the unknown.

 Cancer… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Someone may ask you for a favor this week. I see a little place in your heart light up because you have the wisdom, experience and power to grant this.

I don’t see you get caught up in this in an emotional manner. It is purely your innate knowledge of the spiritual principals that will help you make your choice. Let Spirit choose.

Leo… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Nothing happens until it actually happens. Don’t try to read too much into the future right now. You have an opportunity that will open doors for you.  Try to let the universe put things into motion and don’t try to second guess yourself.

Know that you have every right and responsibility to be loyal to yourself first. Don’t give all that you have to a person, an organization or group that will not be willing to do the same for you.
Talk is cheap.

Virgo… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Things are moving quickly and things that you have thought about over the summer months are now turning into opportunities. It is up to you however to agree and set things into motion.

Use your natural talents to forge out new paths and opportunities. The key word is responsibility. Are you ready to take it on and put your heart and time into giving it all you have? If you don’t you may regret it.

Libra… Week of August 24th, 2015
Trust you intuition this week. You may have dreams, visions and certain circumstances that hold truth to things you have suspected or just had a feeling about
If someone is offering to sell you something or wants to do business with you I would advise you to make a list of all possibilities to make sure that everything transparent and true.

Scorpio… Week of August 24th, 2015
Unhealthy habits may come to the surface and be shown to you like never before. This can be choices in foods, romantic partners, attitudes or other things that you may want to shift as you lighten your load to create a happier future for yourself and loved ones.

Don’t try to think of it as something that is hard and difficult but see yourself making these changes easily through the eyes of love.

Sagittarius… Week of August 24th, 2015
This can be an excellent time to work on some creative projects. This will be made easier and translate into perfection if you choose the right person to collaborate with.

Everyone has their own spark of the creative divine and can bring true blessings by offering their energy and time to assist you when you need it most.
Be open and receptive.

Capricorn… Week of August 24th, 2015
This can be a very successful week for you. Make sure that you remember your own responsibility in your happiness. Every person on this earth is entitled to bring great joy to themselves. Remember that happiness is an inside job.

Life may seem a bit easier and you may be able to enjoy something that you have worked for. Celebrate!

Aquarius… Week of August 24th, 2015
What you have been thinking about through the past week may become a useful tool in giving yourself a bit of motivation.

Give yourself a pat on the back by remembering all of the wonderful things that you have done to give others peace and harmony. Sometimes you are tough on yourself and have expectations that you would never ask of anyone else.

 Feel the love of all you have given coming right back to you.

Pisces… Week of August 24th, 2015
You could be starting to come down a bit from last weeks emotional high. It almost seemed like a sugar high. You are not crashing down hard but gracefully putting your mind and energy into prospective.

I see a vision of you dreaming of water and allowing it to calm cleanse and purify your auric field. A great time to visit a float tank or somewhere you can immerse yourself in water.

Monday, August 17, 2015

Merlin Chronicles Energies for the week 8/17/15

Hi there,
Happy Monday! I thought I would share with you a message from Merlin that I channeled this morning. I had a great week-end and hope that you did also.

The MerlinScopes for the week will follow the channeled message

 Message from Merlin
Try to think about what your life would be without Chaos. I guess everyone in this planet is addicted to some form of drama. On the up side Chaos can create growth and awareness.  There comes a time when you have had enough drama or perhaps reached your limit and then you extinctively start methodically sorting out the people and situations in your life that create such drama.
 Sometimes it as if the universe starts sharing like a tree full of apples and those who have been attached to the branch too long fall to the ground.
Perhaps you have a friend who has more than their share of bad luck. Your first inclination is to rescue that person. A little help is a good thing but when it begins to interfere with your life and your thoughts in caring for your own personal space and life it can become a problem.

Don’t allow their drama to become your drama. You can help a little without sacrificing your own supervision of your personal, family and professional life.

Realize that there are changes coming about and that some folks who have not been able to change their patterns in life are being pushed into reality and forced to make a decision. This will assist them in becoming clear and productive fueled by their own energy and not the energy of others.

Some may be forced out of their homes or and perhaps even forced to relocate to other cities or towns where perhaps their light is needed. Some may need to make a change in the work that they offer in the world.
 Understand that this is a call to service and it is best to assist by helping someone find a better direction or choice rather than putting your energy into protecting and giving them false hope.

 This is sometimes a bitter pill to shallow and won’t always make you the most popular person in the neighborhood. Support them but don’t support their false images of continuing on the path that has served them in the past. Support them in making strong and brave decisions.

Merlin Scopes…  Week of August 17, 2015    by Kay

Aries… Week of August 17, 2015 
Life can be pretty sweet if you keep that ego on the down low. Look at the bright side and don’t compare yourself or anyone else.

Everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and offering their own flavor. This includes you my dear. Don’t expect too much from yourself or others. Just flow and glow!

Taurus… Week of August 17, 2015 
This is a great time to step out of your own daily dreams and schemes and treat yourself to something cultural. Perhaps a concert, art gallery or a good book will help you step back and claim you inner child and rediscover the beauty in the souls of those who have brought their vision and vibration to the planet.

Gemini… Week of August 17, 2015 
This is a good week to focus on your physical body and your ability to heal yourself and others. Let your inner spirit come forth and allow yourself to indulge in things that will feed your well-being.

Trust is important and I feel the feminine energies are very strong at this time. There may be a female that comes forth and plays a dominant role in your life. Look to Feminine archetypes in your prayers and meditation.

If you are single and seeking the company of a female, this might be your lucky week. Partnerships are favored.

Cancer… Week of August 17, 2015 
Prospects are looking up for you this week. If you have been in a financial slump some new ideas and opportunities may be coming your way soon.

Take a minute to recharge and reboot. Pay attention to your back and be careful in moving any big boxes or even groceries as I see your mind is not staying in the moment right now.

 Leo… Week of August 17, 2015 
It is always wise to prepare yourself for the possibility of big changes in your life. There may be changes ahead that you haven’t prepared yourself for. 

Plans may get setback a bit but remember that this will give you opportunity to go back over your plans and tweak a few major and minor details.

 This is just a reminder that life is precious and not to be taken lightly. Money and possessions are nice but remember that all can be lost in a moment without notice so don’t become too attached to things.

Virgo… Week of August 17, 2015 
I see a vision of the Ace of Swords. A double edged sword. There are positives and negatives to everything. With the bitter comes the sweet. It is now time to get out of your own way and advance to higher levels and comfortably take your place within them.

Let go of fear and see yourself moving forward fearlessly and without hesitation. Visualize and feel yourself in the ambience of the place that you would like to be. Feel natural and comfortable

 You will receive compliments but also criticism See yourself handling it with grace. Balance is the key. Don’t get stuck on either one.

Libra… Week of August 17, 2015 
 Allow yourself to indulge in some self-healing this week. Perhaps you have been expending a lot of energy for other folks. This is commendable. That which is given to others must be replenished.

 You might just need a little alone time to pay attention to the subtle energies and messages that are meant for you and you alone.

The Universe wants to give you a big hug.

Scorpio… Week of August 17, 2015 
Look for message from animals and insects this week. Are you seeing lots of butterflies, birds or other creatures? Nature has messages for you this week that prepares you for an upcoming shift in the fall.

Hummingbirds are particularly calling you forth and asking for your ear to take a listen to the sounds of their wings.

 Go out into nature or just a space in your consciousness and listen for the sounds of their wings. They are showing me a meditation for you that involves a spiral staircase of energy.

Sagittarius… Week of August 17, 2015
Your psychic awareness is advancing to amazing levels this week. I am not talking about paranormal phenomena but issues that sit within the soul of all of those who live on this planet. This is more of a spiritual attunement.

You may have dreams, visions or just a knowing of important issues and energies and activities that are becoming popular or perhaps you might know just what a person or situation needs at the time. This is on deeper level. Nothing superficial about this
This might be a great time for that promotion or perhaps for those who are providing services for people in the housing or clothing industry.

Capricorn… Week of August 17, 2015
This is a good week to make an attitude adjustment before you walk out the door. Everyone has times when they aren’t in the best mood but right now your emotional and mental force is so strong that people can feel that slap in the face a mile away.

Understanding the rules of universe as I know you do will help remind you that when you are angry with others that the anger will only come back to you. Just let it go and bring the happy back!

Aquarius… Week of August 17, 2015
Make sure that you are grounded this week. Your intellectual field seems to be in overdrive and is sitting behind the wheel. Could this be and a diversion to help control or cover your feelings?

 Perhaps there is a need for this right now. We can’t all wear our hearts on our sleeves or we would be pretty difficult to deal with on the job and in daily life.
Just make sure that you are paying attention when driving or any sort of travel. Just be aware. Look for wonderful coincidences that may be right in front of your face.

Pisces… Week of August 17, 2015
You may feel like others are attacking your ideas and beliefs. Perhaps they just don’t understand. No need to dig your heals in as this will stop you in making any forward movements.

Just go on and live in your truth and light. Be the truth. Forgive those who don’t understand as they might not be where you are yet.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Merlin Chronicles by Kay August 2015

The Merlin Chronicles August 2015

Hi There!
I know that I haven’t been keeping up with my blog this summer. It seems that my energy has been limited by lower back and hip issues. The list of what I see as ascension symptoms. This being exhaustion, back and hip issues, the list could go on and on but I am sure that many of you have been feeling the same.

I was feeling pretty overwhelmed. It seems like a lot of good people have been leaving the planet. I don’t think a day goes by that I don’t think of my friend Kathy who past-away in March on Friday the 13th.

Lately it seems as if I feel the presence of those who have past on closer to me than ever before. I am wondering if some of you are feeling the same? The veil is so thin right now!

 Some of you don’t go in Facebook and don’t know that I write the MerlinScopes on www.12 I would encourage you to check out the site and you will find many other great scopes by my friends and coworkers.

This week August 13th I will be a guest on Sandra Sims radio show at 7 PM Pacific – 8PM Mountain at
I will also have a Merlin channeling event at First Spiritual Science Church Saturday August 29th from 12:00 pm to 2:00PM.  The fee for this is $20

A good friend of mine, Dorie approached me Sunday and told me that she has missed this blog so Dorie this one is dedicated to you! I will gather all of my energies and try to be on top of it!
Here is the overview of the MerlinScopes for August and for the week on August 10th


Merlin Scopes August 2015 by Kay
Aries… Week of August 10, 2015 
Don’t assume that you know all of the answers and allow your mind to go into automatic pilot mode. Day dreaming is productive sometimes but this is not one of those times,
Expand your possibilities and look for new innovative ideas and options. There could be money and time involved and you may learn a lot if you seek out someone who is experienced. Even if they are much younger than you would expect.

Aries… First week of August 2015
It is time to re-group and get ready for the task ahead. Keep it simple and only plan a bit in advance. There are things in front of you that need tending right now.
Good fortune is all around you. You only need to ask and whatever it is that you need will come forth.

Aries… The Month of August Overview
I keep hearing an old song running through my head. “Tell it like it is.” Just make sure you are heart centered when you do this. Complete honesty and transparency is required in all dealings this month. You are going to have to pull some things out of your Spiritual tool bag in order to meet some of the challenges ahead of you this month.

One thing to remember is, in your dealings with others, always remember the Golden Rule; Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. In this case, it applies to how you handle things verbally. Folks around you are a bit thinned skinned right now and may be in need of kind words. I know that you like to get things done “now’’ but don’t bark out orders at folks who are trying their best to help.

Your Light Being
Saint Joseph is assisting you with your home and health this month. “Count your blessings”, he says. If you do this, blessings will multiply.

Your Animal Guide
Rooster is coming forth to handle some things for you. This is so funny because as I see him step forward he looks like Mick Jagger. Mick seduces the crowd and gets them to do whatever he wants with his primal energy and charisma. Try some of that charm.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Smithsonite will enhance your natural charisma. It will align your chakras and support your leadership skills.

Taurus… Week of August 10, 2015 
I see you ready to move forward yet taking a look over your shoulder at the past.  This is a productive thing and not associated with re-living the negative experiences in a way that could create a block for you.
For the first time in a long time, you can look back and not feel emotionally charged or attached to the past. It is a neutral feeling as if you are watching a movie. This is a sign of growth and spiritual and emotional maturity.

Taurus… First week of August 2015
Hang out with close friends and allow yourself a vacation week from worry, stress and from being a grownup. Have some fun. Music sounds great. Even if it is just sitting on the patio with friends listening to music and having a BBQ, it will make a nice memory when the weather is harsh and the wind blows later in the year.
Taurus… The Month of August Overview
Hold the course of action and keep on keeping on. The projects you are working on now will be fruitful in the months to come. Stay the course and see this as character development. This is also also a healing experience that involves your emotional self as well as the ego
You may be working on several projects and have a few balls in the air. Keep them in your rotation but try to ease back on being so intense.

This is a great time to learn how to just sit back and allow your experience combined with the universal forces to be out front so you can do some background work.

Your Light Being
Saint Francis of Assisi is coming forth for you. I see him strolling through the woods scattering seeds on the ground. Some will be gratefully eaten by wildlife, birds and such. The rest will become young plants in the spring. He says, “Your cup runneth over!”

Your Animal Guide
I see a beautiful Golden Retriever at your side. Actually I see two of them. One is a puppy and the other older and wiser surrounded in white light. They are wonderful dogs. Loyal, trustworthy and playful. The dogs bring these qualities to you for you to recognize this within yourself.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Diamond Window crystal will help you in scrying and being able to use the information that you receive in the physical world.

Gemini… Week of August 10, 2015 
I see the twins actually on the same page this week. You seem to be holding your hand on your chin as if to say, hmmm, what shall I do about this?

There seems to be a possibility of some uncertainty and there appears to be a veil blocking your view which rarely happens to you so this makes any actions even more difficult to choose. Wait for more information. Sit with it as I see mercury bringing you a spiritual telegram.

Gemini… First week of August 2015
This is a time to slow down a bit. It almost feels a bit philosophical. This theme will be running through the end of the month.

Activity may be starting to move forward again; and you may see the world around you in a different light. Walk into it slowly and enjoy the view.

Gemini… The Month of August Overview
The power of love is coming into your energetic field in a different way than it ever has before. You may feel more connected to the collective than you ever have.

This may be a month for charity and good deeds. I see this beautiful vision of you with a halo of clean, clear, organic colors. Colors of the earth as well as the sky.

You have the hook up as I see a light cord connecting your heart to your crown and your crown to a huge collective field in a vibration of a higher consciousness light network.

You will find the more love you give, the more love you will receive. This process will be ongoing into the winter holidays.

Your Light Being
Socrates is standing in front of you extending a hand to usher you into new territory. Include him in your meditations.

Your Animal Guide
 A Monarch Butterfly is fluttering around your head and is landing on your shoulder. It will stay with you and make its beautiful pattern and colors available to you. Pay attention.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
A Generator Crystal is big and has many points that group together creating harmony. If used in a healing group or in group consciousness, each point will be programed for each individual. This can be useful in your meditations with the new light network.

Cancer… Week of August 10, 2015 
Be gentle with your words this week. You are being encouraged to tune into everyone individually rather than using a blanket statement.
There is a possibility that your comments could backfire and be misunderstood or possibly overstated.

This is a productive week. Relax and know that you are being helped.
Cancer… First week of August 2015
You are feeling inspired and creative again. I see you possibly looking at colors. If you own a home you might be thinking about changing paint colors or drapes. You need something that reflects more of who you are now because your vibration has changed.

Cancer… The Month of August Overview
Take yourself seriously and others will also. There is a need for balance within your own being right now. You might have forgotten that relationships and experiences from the outer world are an expression of what is going in in your inner most world.

Avoid emotional outbursts and try to walk the red road. The red road is in the middle. When you go too far one way or another, you end up out of balance. There are some people who can do this successfully; but you are not one of them. If you tend to lean too far in one direction, you may find yourself second guessing your decisions and comparing yourself to others.

If you rise above it all and look at everything from a position where you can see both sides, you will feel good about your decisions.

Your Light Being
Lady Portia is coming forth to offer her wisdom in all you do this month. “Don’t worry about the opinions of others” she says, no matter how persuasive they are or how successful they may seem to be. Look below the surface and see the truth.

Your Animal Guide
A huge Mountain Gorilla is coming forth to offer assistance. I got chills as she came forward with her baby in tow. She is so calm and at home in the forest. “Listen more and speak less” she says. Sit in your own power and don’t allow other people’s fears to taint your own thoughts.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Blue Obsidian will support you in communicating.

Leo… Week of August 10, 2015 
I see a vision of you holding your hand on your belly which is your personal power center, your core, confidence and will power. I see you going through a transformation in those areas and I am being told to tell you not to feel guilty about expressing your needs

You may be making some changes in relationships and asking that your needs to be met. Try to explore within yourself what some of these needs are and how they originated. Sometimes it is hard to articulate your feelings so take your time in formulating you’re approach.

Leo… First week of August 2015
Release any tension you have been holding onto concerning expectations you have for yourself. Celebrate the small achievements. You deserve it. Don’t feel badly if others don’t seemingly see your worth. Just because they are not patting you on the back doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate you.

Leo… The Month of August Overview
This is not the time to move forward with plans especially with career concerns. Keep these ideas under the radar for now and be careful who you share your thoughts with. This is especially true for any ideas that concern changes or creative projects you are thinking about. More information is needed to add the strength and flexibility that will support your plans
Love is in the air and you share in the celebration by offering your assistance and wisdom to whoever may need a good word or some form of encouragement. A little bit of compassion can go a long way in lifting another’s mood.

Let go; and allow the wind to move you this way and that. Don’t resist, just allow. Feel the subtle breeze on your cheek.

Your Light Being
Aphrodite wants to share her wisdom of true beauty and unconditional love with you. Beauty is not only in what a person looks like, but in the way a person sees themselves. This is her message for you.

Your Animal Guide
Llama wants to help you move slowly and purposely ahead. Avoid jumping to conclusions. Get out and socialize with like-minded people.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Beryl will help you stay grounded and focused on issues that currently need attention.

Virgo… Week of August 10, 2015 
I am hearing something that parents say to their children.” Use your words!” You would like to just act out instead of dealing with the complexities of your emotional grid.

I see a hand holding a spread of cards and there is an emotion or thought attached to each one. Close your eyes and pick one card in your mind’s eye. Spirit will show the issue that needs the most work at this time.

 Only work with one issue at a time no matter how tempting it is to multi task. You can’t really do it all at once. Recognize old patterns such as over eating, cravings for sweets or cigarettes if you are a former smoker or current smoker. What is the emotion attached to it. It may even be physical. Make sure you get enough sleep so you are not seeking stimulates.

Virgo… First week of August 2015
You may be feeling full of enthusiasm this week. Even in the middle of chaos, you have a feeling that everything is going to work out for the best. What a blessing this is. You are in tune with the Divine and know that sometimes you just need to let go and allow. This is an accomplishment for you.

Virgo… The Month of August Overview
Make some time to enjoy the season. You have been so busy dealing with personal issues related to money, you haven’t been able to just relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. Before you know it, the season will be over. Make a point now to enjoy it.

There are several things you need to remember and you may feel like you are in information overload. Don’t take on too many projects. Try to take time for a bit of day dreaming. Productive daydreaming is a powerful phase of creation and manifestation.  This is the phase when your thoughts are just embryos. They need to be nurtured and protected.

Try not to expect too much from yourself as this will result in an unhealthy relationship with your authentic self and you might end up just going through the motions. Be loving to yourself and others.

Your Light Being
Kwan Yin is stepping forward to assist you in receiving new patterns of healing that can positively affect the blueprint of your life.

Your Animal Guide
An Iguana has come forward to assist you. Iguana moves quickly and gets its energy from the sun. It is active in the warmth and still in the chill of night. It is also a member of the dragon family holding great primal wisdom. Tap into iguana to assist you in becoming one with any environment you may be introduced to.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Larimar will have a calm centering effect to your nervous system.

 Libra… Week of August 10, 2015 
I see new avenues opening up for you this week. There may be big changes for a loved one or good friend in your life. Keep your mind steady and your heart open to help balance the scales and assist in the highest manner possible
This may require you to step up and take a parental attitude in creating a feeling of safety for someone who is going through a very difficult time. Love cures all.

Libra First week of August 2015
You may be in the midst of a whirlwind of activity. Events and responsibilities may occupy your mind. Try not to get too far ahead or yourself. You might feel like your hands are tied or that you would rather be somewhere else; but this is a time to deal with everything, one thing at a time.

Libra… The Month of August Overview
Emotional and physical releasing may usher in a new and sometimes uncertain future. Know that you are in harmony with the Divine. The guidance you need in choosing what stays and what should go, is right there for you. No matter what choice you make, it will be the right one.
Family or those who feel like family to you, are in your thoughts, and are emotionally perceived as you scan your memories. You may sometimes wish you had more time to share; but know that everything is in perfection.
You seem to have a keen appreciation for the love in your life; so pay attention to their needs as well as their sorrows. Support them in whatever way seems appropriate. You may not have answers for them as their questions and challenges may be their lessons to learn.

Your Light Being
I am being told your Light Being assistance this month comes from Andromeda. Aligning with this will help you understand your relationship with your energetic body. They are also talking about the language of light.  Perhaps you should research this if you need more detail.

Your Animal Guide
A cute little Squirrel has stepped forth. He wants you to learn how to make your work more enjoyable by adding a bit of play to it.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Cerussite will help you make tough decisions and assists those of you who are feeling lonely and like you just don’t fit in. This planet can feel cold and indifferent sometimes. Cerussite will help you remember why you are here.

 Scorpio… Week of August 10, 2015 
It is time to focus on your physical body and an awareness of your immediate environment.

This may mean that you might want to do a little extra sorting and cleaning. You never know who might be stopping by to visit.

Pay close attention to the messages that your body is giving you and seek answers in your diet and physical activities. I see subtle physical changes that are occurring that will needing your assistance and love for your body.

Scorpio First week of August 2015
Focus on tying up loose ends. Release anything that could hinder your progress or create issues for you in the coming months.

Is there someone that you need to talk with? Communication is highlighted and will help you unravel a burning question you may have been thinking about.

Scorpio … The Month of August Overview
You set forth on a new path which started about 6 weeks ago You continue to solve and resolve some things that previously would have sent you into a tailspin of anxiety and brought up feelings of being victimized. Congratulations on your progress!

I see you kicking open a new door you otherwise would have waited for someone else to open for you. New beginnings and ideas in career and relationships are coming into your consciousness.

You have never been one to make a move or change something until you are good and ready. It appears that good and ready is here. I see you moving forward using not only your intuition but also your intellect to create and carve out a new highway on your path to success.

Your Light Being
Amora of the Third Ray is coming forth to let you know that all that glitters is not gold. Many people have talents and abilities and can be quite powerful. Everyone has the opportunity to tap into and use all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. When these gifts are not used in accordance with Spiritual conduct, no one is the better for it.  Always question your motives and the motives of those from whom you seek answers.

Your Animal Guide
A Grouse is stepping forth to assist you in celebrating your new growth and relationship with the unconscious. Have some fun and enjoy!

Your Stone or Mineral helperAmethyst will help enhance your psychic abilities and assist with transformation of any negative energy

Sagittarius… Week of August 10, 2015 
Sometimes you feel like hope is all that you have got. Well, that says a lot about your character and this is the reason that you will always be a survivor.
A change of program is in order for you at this time. This may be changes in work or personal life. Some of you may even be seeking a new home or helping others in this search.

In any case I see you almost reaching a milestone and a change in your outlook will follow.

Sagittarius First week of August 2015
You are kind of in your own little world this week. It seems like you are able to shake off the stress and anxiety you normally pick up from other people. Usually you would be their partner in worry; but not this week. Good job!

Sagittarius … The Month of August Overview
Count your blessings and the Universe will reciprocate. Make sure you are reaching into your spiritual tool box to bless and celebrate abundance. The power of intention has never been clearer than it is right now.
I don’t have to tell you; although it’s worth a reminder. Celebrations are powerful messages and acknowledgements of achievement. This is a very important key to keeping the cycle of prosperity and abundance moving in your favor.

There may be news of a great opportunity opening up for you or for someone in your family or circle. This creates another reason to celebrate. It might be to your benefit to set aside four times a year to celebrate your accomplishments and give thanks for opportunities, even if they didn’t feel like opportunities. Know in your heart they are lessons; and be grateful for the situations that allow you to shift.

Your Light Being
Lord Melchizedek is available to support and share the gifts of the Universe with you, if you only ask.

Your Animal Guide
A Horse of course! He runs to your aid to assist you in movement and connect you with the heart of the three fold flame within! He is beautiful white with a magnificent mane and tail.

There are some small streaks of black in his mane. He tells me he was a revered member of the Sioux Indian tribe. He says he was the little horse that would never be silenced in dealing with the unethical treatment of the Sioux. He visits many in their dreams to give them courage and hope.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Pyrolusite will help you deal with others who have opinions that oppose your belief system and grate on your nerves. It also promotes deep emotional healing.

Capricorn… Week of August 10, 2015 
Don’t take yourself so seriously and try to lighten up a bit. It is part of your makeup to be in control as well as controlling in certain situations. It may be a relief just to sit back and be one of the hive rather than having the responsibility of being the Queen Bee for a bit.

You might feel like you can just do it better if you do it yourself. Allow others to stumble and find their own way of doing things or you might find others heading the other direction when they see you coming.

Capricorn… First week of August 2015
I see a vision of you listening to the complaints of a child who is sitting in a wagon. She seems to be in distress or upset about something. No one seems to be pulling the wagon for her. Instead of pulling the wagon, I see you trying to squeeze yourself into the wagon with her but there just isn’t enough room.
Use caution when getting too involved with others who you care about. Avoid making their troubles all about you. Don’t try to live their lives for them.

Capricorn … The Month of August Overview
There may be a little disappointment concerning a friend or family member; but nothing that you can’t live with. Truth be told, you might realize you just dodged a bullet.

You may be feeling a little tired and out of sorts. I keep hearing the song “Summertime” for you. The living is easy. Only do what absolutely needs to be done. You may be in a bit of a low physical cycle, so relax and listen to the information your body is telling you.

You may feel like nothing much is being accomplished but on a soul level you are growing leaps and bounds. You might be thinking about cutting back on some of your activities for a while and waiting until you receive a message to get busy again. That’s a good plan.

Your Light Being
Feel the unconditional love of Mother Mary helping you to know and feel the love that lives within and all around you.

Your Animal Guide
A scruffy feisty Pack Rat came slowly and fearlessly walking forward when I asked who will be Capricorn’s Animal guide this month. He will teach you to use whatever you already have in your life to accomplish what needs to be done. He is resourceful!

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Shattuckite will heighten your psychic abilities and remove any hypnotic programing that doesn’t serve you.

Aquarius… Week of August 10, 2015 
I keep being shown a vision of you bringing the spring season into your life. This is metaphorical of course. It is the time that you realize that all of the decay and quiet of winter does have purpose in the whole scheme of things.
I see a weight being lifted off of your shoulders. This may just be temporary but try to remember what this feels like so during the next cycle of heaviness or sorrow over that which is lost will be easier to pull yourself out of.

Aquarius… First week of August 2015
This could be a very busy and fruitful week for you as long as you are willing to do whatever it takes to be successful. Stay focused on your goal; and you will have a great time. It almost feels like this is a personal challenge for you.

Aquarius … The Month of August Overview
Sometimes you enjoy the freedom of working independently and not having to rely on or report to others. This month could change your thoughts on this as I see positive possibilities that can come about while working with other people.
This may be just one person a perhaps more. I am seeing the possibility of up to three people in a group that can bring energy to whatever it is that you hope to attain.

The key is in being authentic and graceful in your appreciation of others. Sometimes it is easy to forget those who have helped us in the past.  Some relationships may need to be refreshed and rekindled.

Your Light Being
Archangel Chamuel has come forth to assist you in mending relationships of all sorts. Call on Chamuel.

Your Animal Guide
A swarm of Bees has come forward to show you how to work in complete harmony within your community. There is a place for everyone and there is protection among the swarm.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Pink Chalcedony will create a wonderful vibration of love that you haven’t experienced for many years.

Pisces… Week of August 10, 2015 
I see a vision of you swimming upstream and then being pushed back down to where you started by the force of the water. It is like you reach a high point or a plateau and then are swiftly carried back down.

This all depends on how you look at it.  You may think this could be a mistake in timing or this could be a time of play and great wisdom.

Go with the flow but don’t completely stop using your skills. It is a move forward and fall back type of energy. You are gathering momentum. Whether this is the case or not, this may affect you in a positive or negative manner is how you interpret this

.Pisces… First week of August 2015
Be ready for messages that will help you make a decision concerning something that has been waiting in the peripheral for some time. There is something in connection with either someone who is elderly or perhaps something of ancient history. There is elder wisdom or a concern. Perhaps both.

Pisces… The Month of August Overview
Your creativity has been given a boost as you have set some new ideas in motion and established some boundaries in respect to what you can realistically achieve and what others would like to see.

It is time to create something that pleases you. It may not please everyone; but that is not what is important. It is like a Mandala. This is personal and it will create a bridge between you and the Creative essence of the universe. I am hearing words loudly saying the sky is the limit. I will not try to interpret this as I am being told this is very personal and may have individual meanings for each of you.

Be careful in sharing too much information about yourself. Someone new in your life may be fishing for information from you and may have a hidden agenda. It feels as if there may be a bit of jealousy directed at you which could develop into a bit of contention, so stay one move ahead and be ready to put out some fires.

Your Light Being
Archangel Michael is offering his power of protection and even a repelling light vibration that will shine so brightly anyone with less than perfect intentions will be blinded by the light. They will not be able to discern or exploit your weaknesses or hook into your energy. Call on him often!

Your Animal Guide
Badger will help you cut cords with those who don’t support you emotionally and help you stand on your own merits.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Citrine is a powerful stone that will absorb the sun and its brilliance. Carry this and you will always have a bit of the sun with you.

Merlin Scopes by Kay Week of April 1st 2024

Happy Spring It has been an exciting couple of years for me. Quite the rollercoaster!   I do the Merlin Scopes weekly on my website and ...