
Monday, September 19, 2016

Merlin Chronicles by Kay Week of September 19th 2016

Merlin Chronicles and Scopes for the week of September 19th 2016 by Kay

Happy Monday,

Please know that my comments before the MerlinScopes are meant to help you in you journey by sharing my experiences with you. It is not to be meant to be a rant.

Every week seems to be a different twist in this ever changing always interesting adventure in life on planet Earth. This past week has been no exception.

The energies and emotions leading up to the Full Moon Eclipse in Pisces September 16th seemed like a long strange trip. Some people were energetically drained. I was one of them.

I came across some people that were so overloaded that they were completely emotionally and mentally overwhelmed and manic. These people are in my prayers and I hope you will hold them in yours. It was an interesting lesson for me.

 As a Virgo I want to help everyone and will sometimes drain my resources trying to do so. That would be ego folks. If you are working from spirit you don’t become exhausted in that way. Even though my heart was in the right place I should have made the proper referrals and cut the session ASAP.

The intense political environment here in the U.S.A. is full of conspiracy theories, extreme discord and Social Media is fueling the fire. People have forgotten how to think for themselves and therefore believe everything they read without research or searching their heart of hearts or tapping into their own intuition.

I had a couple contacts try to convince me to tell them what to do with their lives. If you have had a reading or channeling with me you know that this is not how I work. You always have free will and choices. It is part of our partnership as Co-Creators with God or The Divine if that is the term you choose.

 I get in touch with the Divine, your Higher Self and guides and become a channel for the Divine. I also work to help you connect with them more effectively or remove the blocks that create any disruption in your flow with the Divine.

I also am not a Medium. I channel the Divine so If you are hoping to get messages or direction from a loved one who has passed I am not your girl. Sometimes a loved one will show up to lend support but that is not something that I normally work with. I will give the messages from the Divine or an Ascended Master.

Thanks for listening . I am hoping that you also have someone that you can share your thoughts and feelings with. Someone who you can show your soft under belly to.

Have a great week,

Enjoy the MerlinScopes!

Aries…   Week of September 19th 2016
Take a moment to enjoy the harvest and focus on the present time and all that it holds. Make plans with friends, enjoy some time at the park, the ocean or mountains. It doesn’t have to be anything planned or expensive in fact it is if it is not. Celebrate the things that money can’t buy and know that something special is headed in your direction.

If you have the opportunity to be around children or animals you could benefit from their life force and bring up memories of happy times.
A realization of your own personal power and the gift of innocent expectation is the message that the Collective has for you!

Taurus…   Week of September 19th 2016
Keep your promises and don’t react to difficult news or circumstances immediately. Sometimes it is better to say nothing rather than allow your emotions to dictate how you will respond to something to that has the potential to be hurtful. Remember not to allow your mind to create your worst case scenario of dramatic possibilities. You may have past memories to support these thoughts but try to shift your thoughts in a positive direction.

If you can, give these things a week to process before you see the truth and recognize that some things need time and space. Remember that the Divine has your back and only that which is for your highest good will come about.

Gemini…   Week of September 19th 2016
You may want to keep a distance between you and certain people that do not support your desire to live your life larger. A couple of opportunities may come forward. Sometimes you hold yourself back for the sake of those who can only assist you in growing to a certain level. There may be an emotional attachment or feelings of guilt in leaving someone behind. The choice is always you own as you have free will to decide. Either way, neither choice is wrong.

Pay attention to a few details with your physical health and prepare for meeting some new people or getting in touch with some that you haven’t seen in a while. I see you sprucing up your house a bit.

Cancer…   Week of September 19th 2016
You might start making plans for the upcoming holidays or the next birthday or event as you don’t like to wait until the last minute. Even though you may be dealing with a lot in your own life right now, take a little time to help another. When you do this there is always a lesson or blessing for yourself.

I keep getting the word completion for you from the Collective. This could be on a personal or professional level. Make sure that this is done on your own terms and not dictated by someone else. Then again don’t jump the gun and have the attitude of getting them before they get you. Listen to your heart and allow the term to end gracefully with love and healing.

Leo…   Week of September 19th 2016
You are starting to calm down and mellow out after that last eclipse and full moon in Pisces last Friday. Building up to this was intense but by the time the full moon was high in the sky you had surrendered to the fact that all things in this world need to expand and grow and as much as you feel attached ; it is time to release an allow your creation to morph into a beautiful butterfly.

Sometimes you need to let go and allow the things that you have procured since a seedling. They need more room and space to become productive and add a new light to the world in their own fashion.
Breathe and be excited about the next chapter which is right over the horizon!

Virgo…   Week of September 19th 2016
There is going to be another energy shift as this week may have you feeling a bit sluggish and concerned about health issues. Ascension symptoms are building and a bit bothersome at times. As usual, I recommend seeing a healthcare professional when you are not feeling up to par but also understand that as you shift emotionally and spiritually that the physical must also fall into place. It might require time.

Get lots of rest and drink lots of water. Exercise is also helpful in releasing unwanted negativity and irrational emotions that may or may not be yours.  Go to the gym or clean house, walk the dog, embrace the season.

Have you been feeling like a sponge for other people’s emotions lately? Cord cutting and commanding that these energies leave your space never to return. AA Michael will help. Do your own little exorcism. This may be an odd term but is the word that what comes to mind from Saint Germain, the other Ascended Masters and Angels.

Libra…   Week of September 19th 2016
This is a glorious time for you! Autumn colors always look good on you. Orange, yellow, red and earth brown bring out your true essence and they attract thoughts, activities and creativity that pulls you back to center. The energy is sweet and you are beaming in the light of wisdom, life and feminine intuition.

Nip Complications in the bud by making a list and highlight your most important projects. There may be thoughts of traveling soon and for some of you thoughts of moving to a new residence.

Scorpio…   Week of September 19th 2016
Snap judgements could backfire and cause some explaining on your part. Talk less and listen more when those who have information gift you by sharing. This may be someone who you may think of as your lessor but sometimes great wisdom comes from those with simple explanations.

 Simple truth is the words that I am hearing for you from the Collective. Look for it in unlikely places. In yourself perhaps. You are becoming more transparent as the shift in consciousness unfolds and your identity floats to the top. Honesty and clarity is called for. Treat everyone as you would like to be treated. People don’t forget integrity.

Sagittarius…   Week of September 19th 2016
I see a vision of you writing your own future. You get through one half of the chapter and seem to have writers block. What did you forget to expand upon? It is perfectly ok to pause here as you are working in a block of time that is filled with karmic lessons and releasing those things that you thought would make you happy.

 Especially those things that you were brought up to believe that made your place in society considered successful. Soul searching is the word that I hear for you from the Collective.

 What makes you consider yourself happy and successful? Do you do things for others for the sake of community and the right thing to do or with the expectation of some sort of accolade? It is always good to help others but try to align your reasons with your expectations. Be selective and make sure it is about your passion.

Capricorn…   Week of September 19th 2016
I see you opening a page of a big book that allows you a deeper glimpse into the oneness of the consciousness and nature of humanity. Pretty heavy stuff right? That’s what I thought too!

There is an angelic presence around you that seeks to assist you on a deeper level. We know that you are a spiritual warrior and it is as if the Calvary has come to your aid your cause.

 Prayers are answered you know, especially when intentions are of the same vibration. Always remember this.

They say to make you conscience clear. This may relate to forgiveness and finding that space in your mind of nothingness to achieve a better connection with them. Meditate or find a place in nature to clear your thoughts.

Aquarius…   Week of September 19th 2016
You may have a day or two of physical irritation on some part of your body but just know that you are being summoned by master teachers, guides and your higher self to take a rest and allow the dust to settle.

It seems that a lot of energy has been shaken up and I keep seeing this vision of you staring at a fish in a small fish bowl. Mesmerized by this.

This is like a meditation for you.  Fish life is simple and constant, he only requires water and food. Focusing on this type of existence for a couple days might be very valuable to you and give your mind and spirit time to recall the primal basics of life.

I am hearing from the Collective that this is a type of clearing for you and an opportunity to completely reset you entire system.

Pisces…   Week of September 19th 2016
You may be involved it a relationship which could be personal, business, financial, professional or family that feels like you have done this all before or that agreements have been made that keeps you in this cycle.

I am being told that you have the opportunity to change the terms or release yourself from this situation. You know when Master Jesus healed people and said: “Sin no more?” Well you have the opportunity to change the terms of this should contract and not repeat it.

The choice as always is yours to make but make sure and be aware that to be completely effective, you need to be sure that you will not make the same mistakes again.

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