Hi There,
Wow I really
don't know where to start. I took the month of August off as I had so many
things going on. Some good ; some not so good. The good: A wonderful
wedding! A trip to Virginia Beach! A new puppy in the house! New clients!
Wonderful new energy and happiness for my sister. A little time to myself.
Not so good: Got strep throat on day 2 of the trip and it decided to fester in my left ear. I lost hearing
which has returned but still experiencing fleeting pain and ear ringing. Most
of my time off has been spent with Doctors, at the pharmacy, with healers
massage therapists. You name it I'll try it!
Also not good was
family drama at a beautiful wedding. It is amazing to find out that the same
issues and people that created problem years and years ago are still demanding
attention and cord cutting. Some folks never change and I find that old energy
astounding and sad. I hope the best for them and release them to their highest
The point I am
making here is that the summer was like a wild carnival ride and I know that
many of you have experienced some of the same.
So here are the
Scopes for the month and the first week of September 2016!
Merlin Scopes for September 2016 by Kay
Aries… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
Don’t take yourself for granted. Remember your
body, mind and emotions are all part of your spiritual being and must be
considered partners in your quest for enlightenment.
Be constantly aware of what you have achieved;
and don’t let anything distract you from moving forward. There may be a
temptation to step backward into something familiar that is comfortable; but
don’t be fooled or settle for this.
Now is a great time to set your sights on
something you have wanted for a long time. The universe supports you as you
make changes in your life. Resist the urge to keep the cork in the bottle; let
the Genie out!
Your Light Being
Saint Patrick was captured and sold into
slavery as a young man. He escaped and became a great missionary. His message
for you is to do some research on some of the great slaves. All colors and all
races and all countries.
Especially the story of a slave named James Somersett
who is stepping forward for your group at this time. I am not sure exactly how
this message will assist you; but you are being encouraged to explore this. Are
you a slave to something or someone?
Your Animal Guide
A big beautiful Cobra has come forth to assist
you. A powerful change is possible. Snakes are always part of transformation;
and Cobras are fierce, fascinating, and magical. This may mean the ending of
one phase and the beginning of another. Call on the strength, power, and wisdom
of this creature.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Ruby will support your heart and attract love
into your life.
Aries… First week of
September 2016
All things in this world are but an illusion. You can’t
hold onto anything except your commitment to your values and your connection
with the Divine.
You can’t take what
Spirit has already given because it is free! You can only share it. Remember
you are not what you own because you own nothing except your beautiful soul.
Gifts of the spirit such as art, music, healing and many other things should
not be discounted. Those cannot be bought.
Taurus… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
Pride is a double edged sword. It can assist
you in many ways. It can help you move mountains or keep you stuck in old patterns
and ways of thinking that don’t serve you or anyone else.
What might work to your advantage would be to
look at situations from all sides. Remember this is a time of integrity in all
that you do and especially in all you say.
Make sure you are not speaking from your ego,
as some of your words could come back to bite you in the butt in the next few weeks
and months to come. Have patience and sit back. Step back from the drama
because things may not turn out as you expect them to.
Your Light Being
Archangel Chamuel is stepping forward to help
you in having better relationships. The first step is in having a good
relationship with yourself. God lives within each of us. Go inward and ask for
the answers.
Your Animal Guide
A little Hedgehog has stepped forward to offer
assistance in creative projects. This is also a good time to do some work
outside in nature and enjoy the season.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Tourmaline is a great healing tool. It will also assist you
in finding the next move to make in turbulent times.
Taurus… First week of
September 2016
This is a big week for you. So many changes and so little
time to digest them all. Try your best to stay on top of a situation that could
easily get out of control.
Step back and see it
from a new perspective and you will receive some information that will give the
wisdom that you need in moving forward.
Having second thoughts? It is ok. No matter what you will
always be plagued by these. This is a situation that you asked for in one form
or another so do your best and know that everything is negotiable.
Gemini… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
There are a few things that need your attention.
Base your faith on a power that is higher than yourself. This only means releasing
to God for your highest good, your ego and all of those things that you think
that you want and need. Some things might not be ready yet or just not a good
fit for you. On your own it may be a bit hard to see the benefits or downfall
involved. Let a higher presence orchestrate what is in your best interest. Try
to relax and allow the Divine self to sit in the driver seat.
So much is going on in the world right now that
your energy seems to be pulled in several different directions. Take time to
center and take care of the priorities you know; and allow the rest to unfold
in a natural way.
Your Light Being
Michelangelo is stepping forth to assist you in
the art of manifestation. Call on him as this is not only for prosperity but
for healing yourself and your relationships.
Your Animal Guide
Shark has come forward to assist you in being
at one and accepting who you are. He doesn’t apologize or make excuses for his
nature. You may be feeling a bit emotional as you come across some uncharted
waters. Ask shark for assistance.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Merlinite is magical. It holds the energy of earth and
spirit. Hold this in meditation and allow your higher self to show you the next
step on your path.
Gemini… First week of
September 2016
Things may not be as you envisioned but in the order of
things they could also be much worse. This is a time to pull in your resources
and work with what you have and don’t focus on what you may seemingly have lost
in matters of independence and things that were once taken for granted. This
will give you a whole new slant on life.
Relax, count your blessings and move on to the next
Make your life a little easier by letting go of
any bitterness you may be holding concerning an individual or situation.
Hanging on will only make it more difficult to navigate the opportunities that
will step forward for you.
You will be perceived and judged by your
attitude and ability to handle a delicate situation. Walk softly and take a
moment to reflect on how other people are receiving you.
Ask yourself, is it kind, thoughtful and coming
from the heart? Are you being forthright? Are you offering only your opinions
based on situations or relationships that you would rather not deal with and therefore,
are unable to be decisive? Sometimes the best decision is to wait until there
is more clarity.
Keep your abundance running free and flowing in
a positive direction.
Remember if you are holding others back out of fear or
even if you think that it is for their own good, this blocks the flow. Consider
the infinity sign which looks like an 8 on its side. It is ever flowing and
consistent. There are no blocks, kinks, lack or restriction
Your Light Being
I see Mother Mary has stepped forward for you.
She is holding the sacred heart in her hand. It is beautiful. She has gifts to
share with you, if you are willing to call on her and surrender all that seems
so important and troubling.
Your Animal Guide
Eagle has come forward to offer assistance. She
can see for miles and miles and would like to help you see miles and miles
within your heart. The depth and expansiveness will leave you in awe.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Amethyst will help increase intuitive awareness in your
third eye and clean up and fortify your aura.
Cancer… First week of
September 2016
A part of you is so ready to move on to something new and
this might make you a bit crabby. Try not to take it out on those who care most
about you.
Don’t get caught up in someone else’s nightmare. It may be
something that attracts you, perhaps it is your rescue button that gets pushed
every now and then.
This may not be
healthy of productive and leave you holding the bag. Think about it. Have you
been in this place before? Make sure you have a plan B and don’t get in over
your head
Leo… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
You may be in the middle of big changes and
have no other course of action, but to surrender to your new normal. It is ok
to stop struggling and let go and allow the universe to open a new chapter for
Holding on to that, which is ready to fly, is
counter-productive. It is much like your prayers. It is difficult for them to
manifest if you don’t give them to the Divine and allow the universe to create
that which is in your best interest.
This might be a sensitive and heart opening
month for you. Repeat this daily: I am happy,
whole, healthy, and supported by all that is good in the universe. I trust that
the universe supports me in all the love I need. Here and now, I claim my peace
and Divinity!
Your Light Being
Saint Francis of Assisi is stepping forward to
assist you in rebuilding that which may be needing attention. Expect help from
unusual places. You also have an angelic presence. She says her name is Joy.
Invite her into your life and allow her to intercede on your behalf and see
what transpires and transmutes as situations unfold.
Your Animal Guide
Owl is stepping forward to offer his wisdom and
support. He has the ability to see things from all directions. He will also
make you aware of any deception large or small.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Beryl is a stone that helps with new
beginnings. It will strengthen your aura and help you remember that you are
worthy, creative and compassionate.
Leo… First week of
September 2016
The message I am getting for you is to lead with your chin.
Don’t allow others to take you for granted. It is time for you to take your
place in the front of the line and know that you have earned this space.
Be compassionate
with yourself and treat yourself tenderly. It reminds me of a boxer who is an
excellent athlete preparing for a fight. Not a fight that holds any anger but
that of a competition that is challenging and fun. Use your imagination and
mental skills to manifest your best outcome.
Virgo… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
This is a good time to slow down and allow
yourself to be where you are, in the present, here and now. It is appropriate
to do some self-reflection and see what has occurred in your life and how you
handled each major challenge that was set before you.
Let go of anything that creates an unhealthy
emotional issue or imbalance. What is done is done. Mercury in retrograde this
month is perfect for this type of deep soul work.
Be conscious and aware of your physical body as
it is transforming and needs rest more than ever. Pay attention when your body
is giving you messages and try to connect with each part. Full body meditations
will be effective. Detoxing from chemicals other unproductive environmental
issue would be beneficial in moving energy and promoting health.
Make sure you use positive words and transmute
any thoughts that are negative. This may be a real challenge for you at this
time but this is actually another initiation that will leave you stronger when
you come out on the other side of these opportunities for growth.
Raise your vibration to connect with abundance and
better relationships. Keep working on it until there is no room for doubt.
Your Light Being
Jesus of the Christ Consciousness is stepping
forward to embrace you in his light, wisdom, and love. In meditation you can
expand your aura to become as one with his beautiful golden energy.
Your Animal Guide
A huge Moose, with strong beautiful antlers,
steps forward to support you. I was a bit surprised because he came close
enough to touch. Celebrate your accomplishments and shine as you share your
energy with others. You will become more attuned to your intuition, so listen
to your inner guidance. New guides and spiritual teachers may step forward with
messages of love and healing.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chiastolite is a powerful stone that will protect you and
change negative energies to positive.
Virgo… First week of September 2016
Take time to look both ways before you cross the street and pay attention to the simple precautions. You might be a bit spacy and not paying as much attention as you should as you go through your day. You seem to have many things on your mind so it would be wise to stay in the present as much as possible.
Make sure to ask your angels and guides for protection. You may unknowingly be the target of someone else’s negativity. Don’t waste your time looking for who or what it is. Just protect yourself with your light.
Make time for fun with friends that you enjoy. Not everything that you do has to have a purpose. Let loose.
Libra… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
Change is on the way. This could be a change in
a job, relationship, or even cleaning out your garage or changing things in
your home. This is a welcome change yet, for some this could be sudden and
Yield to the Universe and ride on top of the
waves of change rather than feeling like you are being pulled under. Look for
messages everywhere. Your spiritual team may be trying to get your attention in
multiple ways including repetitious patterns. It could be numbers like 444, 222
or songs and phrases. Perhaps they are just letting you know they are here for
Make more room for art and researching
something that is exciting and new. A beautiful painting can sometimes breathe
life back into your soul and release a great deal of emotional baggage. This
also has a karmic connection with artistic pieces of work right now. Explore!
Your Light Being
I see a choir of angels singing praises Holy,
Holy, Holy! The harmony of their voices
is amazing. Stay tuned in to the karmic energy. They will help you in
re-aligning your physical body and spirit to reach higher vibrations of love,
gratitude and abundance.
Your Animal Guide
Fox says if there is something going on that
feels a bit off to you, that you won’t
have to look beyond your back yard. Not sure what he means by this. He shows me
a vision of a chicken in a foxes mouth that he has stolen from someone and he
is about to jump over the fence with it.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Shattuckite will clear past life issues and heighten your
intuitive gifts.
Libra… First week of
September 2016
Don’t worry about things that you can’t
understand or control. Other people’s motives are sometimes a mystery and it
might be best just so let it go past you. No matter what another person’s
agenda is you always have a creative way of smoothing out the edges and
stepping out of the picture with grace and integrity. You don’t have to be
everybody’s friend.
Scorpio… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
Remember the spiritual laws of abundance and
allow your spirit to receive at a higher level. Keep a positive attitude and
recognize the gifts that are being presented to you.
Sometimes this requires
making choices and it doesn’t feel like much of a gift. Sometimes you do have a
tendency to dig your heels into belief systems that no longer support your
growth but you hang on because that is all that you feel at home with. It may feel a little uncomfortable at first
but there seems to be some sort of payoff for you in making changes if you are
willing to try.
I see a wave of consciousness that looks like a
river flowing through your life. Although the water may be muddy and unclear
and sometimes you may feel a little out of control in the way you are being pushed
in this direction or that, know that there are multiple layers in your life and
learning to be part of the grand design is now a requirement rather than an
Your Light Being
Lord Melchizedek is stepping forward to bring
the masculine support that will assist you into recognizing and stepping into
the Creators Will and leaving your ego behind.
Your Animal Guide
A huge male Lion has stepped up to walk with
you this month. Don’t react too quickly and decide from your heart. He is
patient and slow to respond.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Lepidolite will clear blocks in your crown and third eye
chakras and help you in not taking on environmental electrical negativities
that might mess with your sleep patterns and cause headaches.
Scorpio… First week of
September 2016
Go easy on yourself this week. If your body
requires a nap then take one. You might need to refuel and take in energy
rather than giving out so much.
I see
your heart expanding and taking in beautiful healing energy. Perhaps you are
having some enlightening realizations from your past and things that didn’t make
sense to you then are now taking on a different meaning now.
Sagittarius … Overview for
the Month of September 2016
Saturn the planet that represents order and
discipline is moving through your sign. You might feel particularly aware of
its effects this month as you have an urge to get things in order. You may also
experience feelings of restriction, which actually points you in directions
where you can channel some of your energy more effectively. For some of you,
those Father issues may re-surface to be experienced on another level.
This is actually a good time for you to realize
that you can take your power back. It is like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. You
don’t need any ruby slippers or chasing the great mighty Oz! You had the power
all the time but you just didn’t recognize it within yourself! You are the
power! Repeat after me! “I am the Mighty Oz!”
Use this time to create a balance between your
emotional and karmic life. See what attachments have been holding you in places
that you are so ready to bust out of and move on.
Use your
intuition to guide you to those people and places that will support your body,
mind, spirit, career, and professional goals.
Your Light Being
Saint Germaine is up front and center awaiting
an invitation from you to enter your life and assist in making changes that are
in your best interest. Just ask.
Your Animal Guide
White Wolf has stepped up to protect and assist
in plans. He’s telling me that it is something about changes in the pack. This
means changes in the family structure. Changes in the order of the pack
perhaps. Never fear, these changes are natural and meant to be.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Herkimer Diamond will align you with creativity
and enhance your psychic abilities. It will attune you to the Divine and remove
any blockages to your spiritual growth or your ability to reach your full
Sagittarius… First week of
September 2016
You might have come to the conclusion that the
only person holding you back from living the life that you know that you
deserve and dream of is you.
angelic helpers are supporting you in taking a risk. It may be financially
successful or it may not. Either way it will be useful and break the stagnant
energy so that you will be able to attract bigger and better things in the
future. Know that you will be protected no matter what!
Capricorn… Overview for
the Month of September 2016
The Collective is asking for your prayers and
thoughts of the highest good for all. This
includes those you know and especially those that you do not know. As you do
this, take your inner visions and emotions to the highest of the high where
your intentions are aligned with the intentions of the Divine, of God, The
You are being called upon to be a prayer
warrior for the world and consciousness for those who are imprisoned by faulty
beliefs in the area of limited supply and lack.
You will be supported by many angels who have
come close to your consciousness asking for assistance and support. You will be
surprised how this changes lives and shifts the energy on the planet for others
as well as your own.
Your Light Being
I see a huge blinding white light that has no
form but repeats over and over “I Am That I Am That I Am.” The sound is huge,
musical and reminds me of a gong bath that I went to once where everything
except the sound and vibration of the gong was non-existent. There was no room
for any thoughts of past or future. Just the present and the experience of the
Your Animal Guide
A big Bull Elephant is stepping forward to push
through the walls of conscious and would like nothing more than to assist you
in your work.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Onyx will help pull the energies from the
Universe that need healing. It will help balance the yin and yang within
yourself and the planet.
Capricorn… First week of
September 2016
You may feel a pull or attraction to spend time
with someone that you haven’t seen in a while. It is kind of like re-connecting
and sharing some of your travels with an old friend.
is a good time to step out front with some creative projects. Listen to your
heart. I see a beautiful rose colored light surrounding you and the essence of
Mother Mary helping you through some emotional issues. It could be that you
might just be feeling a bit tender right now.
Aquarius… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
You may be experiencing some disappointment in
the world or in the way some things have not worked out as well as you had
hoped. Know that there is a higher purpose and that
there are plans in motion that have not been revealed yet.
Turn your thoughts inward to salute and
appreciate the wonderful gifts that you have and how you affect the world. You
have many blessings and most of them come from the wealth of support that you
have brought to others in your enthusiasm and new ways of looking at the world.
Know that you are walking in your purpose and
all the calamity around you are just distractions that carry the potential to
pull many off their course and into the shadow.
It’s a time for setting goals and finding new
ways to achieve them. Pull your focus in and don’t be tempted to follow the
crowd into despair. You are a natural leader so put on a big smile, get your
magical flute and start pulling folks in
a different direction that will raise the vibration.
Your Light Being
Lord Lanto steps forward and is carrying a
walking stick and he is stretching his arm out showing you The City of Light.
Go to him in meditation.
Your Animal Guide
A beautiful Alpaca is stepping forward to help
you stay on your path and balance your footing. He also encourages you to go to
places that are above the city, perhaps the mountains or forest. If you can’t
do this physically go there in your mind or by watching movies or looking at
pictures of places like the Himalayas and such.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Pyrolusite will repel negative energies. It is
a wonderful stone to keep in your home or place of work.
Aquarius… First week of
September 2016
It may feel like it has been a long haul
through a dark night in some respects to an issue that has been creeping up for
many, many weeks, months or perhaps years. There may be somethings that have
been in deep places that are preparing to surface to be sorted out and dealt
to what those close to you have to say and receive their input graciously. It
might be interesting to hear how other people see you.
Pisces… Overview for the
Month of September 2016
Take time to reflect on your current situation.
It may be time for a change or perhaps something has recently changed that will
require you to seek out a new direction, modality, or way of doing business.
This can also be true in relationships. Go inward and seek consultation from
your higher self. There is so much information there for you.
Keep an eye out for problems that might need
your attention. How you handle these issues may be a defining moment on your
future path. You may feel like you are being watched or vetted and this may be
Always take a moment out before you respond and
remember that even if it is not something that you want to hear, there is a
higher purpose and an opportunity for you in this.
It feels like a change in consciousness or a
wake-up call for you in some way. I get the word quickening.
Your Light Being
Jesus of the Christ Consciousness has stepped
forward and is placing his hand on your heart to help you receive healing,
courage, grace, and adaptability.
Your Animal Guide
A Salmon appeared to assist you in accessing
your inner instincts to create and compete. He doesn’t take anything personally
or allow ego or emotions to interfere as he struggles upstream. He keeps moving
forward because he is driven from a force that is larger than he is.
Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Rhodonite will activate and clear the heart
chakra. It will help heal past wounds and emotional scars.
Pisces… First week of
September 2016
I see a sigh of relief as you can take a deep
breath and relax a bit. It might be time to reassess what is really important
to you. Sometimes you second guess yourself and rule out of pass by the
emotional needs that you may be longing for.
Touch base with family or those who feel like
family to you. They might offer support in more ways than you expect.
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