
Monday, May 9, 2016

Merlin Chronicles by Kay May 2016

Hi There,
I just realized that I didn’t send this out this month. Crazy energies and so much going on in the world.

Some folks in my personal life have decided that it was time to move on from this earth and step into a deeper more loving place and consciousness.

On the other hand, some beautiful things are also happening like weddings and birthday celebrations. It just reminds me that I must embrace every day and person in my life to the fullest on a regular basis.

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Aries…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Your caring personality makes it a bit difficult for you to receive. It seems that you are usually on the giving end. This week and possibly this whole year has been a new experience in receiving.

This might cause some problems with your natural instinct to be in control. This is huge in the area of personal and emotional growth. Stay in gratitude and see it for what it is… support.

Aries…  Week of May 1st 2016  
There may be some changes this week, as it is time to let go of some things in the past. I know this has been a running theme for you in the last few months. You may resist because you like being in control. It will be helpful if you remind yourself this is a necessary and ongoing process that will benefit you.

Aries…Overview for the Month of May 2016  
I am being shown meditations for you that are visually based on a river or a stream. I can hear the birds chirping, insects buzzing and deer walking through the grass as they come close for a drink. I see fish jumping in the water. I can almost hear the grass growing as the breeze blows through the trees.

I know asking you to put your life on hold would be unrealistic; but please try to find those moments of serenity and allow nature to sit in the driver’s seat for a bit.

Your Light Being
The angelic kingdom is offering assistance for you. This is a good time to call on your favorite angel or to study and explore their realm and duties.

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful little Sparrow has stepped forward to assist you in finding a place in nature or within yourself to feel safe in your meditation.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Beryl will help you unload stress and beliefs that no longer serve you.

Taurus…  Week of May 9th 2016  
This could be a good time to look at your close friends or family relationships. Make sure that you get back into the flow of making your life more personal. There may have been some folks that you have put on the back burner. Be genuine and transparent in your motives and conversation.

 It might be a good time to hook up with someone that you haven’t been in close contact with a while.

Taurus…  Week of May 1st 2016  
You might feel a bit unmotivated or lazy this week. This is perfectly fine in working with the energies of the planet.

There is no point in trying to swim upstream. Be patient and allow time for the energy to shift.

Taurus…   Overview for the Month of May 2016  
Be aware of energies between the new moon on the 6th of May and the full moon on the 21st. I see a vision of you sitting on the shore of a beach relaxing and waiting as the tide comes in and goes out. This could be in relationship to the ocean tide, psychic tides, or both.

This is a time to closely monitor natural rhythms – yours and those of nature. Learn how to use this in the coming months to your advantage. Pay attention to the tides in relationship to your moods, psychic clarity, and dreams. Journal!

Your Light Being
A huge burst of lightening came forth for you Thor is stepping forward to bring clarity and to focus your attention on what is truly important at this time. It comes as a wake-up call or a moment that grounds you.

Your Animal Guide
Whale is here with wisdom, memory, and mystery. Listen to whale sounds is possible. There is ancient wisdom and attunement with the planet in this.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Wulfinite will bring you into balance and help you accept the good and the bad. When we go too far in one direction or another, it needs to be corrected as your thoughts may become illusionary.

Gemini…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Things are looking up a bit this week. There seems to be a lighter glow in your aura and a closer connection with the Divine. This is an opportunity for you to trust the Universe and stop trying to micro manage everything in your life. Sometimes you are so busy controlling everything that you miss the subtle messages that present themselves to you

Gemini…  Week of May 1st 2016  
Sometimes if you focus on the little things you miss all of the other amazing and big things that are going on around you.

Take your mind off of the one thing that may be painful, annoying, or sucking up all of your attention. Expand your vision.

Gemini…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
Your intuition is building and looks like a wave gathering momentum throughout the month. This also might bring a recognition of gratitude. Or perhaps the recognition of gratitude will increase your intuition.

A feeling of grace and memory of the wealth and abundance in your life will do more than bring a feeling of joy. It can also bring more abundance and wealth in spirit and in your material world. I see a vision of you learning how to receive gracefully

Your Light Being
Lakshmi goddess of prosperity is stepping forward to teach you the deeper wisdom of prosperity.

Your Animal Guide
A Pheasant has stepped forward with all of his beautiful feathers glistening in the sun. He will help you learn to use your gifts of camouflage which can assist you in being able to see more clearly as others will not notice and the truth will be exposed.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Amethyst will help transmute any negative energy and increase your connection with the Divine.

Cancer…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Take care of yourself physically and emotionally. It might be a good time to protect yourself by pulling back your time and resources from someone that might be taking you for granted. Not that you haven’t encouraged that behavior in the past. It is time to say enough and focus on the wonderful things that are in store for you.

Cancer…  Week of May 1st 2016  
Take a minute to really look around and appreciate your surroundings. This week feels like a time to celebrate how far you have come and how it is time to start planning for the accomplishments that you will celebrate in the future.

Cancer…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
You might be feeling a bit better physically this month as the pressure of making some decisions seems to be clearer and more in a place. I see you looking at a blueprint. Perhaps it is time to re-evaluate your plan.

Those concepts of keeping your head above water are often nothing more than left over feelings of insecurity of the true relationship with the divine and the Universal rules of joy and prosperity.

Business seems to be favored and your wallet may get a little fatter. Remember to tithe with either money and/or time to those who may be in need so that the circle will not be broken. Remember it must be intentional and given in blessing.

Your Light Being
Mother Mary is stepping forward to bring you gifts of compassion. There are lessons to be learned in this area.

Your Animal Guide
I see a Barn Owl sitting on top of a barn next to a weathervane to help you in finding which direction the wind is blowing.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chalacedony will bring you into harmony.

Leo…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Letting go is never easy. I see you releasing something that has become too large for you to handle. Let go and allow your life to start a new cycle. Look over the past and see how much you have accomplished and know that there is so much more for you in the future. Embrace change!

Leo…  Week of May 1st 2016  
Some information you weren’t expecting may surface this week regarding someone you know. This might affect you but it is nothing you can’t handle. Someone you hold in high regard may be seen in a different light. Remember we are only human.

Leo…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
Take yourself to the most glorious places in your mind as often as you can. It seems that a little bit of creative relaxation and daydreaming is going to be a way to deal with the events and energies of this month.

There is a lot going on in some areas and nothing in others. Patience and perseverance is the key to emotional survival this month. Meditation music and perhaps movies would be a good diversion to balance yourself and create a little personal space.

Your Light Being
Lady Nada is stepping forward to assist you in loving service through your higher consciousness. Meditate and call on her while you focus on your crown chakra.

Your Animal Guide
A young adolescent Weasel steps up to help you this month. He will help you protect your home and he says he will help you squeeze into places that you normally wouldn’t be able to fit into. Not sure exactly what he means; but this is his message for you.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Soulmate Tantric Crystal will attract harmonious partners into your life.

Virgo…  Week of May 9th 2016  
I hear a beautiful feminine voice of the collective saying make yourself available to new and different ways of doing things. Stay completely in the moment and try not to expect anything. You are gathering energy for huge changes that will surface in the early fall. There are parts of your heart that have been closed and now are preparing to open.

You might offer your support to someone else because it is the right thing to do.

Virgo…  Week of May 1st 2016  
Trying to play catchup this week? There have been so many things going on that it may seem like the weeks are overlapping. It kind of feels like when you are dreaming about work and wake up in the morning and actually have to work.  Just do your best and complete things as well as you can.

Virgo…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
Spring energies have you feeling like you want to move around and makes sitting still difficult. If you have a job that requires you to sit in one place for very long this could be a challenge for you. Try to focus on just what needs to be done and then enjoy a bike ride, a walk, or clean house to release some of this pent up energy.

Be conscious of the choices you make and know the result will be opulent and harmonious if your intentions are aligned with the highest good for all concerned.  Find time to offer some kind of volunteer activity or kindness to someone or something in need, out of love not duty. The universe will smile on you.

Your Light Being
Saint Frances of Assisi comes forward with a group of animals to offer solutions and help with decisions that come from earth and spirit.

Your Animal Guide
Hyena is listening to your self-talk and helping you notice when you have thoughts and use words that are unsupportive of self. Trust your intuition even if it seems wrong. Know there is a purpose and lesson in following your psychic revelations.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Sugilite will awaken your chakras and bring surprising transformation into your life.

Libra…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Sometimes you need to tip the scales to produce the emotional and physical imbalance to move energy. Getting angry can be productive and a needed outlet to move the things that you simply don’t want, need or are willing to accept any more. This is a huge release for you!

Libra…  Week of May 1st 2016  
The sun is shining on you this week. Know that you are receiving extra support from your guides and angels to keep you in alignment so you may have the greatest impact on the world.

Libra…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
When you speak people listen, especially in this time period. Some of the things you have talked about in the past are being proven true. Know that your highest motivations are clear and transparent.

However, there are some people that may not see this as a virtue and may not be as open and revealing as you are. They may not understand the gift of being transparent leaves room for stability. Being above board and open helps you move forward with plans unencumbered without hidden motivations and agendas.

Your Light Being
A beautiful light being who tells me that she is the Lady of the Light and the Queen of Peace is here to support and give messages to you. I see her whispering in your ear.

Your Animal Guide
A beautiful male Dove comes forth to hold space for you. He has come to support you in all of the ways of peace and new life. He is a gentle reminder to stay in love and know that you are safe.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Sodalite will stimulate your third eye and pineal gland.

Scorpio…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Make yourself like a feather. Soft, light and able to fly high and see the bigger picture. What you are going through is necessary and part of the journey. This might be and emotional week. Try to be patient and compassionate with yourself and those close to you.

Scorpio…  Week of May 1st 2016  
Make sure you pay attention to the little details as they are all a part of the big picture. Cross every T and dot every I, as the end result doesn’t really require your focus.

Sometimes if you get too far ahead of yourself, you will forget to tie up the loose ends and all will unravel. If it should unravel, just see it as a lesson learned and find the humor in it. Put this message in your spiritual toolbox.

Scorpio…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
Look for the silver lining in every situation. Some things may feel like they are completely out of your control and perhaps they are. This leaves little room for understanding why; but sometimes it just is.

Honesty will be your best friend this month. Expect to be asked difficult questions. Answer them in all honesty and if you don’t know, just smile and say I don’t know. You are not responsible for others lack of interpretation or inability to understand. Your truth is your truth and not subject to someone else’s scrutiny.

Sometimes you can’t compromise with the beliefs, desires, or expectations that someone else might have for you. Just be yourself and let it go.

Your Light Being
I see an Indian Holy Man dancing about and he has all different colors on his skin, clothes and hair. He is dancing and twirling. I asked him his name and he said it doesn’t matter. I think he is calling in Shiva to move objects and energy as well as tuning your chakras.

Your Animal Guide
A Pelican steps forward with his pouch full of fish. He is demonstrating you have all that you need within yourself.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Chrysocolla will cleanse your chakra and bring assistance in relationships.

Sagittarius…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Sometimes changes are difficult and we wish that we could keep certain people and situations just as they are but knowing what we know, that change is always constant and purposeful we must yield to the facts the best we can. Celebrate change, the comings and goings and embrace the unknown.

Sagittarius…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
Expect some fun and celebrations this month. It is a perfect time to plan some kind of getaway in the months to come. Life should be lived and not completely devoted to work. However, if work is something you are passionate about, go for it.

Don’t allow others to lean on you too much. Sometimes doing something completely out of character can feel empowering. It wakes people up to their own responsibilities and lets them know you may not always be there or willing to generously take on their stuff. Kick up your heels!

Your Light Being
Babaji will help you balance your physical and spiritual energy through deep breathing.

Your Animal Guide
Squirrel will support you in allowing yourself to lesson you burdens and have more fun.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Red Beryl will open your base chakra and help release stress.

Capricorn…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Look through the eyes of love this week. Not just personal love but the big love that creates joy for the multitude. Be the barer of kindness this week. Enjoy the feeling of being a blessing to someone else in need.

Capricorn…  Week of May 1st 2016  
This is a great week for creative projects. This could be music, art, decorating or anything that allows you to stretch your intuitive connection with creation.
The last thing in the world you need is complicating your energy field with someone else’s insecurities or problems. This is not to be misunderstood as being cold or uncaring.

This is just a reminder not to become the person who rescues or fixes issues that rightfully should be the responsibility of others.

Capricorn…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
This is a time for stepping up to the plate and being part of the team. Don’t see drama where there is none. What you may see as a big issue, may actually be just a small part of something. In truth, it may not even be related to what you believe it to be.

Walk in your truth and expect the truth from others. Don’t except any wishy washy explanations because this could create unrealistic expectations later. Make sure everything is on the table.

Care for your body this month. Maybe start exercising and paying more attention to what your body is telling you. Sleep is very important. You might want to cut back on all forms of stimulants.

Your Light Being
Lord Lanto has stepped forward to offer support in balancing commitments and responsibilities.

Your Animal Guide
Platypus encourages you to be who you are and not try to fit into someone else’s perception of who you should be.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Sapphire will help calm your mind and body.

Aquarius…  Week of May 9th 2016  
Trust your gut this week. Try to take a few minutes to disconnect from the physical world and stretch your mind far out as you can to collect information, ideas and intuitive hints.

Pay attention to those little daydreams as well as night dreams. This is a great time to expand your consciousness.

Aquarius…  Week of May 1st 2016  
Wake up and greet each day with a smile. Sometimes this might be a challenge but when you do this, your conscious mind shifts into a creative and receptive mode.

Aquarius…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
It is time to let go of any expectations you may have. This relates to both negative and positive experiences and beliefs. Allow the Universe to bring something new, unique, and incredible into your life.

There is magic all around you and you only need to align your mind and self-talk with the possibility that anything is possible. Learn to love yourself unconditionally. Every time you have a thought that pulls you back into wanting or expecting something negative, be aware and pull yourself back to center and love.

Your Light Being
A beautiful Fairy has come forward to fill your world with poetry and music. Hear her in the music of nature and she will give you the thoughts and words to create joy.

Your Animal Guide
A little Dog has stepped forward to offer companionship and pure unconditional love. I see a scruffy littler terrier.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper
Agate will help balance the negative and the positive.

Pisces…  Week of May 9th 2016  
You might be haunted by old feelings of anger and thoughts of those who have wronged you from the past may be coming up to visit. This is normal and natural. Actually this is an opportunity to learn more about forgiveness in order to allow more love to come into your life.

Pisces…  Week of May 1st 2016  
Be careful not to get caught up in obsessive behaviors this week. It could be something good as well as something negative. Let’s just say too much of a good thing can be unhealthy and eventually take all of the fun out of it.
Try not to concern yourself with money right now. Just allow prosperity to find you and it will. It is just like the seasons that come and go and you will be safe and cared for.

Try not to be distracted by other things that may seem too good to be true. Have you been down this road before? It could be in a relationship or in your professional life.

Pisces…   Overview for the Month of May 2016
Try not to take anything too personally this month. If you are getting involved in a new relationship, whether it is personal or business, it would be to your advantage to take it slowly and observe. Don’t get too far ahead of yourself and just explore and enjoy the moment.

You may feel driven to make a conscious choice but now isn’t the time. Watch and listen for clues and red flags or even a green one. It is important to be clear about your intentions and about those who are around you. Ask questions and don’t try to read between the lines. What you see is what you get. Don’t let your head get caught up in the clouds.

Your Light Being
Merlin is walking with you this month. He seems so close you might even smell the sweet tobacco from his pipe. Ask him for his assistance and answers.

Your Animal Guide
A Penguin stepped forward. He is comfortable in the water as well as on land. He will help you ground.

Your Stone or Mineral Helper

Moonstone is the stone of new beginnings. It will improve your intuition and psychic gifts.


  1. Kay, good morning.
    You are on, this month gemini- and this week May 23.... for me in-line. thank you. working with Goddess Lakshmi, helped with the work im on with marilyn jenett " Feel free to prosper". Just need to let you now , and thank you .. also been working with AA- Gabriel and healing green light for some time.. as you noted.. I bless you. and bless all your endeavors. i thank you


Merlin Scopes by Kay Week of April 1st 2024

Happy Spring It has been an exciting couple of years for me. Quite the rollercoaster!   I do the Merlin Scopes weekly on my website and ...