
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

The Merlin Chronicles 8/24/15 by Kay

Hi there,
Yes I am a bit late but it seems that everything is speeding up. I don't have too much time to think about it or to pick and choose. My inner guidance it telling me to do what ever needs to be done. Don't ask why...Just do it.

This is interesting and a bit challenging for a Virgo but I am choosing to let go of all reservations and follow the ideas and opportunities that are coming forth.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!
Here is The Merlin Chronicles channeled today followed by the weekly Scopes for those of you who don't follow me on I encourage you to look at 12 listen as some of my very talented friends have some great scopes and classes offered on the site.


The intensity of the planet will ebb and flow. Your heart may be jostled and troubled at times but always remember you are in perfect harmony with your own perfect contentment. Let your heart not be trampled by the political aspirations and social delusions that seem to be out of control in the quake of this ever shifting world.
Ride on top of the the conscious flow. It looks a bit like a river of constant moving particles of different sizes and shapes. the one common theme is that they are all always moving and sometimes get stuck in the web of human hearts and minds. Rise above this flow. See yourself swimming or floating on top of it all.

This may be more prominent in your morning hours as you wake up from your nights sleep. You might feel as if you have been in battle all night and wake up still feeling sleepy and tired.
Awareness is a powerful tool to help you shake loose the seeds and pieces that seem to be breaking free and moving about the collective stream of consciousness. This awareness can help you see the power that you have to choose what you will and what you will not give your thoughts and energy to. Recognize your mastery!
Learn to use this stream of consciousness rather than letting it use you. We will learn more of this in other discussions. I send you respect and my wish for you is to find your personal inner peace through silence of your mind and your environment. Spend time in nature as your memory may be the keeper of the beauty of the natural  habitat  for many trees and creatures for others who come after you.

 It is important to hold the pictures of such beauty in your heart and soul. If you are an artist then paint or draw it, if a photographer take pictures. If you are neither then hold the expression in your thoughts and mind.

 Ever Present

Merlin Scopes…  Week of August 24th, 2015    by Kay

Aries… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Look for answers within and know that you are always protected as long as you remember that there is a perfect answer for every question that you have. Especially concerning the material and physical wellbeing of your life.

That answer is found within and will come easier to your consciousness if you ask yourself for the best possible answer for all concerned and become willing to listen.

Taurus… Week of August 24th, 2015 
I see a vision of a beautiful golden gate swinging open for you. You may be hesitant about taking a step in because you are aware that once you do; life as you know it will change.
When you think about it, this is an everyday process and every decision you make changes everything. If your heart is in the right place, then all will be well and you can expect a smooth transition.

Pay attention to animals in your life this week. If you don’t have any critters than just pay attention to those outside or those who belong to family and friends. They may have a message for you.

Gemini… Week of August 24th, 2015 
I have a vision of a messenger bird flying towards you holding two small silk bags in his talons. They are both lovely. One is a white/golden color and the other is iridescent. The colors seem to be animated and full of mystery.

Perhaps you have two messages coming this week. This seems to be about life. Your life and health perhaps. Make the best decision by incorporating all of the colors of the spectrum and act decisively in your own best interest. Sometimes the best answer is not the easiest or the one that you always resort to when facing the unknown.

 Cancer… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Someone may ask you for a favor this week. I see a little place in your heart light up because you have the wisdom, experience and power to grant this.

I don’t see you get caught up in this in an emotional manner. It is purely your innate knowledge of the spiritual principals that will help you make your choice. Let Spirit choose.

Leo… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Nothing happens until it actually happens. Don’t try to read too much into the future right now. You have an opportunity that will open doors for you.  Try to let the universe put things into motion and don’t try to second guess yourself.

Know that you have every right and responsibility to be loyal to yourself first. Don’t give all that you have to a person, an organization or group that will not be willing to do the same for you.
Talk is cheap.

Virgo… Week of August 24th, 2015 
Things are moving quickly and things that you have thought about over the summer months are now turning into opportunities. It is up to you however to agree and set things into motion.

Use your natural talents to forge out new paths and opportunities. The key word is responsibility. Are you ready to take it on and put your heart and time into giving it all you have? If you don’t you may regret it.

Libra… Week of August 24th, 2015
Trust you intuition this week. You may have dreams, visions and certain circumstances that hold truth to things you have suspected or just had a feeling about
If someone is offering to sell you something or wants to do business with you I would advise you to make a list of all possibilities to make sure that everything transparent and true.

Scorpio… Week of August 24th, 2015
Unhealthy habits may come to the surface and be shown to you like never before. This can be choices in foods, romantic partners, attitudes or other things that you may want to shift as you lighten your load to create a happier future for yourself and loved ones.

Don’t try to think of it as something that is hard and difficult but see yourself making these changes easily through the eyes of love.

Sagittarius… Week of August 24th, 2015
This can be an excellent time to work on some creative projects. This will be made easier and translate into perfection if you choose the right person to collaborate with.

Everyone has their own spark of the creative divine and can bring true blessings by offering their energy and time to assist you when you need it most.
Be open and receptive.

Capricorn… Week of August 24th, 2015
This can be a very successful week for you. Make sure that you remember your own responsibility in your happiness. Every person on this earth is entitled to bring great joy to themselves. Remember that happiness is an inside job.

Life may seem a bit easier and you may be able to enjoy something that you have worked for. Celebrate!

Aquarius… Week of August 24th, 2015
What you have been thinking about through the past week may become a useful tool in giving yourself a bit of motivation.

Give yourself a pat on the back by remembering all of the wonderful things that you have done to give others peace and harmony. Sometimes you are tough on yourself and have expectations that you would never ask of anyone else.

 Feel the love of all you have given coming right back to you.

Pisces… Week of August 24th, 2015
You could be starting to come down a bit from last weeks emotional high. It almost seemed like a sugar high. You are not crashing down hard but gracefully putting your mind and energy into prospective.

I see a vision of you dreaming of water and allowing it to calm cleanse and purify your auric field. A great time to visit a float tank or somewhere you can immerse yourself in water.

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