
Monday, November 17, 2014

Nov. 17th MerlinScope

Happy Monday!

Due to the weather here I choose to stay in and cozy for most of the week. I did however go to church yesterday at First Spiritual Science Church of Denver. I am not a church person but I love this place. We have different speakers every week and this week Jeff Kowachik a local Chiropractor and all around entertaining guy spoke and I came out feeling not only entertained and upbeat but truly inspired.

Jeff talked about a workshop that he has been attending that requires the group to do a complete cleanse.

This sounds like what everybody is talking about, "cleanse" seems to be the new buzz word for the year,right? But he went on to share his journey it became much deeper than I had expected. This is not just physically but also spiritually and emotionally. Jeff candidly shared his personal experience and how this process is clearing space to help those attending to move forward.

Jeff asked me to sing and without fully knowing what the subject matter was going to be about I intuitively picked an Eric Bibb song "Don't let Nobody Drag Your Spirit Down."

As it turns out, the song worked perfectly as an introduction to the content of his talk. Isn't amazing how spirit works with and through us. Especially when we share it with other people and let loose of the reins allowing spirit to creatively flow through others. Sometimes life just, looks like a big puzzle to me and everyone has a different piece. When it is all put together the result is ...perfect.

I am so blessed to have an entire community of folks that all carry a piece of the puzzle. Take a look at your own life. Do you allow others to bring their part of the puzzle to the table? Are you surrounded by others who allow you to bring your piece of the puzzle?

Have a Blessed and Wonderful; week!

Kay Dragon

Enjoy the MerlinScopes!

Week of Nov 16th Aries… The week of November 16th

Take a different approach to fixing a new problem that seems to be creating a misunderstanding. First an attitude adjustment may be in order. Pull in your talons, step back, take a deep breath and see yourself in the other person’s shoes.

Receiving new information on a project seems to have turned your interest upside down may lead to hesitation. Follow your gut.

Taurus... The week of November 16th

Feeling a bit sentimental this week? Places and people from your past may be popping up in your mind or in your life. Wisdom comes from taking an inventory of the circumstances that brought you to where you are now.

I see you standing at a chalk board doing the math including the total scheme of things. It looks like algebra which was never my strong suit. Even though you have the total it seems that you are still looking at x as the unknown. Ask for guidance in finding this as this. The answer will be like a light bulb turning on as there is a place in your consciousness that you seems you to want you to know the answer.

Gemini... The week of November 916h

Take a breather from unloading your troubles in ways that are not productive and doesn’t assist you in clearing the air or fixing the problem. Talking it out is fine but it is time for action. Walk your talk

For instance, you may be upset about something or someone (maybe even yourself) and instead of facing the issue head on, you dump it somewhere else which serves no one. It is like putting a bandage on a wound that needs to be stitched. Shortly after, the issue arises again and you have to find somewhere else to dump it.

Avoid impulses to go rouge on family and friends. I say this with a great deal of love as many of my best friends are Gemini’s and share a place in my midhaven.

Cancer... The week of November 16th

Are you waking up in the middle of the night and stressing about things that you can’t fix? It is doubtful that you will be able to do much damage control in the middle of the night. Perhaps reading something fictional or listening to relaxing music will help you get back to sleep. Avoid the urge to get up and jump on the internet.

Pay attention to what you are doing with this time that you are awake. Be careful in cruising the snack drawer for a quick carb fix. Your digestion is going through a transformational period and will not appreciate having to work overtime. In fact it may just sit there till morning and put your day off balance.

Leo... The week of November 16th

Let what is really important surface this week. You know all is well but you can’t shake this feeling of indecisiveness which is so unlike you.

intuitively you feel as if something is about to break open or fall apart. Your higher wisdom is telling you to repeat over and over, “All is well, all is well.”

Visualize yourself standing under a warm flowing waterfall and allowing the water to rinse your body and then rinse your soul. Expect to be challenged in your beliefs but hold your truth near.

Virgo... The week of November 16th

Take a bit of recreation this week. You put a lot of hours into whatever Virgo is fixated on this week. Let your hair down and shake off stiff muscles with some laughter.

Try to balance yourself so you don’t burn out on what you love doing the most because you know that when you reach that point of going a bit too far that it will be hard to pull yourself back into that creative mode again. Don’t force anything

Stick with a program and try to get more exercise as your body may be collecting or pooling toxins in parts of your body Accept invitations especially if it concerns attending something new or different. This will open your mind and feed your creativity .

Libra... The week of November 16th

Balance is the key word for you in every aspect. This is no surprise as your sign is represented by the scales but this week it seems to be amplified.

Balance in your relationships, money and energy are all highlighted. Many times you let things slide but this week you need to bring up the balance.

This is a good time to ask for what you want or need in a relationship if you are feeling like you are not receiving all that you need. Asking for what you need can open a new levels and sometimes deepen a relationship. This also holds true in the area of career. When needs are not met resentment can fester and hinder your joy. You might also consider the opposite. Perhaps you need to add more balance on your end of a relationship or partnership.

Take a long look at the balance in your life and evaluate your needs and those needs of partners, friends and family. This feels like something that you need to accomplish by the years end.

Scorpio... The week of November 16th

I keep hearing an old rock n roll song by Gene Vincent called Be Bop a Lula. Check it out on You Tube if you like. This is a week of passing attractions. Old flames, old music and old ideas.

I am hearing another song that says everything old becomes new again! Maybe it is time to bring back some of the things that you have done, seen or heard and bring them forth into your present life now.

I asked your Scorpio higher collective how this will serve you and I was answered in true Scorpio fashion “When I want to share it I’ll let you know” You guys are so secretive.

Sagittarius... The week of November 16th

Take care of your legs and hips this week. You may get so caught up in other peoples drama that you forget to watch your step.

The collective is saying that you would benefit from making up your own Christmas list in a way that makes you feel like a little kid again. Bring yourself back to a time when all innocence still prevailed in your environment and in that beautiful creative imagination of yours. If you can’t recall a time when you had that magical feeling in your life then create one.

Sometimes being one of the big kids just sucks. Let your imagination wander and give it a rest

Capricorn... The week of November 16th

I see a vision of you sitting in a chair and holding your hand over your heart as a beautiful white and golden light begins to emerge from it. As you get closer to your birth month and day your heart will continue to open, slowly and progressively.

Take time to breathe and watch sappy movies as this will assist you in the opening that is happening in your heart. This is a clearing that needs to take place so that you may be fully initiated in the wonderful gifts of spirit that are coming your way in the coming months.

Aquarius... The week of November 16th

Take your body seriously this week. Don’t push or you may create a landslide of issues that will take longer than you would like to repair.

Allow yourself even more receiving this week. If possible take a little trip to somewhere peaceful that is filled with the beauty of nature. There is a need for peace in your life right now.

You may have a feeling of emptiness but I am being told to tell you that it is a part of something that you have released and that new room is being made for something better. Just allow.

Pisces... The week of November 16th

I see you in a little boat taking a ride through a spiral wave of energy. You may feel as if you are going around in circles in the same place but you are not. You are going deeper than you ever have before.

Instead of being focused on what everyone else wants or thinks, you will be in a period of deep inspiration and kindness to yourself who, is… the I am Presence, Christ, Buddha, God or whatever deity you see as your higher power. There are no words to express how beautiful this looks from where I am sitting.

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