Happy December!
I caught myself putting November in the subject line because November just whipped by.Life has been interested with many comings and going in my world. Maybe it is just me, but I it seems that many people and pets choose to pass away during of shortly after a holiday especially one that has religious significance.The last remaining uncle on my father's side of the family passed away, and some good friends list their beloved dog.
I have been struggling with my own beloved dog and his health. My sweet sugar faced Doberman of 10 years has Congestive heart failure. I have been spending more time at home and turning down some invitations just to be around the house more. He has become a bit more needy and very vocal about his needs for snuggles and just sitting in the pack with me, my sister and his sister dog Gaia. When he has had enough of me on the computer or talking on the phone he will bark until I come sit on the couch and stroke his sweet little old head.
During the holidays I always feel the presence of those who have passed on, including pets. Maybe those of us on the in the physical who are close to transition are given the grace of a loving escort of those in spirit who are so close and present during this time? I like to think so.
On a brighter note, Here are the MerlinScopes for the Month of December 2014 and the week of December 1st. Love you all and keep you in my heart and prayers!
Merlin Scopes December 2014 by Kay AriesYou might be thinking about the past and how you can make adjustments in your finances in this coming period. It seems that over the past few months it was necessary to accept some things as they were and allow things to come about in their own time and place. There is a purpose guiding this process. Now you may be feeling a bit more in control as you have a new and optimistic attitude about the future. There is a feeling of peace now as you are able to take action from a place of power. This is not fueled by ego, but by a shift within your own consciousness that is well thought out and intends the best for all concerned. Fairness and equality will reap their own rewards as you will feel more at peace and relaxed about the process.
There may even be a change in your walk and how you carry yourself as something has shifted in your environment that allows you to be in harmony and in rhythm with the season. Your sleep has also improved as worry has been replaced by visions of dark starry nights and dreams of better relationships.
Buy something lovely for someone in your life who needs to know how special they really are, even if you have doubts they are deserving of the gift. One act of kindness can change a person’s life and path.
Your Light Being
Saint Germain will help you shift your perception of the world and the people in your environment. This shift occurs as you follow Saint Germain’s lead instead of listening to the ego voice. You will be able to come from a higher purpose within yourself, creating excellent balance and support.
Your Animal Guide
Fox is able to adapt to its environment and to the seasons by changing its color. Fox will help you adapt to new surroundings, people, and tasks.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Ruby Aura crystal will clear your base chakra of old survival energies. It will awaken passion and help protect you from some illnesses.
The week of December 1
This week has the potential for amazing growth as you begin to recognize the ebb and flow of the energies related to the important things in life. These include loving yourself as the Divine ‘I am presence’ that you are, and finding love in those around you and love for the planet on which you reside.
You are being reminded to check in with your inner spirit before making any decisions. This especially relates to choices that will affect those around you. Remember to put your ego – that voice that brings feelings of fear, possessiveness or desire to control – on the other side of your consciousness. Just give it a task to do that will keep it occupied, as you would a toddler while the grownups have a conversation.
This is also a good time to start searching for a new job or career that is not as stressful or perhaps more fulfilling than what you have done in the past. If you are retired, this could be a volunteer position.
TaurusWhen I asked about Taurus for this month, I got a little chill running up and down my body. This was not the bad kind of chill but one that made me feel giddy and like letting out a giggle. There are things in life you want to experience that will give you a similar chill. I can’t really say what it is; but I can tell you that something in the form of a big shift is coming your way.
If you have the opportunity to do public speaking or some type of performance this could be a very good time for this. It seems that December is a very optimistic time for you especially in social settings and in your career.
It is almost as if you have been sitting in a dark tunnel over the past few months and have not been ready to venture out and see the light. Perhaps there has been some fear associated with what you would find. There are elements of self-discipline, responsibility, and denial that hampered you.
You have been tethered by your stubborn ways of thinking long enough. When you do emerge you will realize that no one is perfect and taking responsibility is everyone’s challenge in trust. You may find that you have a complete change in perception regarding a situation or attitude that you have been bound to for years.
I see you dancing in the middle of a circle of people. Each one has a dance card with your name on it. They are all dancing different steps and you are twirling around and around. As you do spin you see the same faces each time you go around. With each pass, you notice different features and feelings about each person and experience a full range of emotions including love, anger, sexual attraction, fear, and jealousy. This continues until you recognize your own face in each one – sort of like viewing a hologram. This leads you to a feeling of gratitude. You stop, bow to each one, collect your dance cards, and skip down a dirt path.
Anyway, I am being told to tell you to dance, sing, go to parties, and be the center of attention. Whatever setback you may have experienced in the past will now give way to self-confidence and the thought “What was I thinking?”
Your Light Being
The Lords of Karma are inviting you to write a letter of petition to assist you in burning away some of the negative karma that you have been hanging on to like a badge of honor. Complete this, preferable close to the full moon but definitely by New Year’s Eve.
Your Animal Guide
Owl will assist you in seeing through the darkness and revealing the truth in relationships and situations in which you have been kept in the dark.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Green Kunzite will help you emerge from the darkness and accept the support of others who have similar experiences.
The week of December 1
This is a good time to do some shopping for gifts. Not only for others but for yourself. You finally feel a bit enthusiastic about life and see the possibilities that are before you. If you just go with the flow and trust your inner voice you may just fall into some sweet bargains and perhaps meet some interesting people and opportunities. Another message for you this week: If you want people to take you seriously, you need to walk your talk.
GeminiThis month comes in like a cool clean breeze. Take a little trip with someone in your circle. This doesn’t have to be a romantic getaway and maybe just an afternoon day trip.
I see you sitting in a busy place. Perhaps somewhere in a shopping mall. You are spending a great deal of your time people watching. You can learn a lot by simply watching people interact.
You will be surprised at how easy it is for you to pick up on other people’s emotions and thoughts. Some of these people have beautiful children and great love in their lives but fail to recognize how blessed they are. But you see it don’t you? You see the potential in all of these folks. Some are stressed and allow themselves to be overcome with negative thoughts and feelings of low self-esteem and worry.
This is a gift as you may see some of your own thoughts being mirrored back to you through these people. I am not going to tell you that it is all “their stuff” because some of it is shared by all. Human beings often bounce these thoughts and feelings around.
Try not to absorb any of those thoughts but don’t bounce them back to others either. I am hearing from the collective to tell you to shield yourself in a blazing white light that has the violet flame at the outer edges. Do this and you will loosen your own load of troubled thoughts and will do humanity a great service.
You are being asked to step up and claim your part in this paradigm shift. Sometimes it just seems easier to pull your head under the covers or allow yourself to be distracted by activities that are neither healthy nor productive. I am hearing a very stern voice saying ‘either step up or move out of the way’.
Some of you are already stepping up and are in place. There are more changes and intensity of energies coming and the collective is looking for light workers to herald the way. They are not asking you to take to the streets, as much as they are asking you to be a beacon of light in the fog. The rewards will be astounding.
Your Light Being
Mary of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is here to assist you in the birthing of a new proclamation if you choose to do so. Nothing will be forced upon you. She asks you to watch for the scent of roses.
Your Animal Guide
I see a Red Fox. Foxes are very wise and amazing survivors. They live right under our noses in the city but are rarely seen .They raise their families and hunt for their food behind the scenes. Fox can assist you in keeping yourself under cover until you wish to be seen. According to Ted Andrews, there are 21 different kinds of foxes. In the Tarot deck the 21st card is ‘The World’. This is a new world opening up for the betterment of all. Meditate on Fox to assist you.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Stillbite is great for protection and will support you in metaphysical work.
The week of December 1
Focus on the gentle side of life. I see you snuggling with a kitten and sharing in a bit of communication. This is an exercise to help you connect with divine unconditional love. This is probably metaphorical but a great idea for getting in touch with that soft fluffy place in your heart. If you don’t have a kitten or puppy handy you might go visit the local shelter.
CancerSteep yourself in holiday spirit and joy this month. Even if this isn’t your tradition you would benefit from the rise in the vibration that others are sharing. This is a good time for you to honor those who have passed on, as well as those who are not able to share in the joy at this time. I see those in spirit close to many of you at this time. Know that your intuition is strong and spot on this month.
You have a project or two in the works and seem to be driven to complete them as I see you tying a red ribbon bow on a big blue box. Remember that everything needs to be done in a timely manner. Don’t skip steps or try to manipulate the situation or you will find the red ribbon bow will start to unravel and you will have to start all over from scratch.
Avoid getting caught up in materialism this month. This means not putting yourself in debt by getting extravagant gifts for those around you. You don’t need to put a pony under the tree or buy a giant diamond to say I love and appreciate you. Many of those around you would be just as happy with an honest ‘Happy Holiday’ hug, card, cup of tea or lunch.
Watch the caffeine intake this month as I see your body is very sensitive and getting ready for a detox of sorts. This could mean many things like a change in eating behaviors or cravings. I am being told by the collective that if you pay attention, you will notice your body does this every year at this time. I am being told to suggest you take care by selecting more foods that support your immune system and getting some extra sleep. This will help you avoid seasonal colds.
Your Light Being
Archangel Zadkiel will assist your body, mind, and spirit in cleansing even in those areas hidden from your awareness. Release and move some things out so the energy in the New Year may come in.
Your Animal Guide
Dragonfly is magical, and beckons you to follow to the place where magic still lives within you.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Blue Lace Agate will bring peace and help you in areas of communication and with all that is related to the throat.
The week of December 1
Resist the temptation to overspend. This is not the time to put the cart before the horse and assume that you will have the money to cover it next month. Always have a plan B. Make sure that you are available and willing to give of yourself. Small group activities are favored. Release tension by being around those who allow you to be yourself.
LeoIt’s all about how you see things in your life this month. You know that you attract situations on the same vibration as you are; and this month you will see some of these situations come to pass.
This does not mean that you need to be critical or judgmental about how you are manifesting situations and people in your life. Realize that some of the people and situations come to you as opportunities for spiritual growth and are put in your life as challenges. The most important thing is not what has been attracted to your energy, but how you handle these things
You may be asking ‘why? this month and ‘What if? You are being encouraged to turn your thoughts and energy towards seeing how you have handled difficult situations. Perhaps you didn’t always handle them as you would have liked. Maybe you lacked integrity at times. But the point is, you are here to learn to accept and appreciate your imperfections. This will also help you forgive others and in forgiving them, you forgive yourself.
Your Light Being
Maat is the goddess of truth, integrity, and justice; and she will help you in any issues concerning integrity, protection and legal matters. She will also help reveal integrity or its lack, in those around you. Meditate on Maat.
Your Animal Guide
Sparrow will help awaken your memory of your self-worth. Have you felt uncomfortable around certain authority figures? Ask sparrow to help you recall your dignity and self-esteem.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Carnelian will give you courage and motivate you.
The week of December 1
You are usually the positive one – the one who sees the glass half full and recognizes the potential in every situation. This week you are struggling to keep your emotions and attitude on the sunny side. Something or someone has shaken your tree and knocked you out of your happy place. Time to decide if you want to have a week of “Oh Sad me” or “Oh yeah, I am bad me and I am all over this.”
VirgoTry not to give into thinking small in terms of career and desires for the future. There are many successful people who do things in different ways and it is a waste of time and energy to compare yourself to them. Don’t let fear or thoughts of lack keep you from moving forward. This is backward thinking and the kind of thing that will keep you in the same place or actually take you a few steps back.
It will be helpful to take a little time out to re-connect with the Divine source within. You remember this is the all powerful, all knowing, all loving place that you go to when your mind is finally ready to surrender. Go inward and ask for the guidance and tools to bring forth the best possible version of you.
I see this as a birthing process. Can you imagine how terrified your soul was when your body was coming out of the birth canal? Not knowing who would be there to catch you and how to survive as you took your first breath was indeed our first experience with fear. I am being told to suggest that you take yourself through that process in a meditation and make a written account of what you experienced. This will assist in the process and you will see things fall into place in a different way.
Avoid giving in to the urge to over spend, over eat or other behaviors that entice physical endorphins and encourage temporary pleasure or euphoria. Over-doing it now, will require that you deal with the consequences later. Go inward and seek the inner satisfactions and pleasures to fill your well.
Your Light Being
Metatron will help bring you back to task and give you an instant connection to the Divine presence within when asked to do so. Metatron awaits your requests and will assist in all areas of life.
Your Animal Guide
Fox is usually invisible but will be seen when she wants to be. Fox is telling you that it is time to be seen and available. Let others see and share in your gifts.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Larimar will help you smooth out your energy. It will also help remove self-imposed blockages and fears.
The week of December 1
This may be a difficult week and things may not pan out as you would like; but you are being guided to go with the flow and not fight any changes that are happening right now. This too will pass. Hold tight to the intention of the greatest good and your perseverance will eventually pay off. Be kind to yourself and don’t stress your body. Relax a bit. If you do for others without any expectations of a payoff, your good deeds will not be in vain.
LibraIt is time to take the first step on a journey with a destination that is not being clearly shown to you at this time. When I say one step I mean one step. This is not a race. Take one step and wait for further messages and instructions. This is a test in faith and in trusting the Universe to support the next step.
I see a vision of you suspended on one step in mid-air. There are no steps that can be seen behind you yet another is now offered. I see your right foot in mid-air wanting to put your foot on the step, and yet hesitant as you don’t know where it is leading and you seem concerned about the step that you are on being taken away.
You’re sure footed but a bit too much in your head right now. Trust that everything that you need to know will be there when you need it. Some of you may be considering a new career move or starting a new course or journey. I am told by the collective to suggest you don’t sign anything right now as the offering may change after January 15th.
Your Light Being
I see Hermes carrying his guiding light to offer his services to guide you through the shadows.
Your Animal Guide
Badger will help you cut away any cords that hinder your progress as well as offer an aggressive approach to healing that needs to take place within to help you move forward.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Sunstone will bring light and joy to your vibration and will help you create healthy boundaries.
The week of December 1
Let your heart not be troubled. When it is, you create your own inability to see the light at the end of the tunnel. People always ask about their purpose, and I have seen that sometimes our purpose can shift and look like something totally different than we thought it was. I see you walking a winding road where you are unable to see around the corner until you get around the turn. Trust.
ScorpioYou are being challenged to release negative thoughts about the past and to change your language and reactions to more positive expressions. If you can’t make it positive then keep it neutral.
Next month everything will probably look much different than it does now. The key to getting through this period is to be patient and just let it flow. I see you sitting on a rubber raft in a body of water. You have floated out a bit too far and you don’t have a way back. Trying to paddle with your hands seems to get you nowhere. It might be better if you enjoy the scenery of gulls and passing sail boats until the tide comes in and brings you back to the shore in a gentle, natural, and loving way.
Spend some time looking back on the past and how you will do things differently in the future. Allow yourself to rest a bit this month. You are a bit stressed and your body is reflecting this state of mind. I am being shown the possibility of fluid building up around your joints which could cause discomfort. Rest, laugh and be gentle with your body. Avoid contact with those suffering from respiratory illness right now. Build you immune system by following common sense rules.
Your Light Being
Ganesh will help you recognize all self-imposed beliefs or memories that keep you imprisoned in denial of the possibilities that are yours for the taking.
Your Animal Guide
I see a big black cat waiting for you to call upon her. She is full of mystery and magic. Cat will help you find your independence and adaptability.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Chiastolite will help you break negative behavior patterns and support you in changing and resolving conflict.
The week of December 1
I see you looking through books and searching for some type of information. You might seek advice from someone who knows about a certain subject that you want or need to know about.
I am being told to tell you to look in all of the corners because there is something about not having all of the information or that perhaps someone is not telling all that they know. Ask you higher self or angels to reveal what you need to know. Perhaps you may be the one keeping information. Look at your situation and decide where this could be.
SagittariusYou are being encouraged to get out of your head and back into your intuition as a means for gathering information. You may have everything mapped out as to the way that you want things to unfold, but the universe may have a completely different plan in mind.
Expect messages this month. This can be the usual ways which include e-mail, text, and phone calls or could also come as messages from spirit or be telepathic in nature. Your body can be enlisted as a messenger. Even pain or discomfort can serve to get a message through to your consciousness. At any rate, I would suggest listening to your higher self whenever possible. Although messages on the subtle or physical levels can be ignored, they will tend to persist until they are acknowledged.
Look for bits and pieces of communication from those in spirit and from the collective consciousness, as you are being awakened to a new vibration and need to address some personal issues before this new wave of energy can settle in your cells and energetic body. Be open and receptive to new ways of communicating and resolving issues. Be like a willow and bend.
Your Light Being
Mother Mary will help you learn to be compassionate to yourself.
Your Animal Guide
Hawk is available to bring messages in a clear way. If you see a hawk, then the message is even more important and profound.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Prehnite will bring you peace and protection.
The week of December 1
This week starts on a high note and feels like a breath of fresh air. You have reason to believe that something good is on the way. There will be an offering of sorts in the near future. You have let go of the past and no longer choose to give your energy to something that has ended. Don’t force anything. Let go of any expectations and ride the wind.
CapricornThings seem to come together effortlessly this month. I am not saying that you won’t be busy, just that it won’t be as difficult as it could potentially be. I see a vision of you standing with your arms wide open and willing to work with the universe. You are far above the ground. In fact I cannot even see the ground. You are about to walk across a tightrope. I am hearing from the collective that you are wearing magical shoes that allow you to feel the vibration of the rope so you will know that your footing is correct.
It seems that something has happened that has made you a true believer in the power of letting go, at least a bit anyway. This has been difficult for you because you love to be in control. You have reached an understanding there is a fine balance that must be maintained. The tightrope must be adjusted to a certain tension, almost like a guitar string, in order to have the correct vibration.
You are also being warned to beware of repeating past unhealthy relationship patterns. You may have people in your life who remind you of past relationships that turned into unhealthy or co-dependent situations. If you feel attracted to someone or believe you know this person from a past life, you just might, but not in the way you think. This could be history repeating itself as a test to see if you recognize the flaw and potential pit falls. Are you ready to move towards a new and healthy way of co-existing with people that have a new vibration? Don’t let the past knock you off of your tightrope.
Your Light Being
Archangel Michael will provide protection and courage. You may have some emotionally charged issues come up from you past that may set you back a step or two. Ask him for help.
Your Animal Guide
Gator is here to remind you to take your time in making assessments, judging a situation or making a decision. Always take time before acting or re-acting, especially if the circumstances are emotionally charged.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Boji Stone is very powerful in clearing blocked emotions.
The week of December 1
you may be feeling a bit thin-skinned this week. This is not a bad thing. You have many angels close to you this week as the Christ energy is strong for those of you born at this time of year. The angels are ever so close to the earth because of the songs and stories of Jesus.
Take it all in and invite them into your life and service. I can hear angelic music around many of you. It has an essence of being “New Born.”
AquariusI see a vision of you standing alone with your shoulder leaning into a wooden dam. Rain and snow have filled the lake beyond its capacity and it needs room to grow, to flow into another lake or river. As much as you try, you can’t hold the water back. I see the dam bursting and carrying you about a quarter of a mile downstream.
The message here is that you cannot hold on to anything or anyone in this physical world. Everything is just on loan and we get to enjoy it for a while and try to build a better knowledge and gain wisdom through the relationships we have with these worldly gifts.
Be ready for change and try to move with the rushing waters. I eventually see you grabbing a piece of wood and going with the flow as you jump on and ride it down to a pool where there are people laughing as they are sharing the same experience as you.
Watch your water intake this month. Make sure it is in balance. Also take an inventory of acidic foods that you may be eating. I am being shown that this could be the source of skin irritations, or digestive or joint problems.
Your Light Being
Athena will assist you in using your strength in productive ways. She will teach you how to use the elements and situations that seem to be out of your control, to your advantage.
Your Animal Guide
Dragonfly will support you in transformation by aligning your energy with the elemental kingdom and allowing you to see the illusions in your life.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Cathedral Quartz will attune you to the collective and raise your vibration.
The week of December 1
Lay low and collect your energy this week. You may be feeling a bit lethargic and I would encourage you to listen to the message that your body is giving you. Pull back from those who seem to take too much of your energy without little or no reciprocity.
PiscesAre you refusing to see the truth in a situation; or are you dimming your light so that another can shine? Maybe you are willing to compromise your values and your gifts to keep the peace in a situation.
You may be doubting your intuition because you didn’t see a circumstance coming or that a person or situation was spiraling out of control. The truth is some events are meant to remain hidden. Knowing something will occur in the future does not necessarily serve anyone or a higher purpose.
It is time to take a deep breath and a long look around you and decide whether you will stand up and be counted or be one of the hive. Neither choice is wrong depending on what experience you wish to have in this body. Spirit will support you no matter what you choose. You have been asking for guidance and it has arrived. I see many who are in spirit surrounding you dropping little hints. Perhaps papers that you find on the ground or other messages. When this happens take a little time and tune into the message and the messenger.
Spirit is also urging you to take a look at some of your companions. Some of them may not be coming from a higher vibration and this is perfectly ok, but you might find yourself choosing to distance yourself from some of them.
Your Light Being
I see Shiva clearing a path for you with a beautiful light blade of brilliant blue.
Your Animal Guide
Panther will help you re-claim your power and assist you in hearing the voice that is within as well as communicating with those in spirit, if you wish.
Your stone or Mineral helper
Aventurine will assist in emotional recovery as well as balancing your mind.
The week of December 1
You may feel cravings this week. This includes food cravings as well as craving the company of others who support who you are and recognize your worth. Go inward and get in touch with the real issue. Being with those who support you is always a good choice and you will benefit from their insight. The food or drink may only work as a bandage and will only cause you to desire more.
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