Merlin Chronicles By Kay
Week of March 8th
Hi Beautiful Light Beings!
Happy International Woman’s Day!
I wanted to share my week-end with you. I am
part of a group of five women who share an amazing bond. We don’t see each
other very often. We don’t call or even email or text often. We do however go
on Goddess retreats a couple times a year.
We go to the hot springs in the Mountains and
soak away all of the stress and release energies that have become heavy and cumbersome.
We talk, share stories, secrets, do energy work on each other say prayers and
intentions for ourselves and others and indulge in nothingness.
We all seem to know when we are supposed to go
and everything, I mean everything falls in to place perfectly! Right down to the minute.
We all have different occupations, gifts and
lifestyles. I don’t even remember how all of this started. I do know that it has filled a place in my heart I will always cherish. It is almost as if
the Universe conspired to have come together to support us and the many people
we support. I am so grateful to these women and to the Divine who brought us together.
My wish and hope for you is that you, female
and male each have a sacred group of people that you can have in your life so you
too can set the Reset Button !
Aries… Week of March 7,
Take yourself a bit more seriously this week. Careful
conservation of your energy and who you choose it with could work well as a
defensive gesture.
Be generous with compliments and others will be
eager to share more about themselves.
Taurus… Week of March 7,
When you
feel yourself getting nervous or feeling anxious you can shift your energy with
the beating of your heart. Just focus on it or put your finger on your pulse as
you enlist angels to bring what you are feeling to the surface. It is much
easier to deal with something when you can see it for what it is and not let
your imagination run the show.
Gemini… Week of March 7,
This is a week of celebration as you see the
truth of what paths lie before you. There is always choice and don’t be
surprised if you end up doing three or four things at the same time.
You can make a choice to select just one but I
think that this could prove to be boring.
I see a vision of you with an old fashion quill
pen dipping it into an ink well. I would think that there is some importance in
writing or art this week.
Follow through with something that is being
offered. It may look like a big mountain to climb but you have the tools to
reach the top.
Cancer… Week of March 7,
I have a vision of you sitting in a car that
has high centered on a country road. The wheels are turning but you can’t go
anywhere. You could back fill the dirt around the wheels of the car creating a
solid road that you could drive off in by this using your own sweat and energy
or you could spend a lot of money and hire a tow truck or crane which would
still leave the problem of filling the hole in the road.
Neither approach is wrong but know that you
will have to deal with the same issue if you throw money at it and take the
easy way.
It is time to approach a problem or issue in a
different way.
Leo… Week of March 7, 2016
You have enough to think about without inviting
other people’s issues into the mix. This is a good time to celebrate life and
enjoy those visions and psychic impressions that have been showing themselves
to you lately.
Creative listening or expressing your musical
side would be a great way to do some manifesting. Be mindful of what you are thinking
about when you are listing.
There is a peculiar sensation that is finding
its way into life. Could it be contentment? Be consciously aware for just one
moment when you feel that contentment; this is where you start your
Virgo… Week of March 7,
Take yourself into a deep meditation as this
can be instrumental in releasing the old and re-organizing new energies and
creativity that has been waiting for space to evolve and expand in your life.
Let yourself become the keeper of the light
that shines with in your heart. You don’t need someone else’s presence or
approval to let your love shine brightly.
Libra… Week of March 7,
Something or someone may create a challenge in
your life. How you handle this will be a marker of a new start or perhaps a repetitive
circumstance of which you are familiar.
There is no right or wrong. We are all beings
who have come into this life to learn of the Beauty and The Beast. Both have
positive and negative qualities. We have danced with both. Some of you will
choose to create a new out-come based on your reactions.
Scorpio… Week of March 7,
The opportunities ahead in this week are
endless. It is always your choice to take advantage of the energies or not. Let
yourself be the one who initiates assistance to another. It is within your
power and ability and the energy would be clean and pleasing to the Collective.
This opens doors for you. It might work like a
vacuum and allow some energy or information that has been blocked or kept in
the dark to show itself. This is a wonderful time for manifesting and planning
you next move.
Sagittarius… Week of March
7, 2016
There isn’t anything that you won’t do to help
another. Just be aware of the fine line between being of service and getting
involved in other people’s drama.
Take a look at what part you are playing in getting
involved in stuff that another should be learning from and dealing with. Is
this a way of escape to keep your mind off of your stuff? What is your reward
in this? Be honest with yourself and make a list.
There may be a messenger with news as I see a
hawk carrying something in his claw. I expect it to be good.
Capricorn… Week of March 7,
Take care of your health in a holistic manner
this week. Don’t stress about the stress in your life.
as you talk about your health and life situation that you will attract some
interesting things into your life. Some good; some not so good. This seems to
be the way of life on this planet.
Acceptance of who you are and by the total sum
of your life and experiences can be healing and bring peace into your life. Could
you love someone unconditionally who has been through the same circumstances as
you? I am going to take that as a yes!
Make your prayers known to The Divine and ask
for support from the angels.
Aquarius… Week of March 7,
Sometimes you may feel like the world can be a
slippery and unsafe place at times. There is some madness in the world that
makes no sense at all and sometimes it can pull you off balance.
Put yourself on the negativity diet this week.
Limit your exposure to people and circumstances around you that take your mind
off of the truth that this world is a place of karmic balance. Karma creates
chaos in its attempt to achieve balance many times. You may be feeling a bit
more empathic this week than normal and you are feeling the pain of the world.
Separate your thoughts from these things. Maybe
spend time walking your dog or cleaning up your yard. Ground yourself into the
Pisces… Week of March 7,
Do not resist change especially when it comes
to visit your personal life. Your personal life is huge and encompasses many aspects.
There is always a bit of an overlap between personal and business.
Perhaps a certain person or situation is not in
your best interest in which case the universe and guides have your back. I keep
hearing that old Leslie Gore song “It’s My Party and I’ll Cry if I want to.” It
might not feel very supportive at the time but all comes together like a symphony.
Don’t underestimate your ability as a magnet of
popularity. This may come as a pleasant surprise to you when you realize how
many people have fawn memories and appreciate you just being you!
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