
Friday, March 18, 2016

Merlin Chronicles by Kay weeks of March 14th and 21st

Hi There,
I am a bit short on time as I am getting ready for the BMS Metaphysical Fair at The Denver Mart on 58th and I 25.
I can’t believe that it snowed today. I am sure that I will get there safely and all the folks who need to see me today will also arrive safely.
I will be speaking about channeling at 2 PM on Saturday so if you are in the Denver are come by and check it out. It is a fun fair!

Blessings and have a wonderful week-end
 MerlinScopes       Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016    by   Kay
Aries…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
This is a time to seriously leave some things behind. We talk about releasing and letting go all the time. This has a much deeper meaning when you have things that have truly became a part of who you believe yourself to be.

Some of these things you may think of as defining characteristics, behaviors or companions in your life might choose or need to be released from your life so that you may be able to experience more. More life, health, peace, love, blessings, breath and other things that your higher self is hoping that you will be willing to make room for.
What seems difficult now will look easy in hindsight.

Taurus…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016
Healthy boundaries are in your best interest right now. Always take a moment or better yet a day to make a decision about something that will effect yourself, your business and your family. 

You do your best to see the highest good in others and keep your thoughts in higher vibrations so when someone steps out of that perceived vibration you might find yourself wondering what you did to create this situation. The answer is nothing. Others make their own choices and as long as you have been keeping your actions in the highest integrity, you can let go of the responsibility, pick yourself up and step forward to the next adventure.

If you have not stayed true to your standards of integrity, see how you can pull yourself back to center and do better next time.

Gemini…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
Let yourself entertain the possibility of being content with you current circumstances. There are a lot of things going on behind the scenes and to try to guess what will be, to manipulate or use your natural gifts of rationalization is futile at this point in time.

There is a secret that the universe is keeping from you for reasons that only the Divine knows. Be in the moment and try not to look ahead. If you catch yourself looking backward, do it with the wisdom of seeing the unique purpose of your journey and how experience has played a big part in the unfolding of things that are yet to come.

Let yourself sit in the audience this time and wait for the curtain to open so you can be surprised.

Cancer…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
Listen to the hum of the universe and the rhythm of the seasons. Repetitive patterns may emerge to give you clues and answers to questions that seem to be on your mind.

Don’t allow anyone to rush you into making decisions. Take your time and listen for answers. This may come in general conversations or elsewhere. In other words, pay attention to your surroundings.

Perhaps you should consider loosening the reins on others around you or on situations that you have taken on as a responsibility.

 If something is meant to be yours it will come back. Try not to be too restrictive or absolute as this only shows up in your energy and blocks your own good as well as opportunities for others to make informed choices. This is how we learn.
Leo…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
Though it may not feel like it, alchemy is working in amazing and profound ways. Merlin has taught me that the new alchemy isn’t something that is done with powerful incantations and potions. It is done through the shifting of our consciousness.

There is such great power in forgiveness. Everywhere you look there seems to be social unrest, anger and hatred. Instead of adding fuel to the fire it is the power of forgiveness and love that will change the tides.

Know that you are on this planet in this time and place to be a leader in the changing of humanities consciousness. Whether you use prayer, affirmations, writing, music, art, interacting with children, adults or employees and co-workers remember to mind your words and thoughts. Temper your words and actions with great thought and intention.

Virgo…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
Mixed emotions are in the forefront throughout this period. You might have the feeling that you are waiting for the other shoe to drop. When did the first one drop? Worry is just part of your nature. You may be feeling as if you are at a loss and are wondering what’s next. Will God really hold me in the palm of his hand? What about Mother Earth? A source that was lucrative may have dried up and left you wondering.  Physically you might have been feeling a bit fragile and unsure of which way the wind is going to blow.

Know that you are in a holding pattern and that your day is coming soon. Some choices are in the offering. It is time to step forward and be counted. Let yourself be happy in the moment.

You have been resting on the things that you are comfortable with and now that you have reached a level of perfection in some area of your life it is time to push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

It is time to take responsibility for what is to come next in your life. Pay attention to signs and synchronicities and act on them.

Libra…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
This is a time to bring out your best, not that you don’t always do that anyway. It is time to hold your head up high and lead by example. I don’t mean to do so in arrogance but in a way that teaches others to stand in their own power and integrity.

It is time to let go of anything that holds you down. I see a vision of you with a yoke around your neck and reins. It is time to take off the yoke and reins held by others and teach them to carry their own load. I say this in an empowering way.

Act as a teacher or proud parent who has supported those who have needed your assistance. It is time to allow them to contribute.

Scorpio…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
Work in cooperation with another would be to your advantage at this time. There may be an opportunity to blend your gifts or style of work with another that will be complimentary and creative. This person needs what you have to offer as much as you need them.

If you are single this could also be an opportunity to meet someone new. This could be someone who is opposite of what you might think of yourself being but they have so much to offer. They can fill in the gaps or bring fresh new energy to your life.

Expect something new to emerge from which you have struggled with in the past. This may be a new way of doing things that is fun and takes the stress out of the actual process.

Sagittarius…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016 
Keep your feet on the ground and your head in the clouds. Stay on the straight and narrow. Stay focused on the things that you need to take care of for your well-being. Not just in areas of health but your finances and responsibilities concerning your career and professional life.

Step up to the plate and take responsibility in making some plans. Focus on the business at hand. This is not a time to give in to diversions or wishful thinking.

Some things may not have worked out as planned but you have the opportunity to re-evaluate the steps needed to succeed. Look at the facts realistically and make the changes that you need in order to get the results that you desire. You have everything you need to create abundance.

Capricorn…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
Take your gifts from spirit seriously. You need them just as much as you need to breathe. Remember some of your own difficulties and how you were able to pick yourself up and begin a new? Realization that you didn’t do this on your own is important right now.

Sometimes it is easy to forget our Higher Power, the Divine and what a big part it plays in our life. There may be a bit of a wake up and smell the coffee moment. This is just a reminder that sometimes things need to fall apart before you can build something new upon your foundation.
Gratitude is an important key to you renewal and recovery.

Aquarius…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
If you find yourself feeling angry or upset at the state of the world or within your own group of people it may be time to take a look inward and see what needs to be shifted or attended to emotionally.

You are usually pretty good at handling situations at a distance but you might be allowing your ego too much say right now. It is ok to state your views but not when you start shooting venom. This only brings your vibration down to lower levels and defeats your purpose. Spend some time alone in meditation and prayer asking for guidance and then speak your truth.

Pisces…  Weeks of March 14th and 21st, 2016  
You might have the opportunity to realize that you are being held captive by your own opinions and beliefs. Give yourself a little room and take a walk on the wild side.

Step out of your comfort zone to take a look at new ways of doing things. Your creativity may be held back by adhering to rules or family traditions and opinions. Letting go of some of those ideal might be just what you need to move in a new direction that will be fulfilling.

When people don’t honor their creativeness the dream can turn into nothing more than wishful thinking or result in addictive behaviors that are not healthy or productive.

Don’t work harder. Work smarter so you can incorporate that dream.

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