
Monday, August 17, 2015

Merlin Chronicles Energies for the week 8/17/15

Hi there,
Happy Monday! I thought I would share with you a message from Merlin that I channeled this morning. I had a great week-end and hope that you did also.

The MerlinScopes for the week will follow the channeled message

 Message from Merlin
Try to think about what your life would be without Chaos. I guess everyone in this planet is addicted to some form of drama. On the up side Chaos can create growth and awareness.  There comes a time when you have had enough drama or perhaps reached your limit and then you extinctively start methodically sorting out the people and situations in your life that create such drama.
 Sometimes it as if the universe starts sharing like a tree full of apples and those who have been attached to the branch too long fall to the ground.
Perhaps you have a friend who has more than their share of bad luck. Your first inclination is to rescue that person. A little help is a good thing but when it begins to interfere with your life and your thoughts in caring for your own personal space and life it can become a problem.

Don’t allow their drama to become your drama. You can help a little without sacrificing your own supervision of your personal, family and professional life.

Realize that there are changes coming about and that some folks who have not been able to change their patterns in life are being pushed into reality and forced to make a decision. This will assist them in becoming clear and productive fueled by their own energy and not the energy of others.

Some may be forced out of their homes or and perhaps even forced to relocate to other cities or towns where perhaps their light is needed. Some may need to make a change in the work that they offer in the world.
 Understand that this is a call to service and it is best to assist by helping someone find a better direction or choice rather than putting your energy into protecting and giving them false hope.

 This is sometimes a bitter pill to shallow and won’t always make you the most popular person in the neighborhood. Support them but don’t support their false images of continuing on the path that has served them in the past. Support them in making strong and brave decisions.

Merlin Scopes…  Week of August 17, 2015    by Kay

Aries… Week of August 17, 2015 
Life can be pretty sweet if you keep that ego on the down low. Look at the bright side and don’t compare yourself or anyone else.

Everyone is doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing and offering their own flavor. This includes you my dear. Don’t expect too much from yourself or others. Just flow and glow!

Taurus… Week of August 17, 2015 
This is a great time to step out of your own daily dreams and schemes and treat yourself to something cultural. Perhaps a concert, art gallery or a good book will help you step back and claim you inner child and rediscover the beauty in the souls of those who have brought their vision and vibration to the planet.

Gemini… Week of August 17, 2015 
This is a good week to focus on your physical body and your ability to heal yourself and others. Let your inner spirit come forth and allow yourself to indulge in things that will feed your well-being.

Trust is important and I feel the feminine energies are very strong at this time. There may be a female that comes forth and plays a dominant role in your life. Look to Feminine archetypes in your prayers and meditation.

If you are single and seeking the company of a female, this might be your lucky week. Partnerships are favored.

Cancer… Week of August 17, 2015 
Prospects are looking up for you this week. If you have been in a financial slump some new ideas and opportunities may be coming your way soon.

Take a minute to recharge and reboot. Pay attention to your back and be careful in moving any big boxes or even groceries as I see your mind is not staying in the moment right now.

 Leo… Week of August 17, 2015 
It is always wise to prepare yourself for the possibility of big changes in your life. There may be changes ahead that you haven’t prepared yourself for. 

Plans may get setback a bit but remember that this will give you opportunity to go back over your plans and tweak a few major and minor details.

 This is just a reminder that life is precious and not to be taken lightly. Money and possessions are nice but remember that all can be lost in a moment without notice so don’t become too attached to things.

Virgo… Week of August 17, 2015 
I see a vision of the Ace of Swords. A double edged sword. There are positives and negatives to everything. With the bitter comes the sweet. It is now time to get out of your own way and advance to higher levels and comfortably take your place within them.

Let go of fear and see yourself moving forward fearlessly and without hesitation. Visualize and feel yourself in the ambience of the place that you would like to be. Feel natural and comfortable

 You will receive compliments but also criticism See yourself handling it with grace. Balance is the key. Don’t get stuck on either one.

Libra… Week of August 17, 2015 
 Allow yourself to indulge in some self-healing this week. Perhaps you have been expending a lot of energy for other folks. This is commendable. That which is given to others must be replenished.

 You might just need a little alone time to pay attention to the subtle energies and messages that are meant for you and you alone.

The Universe wants to give you a big hug.

Scorpio… Week of August 17, 2015 
Look for message from animals and insects this week. Are you seeing lots of butterflies, birds or other creatures? Nature has messages for you this week that prepares you for an upcoming shift in the fall.

Hummingbirds are particularly calling you forth and asking for your ear to take a listen to the sounds of their wings.

 Go out into nature or just a space in your consciousness and listen for the sounds of their wings. They are showing me a meditation for you that involves a spiral staircase of energy.

Sagittarius… Week of August 17, 2015
Your psychic awareness is advancing to amazing levels this week. I am not talking about paranormal phenomena but issues that sit within the soul of all of those who live on this planet. This is more of a spiritual attunement.

You may have dreams, visions or just a knowing of important issues and energies and activities that are becoming popular or perhaps you might know just what a person or situation needs at the time. This is on deeper level. Nothing superficial about this
This might be a great time for that promotion or perhaps for those who are providing services for people in the housing or clothing industry.

Capricorn… Week of August 17, 2015
This is a good week to make an attitude adjustment before you walk out the door. Everyone has times when they aren’t in the best mood but right now your emotional and mental force is so strong that people can feel that slap in the face a mile away.

Understanding the rules of universe as I know you do will help remind you that when you are angry with others that the anger will only come back to you. Just let it go and bring the happy back!

Aquarius… Week of August 17, 2015
Make sure that you are grounded this week. Your intellectual field seems to be in overdrive and is sitting behind the wheel. Could this be and a diversion to help control or cover your feelings?

 Perhaps there is a need for this right now. We can’t all wear our hearts on our sleeves or we would be pretty difficult to deal with on the job and in daily life.
Just make sure that you are paying attention when driving or any sort of travel. Just be aware. Look for wonderful coincidences that may be right in front of your face.

Pisces… Week of August 17, 2015
You may feel like others are attacking your ideas and beliefs. Perhaps they just don’t understand. No need to dig your heals in as this will stop you in making any forward movements.

Just go on and live in your truth and light. Be the truth. Forgive those who don’t understand as they might not be where you are yet.

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