
Monday, January 9, 2017

Merlin Chronicles by Kay Week of January 9th 2017

January 9th 2017

MerlinScopes        by Kay     January 2017
Hi There,
I just wanted to let you know that I will be the Guest Host for Elizabeth Lindsey on her radio show Angels With An Edge on
I will be covering for her for the next 3 Wednesdays starting January 11th at 11:00 AM Pacific Time, 12:00 PM Mountain, 1:00 PM Central and 2:00PM Eastern time.
There is a phone number on the site if you wish to call in and get a short reading or message from spirit. You can also click on the chat button which will take you to the Facebook Chat Room and I will be able to answer some questions there if time allows. I hope you can join me!
Here are the The MerlinScopes for the week!

If you live in the Denver area you can make an appointment to see me in person January 27th  at Aspiring Laser & Wellness in Lakewood Co
Please call or make an appointment or book on line at
ASPIRING LASER & WELLNESS 2750 S Wadsworth Blvd, Ste C-201, Denver, CO 80227
(303) 980-1521 


Aries…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
It is ok to have a plan but don’t be resistant to making some revisions or big changes to bring about the best possible solution for you and all those effected. It might even be time to let go of old ways of doing things and allow spirit to heal wounds from the past and explore new modalities and ideas.
Taurus…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
Be patient and allow the pieces of the puzzle to show themselves. Don’t try to force anything. Receive the answers through meditation and prayer. Spirit tells me that you have been blocking your creative flow with worry and being stuck in the way you things should be.

 Avoid doing anything unhealthy to take your mind off of difficult issues in your life. The answers will be revealed eventually and you will be wondering what you were making the fuss was all about.

Gemini…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
This is not a time to be aggressive or demanding in relationships with others. You might just end up expending a lot of energy and getting little results. Take a time out and don’t push yourself either. Receive, revive and renewal are key words this week.

Cancer…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
Sometimes when you don’t know what to do it is better to do nothing until the right words and motivation come forward. Continue to realize what an amazing effect you have on people.

Those who are sensitive can be lifted or have their dreams crushed by the simplest of verbal comments from you so take a moment to feel, rather than think about what you are about to say to someone.

Leo…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
Your psychic senses are on high alert this week. I can see the hairs on your arm standing as you get chills during some sort of revelation.

 Your part is to act as the observer. Someone might be trying to give you the watered down version of the truth and think that it will go over your head. Pay attention but don’t react until you have all of the facts.

Virgo…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day to achieve the results that you want. But we know that there is rarely enough time for you to prepare as you would like.

 Go with the tide and simply allow your emotions to guide you. I am not inferring that you should allow your emotions to control you, just allow yourself to feel them without judgement or freaking out. You can use this emotional energy in a productive way.

Libra…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
This can be a great time for manifesting some things that you have hoped for. Allow yourself to breathe in the full power of creation. Be conscious of your breath and focus on it as you create in your mind a successful conclusion to what it is that you desire.

 Make sure that the objects that you desire are worthy and feed your soul. Health, wealth, fame and love are all wonderful worthy gifts when they are used in accordance to how they serve you and others.

Scorpio…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
You have the support of awesome angels and spiritual helpers. Make the most of the opportunities that come your way this week. This could be something that you have always desired and could involve travel.

Do your best not to try to control a situation. That is the kind of energy doesn’t support or serve. It blocks your good. Remember the laws of abundance and joy. Give and you shall receive!

Sagittarius…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
Boundaries are important this week. Take care in who you share personal business with. Something that effects your reputation may be brought into the spotlight. Fortunately your intuition is in synch and is part of your energetic protective shield. Keep plans to yourself or only share with those who you completely trust. Don’t assume that because someone is kind to you that they have your best interest at heart.

Capricorn…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
There are powerful forces at work that could change the way that you see yourself in the world. This new insight unfolds due to a situation that unfolds before you. This is not something that you will intuit or see coming but you are being encouraged to stay open and examine all possibilities. How you handle this could be a character building experience.

Aquarius…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
I see a vision of you lighting a candle by a window. It is almost like you are holding vigil for someone. Lighting a candle to show someone the way back home or perhaps you are just attracting love and energy to a cause that is close to your heart.

 You may be increasing your own capacity for light, love and truth. Focus on your heart and being completely honest and transparent with yourself and others.

Pisces…   Overview for the Week of January 9th 2017
Release fears by putting your energy into self- promotion. Keeping yourself busy with productive activities will prove that things that seemed complicated and unsolvable will actually become manageable and much easier than you thought.

Transformative energies are at work. You might take something old and transform it into something new and practical. I am not so sure that this will bring positive results in relationships though. It is more about transforming yourself and your skills.

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