
Saturday, September 26, 2015

Merlin Chronicles Eclipse Special

Merlin Scopes…  Week of the Full Lunar Eclipse Energies
Sept 2015    by Kay

What a strange trip it has been! I have been so far behind and I am just now able to start catching up. I didn’t get my scopes out last week due to crazy busy energies and wonderful things in life.

I also have to trust that I was guided to use my energy appropriately and not to spread myself too thin to prepare for the eclipse channelings. 

 I have been getting information from so many masters this week. I just completed the Eclipse Special Channeling that I am sending to you now. The energies are running high and we could all use a bit of grounding. My heart chakra is expanding and palpitating. When I focus on my heart center all I can feel is love. In a channeling at the church today we worked as a group to ground these energies.

Please stay in the present and aware of your physical world as I have seen several auto accidents this week.

I started a channeling class on www.12Academy and I am loving it. I am able to invite folks from just about everywhere to the channelings of the Ascended Masters and Light beings. I will be doing this every Wednesday night 6 PM Pacific time.

 You don’t even have to be there. As long as you are registered for the class and I have your 12 name your message will come through. I will send you a recording.

 If you are interested this is the

I will still be doing my channeling at First Spiritual Science Church the last Saturday of the month.

Thanks and enjoy your week-end

Aries… Week of September 27, 2015…   The Eclipse Energies
 I see you basking in the light and dark of the eclipse. So much will be revealed to you in the next few months. You may feel like the choices that you have made in the past few months were based on luck as I see you wiping the sweat from your brow. Know that you are being guided and trust. As long as your ego is out of the way all will be well.

Keep your integrity in tact by doing a deep internal inventory about what truth means to you before judging or confronting another.

Your truth may not be in line with someone else’s experience. Try to be flexible and gentle or you may defeat your purpose.

Taurus… Week of September 27, 2015…   The Eclipse Energies
 Your energies are fertile and promise as you sit under the power of the eclipse. There are so many things that you wish to experience in life. The elemental kingdom agrees with this.

The eclipse reminds you to put your attention on your body and remember the get out of your head. Do whatever you need to do to ground.

 This may be yoga, sex, wonderful food, working in the dirt or anything that helps you focus on the here and now.

Gemini… Week of September 27, 2015…   The Eclipse Energies
 The energy of the eclipse is shining brightly upon you and you may have a challenge sleeping.

Ruled by Mercury, it only makes sense that this would be a time to re-evaluate the things that are not bringing you closer to your true divine self. If you have medical concerns know that you will be guided to the correct remedies, doctors and help that you need.

You may have been working on manifesting something or someone and as soon as it gets close to you something within your fear based experiences repels the completion of this goal. It is like a lovely dance that goes nowhere. Bring your awareness of this to the energy of the eclipse and offer it up for solution.

This is a strong message to make some changes in your life. You are strong and capable of making great strides in shifting energies.

Don’t fall back into old patterns. If what you are doing brings up hurt feelings that strike a chord with your ego then it might be better to sit with it until you come to a place where you can be neutral, no matter what the outcome.

Cancer… Week of September 27, 2015… The Eclipse Energies
I see you sitting under the eclipse keeping yourself busy and avoiding the emotional transformation of the sweet music brought forth under the light and dark of the moon.

 It is sometimes easier to protect yourself by surrounding yourself with a circle with folks who you never get close to. In fact you set up situations where you become the counselor, the teacher or supervisor so you can have an excuse for appropriate boundaries.

This has worked well for you in the past but the new energies may crack your code and leave you feeling a bit vulnerable.

 No one can get away from that huge full moon and the shifts that are happening within the consciousness of the planet. I see great peace and harmony lives within your well protected heart. Share the love.

Leo… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
I see a vision of you in a dream state walking into a beautiful city of crystal palaces and roads. It is so beautiful and the clarity is amazing.

This eclipse seems to bring you a higher level of clarity in your life. Not only in your personal world but in all areas of your life. Your gifts of spirit will be heightened and undeniable. Your confidence in your abilities at grounded and you are in the groove.

No one will be able to pull the wool over your eyes unless you allow them to. My sympathies to the child, spouse or co-worker who tries.

Virgo… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
 The energies of the eclipse are all encompassing and I see your aura and heart chakra becoming as one with it.

You are finally starting to catch up. I see an old record player and a vinyl record turning around and around. The music was moving along just fine and then a hand bumped the unit and the arm that holds the needle skipped over to a different part of the song. 

The music seemed to jump up 2 ½ octaves.
Although this is a bit of a jump, you know in your heart that you are in stride with whatever comes your way.

 Sometimes something or someone needs to give you a little push to help you reach your full potential. The hand of spirit is at work here and will assist you if you only ask.

Libra… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
  I see you sitting in meditation under the eclipse asking to reveal what you have to offer and surrendering you the powers of the Divine.

Great healing and in yours for the asking. All you need to do is to accept and allow.

This does not mean allowing others to make choices for you. This means listening to the wisdom that you have within. I see a huge awakening in your heart.

Lifelong learning may be a passion and admirable but the energies of the eclipse are asking you to step into your role as a Master and come to the conclusions that combine common sense with spirituality.

 Spiritual proof is the word that I am hearing. That may mean one thing to you and something else to another. Know your truth.

Scorpio… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
The eclipse energies may have you feeling exhausted and you may need to take more naps. This is how your body and mind recharges and re-boots.
Let yourself believe in something bigger then yourself. 

Some things have happened in your life that bring you to doubt that power and presence of “All That Is.”  Once again, you have the opportunity to trust the presence within and embrace the truth of life.

 Yes there is life and death but there is so much more in between that you can experience. Choose a life of immortal experience. This lives on long after the physical has crumbled and fallen away.

What will your legacy be? What could you possible leave on this planet after you chose to depart? I know that you can think of something. This is a time of gifts and opportunities. Ask for yours. I see you sleeping with a crystal under your pillow. This crystal holds truths that have been on this planet for longer than you can imagine.  See what it has left behind. Amazing, right? Ask the crystal to help.

Sagittarius… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
You are the gypsy of the zodiac. Ever wanting to move and experience life on every level possible.

Some of you may be torn between responsibility and your wandering nature. This may cause feelings of anger, neglect and create the attitude of a martyr.
This eclipse gives you the opportunity to bring peace to your nature and therefore, bring inner peace to your mind and spirit.

  Know that you will become the catalyst for change. Meditate on this and see what the next few months reveal.

Capricorn… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
Give yourself plenty of room for explanations. This eclipse will bring many things to the surface and you may not like the fact that you might need to take some responsibility for a situation of an imbalance in a relationship.

I am being shown a vision of you under the eclipse being downloaded with information and the gift of prophesy. The gift of this knowing may be for the world or perhaps your own personal life.

The gift in prophesy is that is given as an opportunity for change. Nothing is solid or destined. There is room for change. That’s the best news ever!

Aquarius… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
You seem to be right at home in this extraordinary energy. Your gift is of creativity and celebration of the wonderful expressions life.

Normally you would be organizing a rally or some sort of political cause but this eclipse is giving you a hall pass to explore the world as it is in the eyes of all that is. The light and the shadow and see the reasons and balance of all.

I see a vision of you holding a snow globe and seeing a movie of your life and the lives of those around you. Especially those who are no longer in your life.
It is ok to grieve when you do so for the right reasons. This is not to make sense of anything in particular. It is to heal yourself and just “be” in the human experience. 

Don’t worry about making others feel uncomfortable with this as you will work through this and let it go.

Pisces… Week of September 27, 2015…  The Eclipse Energies
Energies are churning and turning around you. You shine with a particular glow and sense of knowing.

I see a vision of you sitting under the eclipse offering up all that you are unable to change or understand. You can see many answers but the solutions still seem out of reach and drift past your life. It is almost as if you could reach out and touch them.

Spirit is telling you that these solutions are real but they may not be the solutions for you.  Acceptance and gratitude for being who you are right now is the path that will bring you to your destination where the answers will be clear and perfect.

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