
Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Merlin Chronicles By Kay June 2016

  Merlin Chronicles                   by Kay for June 2016

Hi Everyone,

It seems like some of the Mercury retrograde energies are starting to ease up. I am usually not affected by this but this one was pretty intense.

It seems like the common theme at this time for many is change and moving. Some people and clients that I speak with are making huge changes in the places that they live and in careers.

I am in the Denver area and I have always known this area to be a city of light that attracts a variety of people seeking a lifestyle that is something unique and Light Worker friendly. It is somewhere where alternative medicine and interests in Metaphysics and higher consciousness are more acceptable. Mild winters and active lifestyles all of which has driven the population and prices of housing to an all-time high. The traffic is like rush hour 24/7 and many long time Colorado residents can no longer afford to live here. Especially the younger ones who are just starting their adult lives.

Many of the folks who live here are using this to their advantage to sell high and move to smaller communities out of state. I am sure that this is part of the plan. Those who are moving to other, more remote areas will take their light with them and hold space by grounding light and bringing their gifts of Reiki, energy work and meditation in creating higher vibrations into other communities.

This desire for change is not only in Colorado but in many areas of the country. I can hardly wait to see how this all plays out for everyone. Most people are in the planning stages and waiting until early fall to make their moves. This is wise as many things will change the perspective of many between now and then.

 As for me, I am staying right here. I still call Colorado home.

Love and hugs,


Enjoy the MerlinScopes!

Merlin Scopes for June 2016             by Kay

Aries…  Week of May 30th 2016  
It feels like a major shift is in play this week. This is like a breath of fresh air and like taking a weight off of your shoulders. Use this time to reach out and re-connect to others.

Aries…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Make the best of whatever situation comes to the surface. It seems that you have some desires you are actively sending out to the universe and awaiting results.

Know that all will come back in one form or another in time. Try not to get too emotionally attached to outcomes or too controlling about how these wishes resolve. Being gracious and acknowledging your great gifts are key to being in the flow.

 Your Light Being
The Arcturians are assisting you in separating yourself from unhealthy ways of living. This could be in thought patterns as well as other behavioral issues.

Your Animal Guide
I asked who would like to assist you this month and a big beautiful young Moose stepped forward to help you get in touch with the strength of your primal feminine power. Trust you inner guidance.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Aragonite will help you ground and connect with the earth.

Taurus…  Week of May 30th 2016  
Bring a little bit of your light to other folks who can use a bit of a boost. You seem to have an abundance of light energy.  The more you share the more you will receive. Get out and have some fun this week. Music is something that brings you energy and delight.

Taurus…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
No one can pull the wool over your eyes this month. Don’t engage in wishful thinking when it comes to others as they may disappoint you. They may have another agenda in mind.

This seems to be the beginning of a new cycle as some things may leave and no longer be a part of your existence. This heralds new energy, social contacts, and abundance. I keep seeing a vision of a plant that needs the old leaves cut off so the energy and nourishment will turn its attention to the part of the plant that can be supported by the life force. This shift may be more of a mental or emotional shift. The point being that you are not who you used to be.

Your Light Being
Archangel Michael will support and assist in this transition. Call on him.

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful Bull steps forward to assist you in new beginnings and grand plans. See him supporting and bringing new life into all that you do.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Seraphinite will assist you in raising your vibration and keep you in contact with your Angelic support team.

Gemini…  Week of May 30th 2016  
I see a vision of you going about your day whistling a little song and I hear your angels saying ‘whistle a new tune’. It seems just having a bit of time to yourself while doing simple mundane chores and listening to music will be an effective walking meditation and could bring some epic ideas and realizations.

Gemini…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
I see a bright light shining down upon you this month. All things are possible as long as you keep some of your dreams and ideas to yourself until they are in proper proportion so that they cannot be subject to doubt from others.

This is your birthday month and you are entitled to celebrate in whatever way you want. Others may have different ideas. I understand you need and want to be gracious; but make sure you get to have your wishes fulfilled.

I see gardens, water and you with a bucket of sand. A feeling of fun that takes you back to the simple joys of childhood could be refreshing and act as fuel for creative projects later this summer.

Your Light Being
Hindu Goddess Parvati has come to assist you. She is a beautiful and powerful Goddess of love. She beckons you to ask for her assistance in all matters and she will send what it is that you need to help fulfil your desires.

Your Animal Guide
A Deer with a huge rack and beautiful brown eyes is stepping forward to offer strength of spirit and character.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Smoky Quartz will help you ground your spiritual energy.

 Cancer…  Week of May 30th 2016  
This might be a good time to dial back the volume a bit. Take a look at your audience. The folks you are communicating with might feel a bit unreceptive if you are coming off a bit alpha or controlling.

Try to be bit more sensitive when addressing issues that need to be explored involving others; and find a less intrusive way to separate hear-say from reality.

Cancer…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Prepare yourself for a new way to express or market yourself. A refreshing new opportunity may be in the beginning stages as I can see it just like a sun rising on the horizon.

Keep yourself on the up side of your domestic and professional circle. Avoid falling in to old traps of thinking “it is us against them” or “me against the world”.

Your guidance from the Collective is “protect yourself from yourself”. Resist the temptation to avoid moving forward by comparing present situations to those in the past.

Your Light Being
The Goddess of Liberty will help you resist the Lords of Karma who would keep you in the same behavioral pattern and receiving the same results.
This is a pivotal time for you my friend. Her message is just let it go and step into a higher vibration.

Your Animal Guide
A Skunk has stepped forward to offer assistance. He says be honest and forth coming with others and you will receive the same.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Magnetite will balance your and align your chakras.

Leo…  Week of May 30th 2016  
This isn’t the time to let yourself get into anything financially draining. Look at all the options in the financial structure of your present condition and ask in your heart of hearts if you are making sound decisions.

Leo…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Repeating past patterns may be easy to deal with in your present situation but do not be diluted or get caught up in the illusion that things will turn out differently this time.

Let yourself pretend for a moment that you are making choices for a loved one or someone other than yourself. Would you make the same choices? An opportunity to release past patterns is coming forward and asking you to look at things differently.

Career and emotions don’t blend enough to allow you to put your whole self into a position. That is unless you are a song writer and then there are still some guidelines. It can sometimes move into ego which can create a barrier to listening to your own guidance or reading too much into something that another says. Be constructively skeptical yet open.

Your Light Being
Yogananda has stepped forward to assist you in revealing your truth.

Your Animal Guide
Anteater stepped forward to assist you and remind you to use your energy and resources efficiently.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Kyanite will help you break through blockages and speak your truth.

 Virgo…  Week of May 30th 2016  
Take a moment to savor and listen to the heart beat of the universe and all it has in store for you. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting closer and you have always had permission to walk forward to reach the other side.

Virgo…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Don’t get in your own way and start pulling yourself back to what no longer is right for who you have become. Reach for something bigger.

This is a powerful month for you. You have broken through a stereotype that has been imprinted in your consciousness since the beginning of this life cycle and perhaps longer. Standing back in the shadows is no longer an option.
Your ability to recognize the truth in the art of manifestation is being tested and arrives for you as a new toy to be played with. All this time you thought it to be a huge burden or something to be taking all too seriously or given in hard work. It is like gliding across a lake in a sail boat.

Pay attention to the small details which you are always good at any way. In that, you will support the happiness that has been awaiting you.

Your Light Being
Gautama Buddha is stepping forth in joy and holding out a hand to guide you into a higher frequency of living within your present circumstances. He guides you to new wisdom.

Your Animal Guide
Penguin steps forward to let you know that you have all of the wisdom, support and knowledge that you need within.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Golden Topaz will recharge your energy and assist you in tapping into the Divine. It will help you recognize your own gifts.

Libra…  Week of May 30th 2016
Make a point of being aware of your surroundings and the messages that may be within your reach. It could be another person who is having a conversation with someone else that has some news that affects you in one way or another.

Libra…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Use your gifts from spirit to bring a little sunshine into others’ lives. This can just be following your guidance to stop by and see someone or calling or sending a lovely email.

Spirit is working through you this week to help others recognize their truth. The truth is we are all special beings who are loved and needed in this world. A little appreciation can make a huge shift in a person’s perception of themselves and the world around them.

Your Light Being
Kwan Yin is stepping forward to use you as a channel of light and love for those in need. Especially in working with Millennials. Their recognition and participation in shifting the vibration of the planet is pivotal in creating change, forgiveness, and love in future generations.

Your Animal Guide
A Mourning Dove will assist you in spiritual appreciation and peace.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Alexandrite will bring joy, good fortune, and bring forth the ability for a re-birth of energy and creative ideas.
Scorpio…  Week of May 30th 2016
Give yourself a little break and do something out of the ordinary. You have spent a lot of time focusing on serious projects and work. Get out and do something totally unpredictable and relaxing.

Pull back from electronics and give your nervous system a rest. Sometimes it is easy to be on overload and not recognize it.

Scorpio…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Make an effort to pull back and play the part of the observer this month. Give yourself a moment to revise plans and look at the direction in which you have been diligently working over the past few months.

Allow yourself a bit of buffer time before you respond to something that is particularly emotionally charged. Find a more suitable way to express your thoughts and feeling that is kind and not cutting to other people in the situation.
 Sometimes the ones you love the most are the folks who take the things that you say to heart. You can’t really take back words once they are spoken. They are like poison arrows that fester over time.

Your Light Being
Ganesh is stepping forward to resolve some situation in your life that seems to keep coming up. Are you ready to let go? He will help.

Your Animal Guide
Elephant steps forward to work with those things that have been long over. Elephant will remind you that you have the power to change the present and future.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Use Smoky Quartz to relieve stress.

 Sagittarius …   Week of May 30th 2016
Stay on your path. Even when it seems the deck is stacked against you.  Know that all you really need to do is show up and things will fall into place.
You may be in the mood for a little romance or just feel the need for some family time to be with those who you feel comfortable and familiar with. Make a plan for this.

Sagittarius…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
I keep going back to the Pete Seeger song “Turn, Turn, Turn.” Know that all things have a beginning and an end. After the dust settles and you realize that all things must come and go, you realize that this is part of progress. This is how you move forward and grow.

This month may be filled with unexpected feelings concerning your life and how it looks. You may have the opportunity to detach a bit and look at your life in a less spherical way. You might have imagined you are living your life within a three dimensional ball.

In some ways, you have become too large for the ball and realize you will need to step out of the comfort zone of the ball to be able to be who you wish to become. It may leave you feeling a bit exposed; but there is also a freedom that comes with it.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain will assist you in transmuting energy to assist you in moving forward.

Your Animal Guide
A Sparrow is stepping up to assist you in enjoying life more and recognizing your self-worth and beauty.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Jasper will protect you and absorb negative energy.

 Capricorn …   Week of May 30th 2016
It is back to the grind this week but you are able to do this with a better attitude. Remember putting a smile on your face can totally change your energy and give you a new perspective on life.

You might receive some recognition for something you do well. You may not even notice this is something you do. Accept this graciously as it is well deserved.

Capricorn…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
This is a time for keeping your nose to the grindstone. Do your best to focus on whatever is before you. You might need to continuously bring your attention back to the task at hand.

Try not to get too caught up in the past or the future as this will only result in anxiety and the “I got to do this or that” syndrome. You might feel as if you are unable to move forward in a rewarding manner at this time.

There may be some truth to this depending on how you look at the situation. Respect the tides and seasons of the universal flow. Waiting may be your best course of action. Relax and ride it out.

Your Light Being
Mahatma Gandhi has come forward to help bring peace into your heart and patience into your life.

Your Animal Guide
Raccoon is supporting you in receiving hidden information. Look out for hidden agendas.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Beryl will help you in dealing with stress.

 Aquarius …   Week of May 30th 2016
“All you need is love” so the Beatles said. This is so true. You may be able to help someone with a domestic problem that is occurring in their life.

This is something that you may understand from first-hand experience. You may have experienced it yourself or witnessed it in someone close to you. The hand of God is on you and working through you. Be that tool that channels the healing words of spirit.

Aquarius…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Life as we know is changing. This may be a time of letting go of things or perhaps people that you have come to know well. This could mean a complete change in lifestyle, beliefs, or in the work that you do.

You might have the opportunity to learn something new blending it with the wisdom of previous experience. This could also be your calling to teach others to use the gifts and wisdom learned through past experience in the here and now.

You may be encouraged to take care concerning your physical health. This would be in basic care and prevention so that you can avoid something that could be a problem in the future.

Your Light Being
Lord Krishna will assist you in making your illusions and self-made limitations fade away.

Your Animal Guide
Armadillo has a tough shell but an open and receptive heart. That’s why he has a strong protective outer shell. He will help you in working with your boundaries

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Larimar is beautiful and magical in its properties. It will help you find peace within yourself and attract this from others.

Pisces …   Week of May 30th 2016
There is a focus on the home this week as you may be getting things in order or getting ready for guests. Plants, moving water, and things that represent life are important in keeping the energy flowing in a positive direction. This will also affect the way you feel emotionally and physically.

Pisces…   Overview for the Month of June 2016
Keep your eyes on the road ahead of you. There are possibilities of changes in the personal or working climate that you should be aware of.

If you keep a consistent watch on what is happening, you will be able to notice the subtle changes that will ultimately become larger issues. Incorporate the changes now as they come up and the shift will seem natural and easy.
Life is fuller when you have others to share it with. You might plan an outing that takes you to someplace lively and fun.

Your Light Being
Saint Frances of Assisi is stepping forward to help you with issues that may involve animals and/or nature. This feels very primal. It is a connection with the nature kingdom which will assist you in many ways. He says there is something in your memory about the planet that needs to be remembered.

Your Animal Guide
Coyote is coming in close to share wisdom. His wisdom is in having fun and being more playful.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Howlite will connect you with past lives and assist in out of body experiences.

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