
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 2015 Merlin Chronicles

Hi There my Friends,

Happy Holidays! I find it hard to believe that this is the last month of 2015!

Well, I must say that the energies of November were pretty intense and I for one, am happy to see it in my Rear view mirror. Many of us struggled through crazy respiratory stuff, set-backs and sorrows.

Just when things started moving forward in my world it seems that my physical body had some other shenanigans in mind that set me back a couple weeks.

My Divine Presence reminds me that perhaps some things need to be cleared before I am ready to move forward, full steam into the next part of my life.

I find myself thinking a lot “If only thoughts” If only we could have known how our thoughts and emotions affect not only our physical, social and creative lives but also that of our children and spouses.

Maybe this is the gift that we receive when we leave this planet. Knowing how much this effects our happiness and our true power to be a co-creator for better or for worse.

This may seem very out of the box ( a real shocker… right?) but as this is being written I am shown many souls, light workers leaving the planet who won’t be coming back because after many re-incarnations they have finally “got it.”

These souls are of a beautiful lilac color and light in every way. They are just floating and I am being told that they are pearls. Pearls that are given a place in a strand of light. The vision ends at this point.

I wish you the best in the season and here are the scopes.

Kay Dragon

Merlin Scopes  December   2015    by Kay

Aries… First week of December 2015

You have made a lot to progress lately. Don’t allow yourself to backslide or sabotage yourself after all you have done to correct a situation, especially if it is related to your health.

Aries… The Month of December Overview

Do you feel like you are having problems moving forward in one area or another?  It may even go as far as problems with your feet and legs. This might be a good time to sit it out for a bit and choose what you can change within yourself rather than trying to manipulate.

Don’t get too far ahead of yourself and don’t focus on the past. Stay in the present. This might be a good time to surrender all of your wants, needs and wishes to a higher source. Perhaps you already have released these things but haven’t been able to recognize the people or situations that are right in front of your face.

Sometimes we don’t get what we want for a reason. Perhaps it doesn’t serve your higher purpose.

Your Light Being

Lady Nada is stepping forward to offer her guidance and assist you in releasing your issues to the Divine for clearing.

Your Animal Guide

A Raccoon steps forward and tells me his name is Montana. Smart little fellow and quite cute. He is showing me his home in the hollow of a tree.

 He has all of what he needs there. I see some food, some scraps of warm cotton bedding and his family all inside. Perhaps everything you need is what you already have.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

 Green Jade will calm you and assist you in creative projects.

 Taurus… First week of December 2015

Follow your instincts. You may not know exactly where you are going; but your higher self is urging you to make some changes and move forward.

This might take you a little bit out of your comfort zone but you know that some things need to change. You may be making some big decisions.

Taurus… The Month of December Overview

There seems to be a break in the past and in the way you have been doing some things. It appears to be a clean sweep in consciousness; and you may re-evaluate the way you do business, your love life, friendships and finances.

I see you doing whatever it takes to reduce stress in your life. This may mean cutting back on some things that were very important to you in the past. You may be the bearer of unpopular news; but it is necessary and will serve everyone in the long run.

I see a vision of you walking in a Labyrinth and you have reached a dead end. You may feel like you are taking a step back but in actuality, it is more like back-tracking for a short time so you can start walking in a stronger direction that will lead you on a path that may take you closer to your goal. Trust spirit to guide you.

Your Light Being

I see Ganesh has stepped forward to offer clearing and help you in forging your way into new possibilities.

 I see the Mighty Ganesh busting through walls and exposing you to the people on the other side who didn’t know that you existed. Make the most of this.

Your Animal Guide

Lynx stepped forward and will assist you in noticing others and their intentions. It will be like someone turned on the light. Stop trying to please everyone.

Sit back and notice the ones who bring good strong energy as well as those who need to move on. Be silent and do more listening and looking rather than talking.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Labradorite is a stone that has magical properties. It will protect you from negative energies and energize you.

Gemini… First week of December 2015

Is someone making you feel a bit awkward about receiving compliments or praise? Smile, then close your mouth and see what this person has to offer. Is this person expecting something in return? Are they sincere?

Make sure before offering your allegiance. Know that you are in a place of power and have the ability to choose.

Gemini… The Month of December Overview

It seems that in the past your self-esteem relied on others’ acceptance and approval before you could feel like you were standing in your full power. If by chance, someone pulled back their endorsement you would be left feeling devastated.

Know that this is not a true assessment of your success and abilities. It is time to set strong boundaries around your personal space and your thoughts and emotions.

Know that you are going through a process of renewal and sometimes it is in the dark night of the soul where true creation begins. Be patient and kind with yourself.

Your Light Being

Ascended Master Lord Lanto is stepping forth to offer illumination of your concepts of success and love.

I see a vision of him ushering you into a body of water to wash away the old ways and prepare you for something new.

Your Animal Guide

A Walrus has stepped forward to offer guidance and clear a path.
He is very wise and asks you to be flexible and allow the water to carry you. Be comfortable in the water and on the shore.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Jasper will nurture you.

 Cancer… First week of December 2015

Take advantage of the holiday spirit and feel the love that is swelling and coming over you in waves. This is a time for unconditional love and falling in love with love. Just for the sake of it.

Some memories of friends or family who have passed may come forward. Remember the good things they brought into your life.

Cancer… The Month of December Overview

Some serious business is in front of you and you are being connected to source in a way that you have never experienced before. You might call it premonition; but it will result in a stronger connection and soul growth.

All that has been cloudy must clear and become transparent. If you have any skeletons in your closet I would suggest cleaning them out because you may be in the spotlight. Besides, you don’t want to bring some of this stuff over into the New Year.

Make your intentions clear so no-one is left wondering or making up possibilities based on their lack of information. You can bring down the stress level by being upfront. This applies to you and will benefit you and others.

Your Light Being

El Morya stepped forward and agrees to assist you this month. Know that if you call upon him this will not be a casual collaboration. He will teach you the merits and commitment required of working with God’s Will

Your Animal Guide

An American Eagle swooped in and landed near you. She has a twig in her talons and is offering it to you. I don’t know what it represents; but if you go into meditation or perhaps in a dream, you will become aware of what this gift has for you.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Smoky Quartz will help you ground and work with in your base chakra to eliminate stress associated with electronics.

 Leo… First week of December 2015

You may be feeling a bit restless this week as if you are waiting for the other shoe to drop in some part of your life. You may have recently come to the conclusion that all you thought you believed as being truth is so much different in actuality.

Leo… The Month of December Overview

Try to release those things that are out of your control. You may have thought you had everything under control but have seen some of those thoughts turn into illusions and shatter like a glass hitting the floor.

After you pick up the pieces, you will realize there is something under your control – you!  You can pick and choose how you will react if you take a step back and don’t allow ego to sit in the driver’s seat. You can be rigid or fluid in changes. I might suggest going with the flow.

You may experience the re-appearance of some old bottled up emotions or scars from the past. Meet them with love and compassion. Try to find some merit in them.

Your Light Being

A beautiful Light Being who tells me that her name is Rosa is stepping forward. She has with her a beautiful bottle which contains sacred oil.

She calls it Royal Sandalwood and says it also contains a bit of rose essence and lilac.  She will infuse this into your auric field if you like. Just ask.

Your Animal Guide

I see a little Grey Pigeon. He is very cute and seems young. He says let yourself flow with the opportunities and not to get caught up in expectations.

He tells me he hears this word “expectations” a lot but doesn’t know what it means. He has instincts and the two feel very different. Go with your instincts he says.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Jasper will help you in times of stress. Carry a piece of in your pocket.

 Virgo… First week of December 2015

This is a good week for launching plans and ideas for financial gains that are based on solid products. This may be marketing or opportunities may be offered.

Virgo… The Month of December Overview

This is a great month for wealth building. This doesn’t always mean financial wealth but also the wealth of good friends and family.

Be sure to share with those in need financially or with those who would appreciate a boost in their self-confidence. Make sure you check your motives and remain loyal to those who deserve your loyalty and not just because you may be able to expect something in return later on or that you think they are impressive.

Remember there is always enough to go around and there always will be. Trust the ebb and flow of the Universe and know there is a purpose behind everything

This is a good time to work on healing as the physical manifestations of old wounds may be making some noise and wish to be heard. Listen and be compassionate.

Your Light Being

Buddha steps forward to offer a beautiful golden ray to help you in manifesting a healthy balance and wisdom of what true wealth and prosperity mean.

Your Animal Guide

Owl would like to help you this month. I see him in a tree with his head turning in each direction.

Make sure you see the whole picture and you won’t miss an opportunity that might be hidden in plain sight
Your Stone or Mineral helper

Emerald is connected with the heart chakra and will attract and maintain happy relationships.

 Libra… First week of December 2015 Libra…

Pull back a bit and allow your body and spirit to get some rest. Spend some time doing something just for fun. Perhaps a movie, a concert or taking in art. Feed your soul.

Libra…The Month of December Overview

I see a vision of a cord connected to your auric energetic body. It appears that some of your energy is being leaked or siphoned off. This may result in physical ailments or depression.
You can release and seal off this process by looking at your own feelings and judgements of old resentments that are coming to the surface.

Forgiveness is the key. Not for the person or situation, but for your health and happiness.
Take a few deep breaths and get into a meditative space.

·         Scan your body and look for anything out of the ordinary.
·         When the situation or person comes forward, see yourself and that person trading places.
·         Ask that person who is now in your place for forgiveness.
·         Examine how you feel when you have completed this.

Your Light Being

I see a female Light Being that represents a long ago era. She says her name is Elona and she is quite beautiful. She says she lived in what is now known as Russia. She has a yoke on her shoulders and a bucket attached to each side.

She takes them off to rest because one of them is heavier than the other. It is causing one of her feet or one side of her body to feel too much weight and pressure.

She is here to support you in taking off your yoke and resting under a tree until you see how you can redistribute the weight. Call on her.

Your Animal Guide

A little Brown Mouse steps forward. She is here to help you sort out what is truly important and what isn’t. She wants to make you aware of the small things that make up the whole of the big picture.

Your Stone or Mineral helper
Garnet will balance you chakras and brings your emotions back into harmony.

 Scorpio… First week of December 2015

Reflection and review seems to be a running theme this week. Perhaps you are going over some key points in your life and seeing how much these things affected who you have become.

Bless every moment and see how some of the things that were so important are really insignificant now.

Scorpio ….The Month of December Overview

Some wonderful inspiration is vibrating in your direction and inviting you to get into the flow. I see a vision of a beautiful lake where all inspiration and possibilities are waiting for whoever chooses to enter and simply go with the flow. I see you walking into the water and gently floating on your back and looking towards the sky.

Take extra measures to make yourself available for moonlight talks with Spirit. You might find yourself waking up in the middle of the night. Instead of letting this upset you, ask spirit what you need to know to move forward and even better yet, create an empty  space in your mind. Hold it as long as you can. This will be the place where you and the Divine co-create. A bit of magic I would say.

Your Light Being

Merlin is available to teach you how to use your base and sacral chakras in creating perfection and beauty transmuting insecurity and chaos.

Your Animal Guide

Spider has stepped forth. She is the mother of all creation and will bring you the skills and wisdom to weave and strengthen your field of awareness so that you may use your energies so you can catch opportunities more effectively.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Green Sapphire is said to help you recall your dreams, improve your vision from within and physically and assist you in expanding compassion.

 Sagittarius… First week of December 2015

You might have a little bit of family tension. You might respond by making plans or finding excuses to get out of the house. This is not such a bad idea.

The house may seem a bit small and you should give in to the urge to get out and about. You need some serious fun.

Sagittarius ….The Month of December Overview

This may be a difficult time for you because you feel a call from deep within your soul that seeks independence. You might feel like breaking all of the rules this month and throwing caution to the wind.

You may have had to be accountable to people or organizations and sometimes you would like to turn left even though you know the world expects and demands that you turn right.
It might be time to take a little sabbatical to recharge and cut loose with a friend.

 Your boundaries with work and family are sometimes a bit weaker than they should be. This is something to work on. Don’t feel guilty about this. It is necessary.

Your Light Being

Saint Germain is available to help you transmute some of the energy to clear a path for you.

Your Animal Guide

A Dragon stepped forth to offer inner strength and power to support you in the coming weeks. She will also help you with those boundaries and help you find the confidence to step into your power.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Merlinite offers the ability to access past lives. This is a magical stone which helps in shamanic practices. It holds ancient knowledge and wisdom.

 Capricorn… First week of December 2015

Loosen the leash a bit on situations that you have no control over.
Trying to command your ideas as you would have it, is like trying to control the wind. In your heart of hearts you know better.

Capricorn ….The Month of December Overview

There seems to be some things going on behind the scenes that need to be brought out into the light before you can estimate the severity and the proper way to respond to a situation.

I see a vision of you trying to navigate your steps on a steep rocky mountain. A voice from within is asking you to bring your focus back to the center, to your own footing and steps.

There is a plan in place and although it may not be to our liking, everything has a purpose and a season. Handle situations with others carefully and try not to react from, a place of fear.

Take a few breaths before reacting and ask for guidance from your higher self who is so wise and remembers every lesson you have learned.

Your Light Being

Mother Mary is standing close to you and offering the support you need this month. She will give plain and simple guidance. Simple yet powerful.

Your Animal Guide

Hawk brings you messages, perhaps from faraway places. This could be from someone you haven’t seen for some time.  He says the word “truce”.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Cerussite will ground and connect you to the Earth. For those who feel that they have not always lived on this planet, this stone can share past lives from places other than Earth.

 Aquarius… First week of December 2015

Don’t take anything personally right now. The stress of the season and life may be building up so try not to allow it to overflow and alienate those you care about.
If you need a time out, honor your body and emotions and do so.

Aquarius ….The Month of December Overview

I see a vision of a big magnifying glass pointed at you. Emotions are running high and your body is reacting to recent changes in your life.

This may be physical trauma or perhaps just extra demands on your time at work or in your home life.  Take a little decompression time every day and know that this too shall pass, as they say.
I am getting a message that you could shift the quality of your day by monitoring your thoughts when you wake up in the morning. Check your thoughts and words.
If you hear words that are less than grateful or create a feeling of overwhelm, then this may set the tone for your day.
The good news is that you have the opportunity to shift it. Change those words and perceptions one by one and see how the energy around you starts to shift.

Your Light Being

Saint Jude is here to offer the process of miracles. Call on him.

Your Animal Guide

Porcupine moves to the front of the line and says that taking yourself too seriously can be a real turnoff for those around you.

 Accept help when it is offered. He says that you have your quills out which makes it difficult for others to offer assistance and comfort even though assistance is what you are asking for.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Hematite will dissolve negativity and bring harmony back into order.

Pisces… First week of December 2015

This is a good week for business and socializing. In that order. Perhaps the two are incorporated. Fresh ideas are coming to the surface and giving you hope for the future.
Your thoughts may be far off traveling on adventures. This is an excellent and creative use of your time.

Pisces ….The Month of December Overview

Something is feeling a little bit off. You can’t quite put your finger on it; but be open to the suggestions and opinions of those around you. Information can come from the most surprising and unexpected places.

You know your strengths and how to use your abilities to create a new way of doing things or creating a program. You may be using the talents you already have but in a new way.
Know that all is in perfect order, even though it doesn’t feel like it sometimes. The snow brings water that nourishes the world in the spring.

Keep your faith and know that it will pay off. It may not look like what you expected but you will receive favors from the Divine when all is said and done. Align yourself with the Divine and trust.

Your Light Being

Lakshmi is in your corner and offering you help this month. I see her smiling and holding up a card with a question mark on it.

What do you really think of the wealth that you have in your life? She would like you to take an inventory of your valuables.

Your Animal Guide

A beautiful brown horse appears to help you in any transitions that may take place. Accept the ride.

Your Stone or Mineral helper

Amethyst will transmute any negativity and protect you. It is a very powerful stone.

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