
Monday, May 23, 2016

Merlin Chronicles by Kay May 23rd 2016

Hi There,
Well Mercury is moving forward and I must say that it was an interesting time. I learned a lot.

Let me tell you the puppy story. I haven’t really actively looked for another dog since my best buddy passed away December 2014. I did apparently sign up for at Wheaten rescue some time back. I never thought they would call and if so, I would have expected and older dog.

I got the call that there was a puppy that someone had bought, never potty trained or had much interaction with. Many people were interested but everything fell into place for me. The right references, a crate for $5, puppy classes starting that week and paying about $1000 less than I would have paid from a breeder. The home check went perfectly.

All of my friends who are readers and Animal Communicators said it was a go! The Universe was manifesting everything I needed to support this adoption. Yet, it was like everything was going in a reverse motion. I hadn’t met the pup yet.

We jumped through all of the hoops and the only thing left was to meet this little guy and let he and Gaia (my sisters dog) meet each other. Gaia loves other dogs.

I went to the Vets office and they brought out this adorable ball of energy biting everything in sight. We sat with him for a while then brought Gaia in. Gaia liked him at first but then he wouldn’t listen to ques to back off from her and she snapped at him. That could have been worked out in time.

Then I realized that no matter how it went with Gaia that I was getting this little guy for me and in all honesty, no matter how perfectly this had been orchestrated by the Universe, I didn’t make a connection with this pup and he couldn’t make a connection with me. We just didn’t fit.

I said no which probably disappointed a couple people but there was someone that the person who did the home check already had in mind who was right for this guy.

So, I had lessons in manifesting, free will and how to step correct through Mercury retrograde. Not that I am any kind of expert in that but I learned that when things start happening backwards that it is beneficial to grab the reins and start from step one! We are very powerful beings and can manifest so many things. Maybe it was all those puppy picture I posted o facebook Hmmm. There's some food for thought.

Enjoy the Merlin Scopes!

MerlinScopes Week of May 23rd 2016

Aries…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
This is a good week to remember the things that you used to do for the pure joy of creating something that makes you heart sing.

It is easy to get caught up in all of the everyday chores and settle for the small pleasures in life. There may be something deeper tugging on your heart strings that needs to be addressed.

Taurus…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
You may have had difficulty in making decisions and knowing who to trust. Listen to the subtle things that people say. These are things that you may have heard many times before and sometimes easily dismiss. They may hold great wisdom for you.

You may notice someone saying something that they didn’t mean to say but it catches your attention. This is your angels and guides way of bringing out something that needs to be seen and heard.

Gemini…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
I hear a choir of angels singing their praises to the Gemini energy and a lovely green color that seems to be coming in with it. This is a wonderful time for healing yourself and the planet. It seems as if a huge weight has been lifted off of you. Your energy is higher and so are your ideals.

Take positive steps with your diet and overall health, You may have been feeling a bit stuck over the past few months but things are beginning to in a bigger direction.

Cancer…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
I see you sitting in a bit of a spacy energy which if perfectly normal for your mind and body. Remember, if you don’t get enough rest, that your body will find other ways to access that needed dream time to work things out that have occurred in you day. It is a time to sort out your emotions and separate fact from fiction in more ways than one. Get some rest and stay grounded.

Leo…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
You might have more interaction with other people than you would care for during this week. It seems that you are busy doing things for others which might create a bit of stress on your emotions.

You may even need to spend some time training someone on the job which might get on your nerves a bit. Relax, take a deep breath and know that it is just for now and not forever.

Virgo…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
Don’t let the little things get to you. Live this week knowing that a presence much higher than you is working in your best interest.

 You may have had some lessons in free will and responsibility lately. Try to not take it personally and see what you have learned from this.

Libra…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
A gentle breeze is blowing through your life right now. You know so much more than you think that you do. You are also much more capable of learning new things that might intimidate you.

 Don’t cut and run just because something seems a bit out of your wheel house. Stay strong and to ask for help or just talk it out with a good friend.

Scorpio…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
Time to pick up the pace get your energy moving. Do not let someone else do everything for you as this is just another way of giving your power away and may leave feelings of helpless when this assistance isn’t available for you.

Sagittarius…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
The full moon on the 21st brings mixed blessings. This is a time to be patient even if you think that time is closing in on you.

 Be still and visualize a peace in your heart and a feeling that all things will be resolved for the highest good. Make peace with you feelings and you will see the clarity in some situation that has been in your life far too long.

Capricorn…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
Release expectations and surrender to the reality of a situation. Things may not be as you thought they would but spirit is telling me that there is much for you to learn about yourself and others.

I keep seeing an energy at the back of your head. This could be a change in consciousness. Look through your mind’s eye and explore this energy in your quiet time or meditation.

Aquarius…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
This is a time of non-action. Set your intentions with your Higher Self and wait for further instructions.

When the time is right you will be able to move forward with a new plan of action. This doesn’t mean that your plans are not the best it only means that you might want to wait for a better time to act on them other-wise you might just be jumping through hoops.

Pisces…  Week of May 23rd 2016  
You have been making many small improvements and might be a bit frustrated with the outcome.

 Be patient. Some changes take a bit of time as the news echoes through the universe. You are making permanent changes and this takes some tenacity and time.

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