
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Merlin Chronicles By Kay Week of June 20th 2016

 Merlin Chronicles    by Kay          June 20th 2016

Hi there!

I can’t believe that we are almost at the end of June. So much has happened and yet I know we are shifting at warp speed into more unknown territory.
I had a booth at a fair in Loveland this past week-end. It was pretty slow which is perfectly alright with me. I got to spend time getting to know other venders which was a treat. There were workshop collaborations made, classes and future events and meeting new friends that I never would have had time to connect with had I been extremely busy.

So many other things were going on this week-end like Fathers Day, Gay Pride and Comic Con Denver. I was happy to see that the events of Orlando didn’t keep folks in Denver from Celebrating who they are. If anything, although there is much sorrow concerning events in Orlando, it only served to make the GLBT community stronger and more supportive and passionate about becoming advocates in the communities concerning gun laws and hate crimes.

Seeing first hand, the changes and actions made during the worst years of the AIDS epidemic I can promise you that in the future there will be more support and changes in local and federal government concerning these issues.

 Enjoy the Scopes!

Merlin Scopes for the week of June 20th   2016             by Kay

Aries…  Week of June 20th 2016  
This is a wonderful week to reach out and make that phone call or send the email to someone that you have been meaning to get it touch with. You just might be thinking about this person and get an intuitive hit that you need to touch base with them.

 Make yourself available to be a sounding board and just listen. You are not here to fix anyone nor could you if that were your desire. This person may just need to know that someone is there and cares.

Taurus…  Week of June 20th 2016  
This is the time to put the past behind you and do your best to justify your part in any misunderstandings that may have taken place on a personal level. Sometimes when we want to justify our actions we go to the person who is going to tell us what we want to hear rather than the one who will tell us what we need to here.

We all have an inner critic and this is not always a bad thing. Sometimes this is the place we go to get a clearer look at ourselves and behaviors. Remember to push your ego aside.

Gemini…  Week of June 20th 2016  
A new opportunity may be in the mix this week. Keep your eyes open for availability if this is what you desire. Life has taken some strange turns and sometimes you find yourself shaking your head in disbelief.

 To say that people are strange is just saying that there is a wonderful diversity on this planet and it sometimes makes it difficult to remain un-judgmental when some things that are near and dear to your heart are challenged. Take a deep breath and do your best.

Cancer…  Week of June 20th 2016  
When there is disorganization in your house it is difficult to remain at home. It might make you feel restless.

 I see you getting things under control this week and spending some quality time under the radar if you can. Everyone needs a bit of breathing room sometimes and you can certainly use a little space right now. It is like the calm before the storm.

Take your thoughts inward in a quest to visualize a new and healthy way to infuse your body and spirit with the gifts of gratitude and solemn oneness.

Leo…  Week of June 20th 2016
In situations involving money refuse to be taken advantage of. This could be a manipulation on someone else’s part who might may see you as having more than you have to share. Indulgences of others should not be your responsibility.

Make a clear consideration and speak up. After that a pat on the back for not allowing another to manipulate you. You have a strong sense of self-worth.

Virgo…  Week of June 20th 2016  
Give yourself a little distance from someone who is not always the best influence. It is not inappropriate to make yourself a little hard to get a hold of or simply let the answering machine pick up a message that you can return at your convenience.

Spend some time listening to your heart beat and try to bring it in synch with the heartbeat of the planet. Keep a journal of any messages that you might receive.

This is a powerful time for clearing ancient karmic ties. Group meditations as well as personal sessions may seem a bit odd and not the fluffy love and light that you are used to. The uncomfortable and dark is looking for a way out so assist as much as you can by not avoiding the issue. Just allow yourself to see it. There is knowledge there.

Libra…  Week of June 20th 2016  
Give yourself the gift of a little support on the home front to free you up to do some other things that are more fun. You might ask someone to help a bit around the house or simply put things on hold so you can do some of the things that you love best which don’t include mundane household chores.

Professionally you may be quite busy working on a project or in groups that bring forth things that are fruitful.

Scorpio…  Week of June 20th 2016  
You can make a lot of headway once you have taken care of the simple things. It is a good time to take care of any routine physical issues so that they don’t become something bigger. Nip it in the bud.

Forgiveness is like a work of art. Once you put it out there on the canvas, then you can let it go and let others learn from the beauty of it and move on to the next project at a higher vibration.

No one can take anything away from you that is meant to be yours. Release with grace and neutrality.

Sagittarius…  Week of June 20th 2016  
Now that you have gotten through that intense moon cycle things should ease up for you a bit. I see all of that tense energy that you have been holding in your shoulders dropping to the floor and allowing you to finally relax your body.

 Don’t be surprised if you find yourself taking naps or going to bed a little earlier. The fact that the universe is going to have its way has finally become aware and knowing that you have done all that you can, relax and let it go. It seems as if you have been fighting your body. Be at peace and remember that love is a holistic truth.

Capricorn…  Week of June 20th 2016  
Some part of yourself is experiencing a death or a transition. This could be in a belief, a way of seeing the world or an expectation that you had concerning something that you have come to finally realize that it is out of your control over.

This can bring a sense of relief because you realize that you are no longer on the spot or expected to fix anything. This leaves room to ask the divine to bring blessings that are for you alone. This would be something customized for you and not the perception that you have had when comparing yourself to what brings others joy.

Aquarius…  Week of June 20th 2016  
A different shift in the wind may have you receiving new possibilities and ideas for the future. I see a vision of you becoming a part of a etheric conversation with the Collective for the greater good for the planet and the inhabitants.
You might experience some interesting dreams or meditations. This will carry you through the rest of the month and bring some new ideas and energies that seem a bit unusual.

Pisces…  Week of June 20th 2016  
This might be a good time to make yourself for some new occupational interests. I see a vision of you sitting at a table that is set for you and you have a fork and knife in your hand in expectation of a wonderful meal to be served. 

There seems to be a great hunger that demands to be revealed and filled.

Watch for signs, day dreams, and new interesting pieces of information. I see a rainbow coming out from behind a cloud.

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