
Sunday, June 12, 2016

Merlin Chronicles by Kay Week of June 13th 2016

 Merlin Chronicles by     Kay      Week of June 13th, 2016

Hi There,

It goes without saying that the week-end has been filled with explosive energies.

I heard about so many tragedies within the past few days. Senseless murders of those who are doing nothing more than living their lives and creating joy for themselves and others.

I was watching one of my favorite shows Sunday morning when the media broke through to follow the shooting and carnage of the night club in Florida. Interestingly this was only a short distance away from where that lovely girl who was a contestant on The Voice, Christina Grimmie was murdered for no reasons unknown.

I said a prayer for all those affected by these horrific acts of violence and tried to pull myself back together and go on with my day. As an empath this is sometimes easier said than done.

I put on some Tibet Bowl music and went into meditation asking for assistance. It came in the form of a whisper that told me to pull myself back into my own individual life and my own heart rather than attaching my energies to the Collective in this incident.

 Become small and secluded is what I understood. I received clarity that let me know that I have nothing to offer the Collective until I can clean up my own feelings of anger and outrage. This would only continue to pollute rather than heal.

 Be the light and find your place of unconditional love that has no judgement. I may not understand this on a human level, especially if I had lost someone I loved in this. I guess that some of us are here to anchor the light and not allow the darkness to prevail.

In my humanness… I feel sorrow.

This now makes sense to me in so many ways. Blessings and Hope in the week ahead!


Enjoy the weekly MerlinScopes!

Merlin Scopes for the week of June 13th   2016             by Kay

Aries…  Week of June 13th 2016  
You really are making progress no matter how it feels. Let yourself be excited about future prospects and let go of the pessimistic attitude and sighs. Help yourself move energy in a creative project.

Taurus…  Week of June 13th 2016 
Let go of the “Forget Me Nots” of the past. I see a vision of you holding a bouquet and taking in a breath of the scent of these flowers. It is time to cut cords and release yourself from the bondage of the past.

 This includes those relationships that left you wondering what you did to deserve this treatment. Let it go and take a new approach to business and pleasure.

 Perhaps some of the things that you have been using to seek pleasure are coping mechanisms of something that is festering. Be brave and take a peek behind the curtain.

Gemini…  Week of June 13th 2016  
You may be feeling more enthusiastic than you have in some time. Celebrating your birthday this month might be adding to your high.

You may be flooded with creative thoughts and ideas. Actually, more than you can put into action right now. Write them down in a safe place and use the next 6 months to recreate or re-invent yourself. I see something simmering on the back burner that is going to incorporate a happy addition to your life.

Cancer…  Week of June 13th 2016  
Take a little bit of your energy and spend some time with yourself. Relaxing with a book that is not required by your job, school or self-help would do wonders for your delightful personality.

Give yourself room to grow. This means allowing some time off mentally and emotionally. When your spirit wants to grow and you keep infusing it with more information it will find other ways to make room. Over eating? A little too much wine? Hmmm.

Leo…  Week of June 13th 2016  
It would be a good time to pay attention to your footing and grounding this week. Life has kept you on your toes over the past few weeks and things are starting to wind down for just a bit, that is until the next wave of activity comes forward.

Release all expectations concerning passing events. I see you looking over the horizon and seeing a new hill to climb in the near future. Rest and prepare. Pay attention to your lower calves and feet.

Virgo…  Week of June 13th 2016  
You might be feeling a bit stagnant and doubting yourself as well as your connection to your higher self. The best way to approach this is to start doing instead of thinking.

You know what the right choice is but lack the confidence to move forward. I don’t see you pulling yourself out of this rut until you make some physical changes.

Get out of the “ I gotta” words and thoughts and just do it! Try changes in diet and activity to move this stuck energy.

Libra…  Week of June 13th 2016
Bad or disappointing news is always disheartening for you. After a bit of brooding you are always able to pull yourself up and start anew. Like it or not, life goes on and who know better how to make the best of it than you?

Create a distance between you and a person or activity that has been creating some turbulence in your life. It may be helpful to create a polite diversion to take a much needed break from a project, person or group that has been asking a little too much of you.

Scorpio…  Week of June 13th 2016  
Lives matter and you may be in a passionate mood this week when it comes to the rights of others. This could be people, pets or groups. Try to find a passive yet creative way to become an activist in creating hope and love to instill basic human values in this world.

Windows of hope are needed in this world. Release the finger pointers and work on a solution.

Sagittarius…  Week of June 13th 2016  
Let your heart be open involving a project or person who is in turmoil. Listen to the feminine intuitive guidance in creating a safe haven where someone can have a voice or share personal information that may be a bit surprising.

Love and laughter will release a lot of tension when it comes to accepting the way things are. I see a coyote who is a bit of a trickster around you. He is here to remind you that you are a survivor and able to create diversions and blend in when you must to get what you want. Coyote says there is no shame in this.

Capricorn…  Week of June 13th 2016  
A part of you may be curious about what the future holds for you yet another side of your personality doesn’t want to know. Remember that no matter what anyone tells you concerning what will come to pass is only a possibility.

You are a powerful creator who, given the information can look at the facts and create a new outcome or path for yourself.

Aquarius…  Week of June 13th 2016 
Don’t be discouraged if things don’t pan out as you would like them to. Also resist the voice or sense of doom that may be running rampant in the lower collective consciousness of humanity. Pull yourself back up on the high side and speak from there as you jump up on your soapbox.

Your state of consciousness may be drifting a bit this week. It is as if concepts run right past your thoughts and you can’t seem to grasp them. That is because you are connected to the ever flowing stream of consciousness. Nothing is wrong. Those whispers and thoughts are meant for others. Yours is on its way and you will know it when it comes.

Pisces…  Week of June 13th 2016  
Give another the benefit of the doubt. Don’t get caught up in other people’s opinions or let your ego get the best of you. Pull back and watch a situation play out before having your say. It may not be what you think.

Don’t jump into a new offering just yet. Be the observer at this time.

Kay Dragon

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