
Sunday, January 1, 2017

Merlin Chronicles January 2017! By Kay

Happy 2017!

This is my first channeling for the year. The energies in these messages are for the month of January and the also contain some suggestions for the entire year.
I keep hear a song in my head from years ago. A Bob Dylan Time they are a changing. If you get an opportunity listen to it. I choice this version because it included the lyrics. It is not the best recording.

Some things have been changing for me in working with clients. As you know I work with your spirit guides and Master Teachers; Your higher self. I have noticed in a few readings that the future is not paved in stone or 2 paths are shown to me with the most important message is in dealing with what is presently happening in life.

 At first I took this a bit personally but then came to realize that the most important thing in some people’s lives is the present so that they can shape their futures. We are all masters and co-creators of out destinies
This is just another reminder for me that I am just a channel, a vehicle and the messages that come through me are for from the Divine and for the listener’s best interest and spiritual growth. My job is to help you navigate the waters. The days of fortune tellers are coming to a close as we move closer to the days of The Mystic.

Welcome to the new Age!

As most of you know, these scopes are purely channeled and not based on astrological skills. Might I suggest reading your Sun sign, Ascendant and Moon.

Wishing you the Best!


Enjoy the MerlinScopes!

MerlinScopes        by Kay     January 2017

Aries…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Happy New Year Aries! This could turn out to be a very fortunate time for you. Keep your eyes on the road and focus on what needs to be addressed at this moment. Don’t let yourself be distracted by old memories of things that you have no control over or getting too far ahead of yourself.

In your heart you know the prescription for success is hard work and the fortitude to push through difficult times. Don’t let anyone talk you into turning your head or looking in other directions. If you need counsel go inward and seek intelligence from your intuition and higher self.

I feel a shift, or more likely a transformation, coming about in your life. Be open and receptive to messages received during or shortly after meditations. There is clarity in keeping your psychic channel pure.

Working with beautiful colors and possibly fabrics are good for your concentration and soothing for your busy mind. If you are redecorating keep this in mind.

Your Light Being
I see the Hermit leading you through the darkness carrying a lantern to guide your way.

Your Animal Guide
Wolf comes forward to assist you. He is howling in the wind and calling in his pack to assist and support him. He is Alpha and his voice carries through the wilderness for miles. He is very natural and primal. There is a lot to be learned from him.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Barnacle Crystal supports collective energies that will bring several people together for a cause that may be something that will further a project you are working with.

 Taurus…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Do not sell yourself short out of desperation. This is not a time to accept anything other than what you truly want in your life. Don’t try to pretend you will be happy to settle for something that doesn’t give you the same satisfaction as the energy that you are putting out. If you are only receiving trickles of gratitude, love, and respect it may be time to do some checks and balances.
Sometimes those little trickles are like a tease and can keep you coming back for more. Sometimes, more never happens; yet the hope of it keeps you obsessed with possibilities. It can almost feel like an addiction. Try to break the cycle or just pull back and look at it from a neutral point of view.

Have you been acquiring things that leave you feeling like you are in a financial abyss every month? This can keep you scrambling to find more ways to cover the things that you really do need. Take a look at the things and people that really are important to you. Dreaming big is important but balance your desires with reality.

Your Light Being
Chiron the Centaur (half man half horse) stepped forward to offer assistance. He guides your consciousness to the higher realms and the possibilities of your reality. Be open to questioning your desires and seek tangible results. I see him with a bow and arrow aiming at something you hadn’t considered. Perhaps it has been right in front of you all the time. Call on him.

Your Animal Guide
Penguin steps forward to let you know that you are much tougher than you think. He has the ability to live in both water and earth as well as cold and warm areas of the world. He is adaptable and so are you.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Herkimer Diamond will clear your chakras and enhance your psychic abilities.

 Gemini…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Don’t allow yourself to get too bogged down in the beginning of the month. I see a vision of the yin and yang which corresponds to your versatile and changeable nature. If you start feeling insecure or concerned about your future financial stability, you can start feeling dark. Playing the Devil’s Advocate or focusing on the worst case scenario may be temporarily helpful as you recognize this is not what you want. You can then use your mind to swing back into the light as you realize how powerful you really are.

The necessity of workable knowledge has always been your friend. It helps make sense of things and pulls you back to center. Things may seem a little quiet or perhaps dry and unproductive right now. You may feel like you are at a crossroads and may well be.

You know your value; and in truth, you can rise to any occasion that you choose. Don’t jump into situations or get caught up in someone else’s drama, as this will only take your focus off of your own responsibilities and prospects for success.

Sometimes you have a difficult time stepping up or into the unknown. Try not to delay too long as you may realize, despite your best intentions, your inner struggle has only put off the inevitable. Meanwhile you could have used your energy to fan the flames of your passions and desires.

Your Light Being
The gracious Mother Mary and Kwan Yin both come forth to support and lift you to higher places in your dream time. They also help you identify attraction to visual cues and music that will assist you in creatively improving your life style.

Your Animal Guide
A Duck steps forward to assist you in protecting your energy field as well as your emotional empathic field.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chrysanthemum Stone will assist you on your spiritual path. It will support change and create balance and harmony.

Cancer…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
You are usually very thoughtful of others and sometimes even to those who might take advantage of your giving nature. Sometimes you may feel like you are the one doing all of the giving and not getting anything back from the relationship or situation. If you look at the big picture, rather than focusing on one issue, you will see that there is a balance and you are receiving in other ways. The question you must answer for yourself is if this is healthy and fulfilling. Is it on a soul level or superficial? If you feel resentful, angry, or exhausted then perhaps it is time to cut the ties.

On the flip side. Don’t hoard your goodness and support. If you only give your attention to one or a limited few it may be worth considering how you would be effected if this one source was removed from your life. Create some new avenues and expand your support system.

There is a possibility of a new relationship in your life. This could be personal, business, or perhaps you have a new spiritual teacher or guide. This could even be a new direction or path. Don’t be afraid of accepting a new opportunity. Do not make your life difficult by resisting that which was always destined to be. Everything has a beginning and an end. This is something to be celebrated and not mourned.

Your Light Being
The Lady of The Light is calling you into her beautiful presence to receive unconditional love. When you sit in meditation, visualize yourself walking into her all-encompassing light of pure love. This will refresh and clear out any misconceptions you may have picked up from mass consciousness.

Your Animal Guide
Giraffe has stepped forward to help you see above the mass net of human desires and dissatisfaction. This appears high above and as a dense cloud created by the human ego and kept prisoner through fear. What would your world be like without this dark cloud? Can you envision a clear day, void of unfilled desires and fears?

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chiastolite transforms negative energy to positive. It brings harmony and creative ideas.

Leo…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
I see a vision of you speaking; and I can see the vibrations of the words that come from your mouth and your thoughts. The vibration is strong and carries long distances and permeates through all in its path. Be aware of the power of your words and intentions. Actually, this is something you will carry throughout the year. You can pierce the barriers between the heavens and earth with your declarations big and small. Use this to your advantage and start manifesting the things that make your heart smile.

Try to be gentle, supportive, and uplifting in your expression and support of others. Always speak the truth; making sure that if it is a negative truth you offer something positive or another way to help someone be more effective and successful. This could be a teaching opportunity that can make a difference for someone and the quality of their life.

Be open for opportunities to meet new people and look at offers to partner with others especially in relationships that are professional and personal. Sometimes you can be loyal to a fault. Don’t let this quality become a detriment. Someone may be withholding information from you that could change your direction.

Use your intuitive skills to ferret out any unworthy alliances as I am seeing a Jack of Spades, the one-eyed jack who is someone who is charming on the side that you see, but possibly back stabbing and may be deceitful on the hidden side. Eventually, they will show themselves. Like all mysteries, given time and patience all shall be revealed.

Your Light Being
Saint Jude has stepped forward to support you in making decisions and finding answers to difficult questions that seem impossible.

Your Animal Guide
A Rabbit jumped forward to assist you in being careful and mindful of any moves you make. “Do not appear to be prey” he says. If you feel threatened, you might remove yourself from the situation. Expect new opportunities and move quickly as this may not be an option later on.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Fuchsite will help you find practical answers. It will also help you let go of past relationships you have tied yourself to that no longer serve you. It will also boost your self-worth.

Virgo…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Synchronicity, timing, and transformation seem to be key words for you throughout the year. Take a moment every day to remember and recall all of the recent events that have occurred in your life that just seemed to fall in place at the perfect time. They may not have been exactly what you wanted but none the less, they are noteworthy. Have you forgotten that all things are connected and you are a part of a consciousness that sings harmony with the universal orchestra?

All things are connected; yet your voice is unique and heard on its own accord. The other sounds and voices support you as you also support them collectively and singularly. That is why we celebrate when someone we know succeeds or has a great event. This raises their vibration and ours.

Have patience and know there will be times when change in inevitable and not an option. It will happen with or without your permission or participation. The expression of one age comes to a halt and a new one arises in the east just like a new day. It is time to consciously seek to connect with the higher vibration of humanity and release anything that triggers any obsessions to the lower. It can be done through many different avenues. Choose your platform wisely.

Be prepared to embrace whatever season may be coming into your life as it could be planting seeds, harvesting hope, or the solitude and quiet of winter.
This is not a time to sit back on your laurels and expect all things to come to you. You must prepare yourself and work in the background so that when opportunity arrives, it will be well received and thrive.

In other words, make yourself ready mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally.

Your Light Being
Master Jesus is stepping forward to remove the complications that you have created that may block your good from becoming the truth.

Your Animal Guide
A Pelican comes to help you in forgiving yourself or blaming others for what you see as an obstacle that threatens your success. Dive in and do your best. Obstacles are usually opportunities to free ourselves from excuses.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Peridot will protect you auric field cleanse and clear your heart and solar plexus.

Libra…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Don’t worry about how the world sees you. Go inward and focus on those things that you can change within. I see a vision of your heart lighting up in an area that holds memory and truth. It holds a vision or movie of your life.

This could be a time to honor the journey that you have experienced in this life and in this body. I see you looking at your heart and seeing your first experiences on this planet. So many contrasts. Light and dark, pleasure and pain, music and noise, cold and hot. This seems to be a way to a deeper understanding of yourself and your part in the universe.

Soon it becomes clear to you that the body is just a container for your soul. Yet your experiences reflect some of your choices in the outer world. Remember and feel the intensity of the soul as it shines through the body. This is where true power and beauty emanates your unique vibration and song of life. It is love.

This will help pave a new path of experience for you in the year ahead. This is a time to celebrate the gifts within and let go of some of the thoughts and ideas attached to the power of those things that are of the outer world. Those things are fleeting and can be enjoyed as tools or amusements but the true value of love is carried in the light of your heart.

Your Light Being
Archangel Michael is here to support and assist you in your mission to go deeper and within. Sometimes he can pull you back to center with a nudge and other times with an abrupt shove when needed.

Your Animal Guide
A little Lamb steps forward to assist you on your journey. She is wearing a little bell attached to a beautiful red ribbon around her neck. She says the ribbon is on her by choice and not a burden. She will help you recognize the simple and beauty of those things in life.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Mahogany Obsidian will ground and protect you.

Scorpio…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Remember that you are a shining star within the universe. We are all made of star dust, of course, but perhaps you have forgotten what it is all about. Everyone shines in a slightly different and unique way. We are a divine essence of creation and sometimes become separated from our truth, strength, and purpose. In a world where all that glitters is gold, it becomes a challenge to sit in the seat of your own power sometimes.

You are being called back to your soul contract, as I see you surrounded by your spiritual team directing some changes in your blueprint. “Revisions”, is what I am being told. You may start experiencing or consciously decide to break away from some situation or activities that have been strongly aligned with your sense of self in the past. This change can be subtle or feel huge. Either way it is for your highest good and will open new doors for you.

Endings are always followed by new beginnings. This allows you to find strength and vision that you have forgotten or never thought that you had. I see you as a spiritual being standing strong in your conviction to branch out into a new expression of the light.

Your Light Being
I see a powerful being that appears to be Native American and is showering you with rainbow light and lightening. He is the Rainbow Warrior and wants you to remove your resistance and explore his prophesy. Do some research about this.

Your Animal Guide
The earth opens and a Turtle climbs out saying that it is time for him to emerge. Pay attention to the earth and keep your feet on the ground. It is time for you to emerge also. Past experiences in this life, as well as others, can serve or inhibit you. You have a choice.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Cerussite will help you ground as you learn to adjust to new situations.

Sagittarius…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
You may have passed through an experience or some sort of test. You are making the best of a situation that could have been unusually difficult. In contrast, now you may be feeling blessed and at ease. You are blessed from the inside out and you are being called to regroup and begin again so you can reach a higher plane by stepping up one more rung on the ladder. Success of some sort is within your reach. I hear the word “recovery”.

Never forget that many live in an illusion that dictates there isn’t enough to go around or that only a special few can have a big bite of the apple. This is simply not true.

It seems as if it will be easier this time because every time you go through these changes, life becomes lighter with less baggage. This makes your ascension a lot easier and less stressful.

Take time to go within. I see a vision of you looking at a quiet pool of water that has the slightest ripple that gently reaches far and wide. This body of water belongs to you. It is where you go for spiritual rejuvenation and it signifies a rite of passage. You are softly blowing on the top of the water creating your own little ripple. Clear your mind of wants and needs and allow the Divine to supply you with what is real and good.

Your Light Being
Saint Germain is here to transmute any negative earthbound thoughts or residue that may be clinging to your consciousness. Ask him for a clearing and you will find that some of your objections will dissolve to make room for more positive gifts.

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful Cobra stands and sways with the music of a flute. This is to show you that you can be in control of yourself and your environment, if you respect the art of gentle persuasion.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Muscovite will open your heart chakra and bring the blessing of the angelic realm to assist you

Capricorn…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Try not to worry about things that haven’t happened. Don’t allow yourself to get bogged down with worry. If a potential problem begins to arise, you will deal with it at the right time.

Sleeping seems to be something that you don’t get enough of these days. Try to make positive adjustments and balance your energy through foods and helpful habits and routines before you go to sleep. Your system may seem a bit more sensitive these days which is perfectly normal when you are going through changes and periods of growth. It is almost like you are finding your new normal.

You may have been tested in the past two years. Acceptance is key to your happiness. Some things occur in a similar fashion as the flowing water that created and carved the Grand Canyon. The persistence of the water was able to eventually wear away even the hardest and most resistant surfaces. Go with the flow.

You may have a desire to write in the year ahead. A way of communicating the wisdom that you have learned in the subtle and most responsive simplicities of life. This is a way of capturing these moments in a way that may be useful for you later on. This could be something that can be put in safe keeping for someone later on down the road. Reading books will also be a keynote in the year to come.

If you are facing health issues, remember moderation and a little of something goes a long way. Keep this in mind when you consider using supplements or participating in excessive exercise.

Your Light Being
Master Kuthumi awaits your call or prayer for assistance with building a new way to express your service to the Divine.

Your Animal Guide
A Rat comes forward to assist you. He is smart and very agile. He is also a survivor that can find whatever he needs in the most unusual ways.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Purple Fluorite will assist you in exercising and deepening your connection with your third eye.

 Aquarius…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
It has been some time since you felt challenged or completely on top of your game. This could be for a variety of reasons that range from health to supporting others who have been in need of your assistance. You may be challenged and enthralled in a mystery that is calling you. This could be a breakout year for you if you are so inclined to follow your sense of adventure.

One of the greatest gifts you have is your keen sense of honesty. Honesty and integrity are key principles to your success and well-being. If you are not in integrity you will not feel worthy of the blessings that are coming your way.
I am not saying you would purposely try to hide the truth from someone; but you might be tempted to try to shield someone by not being completely honest about a situation or relationship. If you feel like you need to shield yourself, then you are simply not feeling safe in this relationship.  No matter what the payoff, it is not worth the price you have to pay.

Also be aware of who you partner with. Pay attention to warnings and don’t repeat mistake that you have made with such alliances in the past. If it feels a lot like you have gone down this road before, back up and take a look from a different perspective.

Your Light Being
Lord Lanto is stepping forward to assist you in business and anything that is a matter of fact. He is very straight forward and will help you with any pot holes that happen to be in the road.

Your Animal Guide
A huge Whale is supporting you to help you navigate. He says “look to true north for the answers to your questions”. This may mean to pray to the energies of that direction for assistance.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Onyx will center and align your energy in stressful situations.

Pisces…   Overview for the Month of January 2017
Start the year out with keeping a check on any obsessions you may have struggled with or indulged in last year. These may be activities that are used to fill a gap or divert your time energy and funds from something that may serve you better in the long run.

This could be a time to get out of your head, or to use your mind in a different way. You might consider painting, learning a new instrument, a meditation or yoga class to open up new avenues of creativity and expression. It may be time to nurture yourself in a different way. It is truly beneficial to find time for fun. If you have some good pals in your life you might want to make some plans. This will create balance that will bring in fresh new ideas and a positive flow in your life.

Spirit seems to be saying it is easier to create amazing magical things if your mind is busy with other tasks. It is like watching and waiting for a pot of water to boil. If you are busy with something else the time goes quickly.

The reason I say this is that something special is in store for you. I think you also know this; but as all things seem to be, the time and circumstances are not in our control and belongs to forces that are much greater than we are. Expect something powerful to reorganize the way you do things.

Don’t get bogged down with other people’s expectations of you. Don’t accept someone else’s projections of what they would like to see you be. In doing so, you lose respect for yourself and constantly try to prove yourself worthy of someone else’s agenda. This would be such a waste of your powerful energy. Don’t give it away.

Love yourself. Listen to yourself. Your voice is the only one that matters when it comes to who you see in the mirror.

Your Light Being
Jesus of the Christ Consciousness is holding vigil for you. I see the light of the Holy Spirit hovering right above your crown chakra waiting to be acknowledged and channeled through you.

Your Animal Guide
Porcupine says you need to be yourself in all matters. Don’t allow others to push you into situations that you are not ready to tackle.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Nebula stone will raise your consciousness and bring you back to your true spiritual self.

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