
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Merlin Chronicles by Kay Week of September 12, 2016

Hi There,
 It seemed as if this week-end was an experience of intense energies and for those of us who are Empaths it may have been even more difficult. I had a booth at a fair and in the middle of it I lost my voice and I had to walk away from my booth early.

Even with all of my vitamins, oils, protection prayers, crystals, affirmations and calling in my Ascended Masters and Angels, I was depleted. Perhaps the Mercury retrograde and being in the middle of 3 eclipses added to the clashing energies. Having 5 planets in Virgo may have some effect on it also. But I don’t think that I was the only one experiencing a difficult week-end.

 I usually attract clients who are interested in empowering themselves and exploring their gifts but there were some there that weren’t interested in empowerment or spiritual growth. I am a good Intuitive and I believe it is my calling to empower and guide people in tapping into their own spiritual gifts and moving blocks that will feed the flow of creative energy.

 Perhaps collectively, all of us should start paying more attention to the voice within and making regular assessments to check in with our bodies, higher self and emotions on a daily basis before we help others. This is generally a rule that we all forget from time to time. There is no guarantee that this is a perfect solution but it is a start. We also need to keep our intentions and Ego in check. Maybe I wasn't listening to the real reason that I was called to be there.

I believe we are all going through huge shifts and changes and our bodies and emotions are responding in unusual and sometimes uncomfortable ways. We can all be supporting and loving to each other but in the long run we need to be loving and supporting to ourselves.

Love Yourself!

Here are the MerlinScopes! Enjoy!

Merlin Scopes for the week of September 12th 2016 by Kay

Aries…   First week of September 12th 2016
This is a good time to put some of your plans on hold and wait until you have gotten a bit more information before going forward.

It has something to do with the pulse of the universe. I know this may sound odd but spend some time in meditation. I am not talking about long meditations, just long enough to listen to your own pulse and listen or feel the Universal pulse so you can set your intention to be in rhythm with the One.

Taurus…   First week of September 12th 2016
Your thoughts may be on financial wealth this week. This is a great week to align your energy with the Divine vibration of prosperity. This may require aligning your intentions with a higher purpose. Ask your angels for assistance with this. Have you been focusing on someone elses drama rather than your own well-being? Too many cooks in the kitchen! Step back and let the master chef take care of the perfect meal.

Gemini…   First week of September 12th 2016
Try not to create more problems in your life that you really have. Take care with words and thoughts concerning your financial and physical condition. You might create a self-fulfilling prophesy.

 Be cognizant of the direction of your thoughts. You might experience mood swings so don’t allow the highs or lows to dictate any important actions or decisions that could affect the flow of things in your future. Only share your feelings with close friends. This is not a good time to act on anything big. It could back fire.

Cancer…   First week of September 12th 2016
Pay attention to those whom you get involved with. It might be time for you to step back and let the pieces fall where they may. Step back and use some discernment. Your intentions may be the best but you could be just adding fuel to the fire.

Take a vacation from drama and control and release all things to God.

Leo…   First week of September 12th 2016
I keep hearing that old Rolling Stones song “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” But you get what you need. You might be spending a lot of time in your head trying to work things out for yourself or others.

There are some things that remain hidden because you are not ready to see them just yet. Perhaps you haven’t asked the right questions or right people. Try not to fall into that need to be right all of the time. It won’t serve you in the long run and there may be something to learn by holding your opinion and seeing how the truth looks from where someone else sits.

Virgo…   First week of September 12th 2016
Don’t let situations or current circumstances affect your self-esteem or opinion of yourself. That is only Ego trying to pull you into places where you don't belong. Do you really want to be what other folks want you to be? Feeling like you don't fit in with the cool kids? Well, you never were and that's what makes you so unique. Just be… Don’t compare yourself to others.

Don’t make any big decisions right now. Some things may not be what you expected. Disappointment may actually be a Divine intervention and a wake-up call. Keeping your integrity rooted in who you are and in your personal gifts of spirit is most important

Libra…   First week of September 12th 2016
Allow yourself receive in all shapes and ways. This could be in the form of compliments, financial, emotional support or sincere appreciation for things that you have done. Know that your acts of kindness do not go un-noticed and they stretch far and wide. Being grateful brings gratitude back to you.

Scorpio…   First week of September 12th 2016
Are you ready for a shift? An energetic shift may be working its way into you auric fields and effecting your physical body. It seems to have a bit of an effect on your nervous system. Watch the caffeine and sugar.

  Some more invitations could be coming this week so be prepared to share some of your time in the weeks to come. Poor Scorpio, sometimes you always look like the cat who just ate the canary even when you have done nothing at all. Fortunately as soon as you start up a conversation folks realize how warm friendly you really are and you settle right into the fold.

Sagittarius…   First week of September 12th 2016
Take a minute or two to adjust to the changes that are developing in your life. Don’t worry about what will happen tomorrow and keep your mind on today. Embrace this time of nothingness. The wheels are turning even if it doesn’t feel like it.

Time to shift your thoughts to more positive outcomes and ideas of change as being healthy and prosperous and accepting the promise of things to come.

Capricorn…   First week of September 12th 2016
Don’t push yourself or try to find easier ways to get things done that are not tried and true. Respect the rhythms of your body and spirit. When your body asks you to slow down and rest then do so. You might disappoint a couple people but you really need to respect what your inner voice and body is saying. Boundaries are in order.

Aquarius…   First week of September 12th 2016
Call in your angelic teams for assistance this week. They will help you get the information that you need to form a perfect answer to a situation that has become a cornerstone of your relatively intellectual, witty wisdom that you have gathered through self-examination and experience.

Pisces…   First week of September 12th 2016
All may not be as it seems in some areas of your life. This might pertain to an individual that you have let into your personal life. Look for small things that will give you more insight to this situation.

 You might wonder if you really know this person at all. Chances are, there are some things going on and you may or may not be able to help. Do keep your eye on the ball. Co-dependency doesn’t look good on you.

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