Chronicles by Kay …..Week of September 7th, 2015
I am so happy to say that this week has come to
an end. It hasn’t been totally bad but I had a lot of issues with computers and
phone. All of my phones and computers!
Lucky for me that my sister lives in the same
house and she knows a little bit about technical issue. Still, even with that I
lost at least 2 full days and missed a couple of my clients in dealing with
Well, next week I am looking forward to the
Celebration fair at The Denver Merchandise Mart. It is always fun and I get to
hang out with like-minded people.
I have realized that more often than not that I
have re-created my life to surround myself with people who make me smile and
offer great diversity and freedom in so many ways.
My prayer for you this week is that you are
able to create the same joy in your life.
Blessings and enjoy the MerlinScopes!
Channeled message from Merlin
The world has come undone some may say. It is
the belief that everyone must believe and live as religions dictate.
Take for instance the consciousness of the
Middle East. Having never been allowed the freedom to think or explore other
cultures with an open mind and heart they cannot see beyond their own limitations
of fear in thought.
Some of the Christian religions and those who are supposed
to be more civilized also operate on the premise that a person or group will be
punished if they don’t follow the path of faith that is written in their book.
This brings the question of faith. How can a
person be living in faith if they are dictated in their hearts by fear? Fear
and faith cannot be in the same place at the same time.
Know in your heart that the world is shifting
and turning in consciousness even though it may not seem to be so.In your meditations, prayers and sending conscious efforts to heal the world is assisting in ways that span far beyond what humanity can imagine. Don't stop or give up.
You can
read and study a religious or self-help book in groups or on your own which is
just another way of spending time and gathering knowledge. The proof of the
effectiveness is shown in the deliverance of the theory behind this.
When will humanity start walking the talk of
real faith, peace, acceptance and love? It can start with you right here and
right now! Read the book within your heart and hear the song of the soul.
Scopes… Week of September
7th, 2015 by Kay
Aries… Week of September 7, 2015
Take steps to reinforce your connection to your
higher self, your God within. Keep your heart open and your mind on Universal
principles of love. If you want more love than this means that you must give
more love.
Stay in the present as much as possible when
dealing with relationships and social interactions. Try to remember that you
are not dealing with past behaviors and focus on the issue that is before you
right now. Use your intuition and not try not to get caught up in emotional
remnants from the past.
Taurus… Week of September 7, 2015
You have put a great deal of energy forth in
manifesting a better life for yourself and those who depend on you. I see a
vision of you coming to the end of the road and thinking what now? This is sort
of a holding pattern and a time to review and rest a bit.
Adjustments can be made to anything that you
started over the past 3 weeks. You might be anxious but you may have no choice
but to wait and let the Universe run its course.
Find a place to sit and review your life. This
would be a great time to take up a hobby that can help you create something
lovely. Painting, drawing anything that gets your energy in the grove.
Gemini… Week of September 7, 2015
This seems like a short week and time flies by
quickly. You have lots of irons in the fire and activities and ideas that just
won’t wait. Record these gems of inspiration even if you only have time to
write down a sentence or paragraph for later use.
These are truly coming from higher vibrations than
ever before. As I look at these waves of inspiration they look like musical
notes that are vibrating colors training down and penetrating your aura. You
can make them into anything you want in your spiritual and emotional field.
Perhaps even in the material world. Play with this energy and learn how to use
Cancer… Week of September 7, 2015
Don’t get too caught up in “Could have or
should have.” The most important thing to remember is the journey and what you inspired
to achieve in the beginning. Your purpose is still intact and ready to
Difficult choices are never easy and rarely
come without some regrets. Let yourself believe in a better life and you will
begin to see the brilliance in your world.
You might just allow yourself to let someone
off the hook. This is sometimes easier and things will get resolved when you
are feeling stronger in your convictions if need be. Chances are, the issue
will work itself out with no actions on you part.
Leo… Week of September 7, 2015
You might be experiencing a bit of “Happy Feet.”
Sometimes you just might feel the need to change something or start a new path but
you don’t know exactly what you want. You do however, crave a change! Try to
spend some time in meditation or just in some activity that repetitive yet mindful.
Perhaps cleaning, walking or some sort of craft. This will help you organize
your feelings a bit better.
I see a vision of woman sitting in a circle
sewing and talking with other women. I
also see a group of men working on a car or other activities and not talking
just doing. Men and women do process things a bit differently sometimes. It
might be something taught culturally or carried down from generation to
the best thing to do is nothing at this point. Maybe talking or just being with
those friends who don’t work with you or who are not invested in your personal
issues can allow a safe place to work some of these things out.
Somethings do need to change and you are ready
to make a move but something needs to be addressed before you can move ahead.
Know that you are being supported by the angelic ones.
Virgo… Week of September 7, 2015
Things will be moving forward this week even if
you don’t feel ready. Try to keep yourself grounded and present in all things
that you are doing. You may seem to be scattered and multi-taking is bit of a
challenge right now.
Pay attention to the details and the things you
take for granted like appliances, vehicles and communication.
you place your attention on right now will manifest in many ways so be careful
what you are saying in terms of self-talk. Nothing will be taken lightly. This
can go in either direction so choose well.
Overall, this is a very good time for you to
express your gifts from spirit and any talents that you have developed in life.
Stay positive and fearless.
Libra… Week of September 7, 2015
You are usually pretty sure footed but this
week you may feel a little bit smaller and the road may feel slippery. This is
only an illusion. Perhaps there is someone who seems to be bigger than life
because of some gift or talent they have.
Remember that someone else feels the same way about
you and know that there are all colors to the spectrum of beauty and we all
glow in our own grace.
Scorpio… Week of September 7, 2015
I am being told by the Divine that you are
canceling out some of your karma this week. This is the stuff that you held in
for a long time. You have finally come to realized that this is not your stuff
to hold on to.
are only reactions to things that were done to you and how you protected
yourself in the only means that you knew how. I see you shrugging it off and
feeling as if 50 pounds has been taken off of your shoulders. This is happy
news for you an all who care for you. Congratulations!
Sagittarius… Week of September 7, 2015
You are getting the opportunity to experience
the Spiritual laws of Abundance this week. This may come to you in different
The most important thing to learn from this is
in looking deep within your own character and seeing the beliefs and attitudes
which feed the consciousness of abundance or lack in your life. The good news is
that you can change these things if you aren’t getting what you want.
Capricorn… Week of September 7, 2015
I see some very strong subjects in your path
this week. You may be thinking about your path and destiny very seriously this
week. Sometimes you may feel as if you are not making a difference in the world
but nothing could be any farther from the truth.
Know that there is a balance to all things and
sometimes we are a bit out of balance and start seeing the world through the
eyes of what others consider a fulfilling purpose.
You have gifts and talents and you don’t need
to have or be the best if it is intruding on someone else’s happiness. This
includes your own.
Make all of your choices of the highest and
search for personal meaning and what makes your soul and spirit overflow with
Aquarius… Week of September 7, 2015
You may need to shut down for a bit to gather
your thoughts and unravel some of the emotional issues that have come close to
the surface. You may be feeling excessively sensitive to the issues of the
world and need to retreat and go on a media diet.
Don’t be surprised if you have some past life
experiences come to the surface. This can also include thoughts or visits from
those in spirit who are working on behalf of the world consciousness regarding
these issues.
Pisces… Week of September 7, 2015
Now that you have cleared some space and your
energy has calmed a bit you can start looking forward to new projects and
Always look to your heart for guidance and instruction
and you will see the best way to proceed. It may be difficult sometimes but you
are being asked to see the highest and best in everyone this week. Know that
you are always protected. I see Michael sword and shield as well as a beautiful
blue light surrounding you.
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